How To Use Anther In A Sentence
Cats include jaguars (Panthera onca) and pumas (Puma concolor).
Marajó varzea
Suzy Menkes noted in an article that the jewels the Duchess of Windsor gave Princess Michael included: ‘a gold sunburst suite set with pearls and a pair of emerald panther earrings.’
Khadse made headlines when he was brought in to trap panthers after 13 people were attacked and killed by the animals.
Anther major improvement involves the magazine and newspapers who put no effort into formatting, minimal table of contents and zero presentation pazazz.
E-reader Owners Are Happy Campers « Steve Wildstrom on Tech
Since the asexual gametophyte does not form antheridia or archegonia, crosses to confirm its genotype could not be performed.
I don't rightly know how these panthers and cheetahs and tigers came to inhabit the park in the first place.
The most important differential characteristics of the section Trionychon are branched stems, bracteolate flowers, an entire and campanulated calyx, a blue or purple corolla, white anthers, and the stigma usually white.
The anthers were dissected from the buds under a stereoscope.
Defy the tempest & the storm deride is not in the original nor is it good. ποθος [19] is hardly fierce desire — & all such expressions of ram-cat raptures are bad. by the by she a dark lanthern might have deprived us of this poem. your storm is very good — zounds I sweat at the bare idea of the
Letter 138
At the same time, the information of flax biotechnology of anther culture, haploid breeding, utilization of somatic mutation, protoplasmic culture, gene transformation were introduced in detail.
In these flowers, the anthers are attached to the petals by short filaments half way down the corolla tube.
They grow flowers, but the male anthers are stunted or withered: Seed but no pollen is produced.
Pistillate flowers have the same perianth but the number of parts is more variable; staminodes are well developed with or without a rudimentary anther.
But then one day something catches your eye, something beautiful, something gliding along like a panther, something with four wheels and a hooter, yes a car!
The sexual generation is a small green thalloid structure called a prothallium, which bears antheridia and archegonia, each archegonium having a neck-canal and oosphere, which is fertilized just as in the moss.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
Flowers are self-compatible, but spontaneous autogamy occurs very infrequently due to protandry and to the spatial separation of anthers and stigma.
Currently, the Italian-built Panthers are being finished off by BAE Systems, with the additional of a machine gun, radios and other accessories, when they will be delivered to the Army, effectively providing "battlefield limousines" for Ruperts – as officers are dismissively called – while troops are forced to patrol in dangerously vulnerable "Snatch" Land Rovers.
Feeding the European fantasy
Though I’m from the neghbouring state Andhra Pradesh and actively involved in post Mandal dalit politics, I’m not heard of Thirumavalavan and Dalit panthers till recently.
Archive 2006-11-01
Each flower was dissected with the aid of a stereoscope and length of individual parts (sepals, petals, anthers, filaments, styles, and ovaries) was measured to the nearest 0.1 mm using an ocular reticle.
Tims as to the male organs, the filaments are the fpermatic veffels, the anthera the tefticles, and the duft of the anthera correfponds to the fperm and feminal animalcules; and as to the female, the ftigma is the internal part of the female organ which receives the duft, the ftyle anfwers to the vagina, the germ to the ovarv, and the perlcarpium, or fecundated ovary, to the womb.
A treatise on the culture of the cucumber; shewing a new and advantageous method of cultivating that plant, with full directions for the management thereof, and the degree of heat it requires on every day of the year; and a meteorological journal of the w
For estimation of pollen production, two anthers from each flower bud were examined.
Biodiversity FeaturesThere are no endemic mammalmammals in the ecoregion, but many species are known to use mangroves, including the tiger (Panthera tigris), tapir (Tapirus indicus), and siamang (Hylobates syndactylus).
Indochina mangroves
MANY WILDLIFE enthusiasts trek into the rainforest in the western ghats to spot elephants tigers, panthers and a variety of birds.
A shy New York artist fears she may have descended from a family of cursed women who turn into panthers when turned on.
Mantica cantheri coflas gravitate premebatV Succuflatoris tetri, tardique caballi.
A. Persii Flacci et Dec. Jun. Juvenalis satirae: Ad optimas editiones ...
Females produced more pollen per anther than males, and pollen size was the same in both sexes.
Surprising rout clinches OVC title tite for Panthers
Homogamy The condition in flowers in which the anthers and stigmas ripen at the same time, so encouraging self-pollination.
The Panthers posted a 6-2 victory against No. 8 Moon in the quarterfinals, then earned a title berth with a convincing 14-2 win against No. 4 seed Belle Vernon Area in the semifinals. - News
The sawing heartbeat of a panther morphs into a subway train sledge-hammering, smashing the ground, until it screeches to a morse code halt.
The genus is characterized by tetramerous flowers with bithecal anthers, lack of pseudostaminodia, a capitate or poorly defined stigma, and pollen of the Amaranthus type.
It is a black six-limbed panther from Hell, the size of a tractor trailer, with an armored head, a venomous striking tail, and massive distensible armored jaws.
When the router gets the frame, it pulls the IP packet out of the frame and drops it into the payload field of anther frame to send across the WAN.
In my part of the country it is so much the usual method for the tiger to seize by the nape of the neck, that a native, when asked if he is sure that it was a tiger and not a panther, always puts his hand to the back of his neck, and if he says that the animal was seized by the throat, we invariably assume that the seizer is a panther.
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Surrounding the pistil are the stamens, few or many, the anther at the extremity containing the powdery pollen.
My Studio Neighbors
_D_, giant liverwort (_Conocephalus_), natural size. _an. _ antheridial disc.
Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses
MS.); pilis stellatis brevibus rigidis asperis, foliis angusto-linearibus obtusis marginibus revolutis, floribus in ramos breves solitariis, staminibus sub-12 unilateralibus, filamentis infra medium inaequaliter connexis antheras longitudine aequantibus, ovario parvo globoso lanato.] [***** T.
Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
Today, that destination is a world peopled with clowns, gymnasts, panthers, snakes, men and women, young and old, in brilliant reds and greens and luminous yellows.
Cougar, puma, mountain lion, catamount, panther - by any name, this big cat has inspired wilderness lovers across the country.
The dispute over the Panthers, and the Justice Department's handling of it, was politicized from the start, documents and interviews show.
Black Panther case reveals schism
The brush-like hairs at the end of the anther tube are not bent, and they enclose the valve.
She pondered for a second but then she realised that it was the panther.
Selina paced the room like a caged panther needing bigger horizons.
Other species include the endemic water chevrotain Hyemoschus aquaticus, African golden cat Felis aurata (K), giant forest genet Genetta victoriae, the endemic aquatic genet Osbornictis piscivora, leopard Panthera pardus, giant ground pangolin Manis gigantea, aardvark orycteropus afer, pygmy antelope Neotragus batesii, forest buffalo Syncerus caffer nanus, bush pig Potamochoerus porcus and giant forest hog Hylochoerus meinertzhageni (V) and great cane rat Thryonomys swinderianus.
Okapi Faunal Reserve, Democratic Republic of Congo
Although Schneider is a first-rate puck mover, Burke thinks he at least mitigated the damage by acquiring Ken Klee, a steady defenseman, from the Atlanta Thrashers and signing free agent Steve Montador, who played last season for the Florida Panthers.
Pacific preview: Sharks hungry for postseason success
A freeze at this stage can kill or damage the pollen-producing anthers, affecting kernel development and possibly causing the plant to become sterile.
Lateral or terminal on shoots of the preceding season; sterile flowers oblong-cylindrical, 1/4 inch in length; anthers yellow, red-tinged: fertile flowers on the upper side of the twig, erect, cylindrical; cover-scales broad, much larger than the purple ovuliferous scales, terminating in a long, recurved tip.
Handbook of the Trees of New England
There are several large mammals of conservation significance in this ecoregion, including the endangered douc langur (Pygathrix nemaeus), red-cheeked gibbon (Hylobates gabriellae), and pileated gibbon (Hylobates pileatus) and potentially the tiger (Panthera tigris).
Southern Vietnam lowland dry forests
It is from the same root as the word anther, a part of the flower petal.
Round Altered Box/ Inspiration
The product of the union of an antherozoid and an oosphere is termed an
Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
Acokanthera shrub, which has bark filled with "ouabain", closely-related to a source of arrow poison famously used to kill elephants. News
I removed the anthers from a single flower on each marked branch before dehiscence and marked the base of the hypanthium with a spot of paint.
When taking nectar, hummingbirds contacted anthers, receiving pollen on their bill.
Do these chinks through which the pollen escapes correspond (as would at first sight seem probable) to the margins of the antheral leaf, or do they answer to the lines that separate the two pollen-cavities on each half of the anther one from the other?
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Fructification: zoospores produced from the cell contents of the filaments; resting spores formed from the contents of particular cells after impregnation by ciliated spermatozoids produced in distinct antheridial cells.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 384, May 12, 1883
It is obtained from semi-domesticated multivoltine silkworm, Antheraea assamensis.
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Surrounding the pistil are six stamens, each having a slender stem or filament and terminating in a little box; this box is called the anther and is filled with flower-dust or pollen.
The Renewal of Life; How and When to Tell the Story to the Young
Playoff collapse didn't test Panthers 'faith in QB Delhomme - USATODAY. com
Playoff collapse didn't test Panthers' faith in QB Delhomme
Forest composition varies somewhat from island to island within the Seychelles, but common tree species include: Phoenicophorium borsigianum, Albizzia falcata, Pterocarpus indicus, Adenanthera pavonina, Morinda citrifolia, Phyllanthus casticum, Pisonia grandis, and introduced coconut palms.
Granitic Seychelles forests
When the plants become old, these delicate antheridial branches often disappear, leaving the antheridia adhering to the oogonia without indication of their origin.
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
The parks superintendent began his job of supervising the distribution of hundreds of geraniums, ivy geraniums, marguerites, petunias, trailing lobelia, anthericum and salvia, a job which would be completed well before the festival.
There are usually about 20 stamens, with anthers that range from pink to burgundy in color.
We haven't seen a Florida panther, an endangered species that has been reportedly sighted in the reserve, but we are more than content with ‘our’ bobcat.
He is pretty much an equal co-star in The Pink Panther Strikes Again, the third and funniest of the series.
C.-The smallest Raiders offensive player presents the biggest challenge to the Carolina Panthers' defense.
This change results from an imperfect petalody of the anther; the two wings on each side of the central vascular cord represent the front and back walls of an anther lobe, or rather of that portion of the anther which, under ordinary circumstances, produces pollen.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
According to reports, South Korean agents tried to steal Indonesia's imports from South Korea on advanced trainer T-50, Panther tanks and other negotiations the price of strategic intelligence.
The XJ120, introduced in 1948, brilliantly emulated the graceful wave-motion of the leaping Panthera onca in the forests of the Amazon.
He fared on days and nights over the Second Sea, till he came to a great mountain skirting which ran a Wady without end, the stones whereof were magnetic iron and its beasts, lions and hares and panthers.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
It is assumed that the accumulation of osmotically active compounds, such as sugars, proline and betaine is accelerated, leading to water efflux from the anther wall and thus triggering dehiscence.
Playoff collapse didn't test Panthers 'faith in QB Delhomme
Playoff collapse didn't test Panthers' faith in QB Delhomme
Also unrealized project of Panther flame - thrower tank was proposed.
As comely and as able-bodied as a young pantheress, she was (one judged) little less dangerous -- as vital, as self-centred, as deadly.
The Day of Days An Extravaganza
The style projects from the corona of anthers and elongates with age.
Cougars are also known as mountain lions, panthers, and pumas.
The 'squatty' eyed the gesticulating Manarkan and spoke, in a beautifully modulated deep bass voice, to a supple, lithe, pantherish girl with vertically-slitted yellow eyes, pointed ears, and a long and sinuous, meticulously-groomed tail.
Masters Of The Vortex
The actinomorphic, tubular flowers of both species are pale blue to mauve, with epipetalous anthers.
Male sex organs known as antheridia and female sex organs, which are referred to as archegonia, are typically located at the tips of the main shoots of gametophyte mosses.
The varieties used are almost all foliage plants; Echeveria, Herniaria, Alternanthera, Antennaria, sedum and feverfew.
Even the pacifistically named Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee was moving away from King and toward the violent radical Black Panther Party.
The length and width of anthers were measured with a micrometer under a stereomicroscope.
Fructification: ovate spores and tufts of antheridial cells attached to the lateral ramuli, which consist of minute, radiating, dichotomous beaded filaments.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 384, May 12, 1883
Studies on development of antheridia and antheridial dehiscence have been conducted by Davie and Hartman.
Each antheridial chamber incorporates several antheridia, all of which are developed from one antheridial initial.
Another panther cried out in response to the first, and it echoed through the forest, sending birds winging into the star-studded sky.
Elsewhere in lower forests, spectacled bear Tremarctos ornatus (VU), giant otter Pteronura brasiliensis (EN) jaguar Panthera onca, ocelot Felis pardalis, margay F. wiedii, lowland tapir Tapirus terrestris (VU), white-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus clavium, brocket deer Mazama rufina and northern pudu deer Pudu mephistophiles, and are found.
Sangay National Park, Ecuador
The whole perianth was colored, the anther dehiscence was extrorse, the stigma was subulate, and the perianth was hexamerous.
Females then actively collect pollen from the newly mature anthers and pack it into special structures on their mesothoracic sternites, while the wingless males tunnel back through the fig wall.
a versatile anther of a flower moves freely in the wind
She has almost unlimited power and hot men fawning all over her all the time ... and I would really like to try out the werepanther sleeping arrangment * blush*
Countdown to Branded By Fire: 6 days to go!
Sterile flowers terminal or axillary on wood of the preceding year, 1/2-3/4 inch long, cylindrical; anthers pinkish-red: fertile flowers lateral along previous season's shoots, erect; scales madder-purple, spirally imbricated, broader than long, margin entire or slightly erose.
Handbook of the Trees of New England
The family of orchids is the largest plant family, with a great deal of variety as well, from miniatures such as Mystacidium caffrum to the 20-foot-tall Renanthera storei.
Closed flowers were stripped of sepals, petals and anthers just prior to stigma maturity.
Those which are of two kinds are, first, a generally aggressive and motile fertilizing or so-called "male cell," called in its typical form an _antherozoid_; and, second, a passive and motionless receptive or so-called "female cell," called an _oosphere_.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
Extrorse anthers are somewhat concentrated in primitive dicots and primitive monocots and are rare in more advanced groups.
Balwant Singh Mankotia, State President, J&K National Panthers Party called on the youth of the country to join the new revolution to fight out casteism, drug culture, terrorism and hatred so that the future of the new generation remained safe and secured.
J&K Leaders pays homage to Netaji Subhash Chander Bose on his 113th birth anniversary
A large, ferocious cat. Panthera pardus)of Africa and southern Asia, having either tawny fur with dark rosettelike markings or black fur.
The temporal aspects of stigma receptivity and pollen longevity were investigated in relation to protandry (the occurrence of anther dehiscence prior to stigma receptivity) and breeding system.
These flowers possess spring-loaded anthers that give honey bees a rough blow when they enter.
Closed flowers were stripped of sepals, petals and anthers just prior to stigma maturity.
The two candidates for the role of biological father were both Black Panthers.
‘My Indian idyll came to an end four years after Independence because of a panther and a rabid dog,’ she wrote years later.
Cougars are also known as mountain lions, panthers, and pumas.
Do you realise, my darling inflated panther, that now you can go bowling in any direction you like?
This country's big wildcat - called a puma or mountain lion or panther in different regions - is common in some units of the National Park System west of the Mississippi River.
To this end, the Panthers forged alliances with nonblack leftists and established trade-union caucuses.
On the crater rim are leopard Panthera pardus, elephant Loxodonta africana (EN) numbering 42 in 1987 but only 29 in 1992, mountain reedbuck Redunca fulvorufula and buffalo Syncerus caffer (4,000 in 1994).
Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania
The receptacles are reproductive branches and contain many cavities with external pores which contain antheridia and oogonia, then through meiosis, sperm and egg are produced.
The cats were getting their own places, too, a savanna for the lions and grottoes with pools for the panthers and tigers.
As soon as they entered the old baronial great hall, it was as if they had stepped into anther world.
Yet, he is not confused about animals and speaks very clearly about the panther, deer and their characteristics.
That offset another fine defensive season for Barnes 'team, the Panthers finishing third in fewest points allowed at 63.6 per game.
Colonial Athletic Assosiation
In self-pollination, the flower is monoclinous and the stigma receives pollen from the anthers of the same flower.
But then Brown intentionally fouled Gray under the Pitt basket, pulling him to the floor with 6: 41 left as the Panthers reeled from the Wright State surge. - Men's Basketball - Wright St. vs. Pittsburgh
The plants produce bisexual flowers and, unlike Sagittaria, have anthers and stamens in each flower.
Some species present, which are endemic to the Atlantic forest include maned sloth Bradypus torquatus (EN), thin-spined porcupine Chaeotemys subspinosus (EN), jaguar Panthera onca (VU) and Geoffroy's tufted-ear marmoset Callithrix geoffroyi (VU).
Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves, Brazil
The panther smiled; it had been a long stern chase, with several trails gone cold.
The style is enclosed in a tube formed by the five fused anthers and filaments.
As historian Erica Doss has shown, in the 1960s the Black Panther leadership, heirs no less to this legacy than the Diggers, drew on it to create an image of masculine aggression and streetwise militance in their dress, art, and political culture ....
Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 196583
In these flowers, the anthers are attached to the petals by short filaments half way down the corolla tube.
The anthers of each flower were squashed in a drop of 2% acetic orcein to intensify the staining of meiotic cells.
a mention of the Ericaceæ being subject to contabescence of the anthers.
The Foundations of the Origin of Species Two Essays written in 1842 and 1844
The present writer is not very fond of these measurings together of things incommensurable -- these attempts to rank the "light white sea-mew" as superior or inferior to the "sleek black pantheress.
The English Novel
The pistil consists of a stigma supported on the style; but in some Compositae, the male florets, which of course cannot be fecundated, have a pistil, which is in a rudimentary state, for it is not crowned with a stigma; but the style remains well developed, and is clothed with hairs as in other compositae, for the purpose of brushing the pollen out of the surrounding anthers.
On the Origin of Species~ Chapter 13 (historical)
The Pink Panther Patrol began in New York City in the 1980s as a community patrol to stop anti gay violence.
The anthers are at first introrse, but just before the bud opens they assume this position [sketch] and then turn right over and become extrorse.
The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
Here, therefore, is a symmetrical and complete, regular, but dimerous orchideous flower, the first verticil of stamens not antheriferous, the second antheriferous, the carpels alternate with these; and here we have clear (and perhaps the first direct) demonstration that the orchideous type of flower has two stamineal verticils, as Brown always insisted.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
The pistil consists of a stigma supported on a style; but in some Compositae, the male florets, which of course cannot be fecundated, have a rudimentary pistil, for it is not crowned with a stigma; but the style remains well developed and is clothed in the usual manner with hairs, which serve to brush the pollen out of the surrounding and conjoined anthers.
Darwin and the vermiform appendix - The Panda's Thumb
Flowers were emasculated by removing the anther tube with fine forceps.
There have been reported sightings of Big Cats like pumas and panthers in West Wales and the rest of Britain for years.
Nocturnal animals like panthers, owls, porcupines, snakes, lizards, night czars, deer, etc., inhabit the region.
It could be a panther come from the woods, or a strayed larl, " said one of the men.
Cinnamon Roll
Acidantheras have a wonderful scent and are excellent for late flowering.
Maybe she would date a technician at the office. Or start up a romance with anther TV star.
Crosses were performed at each of four successive stages of floral development, where stage 1 was represented by one dehisced anther and stage 4 by four dehisced anthers.
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The pairings were Embassy against Wilson Panthers and Cinzano versus Granwood.
In both cases the prothallium is small, and often scarcely protrudes beyond the spore, and may be reduced to a single archegonium or antheridium (Fig. 71, _B_, _C_) with only one or two cells representing the vegetative cells of the prothallium (_v_).
Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses
On this night, the Orangemen built a big early lead and the Panthers couldn't recover.
Seeking clues, the Black Panther returns to the scene of yet another earlier murder, in a nearby cemetery and is immediately attacked by the corpselike minions of Baron Macabre.
Retro-View: Jungle Action Featuring The Black Panther #10 (Marvel Comics)
Known by many names - puma, cougar, catamount, panther - this large feline predator was once wide-spread throughout much of North America.
Broncos to slay the Knights, Warriors to desex the Panthers, Rabbitohs to continue their slightest dream against the Cowboys, Roosters to beat the Sharks as everyone else does at the moment, Sea Eagles to finally end the Bulldogs run towards the final 8, Storm to continue the Dragons slide down the 8, Raiders to pip the Titans in the cellar dweller battle and Tigers to keep running down the top 4 with a win over the Eels. | Top Stories
This indicates that similar mechanisms may trigger anther dehiscence in rice and two-rowed barley.
Thirty-seven entries of O. rufipogon from China including three ecotypes named as stolon, slope and erectness were studied on anther culture ability.
In maize, the stomium is located at the meeting point of the two loculi that make up each half anther.
Panorpatae: = Mecoptera; q.v. Pantherine: in color, almost like cervinus; q.v.: in maculation, like those of a panther.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
a versatile anther of a flower moves freely in the wind
Using bears, monkeys, tigers, panthers and lions in circuses is not only cruel, but also in violation of a 1998 Central Government notification, which was upheld in May 2001 by the Supreme Court.
Angélique sprang up with a cry of exultation, like a pantheress seizing her prey.
The Golden Dog
Cross-pollinated flowers were not emasculated, and pollinations were performed by rubbing anthers onto stigmas.
Flowers such as, Cosmos 'Purity' and dill flowers for decor, table centres of potted acidanthera, and a bouquet of roses, alchemilla and sweet peas.
Thrifty Mommy
Barlow was the main cog in the Panthers running game, rushing the ball 21 times while accounting for all but 13 of his team's yards on the ground.
NCAA Football - Kent vs. Pittsburgh
As the bee's proboscis is inserted into the flower it pushes past the retrorse anthers to the nectar at the base of the tube.
The great device lay along its single rail like some great iron panther, its gleaming linkage arms wreathed in condensation.
Flowers open wide in full sun, and with the central yellow anthers, the effect is striking.
In other games played West romped home 55 to 23 over Memo Rovers and then the break away Panthers team defeated their former team mates, Federal 43 to 25.
Even charismatic American wildlife such as the Florida panther, now with only 60 adults remaining in the wild, are in real danger of vanishing forever unless we act.
The massive iron gates stood alone between him and the black panther, which cowered some twenty feet away behind a low monticule covered with tufts of grass, its tiny eyes of topaz fixed upon the oncoming prey.
"Unto Caesar"
A total of 103 species of mammals have been recorded including five species of cat, jaguar Panthera onca, puma Felis concolor, ocelot F. pardalis, margay F. wiedii (K) and jaguarundi F. yagouaroundi.
Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve, Mexico
Moggridge figures a flower of _Ophrys insectifera_ in which the rostellate process was replaced by an anther. [
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
The two ambushing pantherine felids appeared to prefer foraging in densely covered settings and the dhole in open spaces.
To advertise the fact, they surround the pollen and the anthers that produce it with the vivid petals of a flower.
Both genera were transferred to Flacourtiaceae by Warburg and later by Gilg on the basis of a number of morphological characters, such as a trimerous ovary with parietal placentation and anthers with longitudinal dehiscence.
Within-flower transfer of pollen from anthers to stigma was achieved by depressing the keel petal of newly opened flowers using fine forceps.
Disk florets have a tubular corolla with five small radially symmetrical lobes and five connate anthers forming a cylinder around the style.
The style, with a narrow bifid stigma, extends above the anthers by 5 mm.
Proportion of germinated seeds was arcsine transformed to achieve normality, but we were not able to transform timing of anther-stigma contact successfully; however, as the distribution was not skewed, this should pose no serious problem
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The second half opened with a staggering show of stamina from four girls named The Pantheras.
Cibotium barometz) and three orchid species. frozen carcasses of two tigers and a panther, along with several kilos of suspected tiger bone, were confiscated last week in Vietnam, a country which now has as few as 30 tigers left in the wild.
Scientific American
The sexual organs are developed in groups at the apices, the antheridial group usually terminating the main axis while the archegonia are borne on a lateral branch.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
HIYYYOOOOOOOOOO!...enjoy the snow and dont forget to dab on some Sex Panther..its made from bits of real panther, so you know its good. idiocracyisprophecy
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The Panthers did that when Jovani Chappel, recently demoted from the starting lineup, stepped in front of White's poorly thrown pass and returned it to the West Virginia 16.
Similar section showing the effect of the pushing back of _a2_ by the bee, and the downward swinging of the polliniferous half-anther so as to dust the bee's back with pollen.
More Science From an Easy Chair
The physical characteristics, vigor, and productivity of the intercrosses suggest that the negative effects of inbreeding in the Florida panthers of the 1970s are being remedied.
Other animals photographed included elephants, sun bears, porcupines, clouded leopards, wild dogs, and panthers.
In the lower forest and bamboo zone mammals include the giant forest hog Hylochoerus meinertzhageni, tree hyrax Dendrohyrax arboreus, white-tailed mongoose Ichneumia albicauda, elephant Loxodonta africana, black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis, suni Neotragus moschatus, black-fronted duiker Cephalophus nigrifrons and leopard Panthera pardus (which has also been seen in the alpine zone).
Mount Kenya National Park and National Forest, Kenya
The large intact grasslands of the savanna and surrounding habitats support diverse mammal populations which include giant anteater Myrmecophaga tridactyla (VU), giant armadillo Priodontes maximus (EN), jaguar Panthera onca, puma Puma concolor and Brazilian tapir Tapirus terrestris (VU).
Canaima National Park, Venezuela
The petals are a jaundiced yellow, netted with purple veins that coalesce in the violet throat where a flaccid bunch of anthers and a longer style rest.
Country diary: Elton, Cambridgeshire
Over two hundred species of mammals are found here including jaguars (Panthera onca), ocelots (Leopardus pardalis), tapirs (Tapirus terrestris), and a number of primate species.
Monte Alegre varzea
As soon as they entered the old baronial great hall, it was as if they had stepped into anther world.
Large fields of green grassland can be seen, one after anther, from which intense green, red and blue roofs stand out, making the scene look a little like fairyland.
C.ASTAL C.ROLINA 14, HIGH POINT 4: The C.anticleers (26-5, 7-0) capitalized on five Panthers errors to beat High Point (17-15, 4-7) in a Big South game in C.nway, S.C. EAST C.ROLINA 20, MEMPHIS 9: Senior Kyle Roller matched his career high with five hits and drove in four runs to help the Pirates (19-12, 2-3 C.nference USA) overpower the Tigers (14-17, 5-3) in Memphis, Tenn.
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In the nature, most male animal ratio pantheress animals are all beautiful, for example the Cape of the" mane" hair, hart and the rich in hues feather of the male peacock of the male lion.
Kat thought it would be "spookier" to replace the 100-watt bulb with a 15-watt bulb, so my time was spent staring at small, dim blobs of pink costumes and wondering whether they were supposed to be Tinkerbell, the Pink Panther, or perhaps a ballet outfit.
Trick Or Treat Or Bum
Lacking an extensive vacuolization phase, meiocytes of the same tetrads stay together until the anther opens and the loculus reduces and disappears.
When the egg has matured, these canal cells disintegrate to mucus, making way for the antherozoids.
In very few cases has anything representing prothallial development been observed; generally a small cell (the antheridial or generative cell) is cut off, leaving a larger tube-cell.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
Pollen, in monads or tetrads, is presented in the anthers, adhering to the anther by means of pollenkitt or elastoviscin until collected.
Mammal species of conservation significance in this ecoregion include the threatened and endangered Hoolock gibbon (Hylobates hoolock), tiger (Panthera tigris), clouded leopard (Pardofelis nebulosa), leopard (Panthera pardus), sun bear (Ursus malayanus), thamin (Cervus eldii), and gaur (Bos gaurus).
Chin Hills-Arakan Yoma montane forests
Flowers terminating short branches, sterile and fertile, more commonly on separate trees, often on the same tree; anthers in opposite pairs; ovuliferous scales in opposite pairs, slightly spreading, acute or obtuse; ovules 1-4.
Handbook of the Trees of New England
I have always avoided the use of the term leopard, except when speaking of the hunting chita, preferring to call the others panthers.
Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
What followed was a bloody battle, where both the panther and the lioness struck blows and were struck.
If the anthers are pulled, the filaments are separated from them and remain as subulate white pointed processes.
Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
You can also plant summer bulbs such as onions, potatoes, lilies, liatris, acidanthera, gladiolus and montbretia.
Other mammals include forest elephant Loxodonta africana cyclotis (EN), estimated at 3,250 individuals in 1989, now reduced for their meat and ivory from 350 to 2 families, hippotamus Hippopotamus amphibious, forest buffalo Syncerus caffer nanus, leopard Panthera pardus, forest hog Hylochoerus meinertzhageni, bongo Tragelaphus euryceros and seven species of duiker, all taken for food.
Kahuzi-Biéga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
Anthers from developing tassels were staged with the acetocarmine squash technique.
Compositæ, the male florets, which of course cannot be fecundated, have a pistil, which is in a rudimentary state, for it is not crowned with a stigma; but the style remains well developed, and is clothed with hairs as in other compositæ, for the purpose of brushing the pollen out of the surrounding anthers.
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. (2nd edition)
Thus, you get the flora and fauna of both - tigers, panthers, wild boar and pythons tread the same tracks as reindeer, wolves and sables.
When the promoter fragment was resolved into smaller portions, further elements could be identified that conferred root, pulvinus and anther expression.
The brown tint of the hair-like paraphyses mixed with antheridia (fig. 15) makes the male branch conspicuous, while the archegonia have to be carefully looked for enclosed by the surrounding leaves (fig. 16, B).
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
The antheridia (Fig. 29, _E_) are hemispherical masses of closely set colorless cells, each of which develops a single spermatozoid which, like the tetraspores, is destitute of cilia, and is dependent upon the movement of the water to convey it to the neighborhood of the procarp.
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