How To Use Antedate In A Sentence
The novel is a grotesque exploration of fetishism which antedates Freud.
The lion passant guardant appears in various places; the renderings of it in the Palatine Chapel completed before 1143 antedate this symbol's presumed use by the King of England.
Personally, he was inclined to admire -- and frankly to admit it -- the ability which had brought Burr into prominence from a position of evident obscurity, while he regarded Mrs. Webb's eccentric attitude as a kind of antedated comedy.
The Voice of the People
But these antedate the rise of muscular Christianity.
Given the fact that the British road network largely antedates the highway authorities themselves, the court is not in a position to say what the appropriate standard of improvement would be.

Moreover, the book treats the emergence of modern advertising, not advertising, whose history antedates the author's period of study.
All of the stone circles, menhirs, dolmens, etc., of the British Isles were constructed by peoples who antedated the Celts by one to three thousand years.
This event antedates the discovery of America by several centuries.
Those words all antedate the arrival of Europeans - and anthropological classifications.
The convention of extralegality for a just cause antedates the advent of hard-boiled heroes.
This is why I say that the moral achievement of extending concern to others needn't antedate compassion, but can be coeval with it.
All the important rivalries in Europe both antedated the ideological divide and crossed its boundaries.
The hot weather antedated my departure for Beidaihe.
The economic troubles antedate the current administration.
This event long antedates the arrival of Columbus in America.
Jack McQuestion antedated him; but they had entered the land by crossing the Rockies from the Hudson Bay country to the east.
Chapter 1
a spondee from a tribrach they vapour about prosody, of which they know nothing, and imagine to be new what antedates the Upanishads.
Certain psychiatric disorders antedate the onset of substance use disorders.
This event antedates the discovery of America by several centuries.
Bernard Lewis (Islam and the West) reminds us that learning about Islam is an old tradition which long antedates the Western ascendancy.
The conflict that the book is about can also be interpreted as a conflict not between Islam and Christianity but between Europe and Afro-Asia whose origin antedates the rise of Islam.
All the important rivalries in Europe both antedated the ideological divide and crossed its boundaries.
He was later tried for having antedated a consulting bill, but was acquitted.
The establishment of a national parliamentary assembly antedated the period of union with Denmark (1397-1523); for it was in 1359 that King Magnus, embarrassed by the unmanageableness of the nobility and obliged to fall back upon the support of the middle classes, summoned representatives of the towns to appear before the king along with the nobles and clergy, and thus constituted the first Swedish Riksdag.
The Governments of Europe
A method utilized by small, mobile units to harass, weaken, demoralize, and combat larger conventional forces, guerrilla warfare antedates modern history.
This event long antedates the arrival of Columbus in America.
Its name and recognition long antedated this botanist.
In two grand, characteristic attributes, it is supereminent over all others: first in its universality, for it is capacious enough to receive and cherish in its paternal bosom every child that comes into the world: and second, in the timeliness of the aid it proffers, - its early, seasonable supplies of counsel and guidance making security antedate danger.
All of the stone circles, menhirs, dolmens, etc., of the British Isles were constructed by peoples who antedated the Celts by one to three thousand years.
The use of carriageways constructed of two layers of stone broken to different dimensions antedates the construction of Telford's government roads from London to Holyhead and in the environs of Glasgow and Lanarkshire.
This appears convincing since the decline in mortality rates antedated for the most part the advent of efficacious pills and surgical procedures.
Four subjects had a history of asthma, but the condition antedated their employment in the facility.
It is unlikely, too, that improving survival chances of infants promoted a desire to reduce completed family size, since the fertility decline appears to have antedated the fall in infant mortality.
The ancient manuscript—it antedated the city itself—identified their daughter as the “Infant Avatar,” whose birth would usher in a new age for Bajor.
Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
There is good evidence to suggest that Numenius antedates Atticus, whose floruit is set around 176 (Eusebius, Chronicle, p. 207 Helm): Proclus in his 5th-c.
More than 300 words and phrases are being examined, with OED researchers hoping to antedate them (find an earlier use) or postdate them (find a recent example to prove a word is still in use).
Leaving balloons and various forms of gas-bags out of consideration, other experimenters, notably Langley and Lilienthal, antedated him in attempting the navigation of the air on aeroplanes, or flying machines, but none of them were wholly successful, and it remained for Chanute to demonstrate the practicability of what was then called the gliding machine.
Flying Machines: Construction and Operation
The concept of renewal / rebirth is responsible for the important role played by the egg in Easter celebrations, a role which no doubt antedates Christianity.
Let us try to forethink, to antedate our forgiveness.
Unspoken Sermons Third Series
The economic troubles antedate the current administration.
Moreover, many of the persistent autocracies of the Middle East and North Africa—most notably Iran, Iraq, and Egypt—antedate Islam by more than a millennium.
Rather they derive from associated events in experience that antedate linguistic structure both phylogenetically and, in man, in individual development.
This title antedated the adoption of the Articles of
The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government
He had antedated Sullivan, in the old London Prize Ring Rules, though his last fading battles had been put up under the incoming Marquis of Queensbury Rules.
Chapter I
Poverty has long antedated capitalism, and exploitation caused by human sinfulness has marked every era.
This appears convincing since the decline in mortality rates antedated for the most part the advent of efficacious pills and surgical procedures.
Folk care of sick animals antedated the arrival of Europeans and continued to flourish even after the veterinary profession began to develop.
In the fabric of space and in the nature of matter, as in a great work of art, there is, written small, the artist's signature… there is an intelligence that antedates the universe.
Porsche's history antedates its sports cars and began when a struggling automotive engineer, Ferdinand Porsche, befriended a fringe politician, Adolf Hitler, at a road race in the 1920s.
For one thing, devotional cults were also popular within India, and the worship of the Hindu god Krishna antedates Christ by several centuries.