How To Use Anteater In A Sentence
Docile and inoffensive by nature, the anteater's principal enemies are the puma and the jaguar.
The Anteaters led the Big West in turnover margin (plus-1. 91), ranked second in assist-to-turnover ratio (1.1) and defended fairly well, ranking fourth in defense at 60.6 points per game.
Big West Conference
Most placental mammals have teeth that are capped with enamel, but there are also lineages without teeth, such as anteaters, pangolins and baleen whales, or with enamelless teeth, such as armadillos, sloths, aardvarks and pygmy and sperm whales.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
An adult anteater can eat as many as 30,000 ants or termites in a single day
The numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus, VU) is a marsupial 'anteater' that is the only member of its entire family.
Biological diversity in Southwest Australia
the lesser anteater
In wild areas, they hunt the tapir (a kind of wild hog), the anteater, and the jaguar, as well as the agouti (a rabbit-like rodent).
Everything about anteaters is fascinating: their ecology, behaviour, anatomy, functional morphology and evolution.
Archive 2006-05-01
Everything from saber-toothed carnivores and wolves to flying squirrels and anteaters were produced independently.
In the echidna, anteaters, and pangolins, there are qualitative differences in tongue construction.
The mammal species that are present include goats, foxes, anteaters, rabbits and bats, while the birds are hawks, partridges, daras, pigeons, troupials and a type of cardinal.
Interpreting the extreme similarity in anteaters and pangolins remains problematic due to lingering disagreement among phylogenetic hypotheses.
Anteaters possess a very simple sensory system for use in locating prey.
Near a remote salina, a brackish water hole, the tracks of ocelots and lesser anteaters dimpled the shoreline.
When Foster lost his funding, he left Matola with custody of two jaguars, a puma, an anteater, a tayra, three coatimundis, five curassows, and a cage of parrots.
Except - the anteater was a cad, and Hugh was likely the finest man I'll ever meet.
Sad Weekend
The missionaries call them osso carnicero, to distinguish them from the osso palmero or tamanoir (Myrmecophaga jubata), and from the osso hormigero, or anteater (tamandua).
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
She went after the powder like an anteater on the rampage.
Much of your time can be spent living with and caring for the animals they are sheltering from red howler monkeys, to owl monkeys, to red brocket deer, to yellow footed tortoises, anteaters, pumas, achunis, macaws and parakeets!
Wendy Diamond: Stopping the Amazon Monkey Business!
In South America, anteaters evolved long sticky tongues that enable them to feed on ants and termites.
All anteaters have an excellent sense of smell; sight and hearing are not as well developed.
The spiny anteater is a mammal, although a very primitive one.
Near a remote salina, a brackish water hole, the tracks of ocelots and lesser anteaters dimpled the shoreline.
We saw squirrel monkeys, capuchins, spider monkeys, peccaries, kinkajous, coatis, howler monkeys, tayras - a large mustelid that Martyn thought was a tree otter - pacas, night monkeys, giant anteaters and a tapir.
This endangered tropical savanna features an unusual trio of rare mammals the giant anteater, giant armadillo, and maned wolf.
An_Anteater 7 points 52 minutes ago matt2500 2 points 1 hour ago* matt2500 2 points 1 hour ago* deaathleopards 1 point 16 minutes ago you'll need to login or register to do that is it really that easy? only one way to find out ... what's new online!
They may be subdivided into anteaters that burrow, anteaters that climb trees and anteaters that wander over the ground.
We've only visited the zoo once since we moved here, but the anteater is one of the animals I recall in particular.
"I used to be somebody. Now I'm somebody else."
The prey of anteaters adheres to their long, sticky tongues.
Near a remote salina, a brackish water hole, the tracks of ocelots and lesser anteaters dimpled the shoreline.
In contrast with the Xenarthra, the Old World Pholidota is not trophically diverse and contains only the myrmecophagous pangolins, or scaly anteaters.
A feature that characterizes all anteaters is an extremely slow metabolic rate.
An alternative strategy can be seen in anteaters and pangolins: the tongue has lost most of its cranial attachments.
The large intact grasslands of the savanna and surrounding habitats support diverse mammal populations which include giant anteater Myrmecophaga tridactyla (VU), giant armadillo Priodontes maximus (EN), jaguar Panthera onca, puma Puma concolor and Brazilian tapir Tapirus terrestris (VU).
Canaima National Park, Venezuela
As the name suggests, anteaters eat ants and termites in vast quantities, sometimes up to 30,000 insects in a single day.
Yet, in Asaf Gilboa's lab, they quickly learn and retain information about exotic fruits or animals they had never heard of before, like an Australian anteater called the numbat.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
Large numbers of mammals live in these forests including endangered species of spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) which use the corridors of rivers through the dry forest, as well as various cats such as Felis onca, F. concolor, F. pardalis, F. wiedi and F. yaguaroundi, tapir (Tapirus bairdii), anteaters (Tamandua mexicana) and many others.
Central American dry forests
(fullest as concerning the Phalanger and Cape Anteater [Orycteropus] ([I was privileged to assist in the dissection of the latter animal, and well do I remember how, when by means of a blow-pipe he had inflated the bladder, intent on determining its limit of distensibility, the organ burst, with unpleasant results, which called forth the remark] "I think we'll leave it at that!")), which were never finished up.
The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
On the one side we have baboons, lions, elephants, buffaloes, and giraffes; on the other spider-monkeys, pumas, tapirs, anteaters, and sloths; while among birds, the hornbills, turacos, orioles, and honeysuckers of Africa contrast strongly with the toucans, macaws, chatterers, and hummingbirds of America.
Bullied by classmates for his long, thin nose - "Anteater snout," they call him, along with "Monster schnoz" and "Elephant honker" - he finally defends his honor by punching the schoolyard leader.
Book review: 'Destiny and Desire' by Carlos Fuentes
The Greek Echidna, the mother of monsters, identifies herself to the story's hero, Percy and he says, "Isn't that a kind of anteater?
A Brief Sea Change
There are only three living monotremes, the duck-billed platypus and two species of echidna, or ‘spiny anteaters’, such as the one shown at right.
The egg-laying platypus and its cousin, the anteater, along with marsupials, make up the most primitive group of living mammals.
Some notable mammals are white‑tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus, white‑lipped peccary Tayassu pecary, collared peccary Tayassu tajacu, Central American tapir Tapirus bairdii (VU), white‑face monkey Cebus capucinus and spider monkey Ateles geoffroyi, howler monkey Alouatta palliata, collared anteater Tamandua tetradactyla, jaguar Panthera onca (VU), margay Felis wiedii (VU), jaguarundi F. yagouaroundi and ocelot F. pardalis (VU).
Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Termites rush to a breach in their nest and clamp their jaws onto the snout of a marauding anteater, almost guaranteeing their own death.
But anteaters with longer tongues found more ants and so were able to better survive to have more, and healthier offspring.
The rainforest started to return - as did its creatures - deer, anteaters, capybaras and eagles.
Monkeys, tapirs, sloths, anteaters, and bats abound, all in an area the size of West Virginia.
the lesser anteater
In the Old World they have a counterpart in the form of the strange, scaly anteaters, the pangolins.
And yet, such sensitive elongations the anteater had, too, uncomplicated by assertions of power, even over ants.
In South America, a group known as the Xenarthrans developed, today represented by the anteaters, sloths and armadillos.
Thus the extremes of carnivorous adaptation, as in the case of the cats, of omnivorous adaptation, as in the case of the bears, of herbivorous adaptation, as in the case of the horses, or myrmecophagous adaptation, as in the case of the anteaters, are all secondary "(_loc.cit. _, pp. 23-4).
Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
This brainy anteater loves to eat ants! He's always getting his nose intro trouble.
The squirrel-sized numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus, VU), is one example - the marsupial equivalent to the anteaters of South America and also known by the names of walpurti or banded anteater, the numbat is the only member of the family Myrmecobiidae.
Biological diversity in Southwest Australia
Anteaters have long snouts which they thrust into ant-heaps in order to devour the ants or termites.
These he carefully dissected, and he leaves among his papers a series of incomplete notes (fullest as concerning the Phalanger and Cape Anteater [Orycteropus] ([I was privileged to assist in the dissection of the latter animal, and well do I remember how, when by means of a blow-pipe he had inflated the bladder, intent on determining its limit of distensibility, the organ burst, with unpleasant results, which called forth the remark] "I think we'll leave it at that!")), which were never finished up.
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3
Peccaries, tapirs, anteaters, armadillos, sloths, coatis, and others are around but hard to see.
Given that a few other Eocene European tetrapods have been suggested to be particularly closely related to South American taxa (namely the ratite Palaeotis, the peradectine opossums and the supposed anteater Eurotamandua), Ameghinornis and Aenigmavis were thought to perhaps indicate that phorusrhacids had originated in Europe and later spread (via Africa) to South America (Peters & Storch 1993).
Archive 2006-11-01
The group currently includes armadillos, 2-toed sloths, 3-toed sloths, and anteaters, placed in four families containing 29 species.
Living xenarthrans are represented by three morphologically distinct lineages: armored armadillos, toothless anteaters, and phyllophagous tree-sloths.
I saw tree-nesting sloth, four types of monkeys, parrots, macaws, toucan birds, coatis, agoutis and anteaters within the first day of my visit.
Devin Galaudet: Waiting to Dance in Costa Rica
anteaters are edentate animals
Insectivores are fairly common because insects are very common but the small size and low nutrient value of insects means that most insectivorous mammals are small, except the anteaters.
Anteaters, pangolins, and some armadillos use hook-and-pull digging with the enlarged claw of a single, enlarged manual digit to open termite or ant nests made of hard dirt.
The lutrine opossum Lutreolina crassicaudata, giant anteater and giant armadillo are found there, also bush dog, crab-eating fox Cerdocyon thous, long-tailed weasel Mustela frenata, jaguarundi Herpailurus yagouaroundi, jaguar, puma, oncilla Leopardus tigrinus and margay L. weidii.
Canaima National Park, Venezuela
Some notable mammals are white‑tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus, white‑lipped peccary Tayassu pecary, collared peccary Tayassu tajacu, Central American tapir Tapirus bairdii (VU), white‑face monkey Cebus capucinus and spider monkey Ateles geoffroyi, howler monkey Alouatta palliata, collared anteater Tamandua tetradactyla, jaguar Panthera onca (VU), margay Felis wiedii (VU), jaguarundi F. yagouaroundi and ocelot F. pardalis (VU).
Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica
The egg-laying platypus and its cousin, the anteater, along with marsupials, make up the most primitive group of living mammals.
In South America, anteaters evolved long sticky tongues that enable them to feed on ants and termites.
A feature that characterizes all anteaters is an extremely slow metabolic rate.
I thought the ad was cleverly written and produced (the anteater was a cute touch) ... and utterly horrifying.
Infinite Monkeys - "...a sparkly blog..." - James Lileks
She went after the powder like an anteater on the rampage.
This is called the ungual crest and helps anchor the keratinous covering of the claw onto the ungual: it's present in some sloths and anteaters too, and outside of xenarthrans is seen in cats.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
Procornitermes and Cornitermes) that rely on using their mandibles to slash or slice tend to be effective defenses for small predators (like mice), but are generally ineffective against larger predators such as anteaters, that pick them up with their long saliva-covered tongues.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
Other mammals include binturong Arctictis binturong, anteater Manis javanicus, oriental small-clawed otter Amblonyx cinerea, palm civet Paradoxurus hermaphroditus, oriental civet Viverra tangalunga and crab eating macaque Maccaca fasicularis.
Puerto-Princesa Subterranean River National Park, Philippines
The rainforest started to return - as did its creatures - deer, anteaters, capybaras and eagles.
When Foster lost his funding, he left Matola with custody of two jaguars, a puma, an anteater, a tayra, three coatimundis, five curassows, and a cage of parrots.
Large numbers of mammals live in these forests including endangered species of spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) which use the corridors of rivers through the dry forest, as well as various cats such as Felis onca, F. concolor, F. pardalis, F. wiedi and F. yaguaroundi, tapir (Tapirus bairdii), anteaters (Tamandua mexicana) and many others.
Central American dry forests
The egg-laying platypus and its cousin, the anteater, along with marsupials, make up the most primitive group of living mammals.
Pangolins, also known as 'scaly anteaters,' are a creature few have even heard of, and now that they are being hunted toward extinction, the fascinating creatures face being forgotten forever.
'Scaly Anteater,' Pangolin, Being Hunted To Extinction In Asia (VIDEO)
I found that one thing Audrey told me was true - on the phone Hugh sounded like the blue anteater from the old Pink Panther show.
Sad Weekend
The exhibit will highlight the jaguar but also will feature golden lion tamarins, tapirs, anteaters and other animals.
The reserve provides a home to 1,800 black howler monkeys as well as 250 species of birds, deer, coatis, anteaters, peccaries, and iguana.
Mammals although not as numerous as birds, include species such as paca (Agouti paca), mantled howler monkey (Allouatta palliata), white-throated capuchin (Cebus capucinus), pygmy anteater (Cyclopes didactylus), Central American otter (Lutra annectens), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) (feeds on leaves in A. bicolor and L. racemosa forests), northern raccoon (Procyon lotor), crab-eating raccoon (P. cancrivorus) [can be found both on the ground and in the canopy consuming crabs and mollusks], Mexican anteater (Tamandua mexicana).
Moist Pacific Coast mangroves
For example, a tamandua, a kind of anteater, uses its long and curled claws to dig into insect mounds. Front Page
In South America, a group known as the Xenarthrans developed, today represented by the anteaters, sloths and armadillos.
Some notable mammals are white‑tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus, white‑lipped peccary Tayassu pecary, collared peccary Tayassu tajacu, Central American tapir Tapirus bairdii (VU), white‑face monkey Cebus capucinus and spider monkey Ateles geoffroyi, howler monkey Alouatta palliata, collared anteater Tamandua tetradactyla, jaguar Panthera onca (VU), margay Felis wiedii (VU), jaguarundi F. yagouaroundi and ocelot F. pardalis (VU).
Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Pangolins, also known as scaly anteaters, are a creature few have even heard of, and now that they are being hunted toward extinction, the fascinating ...
'Scaly Anteater,' Pangolin, Being Hunted To Extinction In Asia (VIDEO)
Monkeys, tapirs, sloths, anteaters, and bats abound, all in an area the size of West Virginia.
Sweden s Parken Zoo welcomed a baby giant anteater last month.
WATCH: Adorable Baby Giant Anteater Born
Anteaters, pangolins, and some armadillos use hook-and-pull digging with the enlarged claw of a single, enlarged manual digit to open termite or ant nests made of hard dirt.
I saw tree-nesting sloth, four types of monkeys, parrots, macaws, toucan birds, coatis, agoutis and anteaters within the first day of my visit.
Devin Galaudet: Waiting to Dance in Costa Rica
Alternatively they may climb trees in search of tree ants, as do the pangolins or scaly anteaters of the genus Manis.
Some notable mammals are white‑tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus, white‑lipped peccary Tayassu pecary, collared peccary Tayassu tajacu, Central American tapir Tapirus bairdii (VU), white‑face monkey Cebus capucinus and spider monkey Ateles geoffroyi, howler monkey Alouatta palliata, collared anteater Tamandua tetradactyla, jaguar Panthera onca (VU), margay Felis wiedii (VU), jaguarundi F. yagouaroundi and ocelot F. pardalis (VU).
Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Anteaters tend to have strong claws for digging out hard ants’ nests, but the chalicotheres do not have the adaptations of anteaters either - such as having a long thin snout.
Pangolins, also known as 'scaly anteaters,' are a creature few have even heard of, and now that they are being hunted toward extinction, the fascinating ...
'Scaly Anteater,' Pangolin, Being Hunted To Extinction In Asia (VIDEO)
Peccaries, tapirs, anteaters, armadillos, sloths, coatis, and others are around but hard to see.
It's bad karma man, and you just need to cool out unless you want to be reincarnated as a sloth or filthy anteater.
Another group of uniquely South American mammals, the edentates (sloths, armadillos and anteaters), survived the competition with the invaders and are still abundant in South America.
The lutrine opossum Lutreolina crassicaudata, giant anteater and giant armadillo are found there, also bush dog, crab-eating fox Cerdocyon thous, long-tailed weasel Mustela frenata, jaguarundi Herpailurus yagouaroundi, jaguar, puma, oncilla Leopardus tigrinus and margay L. weidii.
Canaima National Park, Venezuela
A feature that characterizes all anteaters is an extremely slow metabolic rate.