
[ UK /ˈæntiː/ ]
[ US /ˈænti/ ]
  1. (poker) the initial contribution that each player makes to the pot
  1. place one's stake
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How To Use ante In A Sentence

  • People at MSFC have told me over drinks that this study concluded that EELV are human ratable but they were going to do what Griffin wanted. Obama Policies on Transparency, Openness, and Participation - and NASA - NASA Watch
  • An imprimatur is not guarantee of theological soundness, in reality. Dr. Janet Smith replies to Dr. Schindler, defends Christopher West
  • Someone who really wanted to stop unsanctioned immigration would begin here, by busting the small contractors who employ these workers on a contingent basis.
  • I badly wanted the job, but knew that my age would probably tell against me.
  • A second problem is damage caused by the buildup of excessive electrical charges in the plate from the unwanted ions.
  • Turn out the lot and the wellrotted stuff at the base can be put on unplanted soil. The Sun
  • The recession blindsided a lot of lawyers who had previously taken for granted their comfortable income.
  • He did his final piece of serious work on Tuesday morning, which was grand, and we have just kept him ticking over with a couple of canters.
  • Some lucky local with an open fire had determined the evening warranted a little extra cheer, more than the central heating could provide, and had lit a small blaze on his hearth.
  • We lapped the track a few times at a walk, trot and canter and the horse went through it pretty smoothly.
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