How To Use Ant bear In A Sentence
There is an increased likelihood of competition for prey with subordinate animals likely suffering more than dominant bears that can confiscate or monopolize prey.
Political history continued to have a significant bearing on Spanish literature throughout the twentieth century.
The Times Literary Supplement
These uncertainties also have an important bearing in understanding the complex and rapidly evolving tectonic history of the Adelaide Fold Belt.
Assumptions about the rate of payment by debtors may have a significant bearing on the expected profitability of the project.
One does pot have to be a nutritionist, to suspect that, the kind of denaturalized food that our civilization consumes, should have an important bearing on our health.
Chapter 9
As it grows abundantly in dark forest regions, folklore suggests it's the first plant bears eat when they come out of hibernation.
Times, Sunday Times
Only, as you do nothing but sit around and read, I thought you might have happened on something that would throw light on the question of annulled liens, which is intricately involved and has an important bearing on this case.
Warner and Wife
Such evidence has an important bearing on the site's function.
_N. paniculata_, or panicled tobacco, an annual plant bearing greenish yellow flowers, native of Peru, rises to the height of three feet.
The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
Hackman and Patrick Swayze, however, perk things up past the point of scant bearability.
Obama, with his shadowy history, handsome looks, elegant bearing, and confused background - and his apparent biddability - ideal.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Attachment theory postulates that bonds with parents have an important bearing on future relationships.
An hour or so later, the doors opened again to admit a new aerial servant bearing a fresh tray of food.
He was hugely muscular and with the arrogant bearing of a man who knew he would get what he wanted.
Experts generally agree that diet has an important bearing on your general health.
He saw the tribal leader drinking an infusion from a plant bearing a striking resemblance to Chinese tea.
The plant bears its flowers in clusters.
On the resolution of this issue, our role in the global peace movement has a very important bearing.
Experts generally agree that diet has an important bearing on your general health.
Assumptions about the rate of payment by debtors may have a significant bearing on the expected profitability of the project.
Many giant dinosaurs, therefore, would have been very successful in battle, having an important bearing on natural selection.
The formation of hydrocellulose has a very important bearing in woollen manufacture.
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His behaviour was legal, if unsavoury, and has, as far as I can tell, absolutely no relevant bearing on his candidacy, unless he's campaigning on a platform of outlawing exhibitionism.
The decadent sounding "chocolatey delight" flavor, not only has the same amount of sugar and high fructose corn syrup as Lucky Charms but also includes "chocolatey" bits - so called because there is no actual anti-oxidant bearing chocolate in them.
Charlotte Hilton Andersen: I Hate Special K
Experts generally agree that diet has an important bearing on your general health.
The ideal time to plant bearded irises is September, but the best time to view them is now.
Times, Sunday Times
_ The plant bears three mature sporogonia which show the elongation of the seta.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
Both the real and the virtual plants responded to removal of branches by producing a taller plant bearing larger leaves, but less total biomass.
There was an incident during this latest mission that clearly illustrated why the KC-135's airlift capability is so important and why Sergeant Bearup called aeromedical taskings so
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First, age, or more precisely proximity to the state-pension age, had an important bearing on early retirement.
First, age, or more precisely proximity to the state-pension age, had an important bearing on early retirement.
Thankfully the incident did not divert the attention of either side from the main goal of winning the game though the hold-up was to have a significant bearing on the run of play.
Many giant dinosaurs, therefore, would have been very successful in battle, having an important bearing on natural selection.
Experts generally agree that diet has an important bearing on your general health.
It has important bearings on the reliability of the Bible books.
It has important bearings on the reliability of the Bible books.
If a plant bearing ripe spores is selected, the young stages of the female organ (procarp) may generally be found by examining the younger parts of the plant.
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The ideal time to plant bearded irises is September, but the best time to view them is now.
Times, Sunday Times
It was a brute of a mutant bear with long bonelike spikes rising from its back.
Raven Rise
When Jace opened the greenhouse door, the scent hit Clary, soft as the padded blow of a cats paw: the rich dark smell of earth and the stronger, soapy scent of night-blooming flowersmoonflowers, white angels trumpet, four-oclocksand some she didnt recognize, like a plant bearing a star-shaped yellow blossom whose petals were medallioned with golden pollen.
Cassandra Clare: The Mortal Instrument Series
Shell the mussels, watching out for any reluctant beards, and discard any that aren't open.
One of the woman's table mates had returned from a trip to the front of the restaurant bearing a big colorful carving of a parrot on a perch.
Above all, The balcony is habitant bears directly the place of sunshine, people can undertake on the balcony sunbathe, air basks in clothings to wait.
For example, the Mercator projection is widely used by boats and ships because it produces a map in which lines of constant bearing are a straight line, which greatly simplifies navigation.