
How To Use Answering In A Sentence

  • Instead, I was stuck in my little dorm room, answering the phone every time it rang in case it was Clay.
  • She pauses a moment before answering. Times, Sunday Times
  • A hiker spotted a man answering the description given by police.
  • Caterers, designers, arrangers, were parading in and out of the house weekly, making their presentations and answering questions. Olivia
  • They are answering the demand with products streamlined for the male consumer.
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  • No matter how interesting normative questions can be, we will stay away from them because our models offer no help in answering these questions. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • As she suffers the constrictions of a traditional culture in transition, she also discovers her answering voice.
  • It also falls short of answering nagging questions that continue to persist.
  • Also, in answering your other question, I think to contact him you should write an honest-to-god letter and send it via snail mail. A Brother By Any Other Name | Her Bad Mother
  • ... because I am tired of answering these questions in email, one reader at a time, and I bet truepenny is too: Self-promotion salad
  • If you are interested in answering the questions or in providing feedback on them, please go over to the 20 Questions blog I set up for that purpose.
  • Entering her apartment, Kayleigh saw the answering machine light blipping.
  • However, though intuitions can vary here, there is a powerful case for answering ‘No’.
  • The process of kinesic analysis in interviewing and interrogation is first to establish a baselinea catalog of behaviors that subjects exhibit when telling the truth: Where do they put their hands, where do they look and how often, do they swallow or clear their throats often, do they lace their speech with Uhm, do they tap their feet, do they slouch or sit forward, do they hesitate before answering? Roadside Crosses
  • I tried calling the hospital but just got answering machines. The Sun
  • Walker, standing at the foot of the shaft waiting for the answering signal from above, heard the noise and the rush of Mag's body as it bumped from side to side in its mad descent, and starting back, he was just in time to get clear as the mangled mass of rags and blood and pulpy flesh fell with a loud splashy thud at the bottom, the blood spattering and "jauping" him and the bottomer, and blinding their eyes as it flew all over them. The Underworld The Story of Robert Sinclair, Miner
  • Our giggling stopped with a burst followed by an answering burst of machine-gun fire coming from the river about fifty yards away.
  • Much remains to be learned about how respondents go about answering written questionnaires.
  • In the literature of the eighteenth century the warrant is inseparably associated with the short, incurvated service sword commonly known as the cutlass or hanger; but in the press-gang prints of the period the gangsmen are generally armed with stout clubs answering to Smollett's The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore
  • We cling to the symbols which give our life meaning and help us in answering this question.
  • One result of careless scapegoating is that there is little or no time spent asking and answering the hard questions.
  • I left a message on her answering machine.
  • Users advance through the program by answering a series of questions.
  • At a one-to-one with a panel of cricketers on Sunday, the boys shot some questions which the professionals had a hard time answering.
  • He infiltrates MI5 and prospers at the heart of the establishment, but in the end he is exposed as a spy and whiles away his final days sick, surrounded by empty gin bottles and memories, answering a young reporter's questions.
  • Many spent the past week dialling their answering machines: if they took messages, the house was still standing. Times, Sunday Times
  • We could see a proliferation of white towers, minaret answering church spire.
  • This little pamphlet provides the harried book agent with specific speeches to use in answering a variety of objections.
  • Henry Sidgwick, you are not only highly selective in the questions you choose to answer, you evade answering the questions, prevaricate and confabulate. John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • So why should we shield him from answering their questions or facing their justice? The Sun
  • I gazed out at the stars, leaning my elbows on the edge, for awhile before answering.
  • When he was answering a supplementary question to question No.3, he referred to white New Zealanders as honkies.
  • This test gives you the correct answers after each question and teaches the tricks for answering smarter on the next test!
  • The sense in which the existence of something answering to a definite description used for the purpose of identifying reference, and its distinguishability by an audience from anything else, is presupposed and not asserted in an utterance containing such an expression, so used, stands absolutely firm, whether or not one opts for the view that radical failure of the presupposition would deprive the statement of a truth-value. Peter Frederick Strawson
  • They weren’t nearly as willing to accept the countercharge from the Obama campaign that Clinton herself had flip-flopped in answering the question (earlier in the year, while criticizing Bush’s recalcitrance about meeting with rogue leaders, she had expressed practically the same sentiment as Obama), because such a slip-up didn’t track with the emerging campaign narrative of Clinton as disciplined and savvy. Teacher and Apprentice
  • Answering to his name, he stood up immediately.
  • He was playing with them and answering the simple quiz questions that the girls are asking.
  • There is a long bone, termed ‘metatarsal’, answering to the metacarpal, for each digit; and the ‘tarsus’, which corresponds with the carpus, presents four short polygonal bones in Essays
  • A computer has been introduced, but I see the receptionist, Mary, mainly occupied in answering the phone, making appointments, giving out hand-filled chits for the next visit as patients leave.
  • I have never forgotten -- never -- never _forgotten_!" faltered Madeleine, in a voice that had a sound of tears, answering to those that glittered in her eyes. Fairy Fingers A Novel
  • Alan was able to walk through the house with his mobile phone, answering questions and describing the flat to his partner who was viewing the property from her computer in Sheffield.
  • Her omission of any discussion of human shields while reporting from Gaza while on the other hand answering that question, though as briefly and unspecifically as possible, in a broadcast heard only locally in New York is significant: she would like to continue reporting from Gaza. Q. and A. With Taghreed El-Khodary in Gaza - The Lede Blog -
  • June 6 -- Belgian Legation at Washington gives out a statement answering the German White Book recently issued at Berlin making accusations against the Belgian civilian population; reply denounces allegations of franc-tireur warfare as false and unsupported; Belgian Government, instead of encouraging civilian resistance, warned the population against it. New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 4, July, 1915 April-September, 1915
  • Henrietta's responses had been mostly from people in the area, who'd naturally be quickest and most punctilious about answering. THE RECYCLED CITIZEN
  • There was a brief pause, then Caitlin giggled and heard an answering snicker from Michael.
  • I was reading an essay of Saleeby's the other day, and the best Saleeby could say was that Herbert Spencer NEARLY succeeded in answering Berkeley. Chapter 36
  • Well known for her ability to avoid answering questions, she was unsurprisingly short on specifics.
  • The Japanese never built any aircraft remotely answering to this description.
  • The child's refusal to comply may not seem as bad as the child's habit of answering back.
  • We are sorry for not answering your letter sooner.
  • Sounds came at length -- harsh and startling; -- the unmistakable note of the jezail; answering shots from his own men; -- proofs incontestable that a sharp engagement was in progress up above. Captain Desmond, V.C.
  • The child's refusal to comply may not seem as bad as the child's habit of answering back.
  • I got exempted from a quiz just for answering a question and then in math, we were going to have a chapter test, but the teacher told us that she thought we were all ready to move on.
  • Sometimes, we place people who are interviewed or who complete a questionnaire in the position of informants rather than as respondents answering questions about themselves.
  • Surely those were good questions which need answering, and to abandon the community interpretation deprives us of the only possible answer.
  • Many spent the past week dialling their answering machines: if they took messages, the house was still standing. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was met with a stiff child, no answering or responsive hug, no acknowledgement and a blank stare into space.
  • Curiously quiet she was , almost abstracted , answering these questions.
  • The questions were asked of all male nisei by the war department; answering them was voluntary.
  • But when he was answering the challenge of whether the soul exists, his response did not depend on abstractions or esoterica but on the perceived experience of personal and historical growth.
  • Ilka Schröder, a German Green MEP, said: "Patten just carries on not answering the question and finding his way around it, so we feel forced to take this step. Daimnation!: Squirm, Patten, Squirm A group
  • These mini exams give students valuable experience in answering exam questions.
  • Answering the question suggests that its construct is legitimate, that a candidate's patriotism is subject to qualification, gradation, and comparison.
  • Our pedagogic aims in answering this research question were to make the process of user testing visible to and comprehensible for as large an audience as possible.
  • This slim soft-bound volume of verses, volume two following "Robert Frost's Answering Machine," continues to reassert poet Daniel Waters's ability to put poetry in everyone's back pocket. News
  • I feel completely unqualified to write on that subject as I am still answering that question myself.
  • I left a message on your answering machine.
  • The message I recorded for the answering machine sounded terrible when I played it back.
  • You can hire staff to perform office tasks, such as answering phones and receiving post. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lately, though, I've worked a mind-numbing job as a factory secretary in San Leandro: answering phones, making coffee, running the copier, and booking appointments. Dick Be Gone
  • The Japanese never built any aircraft remotely answering to this description.
  • The test will involve answering questions about a photograph.
  • I had your letter this night, as told you just and no more in my last; for this must be taken up in answering yours, saucebox. The Journal to Stella
  • I must say, though, that that automatic answering prompt is an obvious trap. jjr GOP turns tables on Democrats
  • Her answering machine picked up, so I called Patti in London. John
  • Base on the problem that we adhibit the way of answering the test paper by pen in the examination, we calculate use computer to accomplish test, thereby wipe off the abuses.
  • So when a country with no tradition of musicals found itself needing chorus lines and showstoppers, Lambe was one of a new breed of stage performers capable of answering its call.
  • Yet, you have also heard that Jaycee Dugard, answering to the name Alyssa, was the creative force behind Phillip Garrido's business, printing business. CNN Transcript Aug 31, 2009
  • When answering the door, always check the identity of callers.
  • My suggestion is that we add to the camera and microphone another scientific device called the polygraph, which records emotional content in answering questions. Marvin Kitman: Where is Diogenes When We Need Him?
  • She told her pupils to put on their thinking caps before answering questions.
  • Not wishing to displease her, he avoided answering the question.
  • I'm quite a light sleeper, so even my answering machine taking a message usually wakes me.
  • They often come from cultures where answering back is unheard of and corporal punishment the norm and so they will be taught the differences in etiquette and teaching practices here.
  • He is undemonstrative, self-controlled and, in his radio and TV interviews, comes across as a man of sweet reason while answering questions in a deep, well-modulated voice.
  • She hesitated slightly before answering the inspector's question.
  • We apologize for the delay in answering your letter.
  • In case you are wondering; in this context I am not referring to young Girl Guides, or delicious chocolate comestibles but to Gordon Brown's skilful habit of answering a question by using a dodgy statistic to not quite answer the question he was asked but one more to his liking. The Today programme and "Brownies"
  • Scotty glanced about for any sight of the East Team before answering.
  • But the most exciting and unpredictable unintended consequence of disciplinarity is the opportunity it creates for poaching, which happens when one discipline opts out of the gentleman’s agreement allotting certain questions to certain disciplines and starts answering questions it is not even supposed to ask. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » The necessity of interdisciplinary poaching
  • She claimed footballers were contributing to pupils swearing and answering back in class as they copy what happens on the football pitch.
  • And albeit we doe scarse vouchsafe to stand longer about answering of him, yet in regard of others, who at this day partly woonder at the matter, and partly obiect it to our nation, we thought good to adde some few things in this place. A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • Then he answering againe said: none of them durst be so bolde he trowed to cary her letters being in that case. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • My responsibilities include answering the phone and dealing with customer enquiries.
  • Those are charges he says he has no intention of answering in the war crimes court, if he can dodge it.
  • Instead of answering my question he began to beat about the bush.
  • They revived the handbell choir, answering God's invitation to sing a new song.
  • The place that knot lacquer layer already damaged, after answering to undertake handling first again cerated .
  • Adam gave a soft whistle as he entered the barn and was pleased to hear an answering snort from Sport.
  • He continued to avoid answering my question of how he had been blackmailed into going to Italy, and our communications were more letters between friends than anything else.
  • He wondered whether he should just stop answering, stop trying to explain, to talk sense to this prosecutorial bureaucrat. STONE CITY
  • We had only robed ourselves in looser drapery, when a violent ringing at the bell startled us; we listened, and heard the voice of M. d'Arblay, and Jerry answering, 'They're gone to bed.' Juniper Hall: A Rendezvous of Certain Illustrious Personages during the French Revolution, Including Alexandre D'Arblay and Fanny Burney
  • ‘At his trial, Ian was prevented by his deafness from answering the accusations against him,’ said Elspeth.
  • In answering this question, Smyth seemed unable to go beyond a comforting but unchallenging look-how-far-we've-come-from-those-benighted-days attitude.
  • They call the house. * ring ring ring* Burglar hears the answering machine pick up and goes, "Oh, awesome, empty house. MetaChat
  • And in return you turn over the grand ambitions of the powerful to a man in his underpants answering a knock at the door. Times, Sunday Times
  • Users advance through the program by answering a series of questions.
  • He includes a sample from an answering machine about his ‘Internet press’ after he says some crits are ‘hoping that their viciousness will boost traffic on their site.’
  • The message I recorded for the answering machine sounded terrible when I played it back.
  • The horns were blown, and presently there came up from hill and hommoc, wood and bosket, rock and dingle, all around, an answering volley. Margaret
  • It may interest you to know that a boy answering Rory's description thumbed a ride to Howth.
  • He's on to a good thing, he has free accommodation in return for answering the phone when the family are out.
  • My secretary stopped answering my telephone because callers swore at her.
  • There was no possible comparison between the heavily sensualities of that, and the changes and answerings of these rhythms. Douglas LaBier: The Differences Between Hook-Up Sex, Marital Sex and Making Love in Today's Relationships
  • We made our way through the vultures answering a bare minimum of questions and sped away from the hospital.
  • However, it is not clear why we found no evidence of response bias in answering multiple-choice questions as Walker et al. did.
  • Henrietta's responses had been mostly from people in the area, who'd naturally be quickest and most punctilious about answering. THE RECYCLED CITIZEN
  • We apologize for the delay in answering your letter.
  • Suggestion unanswering purpose fully what if competitor underbid at sacrifice which quite possible.
  • Base on the problem that we adhibit the way of answering the test paper by pen in the examination, we calculate use computer to accomplish test, thereby wipe off the abuses.
  • What do we think of Sarah Palin this weekend answering pre-screened questions from a like-minded audience in Nashville, a tea party convention, and still having to put a cheat sheet on her palm to answer what she calls the basics of her beliefs? Latest Articles
  • Archer places his cigarette in an ashtray nearby and takes a drink before answering.
  • Many obstacles are encountered when asking and answering questions about how to care for patients.
  • When he called at noon, her answering machine emitted a long series of beeps followed by a dial tone.
  • They test quirky gadgets and toys for grown ups in between answering calls from their satisfied pundits.
  • You let the phone ring twice before answering, lest you appear overly eager.
  • But this neednt be the end... the dvd release of Season6 will have bonus features and around a 20min feature of Hurley and Ben's story of how they protected the island as well as answering a few of the unsolved mysteries Hurley bird and Walt for example End of an Era... Thanks!
  • The dark-haired boy buried his face further into Sully's neck, answering Sully's sleepy inquiry with a incoherent mumble.
  • When they were finished, the names were called, and Eric, instead of quietly answering his "adsum," as he should have done, stood up, with a foolish look, and said, "Yes, sir. Eric, or Little by Little
  • There is no harm, however, in being able to adapt parts of these answers to particular questions providing you are answering the question.
  • Answering the siren call of Egypt once more, Amelia Peabody and her family arrive at their home in Luxor to learn of a new royal tomb ransacked by thieves. The Golden One: Summary and book reviews of The Golden One by Elizabeth Peters.
  • The long drawn out "ahoy" had scarcely died on their lips before it was answered by an equally long blast from the whistle, to which they responded by repeating the hail at brief intervals, each answering blast of the whistle telling them that the boat was drawing nearer, until at length the faint loom of the boat showed in the darkness, and a lantern was suddenly held high above a man's head. In Search of El Dorado
  • This article is an exploration to biomedical question-answering system. This system is composed of three primary aspects: problem processing, information retrieving and answer extracting.
  • I think ... although I'm willing to be wrong ... that answering the telephone by saying 'bueno' indicates that the line is good and the call has gone through. Mental glossary
  • An answering signal from Sauerkraut, whose expression insofar as sheep are capable of expression was resolute. Beginner’s Grace
  • Much remains to be learned about how respondents go about answering written questionnaires.
  • Do you use any of the following? Pager, Answering machine, Mobile phone, Car phone.
  • One view sought the origin of the crisis in the abstract and unrealistic demeanour of the rapidly evolving, mathematised neoclassical theory that was incapable of answering important economic policy questions.
  • One question (not so much to think about in adding to the testimony but possibly in terms of answering questions) is what sort of lines Congress could draw regarding cell phone location information, and what happens as the industry goes forward? The Volokh Conspiracy » Final Version of House Judiciary Committee Testimony on ECPA
  • The White House and Democrats in Congress -- threat and counterthreat over top Bush advisers answering questions about the firing of eight U.S. attorneys, over letting them answer or making them answer. CNN Transcript Mar 21, 2007
  • Don't bother answering it, it's one of those rhetorical posers.
  • She was reduced to working for a telephone answering service. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was one of those questions where answering correctly might be worse than pleading ignorance. Times, Sunday Times
  • When she was ready to go up to Muro, she knew that without those letters life in such a solitude would be well nigh unsupportable, whereas, being able to look forward to them, and to answering them, her hours of idleness were already a foretasted pleasure. Taquisara
  • These include things such as traffic jams, overcrowded public transport and call centres that seem incapable of answering our questions. The Sun
  • At Friday's presser for the film, he won over the mostly Italian crowd by answering questions in near-fluent Italian.
  • Buddy got up from the table without answering and walked duckfooted to the icebox. The Lost Get-Back Boogie
  • She heard a wolf baying at the moon, and another wolf answering.
  • The second years spent most of January giving us mock interviews and answering an unending stream of questions. Times, Sunday Times
  • I jumped for the telephone just as the message machine picked up, unplugging the recorder and frantically answering with a forced ‘Hello?’
  • I might have written more, if I'd not had to spend so much time reading and researching and answering questions about astrochemistry, spectroscopy, exogenesis, organic chemistry, and South Korean history. "Ko agi agi boroi tika oli oe lau?"*
  • Thank you as well for your patience and kindness in answering questions that have probably been asked on previous occasions. lsvgspepe Page 2
  • I mean, criminy, if not for her courageous failure to mention JFK, one would suspect she had Penn poll the question before answering it. Hillary Endorsed By String Of Weeklies In New Hampshire
  • Ignatius says, "Wubba blah," and then answers the question he feels like answering, rambling and rambling until Rather cuts him off and says that Obama should appoint a "persuader," someone who can "pick off" a conservative vote in a few cases. TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
  • Every aspect of Davies's managerial ability will be examined in answering those questions.
  • I may even get better at answering mails straight away rather than letting them mount up until I drop into a blue funk about the backlog.
  • I was still concerned enough to get up and disconnect my answering machine and computer, as I know people who have had their phone lines struck by lightning.
  • Only then did he notice the warning light blinking on his telephone answering machine. A SONG AT TWILIGHT
  • Test your knowledge about farm safety by answering the following questions.
  • You can leave a message on our answering machine.
  • Soames returned from answering the door accompanied by the young architect, Holdernesse.
  • That'd be three yesses. [Laughs.] But I was just thinking, as I was answering that, that when I'm writing for the theater, I write more in a filmic way.
  • As I see it, answering this question is key to preaching these pericopes.
  • Where there were six intendants of finance, each costing more than a million livres a year, Necker installed four salaried secretaries answering to him alone. Robert Morris
  • Answering his squadron commander's question was a Catch-22: he'd be lying if he answered no, and a coward if he answered yes. CHAINS OF COMMAND
  • So why should we shield him from answering their questions or facing their justice? The Sun
  • Now that's sensible, answering a distinct need.
  • The members were termed Wissenden, or initiated, answering to the modern prase of Illuminati. Anne of Geierstein
  • For example, the distributional tables outlining the impact of the GST were the most 'thumbed' part of the documentation, certainly by those Treasury officers answering phone queries. Peter Martin
  • We are sorry for not answering your letter sooner.
  • His finance minister was busy answering charges of bribery.
  • But the new leadership is based on choice, answering to nothing other than its own justification.
  • The ringing stopped and I could hear my answering machine click into action.
  • She didn't bother answering that, giving him a scathing look instead.
  • In the literature of the eighteenth century the warrant is inseparably associated with the short, incurvated service sword commonly known as the cutlass or hanger; but in the press-gang prints of the period the gangsmen are generally armed with stout clubs answering to Smollett's The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore
  • This is not a simple case of answering calls and providing directions or driving a smart vehicle. The Sun
  • There was an answering bleep, and Ziegler used a big handle to swing wide a heavy door on oiled hinges. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • When answering the counselor's question, "Where are you?" the counselee must have the freedom to correct any misapprehensions by saying, "No, not there; I am over here. Leading with our ears
  • When answering questions, take a few seconds to think through what the interviewer is really asking. The Sun
  • There is also that famous quote from Peter Cook answering the accusation that the 1960s satire boom was damaging to society.
  • This is the McGill Trivia Club, an organization dedicated to the most worthy pastime of answering difficult questions based on factoids from a wide range of categories.
  • His continuing absence goes a long way towards answering the first question. Times, Sunday Times
  • We apologize for the delay in answering your letter.
  • Casting his eye upon his own character, two things appeared to him: that he was very unpunctual, and that he disliked answering notes. The Voyage Out
  • Instead of answering my question he began to beat about the bush.
  • It's clear that he is locked in his own world now, from his careful - and almost always roundabout - way of answering questions to the faint, humbled tone with which he speaks.
  • So the question those experienced pilots should be answering, is how hard is it to hit a big building at all? 1000 Architects and Engineers
  • The Communications Attendant answers all incoming calls dialed to EMH, EMCH, ECD and BOC facilities, the Physician Answering Service and all internal healthcare system calls. - News
  • Not answering is not a way to get out of revealing information.
  • Hs mother cuddled him and at Wulfgar's answering call, the door was thrown aside and Sweyn charged in. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • The call thrilled an answering chord of defiance in every breast, and a low ominous murmur swept through the hall. The Grey Wig: Stories and Novelettes
  • Answering these questions may help institutions create a more seamless web of advising services.
  • If you're stumped, start by answering the following questions in your journal and look for rules in your answers.
  • Fortunately, Fay saves me from answering by handing me a scalding hot mug, filled with suspiciously dark looking tea.
  • Suggestion unanswering purpose fully what if competitor underbid at sacrifice which quite possible.
  • He tilted his head, his belled hat jingling faintly, when the king just sputtered, red-faced, instead of answering his question.
  • Answering the unseen interviewer, three peasant women reply, matter-of-factly, yet smiling, "I'm not sure what happiness means."
  • I says to him, 'I'm not answering your bloody questions,' I says, 'I've already told your girl out there, I'm not going to ruddy St Mary's and that's that.'
  • That stamp is the one answering the description in the catalog.
  • She is not answering our hails and has not decelerated.

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