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How To Use Answer for In A Sentence

  • Under this arrangement, the men of each village were organized into ‘tithings ' and expected to answer for each other's good behaviour.
  • Could the answer for dental plaque be a transplant, not of teeth but of genetically engineered bacteria?
  • If the borsholder could not find such a number to answer for their innocence, the decennary was compelled by fine to make satisfaction to the king, according to the degree of the offence. [ The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part A. From the Britons of Early Times to King John
  • And my justice shall answer for me tomorrow before thee, when the time of the bargain shall come; and all that is not of divers colours, and spotted, and brown, as well among the sheep as among the goats, shall accurse me of theft. The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete The Challoner Revision
  • Anyway, I DO care if other cyclists run red lights because I have to answer for their asshattery every time I talk to a cager about riding a bike. The Indignity of Commuting by Bicycle: Riding in Circles
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  • For, as he [a husband] is to answer for her [his wife's] misbehavior, the law thought it reasonable to intrust him with this power of restraining her, by domestic chastisement, in the same moderation that a man is allowed to correct his apprentices or children; for whom the master or parent is also liable in some cases to answer. 7 'Trivial Complaints:' The Role of Privacy in Domestic Violence Law and Activism in the U.S.
  • Time is relative - and Einstein has a lot to answer for.
  • Considering filly the infection of water to jet and the structure characteristic of oil wells be disused in shallow sea. Design linear shaped charge cutters of answer for the fact.
  • Even the timorous Lord Mayor, who was summoned that night before the Privy Council to answer for his conduct, came back contented; observing to all his friends that he had got off very well with a reprimand, and repeating with huge satisfaction his memorable defence before the Council, ‘that such was his temerity, he thought death would have been his portion.’ Barnaby Rudge
  • I believe that there are some moral situations that do not have a straightforward answer and I don't have a pat answer for this or any other moral issue.
  • The younger woman kept silent, wishing her mother would just give her a straight answer for a change and stop lecturing.
  • Do not forget that he is not the judge or jury; he merely suggests that there is a case to answer for a disciplinary tribunal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anne says she can answer for his ability to do the job well.
  • Answers a soapbox to vent your frustrations, rant, or otherwise violate the question and answer format.
  • That sister of yours has an awful lot to answer for.
  • So I have a few questions which y'all might be able to answer for me.
  • Convicted felon Roman Polanski, currently seeking refuge from the law in Switzerland, has issued an official public statement in regards to the push by the United States to have him extradited back to this country so that he can finally answer for his crimes and face punishment for his 1977 conviction of child rape. Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business » Blog Archive » Roman Polanski Issues A Public Statement On His Extradition
  • Over the years, I've come up with a pat answer for when this happens.
  • We are in a world in which the incoming Democratic President-elect is being asked questions by journalists about whether or not he has an answer for economist Paul Krugman on whether or not our New New Deal is big enough. Matthew Yglesias » Obama to Krugman: Show Me The Workable Ideas!
  • I agree, but I can't answer for my colleagues.
  • Despite approval by both the Tzelnira and the autarch, if the treaty agreement failed to provide for the best interests of the Coalition, Alizome would answer for it. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
  • I will answer for my friend.
  • [44] The farmers in Manjarabad invariably tack on the word "Gouda" to their names, and it seems to answer for our Mr. [45] The natives imagine that every man's fate is written in invisible characters on his forehead. Gold, Sport, and Coffee Planting in Mysore
  • I can certainly answer for her professionalism, and whole-heartedly recommend her to any employer.
  • They will have to answer for their actions if not here certainly hereafter.
  • This may be an answer for women who become resistant to current drugs. The Sun
  • How long would we have to live in sealed bunkers after nuclear war? cute answer for the first one. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 6075
  • While electric cars are being snuffed out, automakers are trotting out hybrid vehicles as the answer for fuel-economy-conscious consumers.
  • This will answer for a chisel.
  • Gypsum may be just the answer for reconditioning the soil, because it can be spread on the surface of the soil in the vegetable garden, the flowerbeds or on the lawn.
  • Unlike Ed and Tito, I'm just too lazy and disorganized* to commit to full album reviews; here is my answer for the lazy and disorganized among us. Musical
  • That was done because we noticed on the last problem set that they were copying the problems wrong from the book; they were getting the right answer for what they wrote down, but they miscopied.
  • He didn't answer for fear of hurting her.
  • Called on to answer for the unseemly fact of its existence in the midst of these modern centuries, when the world boasts of human freedom and progression, it began by blushing for its hideous aspect and uttering feeble and deprecative apologies. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 4, No. 6, December 1863 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • They have a lot to answer for in launching him as an ambassador of Scottish insobriety upon the world.
  • She knew every answer for each question and even wrote extra in her responses.
  • Their marriage will face tests and have them both wondering if matrimony was the best answer for them.
  • Spanish-American word ravaging our coasts and carrying off the pride of the youth has to answer for many such bridal parties, whose tours have been followed with pins and colored pencils and eyes more eager than those of mothers-in-law. Lippincott's Magazine, October 1885
  • Although I'm sure it's not the answer for every dog, it's worked miracles on our bull-headed pup! The Collar Debate: Pinch vs.
  • From childhood through adolescence, maxims are drilled into people; they get a manufactured answer for every question.
  • Of course there is one answer for rail travellers, and that would be a footbridge over the railway lines connecting the two platforms.
  • He has been treated in a cruel, inhumane and degrading manner, he wants the authorities to answer for that.
  • Yes — you must answer for it all because you turned up like this, because I am a blackguard, because I am the nastiest, stupidest, absurdest and most envious of all the worms on earth, who are not a bit better than I am, but, the devil knows why, are never put to confusion; while I shall always be insulted by every louse, that is my doom! Notes from Underground
  • France be so kind as to order me one half a dozen tombour worked Muslin hankerchiefs, 4 Ells Book Muslin, one pound of white threads, 12 Ells of light crimson caliminco with a peice of coarse cambrick and any light wollen stuff that will answer for winter gowns, half a dozen coulourd plumes and a small Box of flowers for Miss Nabby at her request to her pappa. Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 23 April 1781
  • Any man who to secure your real interests opposes your wishes and never speaks to get applause but deliberately chooses politics as his profession (a business in which chance exercises greater influence than human reason), being perfectly ready to answer for the caprices is a really brave and useful citizen. Authors of Greece
  • I can't answer for my colleagues, but I can manage a meeting next week.
  • I will answer for it that he will accomplish the task.
  • That sister of yours has an awful lot to answer for.
  • The old conveyances might have a lot to answer for but at least they attempted to use language precisely.
  • The weak-kneed do-gooders who apparently run this country have a lot to answer for.
  • I think some snarker needs to do another blog post over on the Cafe side about how Obama AGAIN has to answer for all things AA in America, apologize for it, renounce and reject it, etc. Hillary's Chief Strategist On Wright: It's Time To "Move On"
  • They switched from set speeches to a question - and - answer format.
  • It was party time. As time went on drink wasn't the answer for me, so I started experimenting with ‘E’ and speed and all the uppers.
  • It is entitled to compel the faithless fiduciaries to answer for their default according to their gain.
  • And as we celebrate the release of endangered bilbies behind a feral proof fence in Queensland, we'll ask whether conservation fences are really the answer for at-risk animals or merely a psychological fix for us humans.
  • If the system is fair, it would seem that G‑d should be required to answer for His "missteps" - at least as they impact our lives! Weekly Magazine [ Chukat-Balak 5769 - July 3, 2009 ]
  • You have a answer for every possible line of inquiry. You will convince him, via sheer willpower of your identity.
  • If you drive this car without a licence,you'll have to answer for the consequences!
  • They switched from set speeches to a question - and - answer format.
  • However, the Wizard was a scoring machine, piling up the points with a filthy array of finger rolls, dunks and trifectas that the Kings had no answer for
  • The new channel, said to be promoted by film producers and front-ranking artistes, is touted as an answer for video piracy, since it would hold the telecast rights for a certain period of time.
  • I will answer for it that he will accomplish the task.
  • He must be made to answer for his terrible crimes.
  • The "rheumatiz" has much to answer for all through English country-sides, but it never played a scurvier trick than in laying thee by the heels, when thou wast yet in a green old age. Tom Brown's Schooldays
  • I would like to suggest a more homiletic answer for our questions.
  • I mean, people say the trial is itself proof that things have changed, that there is a consensus that these were terrible crimes and that someone must answer for them.
  • You're having to answer for the vomitous lies you've been spewing for the last 10 years.
  • Leo had no need to answer for a voice now blared from the floor riveting everyone's attention. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Thus you are not ignorant of the singularly aphrodisiac effect produced by the Nepeta cataria, vulgarly called catmint, on the feline race; and, on the other hand, to quote an example whose authenticity I can answer for. Madame Bovary
  • In a second conference in the evening, under the same precautions, Giron agreed to remove his soldiers from the city, to give up eight of the most mutinous of his soldiers to the magistrates, and even to make compearance in person before the court to answer for his conduct during the mutiny. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels - Volume 05 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • The answer for these Iraqis is to have solid Americans sponsor them. Waldo Jaquith - Iraqis betrayed.
  • But if he fails in faithfulness which by his oath he is bound unto, then he must answer for it. Corruption in Government
  • Under this arrangement, the men of each vill were organized into ‘tithings' and expected to answer for each other's good behaviour.
  • That is because the viewers have changeless, timeless needs that candid camera shows provide an answer for -- whether it's basic malicious joy, schadenfreude (pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others), the feeling that our daily life can become a joke (whatever this is), candid camera shows supply it. Omri Marcus: Why TV Genres Never Really Die
  • No hosteler or herbergeour might entertain a stranger longer than a day and a night, unless he undertook to answer for his guest's behaviour, and he was left in no uncertainty as to the course of conduct he was expected to pursue towards the always undesirable alien. The Customs of Old England
  • Their coach must answer for the team's poor performance.
  • Thanks for making this point, which I quite agree with, but which was left out of my original answer for lack of space.
  • He looked down into his own snifter and didn't answer for a little while.
  • Question Answering System for Reading Comprehension (QARC) can automatically analyze a passage of natural language text and generate an answer for each question based on information in the passage.
  • Do not forget that he is not the judge or jury; he merely suggests that there is a case to answer for a disciplinary tribunal. Times, Sunday Times
  • The answer for Swindon is to reduce the cost of bus fares to make public transport more attractive.
  • I then moved for the enlargement of our privileges, and lessening of our customs, especially at Baroach, and that we might have a daily bazar or market at the water side, where we might purchase beef for our people, according to the _firmaun_ already granted by the Mogul, and because other flesh did not answer for them. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 09 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • If you own more than one type of vacuum cleaner, please answer for each cleaner that you own.
  • SEATTLE - Jorge Posada has a stock answer for his sizzling offensive start: " It's early.
  • She didn't answer for a moment and Reese imagined what she was thinking: yup, that's pretty much the definition of dead, all right. T2®: THE FUTURE WAR
  • If the rewashing thing doesn't work, steam is definitely the answer for reshaping wool, so if you do ever invest in an iron, make sure it can get a good cloud up.
  • School psychologists should advocate for any high ability student who demonstrates uncanny ability or potential to make a mark in an academic field, even if their IQ score falls below the school district's cut-score; there is no single right answer for what IQ threshold or percentage of students should be identified as gifted, and the numbers can change depending upon changing criteria of academic excellence and available resources. Scott Barry Kaufman, Ph.D.: Who Is Currently Identified as Gifted in the United States?
  • While relating the habits and customs of the Gualala, whose homes were near Fort Ross, he describes what he calls the gambling game of "_wi_ and _tep_" and says that one description with slight variations will answer for nearly all the tribes of central and southern California. Indian Games : an historical research
  • When we pass through the inexorable gates of the future; when we pass through that vestibule where death stands opening his everlasting gates as widely to the pauper as to the king; when we pass out here into the _dim mysteries of the future_, to confront, it may be, the interrogations of the Eternal, -- I apprehend _every man's responsibility will go with him_, and no second-hand opinions will answer for us. "[ Modern Atheism under its forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws
  • Come forth, coward, and answer for your crimes!
  • Those were not moments of great concord, so I don't know how to answer for those decisions.
  • Penrose had an answer to why large things don't appear in superposition (the more the mass, the faster to Objective Reduction (OR) due to gravitational energy), but he didn't have a ready answer for why observations caused OR. Damn Duck
  • Alexander Mowdiewort, or Moldieward, to answer for the sin of misca'in 'the minister and session o' this parish, and to show cause why he, as a sectary notour, should not demit, depone, and resign his office of grave digger in the kirk-yard of this parish with all the emoluments, benefits, and profits thereto appertaining. The Lilac Sunbonnet
  • The slender youth, groom or poacher — he might answer for either — with his short coat and gaitered legs, was sitting on a low horizontal bough, with his shoulder against the trunk. Uncle Silas
  • When any person, in any tithing or decennary, was guilty of a crime, the borsholder was summoned to answer for him; and if he were not willing to be surety for his appearance, and his clearing himself, the criminal was committed to prison, and there detained till his trial. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part A. From the Britons of Early Times to King John
  • The old, and now much condemned, low-carbohydrate method of dieting had much to answer for in making social eaters fat.
  • He turns his attention to the tabloid press: 'Some have a lot to answer for. Times, Sunday Times
  • She must answer for her actions
  • I'm not sure a mobile library is the answer for the elderly.
  • Just the answer for those couples who cannot agree on such leisure time issues. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was, without question, what the managers wanted, and so his trouble began: for, on the 30th of July following, "the lords of council order letters to be directed, to charge William Gordon of Earlstoun to compear before them -- to answer for his seditious and factious carriage:" that was, his refusing to comply with prelacy, and hear the curates, and for his favouring and hearing the outed ministers. Biographia Scoticana (Scots Worthies) A Brief Historical Account of the Lives, Characters, and Memorable Transactions of the Most Eminent Scots Worthies
  • I suspect the appropriate answer for a true bibliophile, someone who gives books as physical objects the full love and respect they deserve, is Bookmark. Brian Ruckley · When in Doubt, Meme
  • That means demanding that they answer for their lies, hypocrisy and profane behavior, just as much as we must answer for ours.
  • The republicans are interested in sowing disinformation, fear and hatred and they have a lot to answer for – they have destroyed our democratic discourse, first with 8 years of Bush who DID lie, about real things like fake weapons of mass destruction, who DID abuse power by saying yes to tapping the phones of the public and torture – while Obama has done nothing of the sort – the republican ploy is to accuse others of what THEY themselves are doing. Wilson says no more apologies for outburst against president
  • The trade unions have been largely silent and it was felt that the media had a lot to answer for in this department.
  • He says:It's a simple answer for most of them: to get them into workHe rejects the amendment, which he calls a "wrecking amendment" designed to make a policy unworkable: "It's the same as not having a cap at all. Welfare reform bill: household benefit cap Lords debate - Monday 23 January
  • Like a good many other people I still believe that organophosphates have a lot to answer for.
  • Alfred Jarry has a lot to answer for: his Ubu Roi (1896) ushered in a fleet of absurdist dramas, beginning with Ionesco and ending (I hope) with the Goons. The Taming of the Shrew; The Trial of Ubu; Our New Girl – review
  • She didn't answer for the simple reason that she couldn't think of anything to say.
  • And, when it does, the man can expect to have to answer for some real doozies.
  • If the price of oil does drop, along with Mexico's production, the country's nearsighted politicians will have a lot to answer for.
  • Multiplicity amusingly saw cloning as the answer for the businessman who was forced to spend too much time at work.
  • But listen up, hotel industry, and I'll give you the answer for free.
  • The interview was written in a question and answer format.
  • Remember, that thou must answer for every idle word, that in multiloquy, the wisest man shall overshoot himself. The Practice of Piety: Directing a Christian How to Walk, that He May Please God.
  • DVT class is bad, and arguably, the airlines have a lot to answer for, having the cheek to squash us in to such a restricted space.
  • If the key point has to do with consensuality, with the observation that rape is a subset of non-consentual intercourse, then the “right” answer for our hypothetical would be [as an ethical stand] no abortion except for pregnancies resulting from non-consensual intercourse, with the legal language as needed to cover the extension of rape beyond the felony rape predicates, such as the examples of incest which you mention. Those Rape and Incest Exceptions
  • He'll have to answer for every trog preacher in the Republican pantheon, and god knows there's a lot of em. Obama: "I'm Not Vetting My Pastor"
  • In the first two expressions, she multiplied before dividing, getting 9 as an answer for the first expression and 6 for the second.
  • If rules of behaviour are flouted, those responsible must answer for their actions.
  • The trade unions have been largely silent and it was felt that the media had a lot to answer for in this department.
  • The adviser who put you into the income drawdown scheme has a lot to answer for. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't think edification is the answer for ignorance, it may require a heart transplant. Death Panels, ObamaCare and Health Reform
  • It seems he has to answer for it, because he's what they call the administrator, and Mr. Eldon can compel him to make it all good again. ' Demos
  • If you drive this car without a licence,you'll have to answer for the consequences!
  • So are retail bonds the answer for hard-pressed savers? Times, Sunday Times
  • I want the answer for the crozzword puzzle "Grows at the edge of a lake"? zxcvbnm is the most searched meaning less word in net then what means "asdfghjkl"? en Español Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • I'll answer for it that this man is honest.
  • I don't know that we will ever know the answer for sure to this, but a lot are pointing to this treatment known as hypothermia, which is cooling down the spinal cord and cooling down of the bloodstream. CNN Transcript Dec 21, 2007
  • They seem to have no answer for sustained habitat loss due to human encroachment.
  • I do not have an answer for this problem, except to note that it emphasizes the need for a comprehensive early warning system which will tell the regulator that an early clampdown is needed. Different Drummers
  • Question Answering System for Reading Comprehension (QARC) can automatically analyze a passage of natural language text and generate an answer for each question based on information in the passage.
  • Society has a lot to answer for, we all have a responsibility to children.
  • Insulation is a meaningful answer for new construction but for existing buildings this is quite limited in applicability since much that could be imagined turns out to be quite cost prohibitive. Wonk Room » Conservatives Falsely Assert That Green Economy Legislation Would Impose $3,100 Tax On Families
  • 'abundance of art, to be sure she has; for I'll answer for it, this intrigue with a footman is not the first by many; but, poor woman, her charms are in their wane now, so the man is a substitute for the master.' The Castle of Wolfenbach
  • Is this really the answer for Scotland, which boasts some of the greatest salmon streams in the world?
  • Biron! "said the king, thus by a single word annulling all his dignities, and sending him before his proper judges to answer for his treasons. A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 5
  • I am much deceived if this be not abominable fustian, that is, thoughts and words ill-sorted, and without the least relation to each other; yet I dare not answer for an audience, that they would not clap it on the stage: so little value there is to be given to the common cry, that nothing but madness can please madmen, and the poet must be of a piece with the spectators, to gain a reputation with them. The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 06
  • So I have a few questions which y'all might be able to answer for me.
  • He would have brushed me off, made me answer for my tone - but not argued with me, not matched me shout for shout.
  • I don't think we want to try to impose on this realm a single metaphysic which presumes to have an answer for all things in all times and for all people.
  • One answer for the guy with no time for a proper hunting trip is a weekend hunt at a game ranch.
  • I can't seem to see a clear answer for this conundrum and therefore it sidetracks me and taunts me.
  • The answer for most was the multi-faceted world of experiments in expression that we call modernism.
  • Under the Guarantee Boot agreed to answer for Construction's performance and observance of the Main Contract ‘according to the true purport intent and meaning thereof’.
  • You shall stand before him to answer for the conspiracy to destroy his beloved sons!
  • This tool will answer for our needs.
  • Prison is not the answer for most young offenders.
  • I can certainly answer for her professionalism, and whole-heartedly recommend her to any employer.
  • Yes -- you must answer for it all because you turned up like this, because I am a blackguard, because I am the nastiest, stupidest, absurdest and most envious of all the worms on earth, who are not a bit better than I am, but, the devil knows why, are never put to confusion; while I shall always be insulted by every louse, that is my doom! Notes from the Underground
  • He must be made to answer for his terrible crimes.

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