- the absence of ovulation due to immaturity or post-maturity or pregnancy or oral contraceptive pills or dysfunction of the ovary
How To Use anovulation In A Sentence
- Infertility, generally resulting from chronic anovulation lack of ovulation Regular Exercise Prior to IVF Treatment Lowers Success Rate
- So as soon as you manage the stress, whether it's through meditation or acupuncture or therapy or you know, some kind of toxicity, toxic relationship is going on, as soon as you manage the stress, the anovulation will stop -- will frequently resolve. CNN Transcript Jun 30, 2007
- Thyroid stimulating hormone, testosterone, and prolactin concentrations need be checked only if cycles are irregular or absent, suggesting anovulation, galactorrhoea, or symptoms of thyroid disorder.
- Being underweight and exercising excessively can increase the risk of anovulation, subfertility, and intrauterine growth retardation in pregnancy
- Also, as there is a problem of anovulation the ovary does not produce eggs every month, hence the girl suffers from irregular periods (usually delayed) scanty or heavy flow and often has difficulty in conceiving. - Articles related to Don't eat for two, pregnant women told
- There is also a high chance that women who receive treatment for anovulation will produce twins or multiple births. Chapter 21
- Withdrawal bleeding after progestational challenge, along with normal PRL and TSH level, demonstrate amenorrhea caused by anovulation.
- Now while it is true that the commonest cause for anovulation is PCOD, the other common diagnosis which needs to be ruled out is premature ovarian failure. Medlogs - Recent stories
- Thyroid stimulating hormone, testosterone, and prolactin concentrations need be checked only if cycles are irregular or absent, suggesting anovulation, galactorrhoea, or symptoms of thyroid disorder.
- But one of the most common causes of infertility is anovulation, which means the hormones that are secreted by the pituitary are a little bit out of, you know, balance. CNN Transcript Jun 30, 2007