How To Use Anovulant In A Sentence

  • Propecia, an exam paper, offers a fuzz deprivation communication dedication in the throw of a anovulant. Article directories Celibataire Urbaine
  • Just as the Church does not condemn a woman's using an anovulant pill for purely therapeutic purposes, even though one of its effects is contraceptive, so the Church should not condemn a man for using a condom to protect his wife from his AIDS, even though one of its effects is contraceptive. Why the condom debate is big for the Church
  • - seasonally polyestrous: - responds to increasing light, and longer days - season is spring to summer - cycles approximately every 22 day during this season (3 weeks) - doesn't cycle in off-season - "summer is happy time" - between seasons she becomes irregular with her cycles Natural Spring Breeding Transition Season Anovulantory Season Fall Transition 25 Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • For these reasons, the therapeutic use of anovulants is not an act that would violate the first condition of the principle of the double effect.
  • By issuing it, he had rejected the majority recommendation of the commission he had appointed to study an issue so sensitive that he had withdrawn it from consideration by the Second Vatican Council; many Catholics, who had already begun using the anovulant pill introduced in the late 1950s, had eagerly expected the Church's teaching to follow suit. Archive 2006-01-01
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  • Depo-Provera is a brilliantly effective anovulant if the injections reliably occur every twelve weeks.
  • At the midpoint of the last century science produced the anovulant pill, which quickly gained worldwide attention and widespread use.
  • A renewed challenge to the Church's teaching came with the approval of the anovulant pill in 1960.
  • Even when taking contraceptives or anovulants, the number of ovules that we ourselves can use reduces gradually.
  • In the 1950's there began to be developed an anovulant pill, which was found capable of being used as a pre-coital type of artificial birth prevention.
  • The common factor is that all these are anovulants and therefore are equally good at stopping ectopics and intrauterine conceptions.
  • The oral anovulant contraceptive pill had been developed privately with her assistance.
  • My main response has been to point out that contraception in such a case is neither a means to prophylaxis nor need be intended as an additional end; therefore, by the principle of double effect, prophylactic condom use as such cannot be condemned as intentionally contraceptive, any more than use of an anovulant pill for purely therapeutic reasons can be so condemned. The Catholic condom debate II
  • During the 1950s, Sanger joined forces with another prominent American Jew to produce the oral, anovulant birth control pill. Birth Control Movement in the United States.
  • In the 1960s, the Church faced increasing pressure regarding the use of contraceptive means with the marketing of the anovulant pill.
  • Nowadays, that usually involves some form of human artifice: e.g., sterilization, anovulant or abortifacient pills, and barrier methods. Archive 2006-05-01
  • Papal teaching had also affirmed the licitness of using anovulants (birth control pills) to regulate the menstrual cycle so that conception might be avoided more successfully by couples practicing the rhythm method of contraception.

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