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How To Use Anorexic In A Sentence

  • Most nuns fasted to keep the rule: the anorexics fasted to break it.
  • I think maybe the key is emphasizing Stages 2 and 3 of Maudsley, so insurers don't see it only as a cheap way to refeed anorexics. Is Maudsley cheaper?
  • Mostly it was full of anorexic patients, but once in a while I would see this one obese lady in the waiting room. Times, Sunday Times
  • Drug addicts, alcoholics, bulimics, anorexics, and sex addicts line up to claim social causes of their problems.
  • Meanwhile, one group of patients continues to worry clinicians and researchers: adults with anorexia, estimated to make up about 35 percent of anorexic patients.
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  • The original had a thin premise and an anorexic plot, but delivered brilliantly choreographed fight scenes and downplayed gun violence.
  • On the cover of the novel is a photo of an anorexic young Johnny with earring and guitar; inside is his portrait of the faltering and the fameless. Lethem Heads West, Takes It Easy
  • The irony gets a little heavy-handed - one of the baldies discovers love while picking up an anorexic chick in the hospital cafeteria - but the sentiment is genuine.
  • It has been alleged these women have anorexia - as have countless other celebs over the years - so are we suggesting it is good to be anorexic?
  • Some anorexics combine fasting with occasional binges, followed by self-induced purging or vomiting.
  • Some of the youngest sufferers are the children of anorexics and bulimics, many of whom raise their families with bizarre attitudes towards food.
  • Erin had been a very thin and somewhat sickly girl, supposedly anorexic or bulimic.
  • Dr. Katzman, the chief researcher, and her team are studying 50 recovered anorexics who were diagnosed during their teens.
  • Massage reduced anxiety in depressed children and anorexic women.
  • HILTON: I had Nicole Richie come up to me in the coffee shop that I work at sometimes and come straight to my face and say, "Hey, call my anorexic to my face. CNN Transcript Jul 3, 2008
  • University experts in Sheffield have scooped £10,000 to help anorexics overcome their eating disorders with the creation of ‘early intervention’ clinics.
  • In the case of an anorexic patient, the guardian would approve resuscitation and psychiatric interventions.
  • Arguably, an insatiable quest for perfection might be said to characterize not only most anorexics but most designers, too.
  • It is not "pro anorexic" to suggest somebody eat less food, but how far should this pendulum swing? orthorexic. Diet Blog
  • The anorexic will need to eat regular meals with healthy snacks between each meal. Beyond Chaotic Eating
  • For the parent struggling to help anorexic teenager every week is Eating Disorders Awareness Week.
  • They are not anorexic like the models and veejays who seem to click with big city youth.
  • Amazingly tall and thin, but not anorexic in the way that some of the papers would have us all believe, she oozes charm from every pore, holding court beside the director of the film Anthony Minghella.
  • Can you even be anorexic and bulimic at the same time?
  • At first he describes her as "anorexic" -- but then he clarifies: Ilana Teitelbaum: The Girl Who Read Enough of Stieg Larsson
  • Yet, her arms were so thin and bony that Sandra was reminded of the anorexic girl from her math class, the one that dreamed of being a ballerina, but later on had to be hospitalized for her food disorder.
  • Ongoing inpatient psychotherapy helps to dismantle the anorexic belief system.
  • Some researchers believe that anorexics use the restriction of food to self-medicate painful feelings and distressing moods.
  • Drug addicts, alcoholics, bulimics, anorexics, and sex addicts line up to claim social causes of their problems.
  • The anorexic woman feels that the smaller she is, the less room she leaves inside to be attacked internally. Eating Problems: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Treatment Model
  • As with fasting, excessive exercise releases endorphins in the brain which causes the anorexic to feel "high". Beyond Chaotic Eating
  • Show an anorexic patient a picture of a forest, he says, and they will often narrow it down to the fine detail of trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • A thread about Congress being for sale for $38 million and freeman tosses an anorexic manged squirrel out. Think Progress » Health insurers spent $38 million lobbying Congress in 2009.
  • The images of emaciation portrayed in so many magazines by anorexic models and young stars make me so angry.
  • Restrictive eating and overexercise contribute to the maintenance of anorexic thinking," says study author James Loch, MD, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University. Is family-based therapy best for teens with anorexia?
  • When I was at college there was a girl who went around telling everyone that she was anorexic.
  • But thin is not always synonymous with anorexic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ‘subject’ under analysis is Nyasha, the anorexic, teenage deuteragonist of Tsitsi Dangarembga's 1988 novel Nervous Conditions.
  • Women with bulimic or anorexic female relatives are four to five times more likely to develop the disorder, and twin studies reveal that the genetic risk factor may be as high as 58 percent.
  • Now, we just need a title featuring a Pro-Anorexic character and someone with Self-Diagnosed Aspergers'. Emo is dead, thanks to Marvel Comics. | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • The lower her weight the more impaired the anorexic's thinking becomes. Beyond Chaotic Eating
  • The yellow lights on their anorexic columns look mad, like cyclopean triffids, very thin, very tall.
  • This behavior is similar to those who suffer from anorexia or bulimia nervosa, except that anorexics and bulimics are concerned with the quantity of food consumed; whereas, orthorexics are concerned with the quality.
  • She claims she was an alcoholic by the age of three and an anorexic by thirteen.
  • Some anorexics combine fasting with occasional binges, followed by self-induced purging or vomiting.
  • I have never been diagnosed as anorexic but I went through a period of not eating much, during which time my weight went down to 6 and a half stone.
  • But with the iron self-discipline typical of anorexics, she kept cutting back her food intake until she weighed just over 39 kg and lacked the energy to move.
  • Don't want to be classified as bulimic or anorexic. Girls' Hanging Out
  • Looking at contexts where lightness is celebrated in music, literature and the arts one writer suggests anorexic behaviour is more than a pattern of psychiatric symptoms.
  • These anorexic bulimic diet pill and diarrhea ridden mental cases basically lose the whole nipple and most of the areole. : Spoof News : Front Page
  • The anorexic girl just picks at her food
  • Candice almost finks out of helping by saying she's ‘got to work with anorexics.’
  • Many entertainment celebrities are underweight, some anorexically so.
  • Honestly, I am sick being called anorexic or walking stick for being in size 2 and fit. Jessica Simpson Thanks Fans For Support During Weight Gain Scandal
  • Anorexics are under increased pressure to eat whilst bulimics feel there is too much in the way of exotic and luscious foods on offer.
  • She was bordering on anorexic and her tiny breasts sagged beneath her shirt.
  • The denial of needs and food and the wish to transform oneself are most strikingly manifested in the anorexic woman. Eating Problems: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Treatment Model
  • As an anorexic, I looked down on people who ate heartily; I think orthorexics like being awkward and see people who eat what I would term ‘rubbish’ food as weak and unhealthy.
  • Tonight, why so many people are actually defending this 19-year-old super-thin Australian beauty contestant, who is being called anorexic? CNN Transcript Apr 30, 2009
  • Although she vomited 3 to 11 times a day, she was never classified as bulimic because she did not binge, and her weight was never low enough to be anorexic. NYT > Home Page
  • February 04, 2009 at 12:35 PM eternal sunshine? the anorexic dancer and the paul rudd lookalike in center stage? Movies with damaged girls and devoted boys
  • Here we took in my daughter-in-law's cats as she moved to D.C. to be with him during the Christmas holiday and they have to find an apartment or a house. 8 year old littermates, one anorexic, the other it's cat puke by the gallons. Nothing says "Merry Christmas, owners!"...
  • However, the underlying motivation is quite different - while an anorexic wants to lose weight, an orthorexic wants to feel pure, healthy and natural," Bratman stated on his website. Stories from The Sun
  • Low-slung pants too tight above exposed midsections create an impression of corpulence for all but the anorexic woman. The Consensus-Driven Society « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • He eventually became anorexic and then bulimic.
  • It is not even precipitate to say that our chances of European qualification are slim, going on anorexic.
  • Earlier at the hospital, we were informed that Samantha had been anorexic and bulimic.
  • I think if you looked for people with eating disorders with a bulimic component, either bulimic anorexics or bulimia nervosa, then you're looking at a higher rate, something nearer to 50%.
  • The difference is that the anorexic young woman has anorexic thinking and feeling influencing every decision and action in her life. She is often very afraid.
  • Throughout this period she had been intermittently feverish, anorexic and very much not herself.
  • Beef should be marbled, I hate anorexic pieces of beef.
  • A group treatment program was designed for anorexic clients attending a multidisciplinary, outpatient eating disorders clinic in a general hospital.
  • There are lots of anorexics and bulimics in this business.
  • Gisele doesnt look skinnier she looks waaaaaaaaaaay tooo skinny its called anorexic Subzero Blue
  • Well, believe it or not, new research suggests that some people are tanorexic, addicted to what they call a tanner's high. CNN Transcript Jul 13, 2004
  • The most popular woman in America is the anorexic Keira Knightly (8 shots), followed by the dipsomaniacal Lindsay Lohan (5) and the multi-cultural Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce Knowles (4 each). Ed Kosner: Just like US
  • Families are distressed by the anorexic behavior, which resists both entreaties and threats.
  • The self-confessed 'tanorexic' became hooked at 15. The Sun
  • Some of the hormones in the hypothalamus are different in anorexics compared with normals, supporting this notion.
  • So the superficially more relaxed atmosphere at home did nothing to modify my anorexic behaviour.
  • Most anorexics do recover, after all: somehow, and despite the violence visited on them in the name of therapy, the physical and psychological invasion, they recover, fatten, compromise.
  • Ranging from obese and untalented to anorexic and untalented to mannish and untalented, these actresses represent every image any man has ever thought of to keep himself from getting aroused.
  • While an anorexic wants to lose weight, an orthorexic wants to feel pure, healthy and natural. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » When Healthy Eating Becomes an Obsession
  • Other variations of eating disorders occur, such as purging without bingeing, chewing and spitting without purging, and anorexic behavior with less severe weight loss.
  • She raised one of those pointlessly anorexic cigarettes to her pouting lips and leaned in closer to me.
  • The tabloids claimed she had become anorexic, and blamed the fashion industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are more likely than anorexics to abuse drugs and alcohol or have problems with the law.
  • The anorexic will need to eat regular meals with healthy snacks between each meal. Beyond Chaotic Eating
  • The truth is, 40 percent of anorexics relapse within four years.
  • In the meantime, despite the anorexic pickings currently being offered us, we still need to honor our duty as citizens by heading to the polls on Election Day.
  • If agoraphobia is indeed the problem we are led to believe it is for Stef Penney, then in this book you have the literary equivalent of the anorexic cooking up a dinner party for twenty. 57 entries from March 2007
  • She has never had a period; at eleven she was diagnosed as anorexic and hospitalised for ten weeks.
  • The most serious anorexics can have a BMI as low as seven.
  • For the parent struggling to help anorexic teenager every week is Eating Disorders Awareness Week.
  • Some anorexics need to be hospitalized and administered intravenous fluids.
  • A chewer and spitter might be classified as bulimic, Dr. Striegel-Moore said; an almost-anorexic would fall under binge eating disorder. NYT > Home Page
  • Manchester's only specialist clinic for anorexics and bulimics with potentially fatal conditions is under threat of closure to save NHS cash.
  • They will say I am becoming anorexic, which is miles from the truth. Fast way to better health | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • No matter how thin the anorexic gets, she sees herself as fat and stops at nothing to get thinner.
  • After all, who actually thinks of anorexic models as carrying the banner for what constitutes today's ideal? Times, Sunday Times
  • They have to be above 5 ft 6 inches and must be thin, not anorexic though.
  • KNIGHTLEY: They went, How does it feel to be always called anorexic? CNN Transcript Sep 1, 2006
  • Leave has been granted where, for example, a local authority is seeking authorization for medical treatment of a severely anorexic child in care.
  • Bruch suggests that a significantly large proportion of anorexics are eldest or elder daughters.
  • Everything about the film is ill judged, miscast and intellectually anorexic.
  • There is the good-looking guy, the Muslim, the gay, the anorexic, the virgin, and a night-clubber in love of his teacher. Galactica Promo | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Anorexics tend to be obsessional and perfectionist.
  • People with cancer may have an increased need for zinc, and anorexics may not receive adequate dietary sources of zinc.
  • All the tanorexic sees is the tan. Times, Sunday Times
  • An anorexic who for years has been doing a ‘good job’ at being anorexic is hiding in plain sight all the time. She's thin, but not skeletal.
  • Some anorexics need to be hospitalized and administered intravenous fluids.
  • About 3% of these go too far, and become anorexic or bulimic
  • It is not unusual for a recovering anorexic to go through a period of chaotic eating. Beyond Chaotic Eating
  • Her 13-year-old daughter, Lianna, comes home from school and tells her mother about all the wannabe anorexics and bulimics obsessing about food.
  • Though the anorexic women performed no worse than the control group on vision tests, their foveae were 7% thinner and 46% less electrically active, possibly indicating a greater risk for vision impairment in the future. Common Hormone Worsens Pain in the Long Term, Study
  • Without them, there would still be the same number of anorexics because it isn't about the sites, it's about the weight and state of mind.
  • The only people who are obsessed with food are anorexics and the morbidly obese, and that, in erotic terms, is the Catholic Church in a nutshell. Lance Mannion:
  • Other similarities between the suicide and the anorexic seem to me to relate to the individual's reactions to an impinging world.
  • When it came to anorexic or bulimic girls, I wouldn't book them until they got better.
  • Both the anorexic and the mystic are impervious to this simple chain of events.
  • With anorexics it is more noticeable, as the weight loss is usually much more sudden and severe.
  • About 20% of anorexics eventually die while 40% recover and the remainder continue to suffer for years.
  • Dr Bratman believes that people who are obsessed with eating ‘healthily’ have a real problem, and should be taken as seriously as an anorexic or bulimic.
  • The anorexic tends to be sensitive and a deep thinker who takes things very seriously and personally. Beyond Chaotic Eating
  • Other similarities between the suicide and the anorexic seem to me to relate to the individual's reactions to an impinging world.
  • The anorexic needs to take control of her body to try to get rid of the terrible flaw she feels exists. Beyond Chaotic Eating
  • Not eating makes an anorexic feel in control.
  • To us lard-buckets, it's pretty obvious that we're happier than the anorexic ranks of the "hangry" (hungry/angry.) The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • About 1/3 are anorexic or bulemic, the other 2/3 are binge eaters/overeaters. Why Live?
  • She was also possibly anorexic or bulemic and addicted to opiates to deal with the hollowness of her life. Archive 2008-09-01

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