How To Use Anopheles In A Sentence
The anopheles mosquito, carrying the scourge of malaria, was the unwitting executioner of thousands of European soldiers sent to garrisons in the West Indies, Africa, or India.
For that we can thank the fortitude of American forces under George Washington, the siegecraft of French troops of Gen. Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, the count of Rochambeau - and the relentless bloodthirstiness of female Anopheles quadrimaculatus mosquitoes.
Malarial mosquitoes helped defeat British in battle that ended Revolutionary War
Objective To establish Anopheles minimus density evaluation model based on climate, environmental and remote sensing data.
Some types of the anopheles mosquito transmit malaria to humans.
The words axumphoron (inexpedient), anopheles (unprofitable), alusiteles (unadvantageous), akerdes (ungainful).
Therefore, Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes (Sda500 strain) were raised at 28°C, 75% humidity, under a 13/11 h light/dark cycle and maintained on 10% sucrose solution and 10 µg para-aminobenzoic acid in a standard insectary.
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Most people get malaria by being bitten by an infected female Anopheles mosquito.
Objective To establish Anopheles minimus density evaluation model based on climate, environmental and remote sensing data.
Among a dozen mosquito types in Milan, experts are keeping a close eye out for the anopheles mosquito which is capable of transmitting malaria.
In 1899, led by Giovanni Batista Grassi, a team of Italian investigators collected Anopheles claviger mosquitoes and fed them on malarial patients.
SOCRATES: The words axumphoron (inexpedient), anopheles (unprofitable), alusiteles (unadvantageous), akerdes (ungainful).
Objective To compare the effects of colony oviposition and single tube oviposition for improving the reproductive rate of Anopheles anthropophagus .
Some have suggested that they could be used to spread desirable genes, such as refractoriness to Plasmodium infection, through target populations of Anopheles gambiae, thereby disabling the mosquito's ability to transmit malaria.
It is true that he hints at marshes near Cotrone, and, indeed, large tracts of south Italy are described as marshy by the ancients; they may well have harboured the anopheles mosquito from time immemorial, but it does not follow that they were malarious.
Old Calabria
The institute breeds aedes, anopheles and culex mosquitoes used in research toward development of repellents, drugs and vaccines to protect service members from such diseases as dengue fever, malaria and encephalitis.
Of the thousands of mosquito types, only the genus anopheles transmits malaria to humans.
Malaria is generally a tropical disease transmitted by the bite of an infected female anopheles mosquito.
The sporozoites, injected by the infected female Anopheles mosquito, are carried to the liver, where they undergo asexual forms known as exoerythrocytic schizogony to form merozoites. - Articles related to Africa making dramatic strides in malaria fight
Anopheles mosquitoes type of mosquitoes that may transmit malaria and rural filariasis arbovirus an arthropod-borne virus, i.e. a virus that is transmitted by insects, ticks or mites bilharziasis see: schistosomiasis cost-effectiveness analysis
Chapter 4
Anopheles claviger mosquitoes and fed them on malarial patients.
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Millions of people die each year from malaria, which is transmitted through the bite of the anopheles mosquito.
Malaria is a serious illness transmitted by the ‘bite’ of the female Anopheles mosquito which has parasitic protozoa of the genus plasmodium falciparum, plasmodium malariae, plasmodium vivax.
Here's the story: Every year, the federal government of Peru sends money -- accounts vary as to whether it's $2 million U.S. or up to perhaps $5 million U.S. -- to Iquitos for the spraying of mosquitos that carry malaria (genus Anopheles) and dengue (most often Aedes aegypti).
Peter Gorman: Dengue in Iquitos Peru
The Toxo mosquito, when in a larvae state, has the nature to feed on the comparatively smaller sized anopheles and culex larvae.
The plasmodia cells live in the stomach of the female Anopheles mosquito.
Anopheles mosquitoes type of mosquitoes that may transmit malaria and rural filariasis arbovirus an arthropod-borne virus, i.e. a virus that is transmitted by insects, ticks or mites bilharziasis see: schistosomiasis cost-effectiveness analysis
Chapter 4
But German malariologist Erich Martini had studied the habits of the local malaria vector, Anopheles labranchiae, in depth, and he knew that inundating the region with the Mediterranean's salty waters would allow A. labranchiae, which can thrive in brackish water, to flourish.