How To Use Anomaly In A Sentence

  • Perret considers this dispatch an anomaly: "It stands alone, unsupported, unrepeated."
  • Would you enjoy being a quintuplet in the early 20th century when, as a reproductive anomaly, the simple fact of your existence made your family a freak show.
  • Let's watch a massive magnetic anomaly. Times, Sunday Times
  • They also receive small doses from the radiation that is naturally trapped around Earth in the ionosphere and the Van Allen radiation belts, particularly near the South Atlantic Anomaly.
  • Senior executives such as Sallie Krawcheck, head of global wealth and investment manag ement at Bank of America Corp., and Heidi Miller, head of international operations at J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., are still a statistical anomaly. Ranks of Women on Wall Street Thin
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  • Initial indications are that the basic rocks responsible for the gravity anomaly are more extensive than originally mapped.
  • Constructing the normal model is the key of anomaly detection.
  • It was, they might concede, yes,  for now, genuinely quite interesting; a bit of an anomaly, but we had all the time in the world and there was nothing particularly at stake - or if you like there was   something very particular at stake, the anomaly bit, but it would soon be an anomaly no more and no rush about it. Encasement
  • So you are saying that the big difference between positing an intelligent designer to explain an anomaly and positing fairies is that former is done by IDists, while the latter is merely a caricature? Bradley Monton's Paper criticizing Dover Decision
  • It was quickly realized that a previously known anomaly in the orbital motion of Mercury was explicable with the relativistic theory.
  • Economists have come to realize that the U.S. high-tech binge in 1999 and 2000 was an anomaly, driven by Y2K fears, euphoria over the possibilities of fiber optics, and a rapid buildout of the Internet.
  • It’s generally considered in prospecting and resource analysis that this magnetic anomaly field is one of the most valuable tools or regional assets. Digital Magnetic Map Goes Global | Impact Lab
  • The Government agreed before Christmas to remove the unjust anomaly which excluded parents of severely disabled children, under the age of two years, from getting the domiciliary care allowance.
  • So the men wore simple shirts and trousers and women zippered pink cotton frocks and pink ballet shoes (perhaps the fatal anomaly), rather than dirndls and bare feet or sandals.
  • A thyroglossal duct cyst is the most common congenital anomaly of the thyroid gland and midline masses in childhood (70% abnormality in childhood, 7% in adult). BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • This would put an end to the archaic anomaly that in the UK we are subjects, not citizens.
  • By an anomaly, however, none of the ten bishops had the status of archbishop or metropolitan.
  • The Merriam-Webster dictionary provides the following definition for the word anomaly; "something anomalous: something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified. News
  • The Deep Space Explorer held its position one kilometer from the anomaly. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » January : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Fitness vacations were still an anomaly, and business was slow at first.
  • Why all this profuse vegetation and the anomaly of tempting fruits and nuts cram-full of meat and yet no real food — that is, food for man? The Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • The etiopathology of hyperlipoidemia is correlation for the injury of vessel endothelial cell and the anomaly expression of cell adhesion molecule.
  • Even more, to see a Black designer encouraged and supported by the fashion world at a high-end level would be something almost transcendent, an anomaly the industry is only now supporting with the recent appointment of Olivier Rousteing at Balmain. Marjon Rebecca Carlos: Pret-a-Parler: Kanye's Debut Conversation With Style
  • Everyone spoke about the heat, not really sure if it was a springtime anomaly or a harbinger of summer.
  • In order to know the base number of the pine moth, we should forecast the occurrence. We should value the application of symbolic method for anomaly prediction of pine moth to achieve a good result.
  • One investigation to an anomaly revealed by the scans on the northern flank of the hill revealed nothing of significance, said English Heritage.
  • Whoever put them in that group probably hoped discretion and goodwill would make sense of an anomaly.
  • But on one such mission they came across a startling anomaly.
  • This anomaly showed that the system was not even-handed.
  • Yeah, in defiance of the hoariest cliche in the Big Bumper Book of Onscreen Melodramatic Cliches, have your characters wander into the House of DeathFilled WithPossible Anomaly Monsters, unarmoured, unarmed etc etc. Primeval Season 3: What The Hell Happened? – Updated « INTERSTELLAR TACTICS
  • Mobile phone companies must whoop in profitable delight over this technological anomaly. Times, Sunday Times
  • It affects their pension rights and it's an anomaly that needs to be removed for those who want to work beyond 65.
  • The explanation for this anomaly is that the Fed's $4.6 trillion added by quantitative easing fell far short of the estimated $10 trillion needed to "reflate" the money supply after the "shadow lenders" disappeared. Ellen Brown: How Brokers Became Bookies: The Insidious Transformation of Markets Into Casinos
  • Bladder exstrophy is a rare congenital anomaly in which the bladder and urethra have not formed properly, leading to herniation through the anterior abdominal anterior wall. Reconstructive urologic surgery in children
  • But there's one anomaly that really bothers me... the ability to make new friends. The Sun
  • A hare - lipped monkey is an anomaly.
  • The number of pregnancies resulting in termination after prenatal diagnosis of fetal anomaly has increased over a 10 year period
  • Congenital alar cartilage anomaly can result in flat apex and broad alar nose.
  • Do you not think they should take into account all the research, even the bits that disagree with their desired outcomes, rather than cherry pick and misquote the shoddiest produced "evidence" that by a statistical quirk or anomaly confirms their prejudices as evidenced by the "plethora"? The BCA's Reply
  • We have presented a comparison between the modelled NmF2 and hmF2 and NmF2 and hmF2 which were observed at the anomaly crest and close to the geomagnetic equator simultaneously by the Huancayo, Chiclayo, Talara, Bogota, Panama, and Puerto Rico ionospheric sounders during the 7 October 1957 geomagnetically quiet time period at solar maximum. IPCC and Solar Correlations « Climate Audit
  • We know why it has happened, but it's a historical anomaly and indefensible in democratic terms. Times, Sunday Times
  • Half of the people with anomalous trichromatism can make precise color matches (but not as precisely as those with normal color vision) and are said to have a simple anomaly, while the other half cannot and are said to have an extreme anomaly.
  • The IP anomaly tends to extend considerably at the northeast and southwest ends, which might reflect outward extension of the deep sulfide ore bed.
  • Once considered an anomaly, multichannel mic preamps are becoming more commonplace.
  • So he's still puzzling over what he regards as an anomaly, a farmerette who knows the difference between De Bussey and a side-delivery horse-rake, a mother of three children who can ride a pinto and play a banjo, a clodhopper in petticoats who can talk about Ragusa and Toarmina and the summer races at Piping Rock. The Prairie Mother
  • Each register collects information on all congenital anomalies occurring in miscarriages after 20 weeks' gestation, in live births and stillbirths, and in fetuses terminated after prenatal diagnosis of anomaly.
  • An idiomatical expression which is not an anomaly, can be analyzed. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
  • Why do we think that healthy relationships are the default and that unhealthy relationships are the anomaly? Christianity Today
  • This complication is all the more tragic because most of these children have an isolated anomaly and do well after postnatal resection. Giant Neck Masses (GNM), Cervical Teratoma
  • Including such intervals into the basalt layer, we have matched the amplitudes and waveforms of many features observed in the magnetic anomaly field.
  • An alternative to an active mantle thermal anomaly is greater stretching of the mantle lithosphere than the crust.
  • This is a peculiar anomaly in that the Transfer Regulations currently exclude undertakings in the nature of commercial ventures.
  • The supposed mechanism that increases stillbirth and congenital anomaly rate includes insulin resistance and impending or undiagnosed diabetes.
  • Then, they will seize upon some anomaly to try to discredit the entire work.
  • Every apparent rebel or anomaly is immediately recuperable by the dominant system, and glad of it. An und für sich
  • Why all this profuse vegetation and the anomaly of tempting fruits and nuts cram-full of meat and yet no real food -- that is, food for man? Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • Conclusion: The development of the Purkinje Cells is related to the developmental anomaly of the nervous system in the heart of anencephalus.
  • It occurs to me that what we have here might be a statistical anomaly—a well-informed nonvoter. The Fiddler in the Subway
  • Why do we think that healthy relationships are the default and that unhealthy relationships are the anomaly? Christianity Today
  • It was a departure in style for him and today stands alone as something of an anomaly in his back-catalogue.
  • This is an unfair anomaly in our tax structure.
  • Individually, too, the Australian players will probably receive higher marks than their team, and the anomaly of the team's statistical dominance should act as a challenge to them, while also acting as a standing reproach to every statto. The Coffee House | Politics and News Discussion Forum
  • The British public's wariness of opera is an anomaly in Europe.
  • The rate difference may show a relationship between the development tumor at jaw face and chromosomal anomaly.
  • Multi-dimensional "Wrongness of Space" anomaly attacks our system, alien menaces and mad scientists pop out of every wrinkle of time and space, flying around (some will say chaotically) in droves, driving the serial to its bang-up finish - incomparable Edmond Hamilton destroying the planets Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus with an atomic disintegrator ray in his "Armageddon in Space". Ultra-Rare Serials from "Fantasy Magazine"
  • Transfer function for reduction to pole can be used to reduce directional oblique magnetic anomaly to vertical magnetic anomaly in frequency(or wavenumber)domain.
  • These flowers are ordinarily described as belonging to the anomaly [164] known as "peloria," or regular form of a normally symmetric type; they are large and irregular on the stems and the vigorous branches but slender and quinate on the weaker twigs. Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
  • Time will tell if this is just a statistical anomaly or a blip in a downward trend.
  • Taking these conditions into consideration provided a more logical explanation for this anomaly.
  • When we find an anomaly, which defies the notion of some regularity, corresponding to our sense-perception of the world around us, we have struck upon the possibility of discovering a universal physical principle, like gravity.
  • I would like to address an anomaly that I have picked up in the agriculture supplementary estimates.
  • These flowers are ordinarily described as belonging to the anomaly [164] known as "peloria," or regular form of a normally symmetric type; they are large and irregular on the stems and the vigorous branches but slender and quinate on the weaker twigs. Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
  • Modern science see's this gland as an anomaly, a useless vestige from our ancestors with no known purpose.
  • The glorious anomaly of a fake tropical city with a mild desert climate brought people from everywhere.
  • Nor could we expect the adherents of each approach to treat any anomaly as a reason for rejecting it.
  • There have been 24 convictions in three years of focused investigation, hence the term anomaly rather than problem. Rough Justice by Gonzales Exposes "Voter Fraud" Scam
  • Two geneses and suddenly life becomes more of a feature than an anomaly; a cosmic commonplace. First Contact
  • Protanomaly makes it difficult to differentiate shades of green, red, brown and purple.
  • This anomaly would be ended if a slightly smaller set of stumps was drawn onscreen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though he concedes that Kaczynski is a complex and fascinating character, Chase argues that he should not be viewed as an anomaly. The Disease of the Modern Era
  • Chorionic villous sampling was also performed to rule out a fetal chromosomal anomaly that occurs in 6 to 8 percent of such cases. Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction (LUTO)
  • `'Can you bring us around on an east/ west course so we can bisect the anomaly? INCA GOLD
  • What the old prof in Sociology 101 would call a cultural anomaly. SKINWALKERS
  • In case of an error or any anomaly during the execution of a program, the kernel can use signals to notify the process.
  • Health care positively has the lot to do with which in regressive N. Dakota, nonetheless the state is an anomaly: all 3 congressional seats have been reason by sincerely liberal Democrats. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Review: Lake and Nestvold have managed to weave several interesting story elements together to make a seamless whole: Vega, the planetologist who has abandoned the ways of her family so she could live her own life; a scientific anomaly in the form of biological readings deep within a nearly-continent-sized ice formation that has its own weather system; and a backdrop of political intrigue between the ruling Core class and the revolutionary Houses. REVIEW: The Year's Best Science Fiction #24 edited by Gardner Dozois
  • The planar gravity anomaly zone reflects geologically active zone, it also easy tof metallic ore deposits formation.
  • That their predictions have not yet come to fruition is an anomaly of economics. not technology. The coming revolution that will change everything. « The Paradigm Shift
  • Virgil recognizes the anomaly of expunged Trojan origins and effectively mythicizes it in Book 12 of the Aeneid.
  • This is an unfair anomaly in our tax structure.
  • The inevitable anomaly exists as to how pathogens invade plants containing potentially toxic levels of constitutive antifungal compounds.
  • Make any change to the reference period, change the baseline, and all that happens is you create equivalent offsets to the beginning and ending anomaly.
  • Politically, too, she was an anomaly; for, though utterly unfeudal in disposition and character, she was under feudal superiors in the persons of the representatives of William Penn, the original grantee. Montcalm and Wolfe
  • The attention of the council was drawn to an anomaly in the existing arrangements for patients suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • The highly publicized, well-financed opposition to the controversial Cape Wind project off Nantucket Sound “is an anomaly,” Kempton said. Offshore Wind: The Best Energy Investment America Could Make?
  • In addition to this technical difficulty, it was found that the Devonian synclinal, which is the geologic substructure of the region was disturbed by a tectonic anomaly in the form of a narrow band, less than one kilometer in width, which had become deflected in front of the Longlier valley, passing just under the terminal point where the construction of the railroad had stopped. Albert Claude - Autobiography
  • Abnormal nuchal findings on screening ultrasound: Aneuploidy stratification based on ultrasound anomaly and gestational age at detection. Prenatal Diagnosis
  • He notes this curiosity or anomaly in the lab notebook. A Short Guide to Writing About Science
  • The Army has historically viewed irregular warfare as a temporary anomaly.
  • The anomaly, to reprise, is that Hitler today is detested for his human-rights violations, ie, the Holocaust. The Hitler Anomaly « Isegoria
  • Most of the buildings on Cypress sported facades of English Tudor half-timber-ing, which made Pine Cove an anomaly among the coastal communit-ies of California with their predominantly Spanish-Moorish architec-ture. Practical Demonkeeping
  • Anorectal malformation (imperforate anus), a congenital anomaly where the anorectal region is either abnormally or incompletely developed. Diagnosing and treating pediatric anorectal continence
  • This was because of a historical anomaly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mobile phone companies must whoop in profitable delight over this technological anomaly. Times, Sunday Times
  • This estate by entirety is an anomaly and it is perhaps an oversight that the Legislature has not changed it into a cotenancy, as has been done in so many States. The Legal Status of Women in the United States of America. January 1, 1938. Report for North Carolina. An Advance Printing of Individual State Material, Constituting Part of a Compilation Now Being Prepared to Show the Present Legal Status of Women in the
  • Factional negotiations often assume that a faction ‘owns’ a particular seat, and that the election of a non-aligned candidate is an anomaly.
  • He notes this curiosity or anomaly in the lab notebook. A Short Guide to Writing About Science
  • In other positions it is, therefore, as the cosines of the eccentric anomaly, as in the former case; but in this last case it is an addititious force at the perihelion, and an ablatitious force at the aphelion, whereas the first disturbing force was an ablatitious force at the perihelion, and an addititious force at the aphelion; therefore, as we must suppose the planet to be in equilibrium at its mean distance, it is in equilibrium at all distances. Outlines of a Mechanical Theory of Storms Containing the True Law of Lunar Influence
  • In fact, part of the reason I replaced Todorov's term uncanny with creepy in my own model, is that I think talk of the uncanny often carries a sense of angst felt in the face of the truly unknown -- i.e. when we are faced with a strange-and-creepy event so alien we are not even able to decide whether it fits our nomology or not, whether it is artifice or anomaly. Archive 2008-01-01
  • For a system that boasts a dispassionate reliance on artistic brilliance as its arbiter, this anomaly is a crisis.
  • Critics of the late-term bans say other women in predicaments like Deaver's may be forced to choose between traveling out-of-state to get an abortion or proceeding reluctantly with a pregnancy after learning the fetus has a severe anomaly. States enact record wave of anti-abortion laws
  • The first dorsal has been found divided into two, one part going to the pollex and one to the index; this is a very rare anomaly, not occurring more often than once in 120 subjects.
  • The drift gyttja layer in Kalvöviken is synchronous with a short temperature anomaly found in ice cores from Greenland.
  • Two-headed snakes are rare but not unheard of, and one recently found in Spain is giving scientists an opportunity to study how the anomaly affects the serpents' ability to hunt and mate.
  • We plead that wage-earning women who are economically independent of men by reason of their labour in shop, office, and factory should no longer be compelled to remain voiceless: the dissentients reply that the presence of women in those capacities is an anomaly of civilization, which will not be remedied by the creation o f a fresh anomaly. The Psychology of the Suffragette
  • Factional negotiations often assume that a faction ‘owns’ a particular seat, and that the election of a non-aligned candidate is an anomaly.
  • Just as they are puzzling over the bizarre anomaly, something more shocking happens.
  • Annular pancreas is a rare developmental anomaly of the pancreas.
  • Nor was his Lordship persuaded that there was any real anomaly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or is this just an anomaly that all of Africa and all of the world should regret, do you think?
  • Conclusion:Maternal serum PAPP-A might be a marker for predicting fetal chromosomal anomaly.
  • The final piece of the jigsaw fell into place at Villa Park and it's a curious anomaly that whenever he has found the net we have always won.
  • The bill corrects an anomaly that exists in respect of collective negotiations for teachers.
  • Gel mobility anomaly is detected only in cases where the distance of the two elements is in an appropriate helical phase.
  • Researchers say the creature’s single antler, which pokes up like a cowlick from the middle of its head, may be the result of a genetic anomaly — although its twin has two horns, the AP reports. Associated Press: Unicorn Found in Italy « Skid Roche
  • Detailed ground radiometrics completed by the Company has revealed the existence of a radiogenic anomaly approximately 4 x 4 kilometers in size that outlines an alkalic injection sill complex, with associated garnet skarns that are related to the REE concentrations. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • A tremor goes through me when I hear a sententious TV commentator raise the topic, because they always finish up by talking about the ‘anomaly’ that even the most feckless natural parent is allowed to breed.
  • For his lunar theory [Hipparchus] needed to establish the mean motions of the Moon in longitude, anomaly and latitude.
  • Antes throttled up to full and headed off in search of the radar anomaly.
  • After all, it is one of the few magazines left that dedicates itself to long form fiction, and continues to build on its literary heritage, biting social commentary, and in depth celebrity interviews, which are practically an anomaly in the In Touch/Life & Style era. Melissa Berkelhammer: Literary Glamour: Playboy and the House of Waris Welcome Their Fabulous Friends to Celebrate Their New Salon
  • When did the Government realise there was the anomaly that my colleague has pointed out?
  • I've been working hard for a while trying to figure his place out - he's really the "oddball" - he doesn't really FIT with any group & he's always been an anomaly in the show's space/time... LOSTCasts 75: LaFleur
  • That seems a real anomaly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Canadian said he had been out doing ice soundings on the Milne Ice Shelf, had detected an ultradense anomaly buried in the ice, suspected it was a giant meteorite, and while taking measurements had become trapped in a storm. Deception Point
  • The calculation shows that the increase of heat gradient, over the depth of isostasy, will cause the negative gravity anomaly.
  • I would here like to give two examples of such skewed populations and to speculate on the seeming anomaly.
  • Meckel's diverticulum is the most common congenital anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract involving the small bowel and terminal ileum.
  • This might have been because there was nothing on the end of the line except a lead sinker, but that interesting anomaly wasn't visible to the observers, even with the keenest of scrutinies, so they were left unknowing.
  • This time, the computed tomogram showed an abscess at the site of the excised vascular anomaly.
  • The 9.0 earthquake that shook the earth under the Indian Ocean was an anomaly.
  • It is therefore the anomaly in the devolution settlement. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Bigots make no distinction between those who change appearance as a result of an endocrinal anomaly, and those who change appearance through medical treatment. Get ready for the government to look at you with X-ray eyes.
  • The trust being in receipt of the 1991 Buckfastleigh branch income explains the percentage anomaly.
  • In fact, the word anomaly barely fits it, now that we know what it’s all about. Flashback
  • Portmanteaus being then opened and clothes changed, Mr. Goodchild, through having no change of outer garments but broadcloth and velvet, suddenly became a magnificent portent in the Innkeeper's house, a shining frontispiece to the fashions for the month, and a frightful anomaly in the Cumberland village. Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices
  • This neighborhood is a Brooklyn anomaly: roughly four streets by three avenues of colonial style and size mansions plopped down between Flatbush and Prospect Park, at the apex of Southern Brooklyn before entering the long stretch of brick-built, Orthodox Jewish-dominated neighborhoods that spread to the feet of Coney Island. Derek Beres: Global Beat Fusion: Buzzing Cicadas and Jewish Gangsters
  • In the blusterless world of modern indie rock, she's something of an anomaly: an honest-to-God shredder.
  • Â She has entered the anomaly and found herself transformed, and Mon-El (along with Gates and Brainiac 5) were prepared to enter the collapsar and save her. Hero History: Mon-El | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • The trust being in receipt of the 1991 Buckfastleigh branch income explains the percentage anomaly.
  • Indeed, it is something of an anomaly that there is no self regulatory organisation for the pension fund industry.
  • I think that Einstein is really an outlier, he's an anomaly.
  • These data in conjunction with an interpretation of the aeromagnetic anomaly map allow subdivision of the complex.
  • JRA-like polyarthritis in chromosome 22q11. 2 deletion syndrome (DiGeorge anomalad/velocardiofacial syndrome/conotruncal anomaly face syndrome). Resources for Healthcare Professionals
  • The church should regularise its position by asking for an Act of Disestablishment and end this anomaly.
  • Initial indications are that the basic rocks responsible for the gravity anomaly are more extensive than originally mapped.
  • There is nothing inconsistent with this restriction, and the positive L_m in isolation generate a gauge symmetry; there is no anomaly in the positive sector and thus a nilpotent BRST operator. String Theory is Losing the Public Debate
  • The calculation shows that the increase of heat gradient, over the depth of isostasy, will cause the negative gravity anomaly.
  • He has now written to the Learning and Skills Council, the government quango responsible for over-16s education, to ask them to look at the anomaly.
  • In addition, the influence of some system errors to anomaly gravity and vertical deflection estimation accuration is explained, and finally some problems on Kalm...
  • Defeat would be a statistical anomaly. Times, Sunday Times
  • I, as a student, preferred the classrooms with dry-erase boards, because the big lecture halls didn't have blackboards, they had greenboards, and between my difficulty in seeing green deuteranomaly and the glare of the fluorescent light tube that some genius had installed right at the top of the board reflecting off the chalk dust, I couldn't see a damn thing but a blank sheet. Here's one from the "What were they thinking?" files.
  • Magnetic surveys of Watts et al. and Davey in the South Fiji Basin identified anomaly lineations 12-7A; Malahoff et al. suggested that anomaly 13 is locally present.
  • Industry calls the downer cow video an anomaly though that doesn't explain the all too regular recalls across the factory food industry, does it? Former FDA official: "We are fortunate more hasn't gone wrong"
  • The Associated Press released a photo of the procession in North Korea, and a hawk-eyed Reddit contributor was quick to point out an anomaly in the otherwise uniform crowd of mourners. North Korea's Giant Man Spotted At Kim Jong Il Funeral Procession
  • Objective To explore the relationship between chromosome anomaly and spontaneous abortion, and to provide useful information for genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis in reproductive clinic.
  • But his honk was the anomaly, "shave and a haircut" from his LTD about half a block away meant to let his wife know he was pulling into the driveway soon. Minnesota Premier Publications - Southwest Journal Stories
  • The latest sea-surface temperature charts indicate that the entire central and eastern Pacific Ocean, along the equatorial band, has a warm water anomaly approximating to about one degree Celsius.
  • The magnetic anomaly grid is based on aeromagnetic data compiled by Verhoef et al..
  • The anomaly had to do with the degree of contemporaneousness of cyclical movements in household and business investment, with the former leading the latter. Finn E. Kydland - Autobiography
  • We invite comment on the event from any parties who might be able to provide an explanation for such a large magnetic anomaly.
  • In that incident, an anomaly that has existed in the Service for decades has come to the fore.
  • The Chancellor has already taken steps to end this anomaly in the case of churches. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, there occurs 5-70 milligals gravity anomaly in this region, the residual anomaly being 30-50 milligals after eliminating the effect of Mohorovicic discontinuity.
  • Like a mythological character transposed into a constellation, Hikari is transposed into the central fictional character in Oe's mature works, in which Hikari is the incarnation of Oe's profound affinity with the 'little boy lost,' the abandoned foundling, the outsider, and the anomaly. Kenzaburo Oe: Laughing Prophet and Soulful Healer
  • The rate difference may show a relationship between the development tumor at jaw face and chromosomal anomaly.
  • Inlet patch is a congenital anomaly of the cervical esophagus consisting of gastric mucosa.
  • The pay anomaly that exists between registered mental handicap nurses and houseparents / childcare workers without medical qualifications came up for the second consecutive day.
  • It said the qualified person for the project has notified Brookemont that crews have uncovered a 4.5 km trend of gold related arsenic geochemistry anomaly, with visible arsenopyrite in amphibolitic gneiss with quartz veining cutting across the property. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Field workers are currently investigating another anomaly that turned up in the survey.
  • Various theories have been put forward to account for this apparent anomaly; and the explanation now seems to lie in the method used in preparing the remedies. Lower Your Blood Pressure in 4 Easy Stages
  • Also, the wind anomaly shown by the arrows in the western area is easterly, which is consistent with development of a La Nina, if the wind persists. Unthreaded « Climate Audit
  • There was at least one anomaly that nobody seemed able to explain.
  • To a thematic purpose, or to force us to revise our nomology, alter our preconcieved notion of the "laws of reality" in order to reconsider whether the anomaly should actually be seen as an artifice? Archive 2008-01-01
  • “The highly publicized, well-financed opposition to the controversial Cape Wind project off Nantucket Sound ‘is an anomaly,’ Kempton said.” Offshore Wind: The Best Energy Investment America Could Make?
  • In the current rush for novelty and innovation, an artist such as Arikha is easily bypassed as old-fashioned or backward-looking, an anomaly.
  • In his notorious (and unfunny) article, Hitchens suggests that funny women -- who are either "hefty or dykey or Jewish, or some combo of the three" -- are an anomaly partly because they don't have a fondness for filth. Debra Ollivier: Funny, Filthy, and Smart: Sandra Tsing Loh Meets Sarah Silverman
  • AUS.IN GOULD, COMMANDER, U.S. COAS. GUARD: What it will enable us to do is identify what we refer to as the anomaly, what's unusual in the port, what doesn't belong. CNN Transcript Dec 26, 2008
  • In anomaly detection, the normal behavior of the system is modeled.
  • It is often unpleasant to see an anomaly animal.
  • We did not need a magnetic anomaly - the whole country is an anomaly. Times, Sunday Times
  • This legislation will get rid of an anomaly that has bothered me and other members of the Labour Party for a long time.
  • For Rosetta's third and final Earth swingby, there was no anomaly. Mystery of the Flyby Anomaly Endures | Universe Today
  • And while scientists don't know for sure, Kunz suggests bat midwifery isn't an anomaly restricted to captive populations.
  • You may sometimes feel the edge of the caudate lobe, a congenital anomaly, to the right of the midline near the costal margin.
  • Getting the distance between an number of points and an ellipse can be solved analytically which would go down to solving a quartic equation in cos (f), with (f) the true anomaly on the ellipse. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • Their progress was an unwelcome anomaly in a flawed system. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were seven other applicants for the billet, but Denison's white shirt and new kummerbund were, he felt, a tower of strength to him, and even the editor of the _Trumpet-Call_ seemed impressed -- clean shirts being an anomaly in Cooktown journalistic circles. Rídan The Devil And Other Stories 1899
  • The author created the character, Android, from a child born with a genetic anomaly called leukodystrophy. Android, age one
  • Besides the absence of an arillus, there is another anomaly about the above Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Anorectal malformation (imperforate anus), a congenital anomaly where the anorectal region is either abnormally or incompletely developed. Diagnosing and treating pediatric anorectal continence

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