How To Use Ano In A Sentence

  • As he ran past, the arquebusier shouted something about Susanoo, the kami of storms, and how he was punishing them for their arrogance. Blood Ninja II
  • It's impossible to look at yourself in a pair of new frames and not see another character. Times, Sunday Times
  • If there was any hope of holding on to even a shred of her dwindling self-respect, she should do exactly what she knew Margo would do—close the laptop, take her de-scrunchied, perfumed, and nearly thonged self down to the nearest club, pick up the first passably good-looking stranger who asked her to dance, and bring him back to the apartment for some safe but anonymous sex. Goodnight Tweetheart
  • Pulling one back with another penalty - this time converted by the regular taker - they finally conceded a third. The Sun
  • We had a gam one day, on this voyage, with a Yankee whale-ship, and a first-rate gam it was, for, as the Yankee had gammed three days before with another English ship, we got a lot of news second-hand; and, as we had not seen a new face for many months, we felt towards those Yankees like brothers, and swallowed all they had to tell us like men starving for news. Fighting the Whales
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  • She is also part of a large group of oceanographers and taphonomists of the SSETI project (Shelf / Slope Taphonomic Initiative) examining carbonate preservation and destruction across the shelf and slope regions in Gulf of Mexico and Bahamas using submersibles.
  • Band leader, Ray Blue, is also a composer, arranger and performer on tenor, alto and soprano saxophones.
  • Ireland does not have another manufacturing facility with a similar capacity to absorb glass cullet (crushed glass).
  • I play the piano, so it is natural for me to think ‘harmonically’ a lot of the time (one can hear harmonies instantly on a piano; also mainstream jazz is extremely harmony driven).
  • My poor Lirriper was a handsome figure of a man, with a beaming eye and a voice as mellow as a musical instrument made of honey and steel, but he had ever been a free liver being in the commercial travelling line and travelling what he called a limekiln road — “a dry road, Emma my dear,” my poor Lirriper says to me, “where I have to lay the dust with one drink or another all day long and half the night, and it wears me Emma” — and this led to his running through a good deal and might have run through the turnpike too when that dreadful horse that never would stand still for a single instant set off, but for its being night and the gate shut and consequently took his wheel, my poor Lirriper and the gig smashed to atoms and never spoke afterwards. Mrs. Lirriper's Lodgings
  • Clinton will fight for the American people, and Obama will sit in a racest church for another 20 years where The "rev" is preaching hate, racism, and black seperatism. Clinton: Put down the Blackberry at home
  • As precise definitions of words do not translate well from one language to another, words connoting latria and dulia vary from one language to another.
  • Bumabagsak ang Mayon koooo! ... reynz: hahaha takot lang nilang maghubad ako pag di nila binoto ang mayon hehehe an2nette: Hi! natumbok mo mahal na reyna, sige, abangan ko ang bago mong niluluto, wag yong hilaw ... reynz: hoy! ano ba? hahaha! ba't ako ok naman dito! baka kayo dyan sa China at Pinas lang hahaha! ... reynz: NAKNAMPUCHAAAA!!! hahaha! Reyna elena dot com
  • Thereafter thought, weighing the truth or falseness of the notion, determines what is true: and this explains the Greek word for thought, dianoia, which is derived from dianoein, meaning to think and discriminate. NPNF2-09. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus
  • Another friend notes a shift in the type of gifts given at wedding showers, a reversion to 1950s-style offerings: soup ladles and frilly aprons are being unwrapped along with see-through nighties and push-up bras.
  • There is another dimension to this problem which you haven't considered.
  • This triangulation of information will help school practitioners make better decisions about students or programs because data from one source can help confirm or disconfirm information from another.
  • Another harvest has failed, and international aid agencies warn of the threat of mass starvation.
  • One man's ‘most respected occult books around’ are another man's old hat ripe for a kicking.
  • It was nice to play a Wii game that wasn't full of bright greens and blues like another title featuring Mario. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • ‘Ah Dublin, you're giving it away,’ he wailed in the 55th minute, as the Dublin defence fluffed its lines yet again, giving Laois another unearned scoring opportunity.
  • Another trend referred to two related areas – increased user-centeredness and increased inter-disciplinarity. Archive 2008-02-01
  • CANON LXXXI: We have said that a Bishop, or a Presbyter must not descend himself into public offices, but must attend to ecclesiastical needs.
  • Eating disorders, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa, are characterised by morbid preoccupation with weight and shape and manifest through distorted or chaotic eating behaviour.
  • Enlarged heart, medically called cardiomegaly, is not a disease, but a symptom of another condition.
  • Another constant thread is lesbianism, as if to say that women are better off without men.
  • Goldman Sachs JB Were analyst Marcus Curley, who has a "buy" rating on the shares, forecasts a price of NZ$6. 20 to NZ$6. 40 if the acquirer is another casino company. The Blind Bet for Sky City
  • It likewise furthered the career of Mary Shelley as "The Author of Frankenstein," the rubric under which she continued her anonymous publication with a second novel immersed in medieval Italian history, Valperga: or, The Life and Adventures of Castruccio, Prince of Lucca (1823). Biography
  • Another category of vessels and flatware was distinguished by the use of precious stones or exotic materials, such as coral, mother-of-pearl, or coconut shell.
  • Another mystery surrounds the only example of body armour to be found among the primates.
  • Some of the most popular pairings pitted contrasting advantages and disadvantages against one another.
  • Another ten minutes had passed, so Tim hit " redial " again. THE KILL CLAUSE
  • Hassan in frequently going to sleep in one town, to awake in another far distant, but without the benighted Oriental's surprise at the transfer, the afrit who performed this prodigy being a steam-engine, and the magician it obeyed the human mind. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873
  • I thought I wouldn't get another chance to munge the name "I, Robot" again. June 2007
  • Yet his paranoid fear of plots and conspiracies beset him to the end of his life. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Another group of supervisors from light manufacturing industry are undertaking a conversion course to catering supervisor.
  • The eight romances for saxophone and piano are indeed romantic.
  • Josefina Scaglione's YouTube video When Mr. Laurents first called the willowy soprano, who speaks with lushly rolled r's and sometimes interrupts conversation to ask the meaning of an English word, she was performing the role of Amber Von Tussle in a Buenos Aires production of "Hairspray. I've Just Met a Girl Named Josefina
  • Another level could be called "agile big data," whose concern is solving a different class of problems and allows more experimentation. News
  • She was determined to renegotiate the second mortgage for another year. BEAUTIFUL DREAMER
  • Currently, 30 percent of Americans are obese, compared with the 4 percent who meet criteria for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or binge-eating disorder.
  • What of it if Winter has another snow-storm or two up his sleeve?I take my staff and fare forth to greet Spring with three dogs at my heels.
  • At around 11 am that day a pensioner foiled another attempted scam by a man and woman in Central Avenue, Gravesend.
  • The team apparently circumvented locked gates and an alarm system, while the sculpture was in the process of being moved to another location.
  • Horton looked out over a panorama of fertile valleys and gentle hills.
  • One page of the menu is devoted to cheeses (domestic and imported), another to charcuterie, salads, meat and fish, the third to items from the wood-burning oven.
  • ‘The majority of costs are wage costs; there is very little room for manoeuvre,’ he said.
  • I don't think it would go down very well and would be seen as another arty-farty scheme.
  • The countless mini-roundabouts popping up where there just simply isn't room for a roundabout is another danger, increasing the number of small shunts & bumps.
  • Both these people have lied and manipulated people through the press to believe one facade after another in order to get whatever it is they want…
  • He was anointed with oil and the crown of France was solemnly lowered onto his head. THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
  • They had to make do with kitchen tuffets, orange boxes, a piano stool and a rocking chair borrowed from next door.
  • But while he speaks of war-time heroes and exploratory pioneers, he forgets about another interesting lifetime.
  • But he railed against subsidies for ethanol producers and other provisions of the bill that he called unneeded, unnecessary, unwanted sweeteners ' ' to win votes for the package. Tax-Cut Bill Draws Wide Support in Senate
  • The most storied place to find Gaucho boots is Casa Fagliano, a hole-in-the-wall bootmaker in Hurlingham, which is a British suburb of Buenos Aires. 20 Odd Questions: Stephanie Phair
  • Part 6 of the Shadow of the Bat (27: 00) takes another thoroughly extensive featurette that concentrates on dissecting the "toyetic" nature of DVD Talk
  • Now that Gonzalez has rejected the Yankees, perhaps he can concentrate on turning a disappointing season into another banner year.
  • Eventually almost all postwar writers whose work departs significantly from convention have come to be labeled "postmodernist," a term that has definable meaning but that also has been used as an aid in this lashing-out, a way to further disparage such writers both by lumping them together indiscriminately and by identifying their work as just another participant in literary fashion. Postmodernism
  • Finding the swiftest pursuer close upon his heels, he threw off, first his blanket, then his silver-laced coat and belt of peag, by which his enemies knew him to be Canonchet, and redoubled the eagerness of pursuit. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • They're performing every night and they have another production in rehearsal.
  • When the matador realises the bull is weak and unable to charge much longer he will reach for his killing sword and seek to manoeuvre it directly in front of him with its head down, so that he can administer the death stroke.
  • At the beginning of the protest, Aristide partisans attacked demonstrators, hitting one with a rock and shooting another.
  • Before anyone says that this was going to happen anyway, remember that political pros were saying two years ago that Napolitano was a one term fluke, early this year Republicans were salivating about a possible 2/3 majority House and Senate, and it took some foresight to see that a decent candidate could be recruited to take out J. Archive 2006-12-01
  • Another step forward was the progressive declarations of invalidity extended to certain laws, decrees, and edicts issued in Stalin's time.
  • Ireland we say 'aitch' that is the Presbyterians do - for some reason which escapes me Catholics say 'haitch' - another argument for integrated education. Behind the scenes at the UK's highest court
  • Dry spices are fine too, including garlic, paprika, basil, rosemary and oregano.
  • Slogging up the alpine tracks, another decision was made. Times, Sunday Times
  • a demarche is the strongest sanction a country can exercise against another. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • He infected mice and rabbits with Trypanosoma gondii, the parasite responsible for the dreaded sleeping sickness, then injected the animals with chemical derivatives to determine if any of them could halt the infection. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • However, anotIT vole relative titled the montane vole, have no interest in partnership beyond sex.
  • Christopher Rees is another self-taught value investor but runs a concentrated portfolio of only ten stocks; his average annual return for the last decade is 24%. Tap Your Inner Buffett
  • The officials and diplomats spoke anonymously because of the delicacy of the negotiations on what tack to take on Iran.
  • I might have understood how clumsy I was, when I was rearing my children in the most utter idleness and luxury, to reform other people and their children, who were perishing from idleness in what I called the den of the Rzhanoff house, where, nevertheless, three-fourths of the people toil for themselves and for others. What to Do?
  • This course is useful for students who are in transition from one training programme to another.
  • Another friend showed his great sense of humor in dealing with the obvious statements.
  • He looked like something from another planet!
  • In 1915 he published another volume of verse, Youth, which passed largely unregarded.
  • Clear information boards indicate the location of different types of trees which include Persian, Japanese and black walnut trees, coastal and dawn redwoods, cedar of Lebanon, atlas and deodar cedars, and swamp cypresses.
  • How about a nice sing-along around the piano?
  • Another type of light bulb you may come across is the tungsten halogen bulb.
  • One account is debited for the amount involved in any transaction and another account is credited.
  • Northampton was another elegant county town and regional market centre and was known far and wide for its horse fairs.
  • Nanotechnology is in danger of being pigeonholed as a risky, hazardous and controversial business, a new study has found, because companies in the emerging field are not tackling the very real health and safety issues involved.
  • Meanwhile, all sorts of things that at one time or another were considered tests for artificial intelligence — playing chess, doing integrals, doing autonomous control — have been cracked in algorithmic ways. Wolfram Blog : Stephen Wolfram on the Quest for Computable Knowledge
  • Eleanor, out walking, wheeling the wicker perambulator in the sharp October sunshine. THE GOLDEN LION
  • Soprano Rosalind Sutherland sings in the New Year with an excellent selection of arias, polkas, marches and waltzes from Strauss.
  • By its nature it will be great for political rights management, because it's an enormously penetrative surveillance tool, and it makes it hard to do anything anonymously involving a computer.
  • Thus basal primates might have used ethanol plumes to locate ripening fruits as well as associated fauna.
  • Fontaine has prettily set it off, and an anonymous writer has composed it in Latin Anacreontic verses; and at length our Prior has given it with equal gaiety and freedom. Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1 (of 3)
  • The "freedom to learn" has become just another one of the government's empty slogans.
  • His demeanor was that of a person who is far from pleased with the course of events, and the word glum best describes his expression. A Life of Gen Robert E Lee
  • Somewhere nearby a guard dog barked and then another one. Bomber
  • They were found canoodling in th park.
  • Another is that our empathy appears to be limited to those we identify as part of our own family or tribe. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many archaea thrive at hot temperatures (they are also found in volcanoes). Smithsonian
  • The man who backbites an absent friend, nay, who does not stand up for him when another blames him, the man who angles for bursts of laughter and for the repute of a wit, who can invent what he never saw, who cannot keep a secret - that man is black at heart: mark and avoid him. Northern Rock - Pay staff a bonus with public cash.
  • Vesuvius is a stratovolcano that grew within the breached crater of Monte Somma volcano.
  • It will be given a tender from another departed locomotive and regain its former Sierra appearance.
  • But it is nonetheless another intriguing work from one of the true auteurs currently working in cinema.
  • What could stop two swashbuckling heroes from venturing in for another gruelling day larking around in fancy dress? The Sun
  • He gave the address of his hotel, making sure that Johnny, talking to another salesgirl a foot or two away, would have heard it. DISPLACED PERSON
  • Boschi, who trained with Passignano in the late 1580s, is known today principally to specialists, but he enjoyed a considerable degree of popularity in the early seicento.
  • Aside from comfort and fit, another factor to consider is conspicuity.
  • The most common symptom of paranoia is the belief that someone or something is persecuting you.
  • The P. 's have now got the book, and like it very much; their niece Eleanor has recommended it most warmly to them -- _She_ looks like a rejected addresser. Jane Austen, Her Life and Letters A Family Record
  • Another plant associated with the celebrations is the Peruvian lily called Alstroemeria, ‘The Golden Jubilee Lily’.
  • Another steel trunk provides ample storage at the foot of the bed, and holds smaller items. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was standing in some kind of wooded area and looking around Probably trying to find any distraction to keep me from going for my lecture and I did eventually find that tap-dancing squirrel but that's a story for another post and then somehow bits and pieces began to hit me. Archive 2005-02-01
  • Although, the protein utilized a number of fatty acids as substrate such as propionic acid, hexanoic acid, decanoic acid, lauric acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and oleic acid (data not shown) as is the case with many other known Fatty Acyl-CoA Synthetases PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This link is sort of off-topic but really not, as it's yet another case (as in the present one) of the media doing their level best to shout down "the critics" -- the nattering nabobs of negativism -- and then, years later, admitting that the "gadflies" were right all along, and that what looked like a scam, walked like a scam, and quacked like a scam was -- quelle surprise! Funky math with Mark Larabee (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Another argument that rates will rise is that inflation, long thought dead, has recently resurfaced.
  • This is derived from my recipe for “Almonzano” from my book "Nonna's Italian Kitchen", but Dori from the bakehouse blog suggested using okara in it instead of almonds. A PRACTICAL WAY TO USE OKARA
  • It is surprisingly easy to manoeuvre and far less treacherous than parasailing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most nuns fasted to keep the rule: the anorexics fasted to break it.
  • The calced Augustinians also made their elections -- but not so quickly that we could avoid sending to them to remind them not to allow the disturbances of other times to occur in their chapter -- by having made them beforehand through their devotion to the outgoing provincial, who managed the succession for another as worthy as he. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 24 of 55 1630-34 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • Even where, for example in an unfair dismissal case, the employment tribunal makes an order that the employee be re-employed by the employer in one way or another, if the employer fails to do so there is no contempt of court.
  • Oklahoma had an extra blocker ‘chip’ Wright and then move on to another defender more often than they double-teamed him outright.
  • Sinosteel, another Chinese-owned metals conglomerate, has plans to develop a massive opencast iron ore mine in the Weld range, a ridge of hills 400 miles north-east of Perth. Australia leases out mineral-rich land as China's hunger for resources grows
  • Some may choose to wear things like the hijab, turban or kippa, but that's another story, because somehow headgear bothers a whole lot of people. Ajarat Bada: Fatwa For Tebow
  • Baf, Bafilomycin A1; BH, Bcl-2 homology; CHX, cycholoheximide; GFP-74Q, GFP-tagged exon 1 mutant htt fragment; htt, huntingtin; MEFs, mouse embryonic fibroblasts; 3MA, 3-methyl adenine; PE, phosphatidylethanolamine; STS, staurosporin; TNF - Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • It seemed the whole of the country was there in one form or another.
  • The goal was another peg, some 30 feet and almost horizontally leftwards across yet another blank wall.
  • This fully restored Tuscan farmhouse with pool is on an acre of land in a rural location with panoramic views. Times, Sunday Times
  • Revolutionary applications of BEC in lithography, nanotechnology and holography appear to be just round the corner. The 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics - Information for the Public
  • He was a large, meaty, oily type of man — a kind of ambling, gelatinous formula of the male, with the usual sound commercial instincts of the Jew, but with an errant philosophy which led him to believe first one thing and then another so long as neither interfered definitely with his business. The Titan
  • Expertly based on simple, smooth, sculptural lines, exploring colour by layering and integrating silk and viscose, adding another textural element to her work.
  • They can also question peers and learn how asking for and giving assistance to one another are keystones to academic success.
  • Beatle news briefs: Paul poll jumping; EMI makes another move; Cilla Black may be 'coronated' - Articles related to Ace Frehley Shouts It Out Loud at the Nokia Theater
  • Of those who survive, about another 20% will end up in institutional care who weren't in that before the stroke.
  • Round them, as they gradually went down with the subsiding soil, calamites grew, at one level after another. History of the Conflict between Religion and Science
  • Neither Chout, turned down initially by Diaghilev, nor the piano concerto, rejected comprehensively by its muse Paul Wittgenstein the LPO's soloist was Leon Fleisher, quite banished that impression of mechanical note-spinning. LPO/Jurowski; Betrothal in a Monastery; Psappha ensemble; SCO/Ticciati – review
  • Kirkland is a lovely city nestled on Lake Washington, with views of the water, the Seattle skyline, and of course Mount Rainier, which is by far the area's most impressive and hopefully most dormant volcano. Archive 2007-10-01
  • Many of us have tried to lose weight and failed miserably for one reason or another. The Vitality Diet
  • Another feature of interest is the rarity with which axillary prolification is found in irregular gamopetalous blooms. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Syngenta, which competes with companies such as U.S.-based Monsanto and Dupont Co., is one of the world's largest agrochemicals companies in terms of sales, wielding a market share of some 15%, which it wants to broaden by another 2% over the next five years. Syngenta Sales Soar
  • Make sure that the construction proposal is reliable, the working procedure works canonically, and the construction monitor goes effectively.
  • But the City wants to find jazz lovers another home.
  • Another disease caused by a fungus is “actinomycosis”, which in cattle and other animals is called “lumpy jaw”. A Close Look at Parasitic Diseases
  • It is generally longer than it is wide and its floor slopes downwards towards a junction either with another valley or a plain.
  • Dot and I took some manchets about the manor to sell for charity, although she did all the talking.
  • With three players cup-tied, one suspended and another released this month, there will be four familiar names missing, and some unfamiliar ones on the bench.
  • This is in direct contrast to earlier work which argues that these calderas were not united until a central caldera formed late in the volcano's lifespan.
  • It seemed to Jordan that he was going into another long-winded speech.
  • I worked another 12 hour shift on Sunday, getting home in time to catch the tail end of the Oscars.
  • In the twelfth century the canon lawyers devised an elaborate, and comparatively humane, legal framework for poor relief.
  • She gets signed up for Amateur Night as a sentimental soprano soloist, is propelled on stage, moves her lips as the crowd makes noise, sways her body as if actually singing, then exits. “. . .all his race rose up before him in a mighty phantasmagoria. . .”
  • Another movie might have had a rapid-fire exchange, a fight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Blue ceanothus look fabulous trained against a tall wall, but over time they will lean forward if you let them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another member of the congregation is believed to have been on the coach trip.
  • In the early 1980s, the term telepresence was coined to refer to the use of remote control and the feedback of sensory information to produce the impression of being in another place, an idea which is now part of virtual reality.
  • There were toast crumbs in the butter, so I’ve already come up with a dozen ways to kill you; the marmite is just another mitigating circumstance when it comes to trial. …things that niggle. « Sven’s guide to…
  • We've discovered that another hive is afflicted with a parasitic mite with the terrifying name Varroa destructor Next week we plan to treat them with formic acid, an organic chemical control. Dave Snyder: Farm Report: Starting The Year From Seed
  • And in any case, there will be plenty of memories gained and stories to embellish after another extravaganza of Celtic solidarity.
  • I drew a smiley face, played tic-tac-toe with myself, drew another smiley face, scribbled all over it and finally, I wiped the ink off the plastic table.
  • A coach should not favor one player over another on the team.
  • It took its corporeal form in the living room, disguised as a humanoid figure made of what could be described as a giant cotton ball.
  • Her concern was also driven by another impulse. Consuelo & Alva: Love and Power in the Gilded Age
  • Cavil, Doral and another Simon how long have you got buddy? find the dead doctor Simon and once again Cavil shows himself to be a pathetic military planner, he admits he "miscalculated" Boomer's actions. VARIANTS: DAYBREAK, PT II - REVIEW
  • He was acquitted of 11 charges this year and will not face another trial. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another (even greater) problem was that she was unwilling to submit to her dictates or prostrate herself in abject submission.
  • They decide to go, too, but Frank has problems manoeuvring the car, whose tyres keep losing their grip.
  • Most fledgling parents or parents-to-be feel duty-bound to invest in some sort of guide to looking after a new baby, and publishers, naturally, feel duty-bound to take advantage of that by churning out one guide after another.
  • Another of his campaigns is aimed at removing fences and railings from London's parks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Occidentali Noruagiæ Insula, quæ Glacialis dicitur, magno circumfusa Oceano repentur, obsoletæ admodum habitationis tellus, A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • A part of me wants to snuggle up against his side and let him loop a lazy arm around my shoulders, but another part knows that I can't.
  • The trigger for the strike was the closure of yet another factory.
  • He has written of the thoroughgoing nihilism of this class: their sense that life has no meaningful shape but is only one thing after another.
  • There was not another second to be lost. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON
  • In the final match, Lara scored yet another hundred but this was so frantic and frenzied that it could not stop the Australians from winning the match and squaring the series.
  • No days off and telling the world his players were hopeless after another hiding. The Sun
  • Tomorrow night they will headline the venue - and take another step towards achieving their ambitions.
  • Another 20million was thought to be loot from crime such as robberies. The Sun
  • In June another record will be set when five car carriers dock here - the most ever for any one month.
  • Unfortunately, the anger was short-lived and a teensy bit of paranoia set in.
  • Brahms finished off his sacred choral music with the Op. 110 motets, another trilogy.
  • Unless a member of the Vanguard or the Scarlet Scholars (both groups paying attention to what most consider obscure and nigh-useless knowledge), even most paranormal agents active today have only heard of the Bleak Baron Frederick or his granduncle Wolfgang and their works on fighting monsters. The Codex Continual » The Von Baurs
  • Tomus 2: Index disputationum; Maestlinus-Zyra, Opera anonyma Assorted Moments of Moral Ambiguity from the World of Gay Porn
  • Reference: "Effect of ozonolysis on bioconversion of miscanthus to bioethanol". RedOrbit News - Technology
  • Artemesia moved to the pianoforte that was along one of the walls, and sat down on the bench, facing away from the instrument and towards Scott.
  • Aragon's writings circulated anonymously or under pseudonyms.
  • He was then able to manoeuvre some of his cavalry on to the hilltop and fight the Saxons on level ground.
  • He escaped a rolling road block by turning into the street where he lived, only to find it blocked by another police car. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another suggests that there are as many as ten lawyers in the city disguised as tourists. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another badge appears on the front of his horsehide fire-cap.
  • Never say of another what you would not have him hear. 
  • Cult mezzo Magdalena Kozena and silvery soprano Carolyn Sampson sound gorgeous, but are on the cool side as Paris and Cupid respectively.
  • Prof. Charles Francis Xavier: Anonymity is the mutant's first defense against the world's hostility.
  • These warlords continue to exercise their authority by means of force and firepower, and often engage in sporadic armed conflict against one another.
  • I imagined the Tasmanian tiger stopping here en route from one primeval forest valley to another.
  • In the ensuing confusion another 8 persons were hurt.
  • Another modern attempt to make a classic 1930s screwball comedy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wisconsin amassed 311 yards and a 17-0 lead in the first half, leaving little doubt that Alvarez would get to celebrate another big win.
  • Another dream tells of an encounter with a being who held four keys, and bore the wings of a kingfisher.
  • In the background is a large lacquered coffer, its side decorated with a flying bird and another perched in a tree.
  • The wolf market may be here to stay, at least until the economic recovery accelerates or another catalyst prompts the market to find footing.
  • She also outlined another misconception that could explain the suspicion research nurses often encounter among other nurses.
  • In another case, a hotel guest was freed from the top of bunk beds. The Sun
  • There was a sense of disorganisation at times, as in the 20th minute when Gabriel Heinze pumped an innocuous-looking high ball towards the penalty area which Brown and Smalling both went to clear and then left to one another. Chris Smalling helps make a shaky case for Manchester United's defence
  • Some pro-ana websites feature anorexia prayers and sacrifice rituals.
  • Another quiet refuge Mt . Coot - tha, about 8 km from Brisbane.

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