How To Use Annum In A Sentence

  • Moreover, the combined salaries of the three wardens or lieutenants was now less than £400 per annum, and much of this was recouped by reviving the ancient practice of farming the shrievalties.
  • Most of the people we were lending to had, at one time or another, been indebted to illegal moneylenders, who charge interest rates of 300 percent per annum.
  • In Calingis eiusdem Indiæ gente quinquennes concipere foeminas, octauum vitæ annum non excedere, et alibi cauda villosa homines nasci pernicitatis eximiæ, alios auribus totos contegi. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • You will be paid a basic salary of £4,000 per annum, payable in arrears, on the last working Friday of each calendar month.
  • The designed maximum capacity of the supply system is 1.1 billion cubic metres per annum.
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  • The University of Toronto's campaign will go over the top, but it has required a tremendous effort by a very able and dedicated group of men and women to raise less than $1.00 per capita per annum from the community that the University serves. Liberal Education for a Free Society
  • With consideration to the strategic review by Miller Tabak and the condition to the transaction with DMRJ. the Company executed an Asset Purchase Agreement and a Note with Skinvera LLC, a company wholly owned by Frank J. Massino, former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, whereby Skinvera purchased all assets and assumed all existing liabilities of the Company's skincare business (except for assets and liabilities related to kinetin and zeatin) and received $1.8 million in cash in return for a $1.8 million Secured Promissory Note which bears interest at 6% per annum and is due on the seventh anniversary of the Note. Medindia Health News
  • WET's business model includes the development of BCB coal upgrading facilities in 1,000,000 ton per annum modules at mine-site or other strategic locations, individually or by way of joint venture, incorporating long-term feedstock coal supply agreements with owners of significant low rank coal deposits. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • we issue six volumes per annum
  • Average earnings are around £20 000 per annum.
  • The agency placed about 200 secretaries per annum.
  • His earnings are said to amount to £300 000 per annum.
  • The Holtham Commission, one of the most thorough reviews of the distribution of public expenditure in the UK, concluded that if the formula used to apportion public expenditure in England were applied to the devolved administrations, Wales would receive nearly £400m more per annum, and Scotland around £4bn less, compared with the apportionments dictated by a creaking Barnett formula. We are still a nation divided by shameful economic injustice | The big issue
  • Quia ego hanc amo et haec me amat, huic quod dem nusquam quicquam est, hinc med amantem ex aedibus eiecit huius mater. argenti viginti minae me ad mortem appulerunt, quas hodie adulescens Diabolus ipsi daturus dixit, ut hanc ne quoquam mitteret nisi ad se hunc annum totum. videtin viginti minae quid pollent quidve possunt? ille qui illas perdit salvos est, ego qui non perdo pereo. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • Item sunt alie expense facte in Curiis Regis annuatim pro officio generalis procuratoris in diversis Curiis Regis, que de necessitate fieri oportet, pro brevibus Regis, et Cartis impetendis, et aliis, negociis in eisdem Curiis expediendis, que ad minus ascendunt per annum, prout evidencius apparet, per compotum et memoranda dicti fratris de Scaccario qui per capitulum ad illud officium oneratur ... lx m. Notes and Queries, Number 38, July 20, 1850
  • he earned $100,000 per annum
  • The gross revenue per annum is usually in the neighbourhood of £500,000, say $2,000,000. What Is To Become of the British Protectorates?
  • The smelters will require 25000 tons of charcoal per annum which will be produced in retorts supplied by the Belgium company, Lambiotte.
  • It is a low-cost pension scheme in which you can put in up to £3,600 per annum gross - which means, Gerry says, that by paying in just £2,808 a year, you are credited with £3,600.
  • Harpocr. s.v., it was 12 drachmae per annum for a male and 6 drachmae for a female. Ways and Means
  • By end 2003, we are eyeing a production of 1,25,000 tonne per annum of tinplates from the current production of 90,000 tonne.
  • All this during a period when inflation has been running at 3 per cent per annum. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have also increased our capital expenditure to an average of R2-billion per annum to deal with the backlogs.
  • Waster came in for these hereditaments; though the year 1789 deprived him of all seignorial rights save to the rents paid by his tenants, which amounted to some ten thousand francs per annum. Two Poets
  • THE ROLE*You will manage 22 stores covering a total turnover of £20 million per annum*As Area Manager you will be ensuring maximised sales through excellent customer service, visual merchandising and staff management * Oversee shop refits, floor moves and general stores standards*You will over see all KPI's in the area, ensuring maximised profit for the company, whilst implementing new policies and procedures where necessary, identifying areas of improvement to excide company expectations * You will ensure achieved sales targets and act as a mentor for managers in your area, motivating staff to maximise productivity at all times*As Area Manager, you will oversee the recruitment of staff, whilst managing budgets and wage costs Undefined
  • _ 9, '[Orbilius] vixit prope ad centesimum aetatis annum, amissa iam pridem memoria, ut versus Bibaculi docet, The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • Filia excedens annum 25. potest inscio patre nubere, licet indignus sit maritus, et eum cogere ad congrue dotandum. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • 7 'Liberi parentes alant aut vinciant: quidam alterum fratrem tyrannum occidit, alterum in adulterio deprehensum deprecante patre interfecit. Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
  • Kenya's population is growing at 4.1 per cent per annum.
  • Thus: -- post quīnque annōs, _five years afterward_; paucōs ante diēs, _a few days before_; ante quadriennium, _four years before_; post diem quārtum quam ab urbe discesserāmus, _four days after we had left the city_; ante tertium annum quam dēcesserat, _three years before he had died_. New Latin Grammar
  • With this fresh impetus, the total edible oil processing capacity, including vanaspati, is expected to cross 20 million tonne per annum.
  • Hey Dave, he said via the Lords the other day, has the government "made any assessment of whether £675,000 per annum is the appropriate remuneration package level for the director general of the BBC"? Diary
  • The value of each scholarship can vary from a minimum of 3800 per annum to a maximum of 38000 over the duration of the course.
  • The farmers, who supply Watsonia about 130 baconers a week from their farm at Tenindewa, have won the Watsonia Contract Grower of the Year Award in the category of more than 4000 pigs supplied per annum.
  • For the compensation of one topograph, at $1,250 per annum, ... .. Additional estimates for the support of the government,
  • World-wide, estimates vary from a minimum of 50000 up to 150000 abortion-related deaths per annum.
  • Vltra transiui per mare Oceanum versus meridiem, et transiui per multas contratas et insulas, quarum vna vocatur Moumoran, et habet in circuitu 2000. milliaria, in qua homines portant facies caninas et mulieres similitèr, et vnum bouem adorant pro Deo suo, et ideo quilibet vnum bouem aureum vel argenteum in fronte portat: Homines illius contratæ et mulieres vadunt totaliter nudi, nisi quod vnum pannum lineum portant ante verenda sua. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • These figures represent a return of 8.5% per annum.
  • In this context, Government cuts of £250,000 per annum seem miserly and ill thought-out.
  • If any free man, out of contempt for our command, shall have presumed to remain at home when the others go to war, let him know that he ought to pay the full hari bannum according to the law of the Franks, - that is, sixty solidi. De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » Charlemagne’s way of raising troops
  • Note payable to the Company's CEO bears interest at 5% per annum and is payable on August 31, 2008.
  • As demonstrated, a percentage perannum return can be calculated for comparative purposes with other types of financial investment.
  • Supplying materials for new driveways and patios has helped the firm ratchet up 13% per annum dividend growth since 1997.
  • You will be paid monthly in arrears at the rate of perannum. 4.
  • After his death, his widow would receive £30 per annum for the rest of her life.
  • These are very affluent areas with over twice as many people as average earning in excess of £40,000 per annum.
  • The company is offering a salary of 20000 per annum.
  • Russia's economy in creases, we are told, 6% per annum, ours at 3%. The Berlin Crisis
  • Instead the amount of the loan reduces with the depreciation of the sum lent, commonly at the rate of 4 % per annum for five years.
  • China consumes an estimated 250 million hectolitres of beer per annum, the world's biggest by volume.
  • Senior Policy Officer international hiv/aids alliance. alary £34,000 - £36,000 per annum plus attractive benefits package. The Guardian World News
  • 'Tempora cum causis Latium digesta per annum lapsaque sub terras ortaque signa canam ... The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • Isn't that the legend where Rama together with his friend Hannuman takes an army of monkeys across the bridge to fight a demon who's stolen Rama's betrothed?
  • The best study I've seen on the topic puts the estimate at around 25,000 deaths per annum.
  • Although usury was theoretically forbidden, in practice it was allowed at rates of no more than ten percent per annum.
  • This equates to compound growth perannum of 23.4%.
  • Sextiles poflridie mane Canicula ex - oriente, monet,. in Piinio, qui Augufl: eum annum feqaitur» legendttm eife: a. d. Scriptorvm rei rvsticae vetervm latinorvm tomvs primvs-[qvartvs]..
  • It will involve the sinking of a new shaft and construction of an additional three million tonnes per annum concentrator.
  • Lectures and study will be in addition to those hours, and you will be permitted three weeks ' holiday per annum. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Collier, as has been said, having accepted of a certain Appointment of seven hundred per Annum, Wilks, Dogget, and Myself were not the only acting Menagers under the Queen's License; which being a Grant but during Pleasure oblig'd us to a Conduct that might not undeserve the Favour. An Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, Volume II
  • Meanwhile, Fine Gael strongly rejected media claims that their economic document, had miscalculated by €1 billion per annum the borrowing implications of its policy.
  • • T'* -: director obfervea, that three clerks arc eftimated to provide agatnft a con gency} but of the, three eftimated for laft year, only one had been employed, and at 400 dollars per annum, excepting three months laft winter, tor which one other paid at the rate of 500 dollars per annum* An historical, geographical, commercial, and philosophical view of the American United States
  • If 50 litres of water per day per person and 20kWh of electricity per month per person were provided to all urban households in Port Elizabeth, 14 million kilolitres of water and 184 million kWh of electricity would be required per annum.
  • The overall growth rates for the two periods were 2.82 percent and 2.93 percent perannum respectively.
  • Although he dismissed the suggestion that she had a notional earning capacity he put her annual budget, excluding periodical payments for the children, at £65,000 per annum.
  • Both kinds should be made either of gold, silver, or at least of tin and pewter (stannum), and should have sheaths or cases. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Terror indeed," thought I. "Pannum nossum quotditty hamminum da nobs holyday, e missy nobs debitty nossa si cut nos demittimissibus debetenibas nossimus e, ne, nos hem-duckam in, in, in temptationemum, sed lillibery nos a ma -- ma --" Here a heavy lash brought the very Oh! that was "caret" to complete the sentence. Frank Mildmay Or, The Naval Officer
  • Mr Arthur Clennam, enclosing the sum of twenty – four pounds nine shillings and eightpence, being the amount of principal and interest computed at the rate of five per cent. per annum, in which their client believed himself to be indebted to Mr Clennam. Little Dorrit
  • When Mr. Brooke purchased the rajahship and mines of Sarawak, he agreed to compensate Muda with a life annuity of two or three hundred per annum, and give him a passage to his native city, Bruni, whenever he should feel disposed to leave Kuchin. Borneo and the Indian Archipelago with drawings of costume and scenery
  • In Calingis eiusdem Indi� gente quinquennes concipere foeminas, octauum vit� annum non excedere, et alibi cauda villosa homines nasci pernicitatis eximi�, alios auribus totos contegi. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Sn, for stannum, a Roman-era amalgam of silver and lead. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XXIII No 4
  • Average earnings are around £20 000 per annum.
  • June 9th, 2009 at 10: 25 pm file sharing has shown a steady increase of 27-30% per annum for 6 years, and not slowing down any. p2p downloading is more popular than ever. the quality steadily increases, the availability improves, broadband is getting faster and faster. MediaSentry operates in Australia: confirmed
  • China consumes an estimated 250 million hectolitres of beer per annum, the world's biggest by volume.
  • Indeed, if we were to donate £1 billion per annum to our emigrants we still could not fully repay them for their unfailing generosity in difficult times.
  • It was proposed that all benefactors of 20 guineas perannum should be governors while their payments were maintained.
  • Bucks cum pertinent 9 cuftodiend* quamdiu Regi placuerit reddendo in* de per annum quantum Johannes P# A short treatise touching sheriffs accompts
  • A further three were to be built at the old carding mill at a gross rental of £10 perannum.
  • The Respondent is employed as a licensed mechanic and presently earns $48, 900 per annum.
  • According to the Roman Missal (De Defectibus, tit. x, n. 1) it may be also made of stannum (an alloy of tin and lead), with the cup gilt on the inside, but authors permit this only by way of exception in case of extreme poverty. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • In respect of cars, there is a cap on the amount perannum for which Newco can claim allowances.
  • The rent currently passing under the lease is £10, 660.00 per annum.
  • The firm announced Boyle's formal promotion to the ranks of general salesman at a salary of $1,800 per annum.
  • He added that Ireland has 75,500 horses and ponies, with thoroughbred horses accounting for an estimated £100 million per annum in exports.
  • Paragraph five provided visitation in one of the father's houses in Dubai for up to two weeks duration and up to four times per annum.
  • Sudan has an estimated two billion barrels of recoverable oil, and is currently producing around 250,000 barrels per day in an industry worth around $2 billion per annum.
  • The interest accumulates on a daily basis and the rate is 11.75 per cent per annum.
  • He had four major relationships, a German baroness, a Spanish aristocrat, an American heiress and, of course, the gorgeous Norwegian model Eva Sannum.
  • Filia excedens annum 25. potest inscio patre nubere, licet indignus sit maritus, et eum cogere ad congrue dotandum. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Conceived in 1997, the agency has maintained an impressive growth rate of 40 per cent per annum.
  • I inherited little money; but there was a small, comfortably-furnished country-house, and an adjoining farm let on a long lease for two hundred and forty pounds per annum. Stories by Foreign Authors: German — Volume 1
  • Kenya's population is growing at 4.1 per cent per annum.
  • The income per head of population was under £1 000 per annum.
  • This fum divided by twenty, for the twenty years, gives twenty-* eight millions, one hundred and thirty thonfand livres per annum. Considerations on the Present and Future State of France
  • The studentship is for a period of three years, subject to satisfactory progress and provides payment of tuition fees at the UK/EU rate plus an annual stipend of £13,900 please note that students from outside the EU are required to pay the difference between International and EU fees, currently this would amount to £6,100 per annum. Archive 2009-07-01
  • He became assistant to the Professor and demonstrator of anatomy, at £25 perannum, plus coals for his sitting room.
  • per annum
  • #singleinstance, force ttl = My Puzzle gui, +lastfound loop, 16 loop random, ran, 1, 16 if rannum not contains -- % ran% -- rannum = % rannum% ` n-- % ran% -- break if ran! AutoHotkey Community
  • -- Colman is the gainer, as he covenanted to give him 16001. per annum, for his patent; -- in short, Colman is happy in the bargain -- and I trust Foote is no loser. Letters of the Late Ignatius Sancho, An African. In Two Volumes. To Which Are Prefixed, Memoirs of His Life, Vol. 1
  • Many home owners with hefty mortgages rent a room in their properties to help pay the bills - as they can earn up to €7,618 tax-free per annum.
  • Apple's calculated annual run rate of 130 million songs a year equates to $43.9m of revenue per annum.
  • Libertus Melioris ille notus, tota qui cecidit dolente Roma, cari deliciae breues patroni, hoc sub marmore Glaucias humatus iuncto Flaminiae iacet sepulcro: 15 castus moribus, integer pudore, uelox ingenio, decore felix. bis senis modo messibus peractis uix unum puer applicabat annum. qui fles talia, nil fleas, uiator. In Memoriam
  • Sed Wolfius ae - ram hanc percurrens in Oppenheimeri exemplari samech pro mem et quin - que millenaria pro quinque unitatibus accepit, legitque vel effecit annum mi - noris supputationis 254, Chr. 1494« Annales Hebraeo-typographici sec. XV
  • This indicates capital appreciation of 40 per cent per annum and yields in the region of 8 per cent.
  • The IIM-L has raised the fees by Rs. 1.5 lakh per annum from the 2009-10 academic session. Now, IIM-L goes for fee hike
  • Average earnings are around £20 000 per annum.
  • Ea extat etiam apud me, ec dicitur ad calcem absoluta „ sub domi - nio domini Johannis Sfortiae die xxi si - van anni to'-» per manus minimi typo - graphorum ac discipulorum, qui est ex filiis Soncini, et peregrinatur hic (Ger - som) in urbe Pisauri „ • Hanc ergo epigraphem et aeram legens Wolfius, samech cum mem confudit annumque effecit roS seu 247« Conjeceram olim falsam hanc editionem recensens De hebr.typogr. orig.p. 76 Woiftum in exscribenda epigrapbe alterius editionis Pisaurensis anni 274, Cbristi 1514 quae et ipsa apud nos. est, postremum numerum alteri oscitanter praeposuisse et ex 274 effecisse 247. Annales Hebraeo-typographici sec. XV
  • Eadem Galli fatentur ac Lentulum dissimulantem coarguunt praeter litteras sermonibus, quos ille habere solitus erat; ex libris Sibyllinis [226] regnum Romae tribus Corneliis portendi; Cinnam atque Sullam antea, se tertium esse, cui fatum foret urbis potiri; [227] praeterea ab incenso Capitolio illum esse vigesimum annum, quem saepe ex prodigiis haruspices [228] respondissent bello civili cruentum fore. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • Those Roman knights were so called, if they could dispend per annum so much. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • _ 9, '[Orbilius] vixit prope ad centesimum aetatis annum, amissa iam pridem memoria, ut versus Bibaculi docet, The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • The provision of 8,000 social and affordable houses per annum would go a long way in addressing the ever increasing Local Authority housing waiting lists.
  • An Elan bond, where the bondholder can exercise the right to be repaid in 18 months, currently yields 19 per cent per annum.
  • He added that Ireland has 75,500 horses and ponies, with thoroughbred horses accounting for an estimated £100 million per annum in exports.
  • As a result, the private education services sector is growing at around 30 percent per annum.
  • The Bishop was prepared with the customary "pugil" or champion (who received 6s. 8d. per annum), though his services were not required. Bell’s Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Hereford, A Description Of Its Fabric And A Brief History Of The Episcopal See
  • The total rent achieved, disregarding the two short rent-free periods, was £108, 500 per annum for the first five years of the terms.
  • The bonds for $175 million were issued at a face value of $100 with a coupon rate of 2.5 per cent per annum payable every six months.
  • Allowing for this element means that the average income from farming per full-time equivalent may be about £9,000 perannum.
  • Our objective is to achieve long - term sustainable capital appreciation in excess of 20 % per annum.
  • However, revenues are expected to grow at over 100 per cent per annum for the next three years.
  • The agency places about 2000 secretaries per annum.
  • After the Restoration, November 3rd, 1662, he received letters of denization, and a grant for being engineer of the Mint in the Tower of London, and for using his new invention for coining gold and silver with the mill and press, with the fee of L100 per annum (Walpole's "Anecdotes of Painting").] which are very neat, and like the King. Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete
  • For income of only £14,000 per annum at retirement a pot of about £255,000 needs to be built up.
  • But I ought to have told you, that Mr. Williams, upon mature deliberation, declined the stipulated eighty pounds per annum from Mr. Adams, as he thought it would have a simoniacal appearance. Pamela
  • - In the foregoing schedule the overtime rate for 416 overtime hours for any basic rate of compensation in excess of $2,980 per annum is computed by subtracting from $894, 7.6782 per centum of the amount by which such basic rate is in excess of $2,980 per annum; with the condition that the rate for 416 overtime hours for all salaries of $6,440 or more shall be $628.334. EXECUTIVE ORDER 9578 (1)
  • Average earnings are around £20 000 per annum.
  • Caesaris fuimus: ille me in tribunatu liberorum iure praecessit, ego illum in praetura sum consecutus, cum mihi Caesar annum remisisset, 'refer to the fact that the emperor did not insist on the year of absence from office between the tribunate and the quaestorship. The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • The Life Companies shall pay a levy of £10,000 perannum for each appointed representative they employ.
  • The emphasis is on secure long-term investment and the guaranteed returns are currently as low as four per cent per annum.
  • An additional £200,000 perannum is being sought but the Gallery needs £550,000 to cover its costs fully.
  • In 1714, a fee of twelve riksdollars per annum was charged for grazing land, and a tithe of one tenth of the crop for sowing land.
  • Taxpayers, to the tune of £1.15 bn per annum, will fund the additional support for students, which include fee remission and larger loan values.
  • £400 per annum; where the value did not exceed £1,500 _per annum_, £30 The Loyalists of America and Their Times, Vol. 2 of 2 From 1620-1816
  • The company is offering a salary of 20000 per annum.
  • Jones Lang LaSalle handled the letting of the 186 square metre unit at a rent of €160,000 per annum.
  • An assessorship in Chicago is worth nominally 1500 dollars per annum, but "everyone knows that in Chicago an assessorship is the shortest cut to fortune. AN AUSTRALIAN IN CHINA
  • The target is moderate, considering that tax revenues have increased by an average 14.2 percent per annum over the past three years.
  • The savings are calculated on the amount which would be lost per annum by paying fraudulent social welfare payments.
  • He likewise fixed the surra from Constantinople, or, as it is called, the Greek surra, at thirty-one thousand ducats per annum. Travels in Arabia
  • Objective:To establish a method for determination of air stannum in workplace by hydride generator-atomic fluorescence spectrometry.
  • Fully franked dividends for the next 2 financial years are forecast to be not less than 12 cents per share per annum.
  • Quis trigesimum annum natus nullum amoris causa peregit insigne facinus? ego de me facio conjecturam, quem amor in mille pericula misit. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • If 50 litres of water per day per person and 20kWh of electricity per month per person were provided to all urban households in Port Elizabeth, 14 million kilolitres of water and 184 million kWh of electricity would be required per annum.
  • Having expended a large sum of money in roadmaking and fences, at the tenant's request, he also borrowed thirty-five pounds to build a small house for which he has to pay thirty-five shillings per annum. The Reminiscences of an Irish Land Agent
  • Moram autem faciebant barones in civitate Londoniæ per annum et amplius cum civibus confœderati, permittentes se nullam pacem facturos cum rege nisi assensu utriusque partis." — London and the Kingdom - Volume I
  • Not only that, he was responsible for giving the whole village two slap-up meals per annum.
  • Our social welfare R50 Billion budget per annum should address the basic needs of people and it should seek to address the problem of poverty, stemming from children, pensioners, people with HIV - AIDS, people with disabilities and the highly unemployable, what we term the lumpen proletariat. SPEECH BY OUPA MONARENG THE ROLE OF PARLIAMENT IN EXECUTING THE PEOPLES CONTRACT - STATE OF THE NATION DEBATE
  • Another eye catcher, who was to go on in the same vein, was New York-trained Grannum.
  • The agency places about 4,000 young persons per annum.
  • Staff employed on a casual basis are entitled to annual leave with pay at the rate of 22 days perannum.
  • The approximate savings per unit can be assumed to be 1 chef at £6,000 perannum per unit.
  • Allowing for this element means that the average income from farming per full-time equivalent may be about £9,000 perannum.
  • A hectic, but enjoyable annum ahead brings masses of new openings and opportunities to explore and exploit.
  • A spokesman of the Finance Department said the loan would have an interest rate of 6.35 per cent per annum to be paid half-yearly on January 30 and July 30 each year.
  • Mr Scaife, I am led to understand, earns £30,000 per annum in Libya today. WHITE LIES
  • Pergratum fuit mihi collegisque meis, quod ex litteris tuis nuperrime allatis didicimus, Universitatem, quæ in Virginia floret, annum ab origine sua centesimum feliciter exactum propediem ineunte mense Iunio per quattuor dies solemniter celebraturam. The Centennial of the University of Virginia, 1819-1921
  • Despite his non-attendance, he is still entitled to a basic allowance of £2,536 per annum plus travel expenses.
  • In retirement, most people would love to earn the average wage per annum.
  • It is estimated that there are 6.5 to 8.5 million pavement accidents perannum, many more than road accidents.
  • Its annual growth rate over the last two years has been over 50 per cent per annum which puts it as the fastest-growing industry in the country.
  • The company is offering a salary of 20000 per annum.
  • He became assistant to the Professor and demonstrator of anatomy, at £25 perannum, plus coals for his sitting room.
  • Subsequently the Committee met and determined that the rent for the property was £2,708 per calendar month or in other words £32, 496 per annum.
  • The IIM-L director Dr Devi Singh told media that the institute has raised the fees to Rs 4 lakh per annum from the existing fees of Rs. 2.5 per cent. Now, IIM-L goes for fee hike
  • Based on this highly efficient shoot induction, the application of filter paper to the genetic transformation of Artemisia annum L. by Agrobacterium tumefaciens was investigated.
  • The massive changes to ice streams flowing into the Amundsen Sea observed in the last decade include flow-rates that now exceed 1,000 metres per annum. Warmest in a Millll-yun Years « Climate Audit

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