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How To Use Annuity In A Sentence

  • California requires any organization that administers a gift annuity program to provide adequate reserves for any annuities sold in California or to California residents.
  • At retirement, savers can opt for a fixed or variable-rate annuity.
  • An annuity in perpetuity does not have a fixed time span but continues indefinitely and receipts can therefore only come from interest earned. Collins Dictionary of Economics
  • In contrast, the life-care annuity products could be open to just about anyone not currently receiving long-term care. Package Deals
  • This allows them to receive tax relief on the contribution and use the lump sum to buy an annuity. Times, Sunday Times
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  • an annuity paid in perpetuity
  • reversionary annuity
  • You may not touch the funds saved in a retirement annuity before you are 55 years old.
  • And to judge any variable annuity, you need to consider the whole package -- not the returns on just one fund.
  • For most people the only viable option to an annuity is a drawdown plan. Times, Sunday Times
  • This allows them to receive tax relief on the contribution and use the lump sum to buy an annuity. Times, Sunday Times
  • When you use the amortization or annuity method, you must factor in an annual interest rate.
  • It stated that the funds were to be used to secure the Retirement Benefits, which were an annuity and a lump sum payment.
  • Previously they could take out a small sum and be paid an annuity for life. The Sun
  • The value is subject to the normal income tax on the money drawn down from the fund or annuity.
  • At the moment it's compulsory to convert your pension pot into an annuity by the age of 75 to give you an income throughout retirement.
  • The freedoms could have been used by about five million people who had previously purchased an annuity. Times, Sunday Times
  • His office has been _attorned_ to me by _Saving Scylla_, who would doubtless see his _protracted devotion_ rewarded with that _freedom_ from _concerns_ which is the _perfumed ointment_ of _superannuity_. Exodus From The Long Sun
  • An enterprise annuity fund established according to law may enter into the national inter-bank bond market to engage in such businesses as bond investment, etc.
  • You can either pay your exorbitant monthly bill in advance, or pay an even more exorbitant lump sum up front, which works like an annuity. FATAL FLAW
  • Hence, what we should pay close attention to is whether and how trust pattern works properly for the enterprise annuity fund—which is the starting point and the foothold of the thesis as well.
  • The outlook for those who dislike the idea of purchasing a conventional annuity is good. Times, Sunday Times
  • An annuity, whereby the pensioner buys an income with a lump sum, can vary as well.
  • And to judge any variable annuity, you need to consider the whole package -- not the returns on just one fund.
  • The way they pay benefits distinguishes them from existing money purchase plans as you would not have to buy an annuity. Times, Sunday Times
  • These clerics often sided with the state and received some type of annuity, while clerics at the bottom of the religious hierarchy espoused anti-establishment sentiment.
  • Hideo succeeded and was awarded the decoration and an annuity for carrying out his duty so well.
  • An annuity, whereby the pensioner buys an income with a lump sum, can vary as well.
  • This annuity guarantees pensioners a regular income for the rest of their lives.
  • She could buy an annuity, a fixed income for life, or she could opt for a combination of ARFs and annuities.
  • Investors who want to hedge their bets could use a combination of annuity and drawdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is not without a certain degree of romantic pride that I look back and know that the first expenses of my son's life were defrayed from the price of that first creation of my brain; and before that child was two years old, I had procured for my husband, – (for the husband who has lately overwhelmed me, my sons, and his dead patron with slander, rather than yield a miserable annuity) – a place worth a thousand a year; the arduous duty of which consisted in attending three days in the week, for five hours, to hear causes tried in the simplest forms of law. English Laws for Women in the Nineteenth Century
  • For the first time buyer this choice will be between an annuity mortgage and an endowment mortgage.
  • Lent and Michaelmas or if he be not paid within fourteen Days after the said Feasts to distrain on any part of the Ground or on any of my Lands of Inheritance Item I give to my Sister Katherine Jackson during her life eight pounds per Ann. Annuity to be paid at the two Anatomy of Melancholy
  • They say an annuity would pay me something like 2 per year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most people with a money-purchase plan buy an annuity to provide income at retirement. Times, Sunday Times
  • A tax-deferred annuity can have a fixed rate, or it can be a variable product with sub-accounts.
  • A single premium immediate annuity offers an income stream that will last as long as the annuitant (or joint annuitant, if that option is selected) lives or for a predetermined period, depending on the option selected at the time of purchase. For Some Retirees, This Annuity Makes Sense
  • (included within benefits) divided by the average fixed account values, including the fixed portion of variable annuity contracts, net of coinsured account values. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Several institutional investors are also still buying into the sector and see property as a safer bet to match long-term annuity liabilities.
  • Customers can order the annuity on-line but must pay for it through traditional mail.
  • The amount of the annuity that will be taxable will depend mainly on her age when she buys the annuity.
  • At the moment, men receive higher annuity payments than women of the same age. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alternatively, a spouse or dependants can use the fund to buy an annuity or remain in drawdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • The prospect of a government attack on a popular estate-planning technique, referred to as a grantor retained annuity trust, or GRAT, has been a topic of much discussion among wealth advisors and tax professionals over the past several months. Estate Planning: The Great GRAT Debate
  • An annuity purchase is still likely to prove beneficial for many retirees as it provides a guaranteed income for life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The personal contribution ratio is voluntary in the annuity program.
  • If they want to save, they can do so - and make the decision nearer retirement whether to blow the money or buy an annuity.
  • Crucially, check you are not giving up any valuable guaranteed annuity payments by moving. Times, Sunday Times
  • Investors who want to hedge their bets could use a combination of annuity and drawdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • The money raised is used to buy an annuity, which then pays out a monthly income.
  • The old days of using either an annuity or drawdown are over. Times, Sunday Times
  • These clerics often sided with the state and received some type of annuity, while clerics at the bottom of the religious hierarchy espoused anti-establishment sentiment.
  • Is there a way to access the 16,000 without paying annuity fees? Times, Sunday Times
  • Those who have a long life see the value of their fixed income eroded by inflation when an index-linked annuity could have helped. Times, Sunday Times
  • Proc. requires a spousal waiver of elective-share rights in order for a charitable remainder annuity trust (CRAT) or a charitable remainder unitrust (CRUT) created on or after June 28, 2005, to qualify for a charitable deduction. Waggoner on Rev. Proc. 2005-24 and the UPC Elective Share
  • Its success has been based on the premise that people entering retirement with reduced life expectancy should receive higher annuity payments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oh! I did not do it by halves; I titivated myself up a bit, and went out and sold my spoons and forks and buckles for six hundred francs; then I went to old Daddy Gobseck, and sold a year’s interest in my annuity for four hundred francs down. Paras. 1500–1599
  • Other trust boards already in existence received some type of annuity in recognition of prior injustices caused by raupatu.
  • You have scope to buy more income through a purchased life annuity. Times, Sunday Times
  • An annuity purchase is still likely to prove beneficial for many retirees as it provides a guaranteed income for life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consider attitude to risk and decide between an annuity or income drawdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do you "reinsure" annuity contracts with insurance companies? Donors Find
  • The corporate mode is the excellent management of enterprise annuity mode.
  • If you decide you want an income, you usually have to buy an annuity from the reversion company so you have to bear in mind that if you pop your clogs soon after, then you won't get the full value of the plan.
  • It can be, but you will have to work hard to beat an annuity's predictable returns. Times, Sunday Times
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  • For some investors, an annuity can be an appropriate part of their financial plan if utilized properly.
  • You may not touch the funds saved in a retirement annuity before you are 55 years old.
  • You may be eligible for an enhanced annuity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Life annuity and premium of life insurance theory were researched.
  • When you take your tax-free lump sum you usually have to buy an annuity with the rest of your fund.
  • Equitable is expected to first devise a draft proposal, designed to buy out the expensive annuity guarantees that the society can no longer afford.
  • The trustee claimed to be entitled to elect under the policy to commute part of the annuity for a tax free lump sum.
  • Robert relinquished his claim in return for Henry's territories in Normandy and a large annuity.
  • Anyone who could get excited by an annuity scheme must belong to a different species from his own.
  • Huity to J.S. until he be promoted to a competent benefice, and 251. at the time of the grant he was but a mean perfon, and afterward is made an arch-deacon, yet if 1 offer him a competent benefice* according to his eftate at the time of the grant, the annuity doth ceafe. Reports of Sir George Croke, knight. Formerly one of the justices of the courts of Kings-bench, and common-pleas, of such select cases as were adjudged in the said courts [1582-1641]
  • The word "annuitant", as used in this section and sec - tions one hundred and thirty-two B and one hundred and thirty-two C, shall mean any person on whose life an annuity is payable under a group annuity contract. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • When he reran the numbers on a hypothetical retiree scenario that he first calculated eight months ago, he found the monthly annuity payout is now about 5% lower. An Annuity Can Still Make Sense
  • When annuitants die, the income dies with them, and the life company that offers the annuity retains any surplus from the lump sum investment.
  • You put off buying an annuity, invest the money, and draw some of it off as a pension.
  • You can choose an annuity for yourself only or one that will also pay your spouse or partner on your death. Times, Sunday Times
  • When Mr. Brooke purchased the rajahship and mines of Sarawak, he agreed to compensate Muda with a life annuity of two or three hundred per annum, and give him a passage to his native city, Bruni, whenever he should feel disposed to leave Kuchin. Borneo and the Indian Archipelago with drawings of costume and scenery
  • The 5th chapter applys the new Copula model to a last survivor annuity and calculates out the net single premium.
  • Given that annuity markets are imperfect, people may leave substantial estates even though they have no altruistic feelings towards their heirs.
  • Women live longer than men, so men get higher annuity payments in recognition of their shorter average life expectancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can choose an annuity for yourself only or one that will also pay your spouse or partner on your death. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stephen Romylowe is expressly called esquire of Edward prince of Wales (the Black Prince), and he held an annuity from that prince. Chaucer's Official Life
  • An annuity guarantees a fixed income for life but is dependent on interest rates at the time of retirement.
  • The applicable federal rate, used for a tax-planning vehicle known as a grantor retained annuity trust, will be 1.4 percent for October. NYT > Home Page
  • What are the alternatives to buying a standard annuity now? Times, Sunday Times
  • The tax increases include one that would raise $5.3 billion over the next decade by limiting taxpayers 'ability to avoid gift taxes by setting up trusts known as grantor retained annuity trusts. Chronicle
  • Among the practices at issue: investors paying terminally ill people to be named as the "annuitant" in the annuity, the person whose death triggers an often-valuable death benefit. Regulators Seek to Guard Insurers Against Annuity Bets
  • Three years earlier, that firm had obtained a patent on a strategy that involved funding so-called grantor retained annuity trusts or GRATs with nonqualified stock options. News
  • What is an annuity? No, you got me there.
  • The remaining 2,300 annuitants will be offered a 25% discount on the redemption price of their annuity, provided their arrears are up to date.
  • Is an annuity still right for me? Times, Sunday Times
  • In a further twist, some annuity providers are running panels on behalf of famous brands. Times, Sunday Times
  • And to judge any variable annuity, you need to consider the whole package -- not the returns on just one fund.
  • Companies will also have to take policyholders' individual circumstances into consideration when selling them an annuity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Take an annuity to secure a guaranteed income for life. Times, Sunday Times
  • As his expenses mounted, Pont changed his request for remuneration from a single award to an annuity in honor of his discoveries. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Investors who want to hedge their bets could use a combination of annuity and drawdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unless the tax deferral is truly important, you might be better off investing in tax-efficient mutual funds or ETFs until you need the money, and then converting it into an immediate annuity. How To Make Your Money Last In Retirement
  • One point the experts emphasise is that it's not an either-or decision between an annuity and drawdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • But most who join workplace schemes invest in a default fund that is designed for those who buy an annuity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her three nieces had court places, one of them that of a maid of honour; one brother obtained a cornetcy in the Horse Guards; another a chief clerkship in the annuity office; and her nephew was sent out with Lord Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 62, No. 384, October 1847
  • Inflation cpi 5.2% and rpi 5.65 is dreadful for anyone woh has bought an annuity or trying to live on savings ie. older people! - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Property is a much more risky investment than an annuity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The annuity pays you a guaranteed income for the rest of your life.
  • Has annuity that pays 85 a month. Times, Sunday Times
  • On motion of Mr Mason, Ordered that the Rector be requested to prepare and present to the Legislature a petition praying for the passage of the necessary Law to carry out the suggestions made in the said letter, as to Register at the State Treasury of such bonds for the said loan as now are or may be hereafter issued for the same, by authority of the Board of Visiters, for the payment of the semi annual interest on the same at the Treasury such payments to be deducted from corresponding accruing amounts of the annuity, and making the said bonds transferrible as State bonds are by law transferrible - Board of Visitors minutes
  • The amount of the annuity that will be taxable will depend mainly on her age when she buys the annuity.
  • Should I consider an annuity or an income drawdown plan? Times, Sunday Times
  • I think I'll commute my life insurance into an annuity.
  • The other increasing annuity is an index-linked policy based on the retail prices index. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its success has been based on the premise that people entering retirement with reduced life expectancy should receive higher annuity payments. Times, Sunday Times
  • This could currently buy an index-linked standard annuity of 48 a year. Times, Sunday Times
  • They do not have to take the 25 per cent tax-free lump sum and that would mean more money with which to buy an annuity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Take an annuity to secure a guaranteed income for life. Times, Sunday Times
  • rent payable in advance constitutes an annuity in advance for the landlord
  • Until 1999, the only choice available to anyone retiring was an annuity, a fixed income for life.
  • Its success has been based on the premise that people entering retirement with reduced life expectancy should receive higher annuity payments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clearly, teachers considering this variable annuity have a lot of homework ahead of them.
  • These constraints arise from the non-existence of a perfect annuity market and the nonexistence of perfect rental and mortgage markets.
  • The claimant could often convert the lump sum into an annuity, but this would take no account of a deterioration in health, for example.
  • a terminable annuity
  • For example, State Life Insurance Co., a unit of OneAmerica Financial Partners Inc. of Indianapolis, has been selling a life-care annuity even without the tax advantages for a decade as an alternative that doesn't require much underwriting, says Bruce Moon, State Life's vice president of marketing. Package Deals
  • With a purchased life annuity, investors receive an income for life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The name annuity dates back to Roman legionnaires who were paid an annual pension when they retired from the army.
  • For the punctual payment of this annuity, they order him to give soucar security. [ The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 03 (of 12)
  • Chapter four analyses the structure and regulatory issues of Trust Enterprise Annuity.
  • Once an annuity is in payment, it cannot be changed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The vehicle, known as a grantor-retained annuity trust, or GRAT, potentially allows the grantor of a trust to pass on much of the appreciation of an asset to heirs free of gift tax. Estate-Tax Strategies Could Survive Curbs
  • Topping it all was the alert that older savers are being stripped of thousands of pounds by middlemen when they buy an annuity at retirement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Typically, a consumer buying an annuity to save for retirement would himself be the annuitant, not an unrelated person, as happens when professional investors get involved. Regulators Heed Insurers' Concerns on Annuity Curbs
  • The figure was far better than he would have received with a standard annuity because of his health problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • Investors should consider putting some money into an annuity.
  • On the free market, anyone who wishes to invest in an insurance annuity or in stocks or real estate may do so.
  • A long-time favorite has been the grantor retained annuity trust or GRAT, which involves putting appreciating assets into a short-term irrevocable trust two years is typical and retaining the right to receive an annual income stream for the term of the trust. New Estate Tax Law Poses Dilemma For The Rich
  • Previously, if investors wanted to reinvest the bulk of their savings, they were compelled to put the money into an annuity.
  • Year 1127 Annuity soldiers captured Kaifeng, Hui and chin had been abducted.
  • At the moment it's compulsory to convert your pension pot into an annuity by the age of 75 to give you an income throughout retirement.
  • The way they pay benefits distinguishes them from existing money purchase plans as you would not have to buy an annuity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ways to reform the annuity system have also been bandied about, such as allowing people to pass on some their pension pot to their descendants.
  • In many respects, the variable annuity sounds like a mutual fund, but it has key differences.
  • If he had done so, on his death his estate would have been entitled to a cash sum to be applied for the purchase of an annuity for his dependants.
  • We're also against annuities that are sold by unscrupulous salespersons who sometimes "hoodwink" (often older) investors into investing with them by providing false or misleading information about the annuity products they're selling. For Some Retirees, This Annuity Makes Sense
  • But you know I am risking my annuity from Mr. Phillips by coming here to see you; but I heard in Adelaide that for the first time since you was married I might have the chance of seeing you, without making dispeace, which is the last thing I would wish to do. Mr. Hogarth's Will
  • John Upton the Annuity of Forty Shillings out of my said Farme during his life (if till then my Servant) to be paid on Michaelmas day in Lindley each year or else after fourteen days to distrain Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Using a forecast of future cash flow, you can treat it like an annuity and discount it to present value.
  • Previously, if investors wanted to reinvest the bulk of their savings, they were compelled to put the money into an annuity.
  • Variable annuities allow you to participate in potential further appreciation of your assets while still drawing an income from your annuity.
  • Your delayed annuity payments have now been processed and you should receive them soon. Times, Sunday Times
  • This money is used to buy an annuity, which provides a regular income until you die.
  • Finally, consider taking advantage of a potentially vanishing opportunity with short term grantor-retained annuity trusts (GRATs). What You Should Do Now
  • Uncle Sam uses it to calculate tax values for gifts donated to certain trusts known as grantor-retained annuity trusts and grantor-retained unit trusts. Market Turmoil
  • Buying an annuity with part of the drawdown fund could also trigger a recalculation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The outlook for those who dislike the idea of purchasing a conventional annuity is good. Times, Sunday Times
  • The corporate mode is the excellent management of enterprise annuity mode.
  • Alternatively, a spouse or dependants can use the fund to buy an annuity or remain in drawdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the rapid fall in interest rates the desire to purchase an annuity diminished.
  • Individuals who select ARFs are making a choice between an annuity and an investment fund.
  • The 5th chapter applys the new Copula model to a last survivor annuity and calculates out the net single premium.
  • People who could have benefited from a joint life annuity are left destitute when their spouse dies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clearly, teachers considering this variable annuity have a lot of homework ahead of them.
  • The enterprise annuity is a kind of enterprise system for employees.
  • In winter, more Comanches would arrive to camp on the reservation and to claim beeves and other food and annuity goods. EMPIRE OF THE SUMMER MOON
  • The outlook for those who dislike the idea of purchasing a conventional annuity is good. Times, Sunday Times
  • The way they pay benefits distinguishes them from existing money purchase plans as you would not have to buy an annuity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Enterprise annuity is a plan of sweeping manpower capital investment.
  • Then, you need to consider whether an annuity is the right thing at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • Commissioned brokers may have access to certain no-load mutual funds in a variable annuity wrapper, but there still is a commission on the annuity.
  • Women live longer than men, so men get higher annuity payments in recognition of their shorter average life expectancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any annuity payable to the same or another individual shall be treated as earned income of the annuitant to the extent to which it is payable in return for any amount on which relief is so given.
  • his retirement fund was set up to be paid as an annuity

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