How To Use Annual In A Sentence

  • A section of a branch of birch or willow from the north only a couple of inches in diameter will show one or two hundred annual rings. Factors Affecting Development of Canada's North
  • There's nothing you can do to change the little ones' minds about the gewgaws and gimcracks they expect to find beneath the tree - or to stop your in-laws' annual onslaught, for that matter.
  • I use long lengths of floating row cover, anchored with bricks and stones, on annual and perennial beds.
  • The dean promptly caved and told us that our party was now being called the ‘Annual’ party
  • Christopher Rees is another self-taught value investor but runs a concentrated portfolio of only ten stocks; his average annual return for the last decade is 24%. Tap Your Inner Buffett
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  • The restriction of annual export quota is deleted.
  • She added that the annual Halloween celebrations will see bonfires on the area, only making things worse than they already are.
  • The scheme requires about 5,000 large organisations to report annually on their energy use and to buy carbon allowances in line with their carbon footprints. Computing
  • More than 30 elaborate scarecrows are peering from hedgerows, fields and chimney pots, as part of the annual scarecrow competition.
  • At that price an annual payment of £10 would be equivalent to a 20 percent rate of interest.
  • VSA, the organization on arts and disability, will continue its playwrighting program and its annual young soloists program. Kennedy Center offers Cate Blanchett, hip-hop, 'The Addams Family'
  • Firstly, exact data on the overall population can be obtained from the annually updated census list based statistics.
  • The Australian Alps are also known for the annual migration of Bogong moths (Agrotis infusa) which aestivate in the mountains each summer. Australian Alps montane grasslands
  • Financial footing is very solid, as indicated by the annual report.
  • A half-hardy annual, this variety produces tall stems topped with feathery pure-white flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the five years before her death his widow had donated an annual gift of £3,000 towards Burley - unknown to many in the village.
  • Some researchers have estimated that obesity causes about 300,000 deaths in the U.S. annually.
  • It's our annual summer hols, which we always have at this time.
  • Once we got home, there was barely time to enjoy our presents. We had to go off to our grandparents' house for our annual Christmas dinner. As we drove down the highway through town, I noticed that the family was still there, standing outside the closed gas station.
  • Its annual prize for the best doctoral dissertation was named after him. Times, Sunday Times
  • The show travels to nearly 200 cities around the world annually with the beauty, elegance, glamour and energy of a Broadway show.
  • Miss the annual reminder letter and you are tied in for another year. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hotel passed its annual inspection.
  • We took our cat to the vet's for its annual cat flu injection.
  • Whether you ride a moped or a Honda, a scooter or a vintage Hog, the organisers of the annual North Coast Children's Motorcycle Toy Run want you to join the ranks raising money for charity this weekend.
  • Referred to simply as the Gothic Cruise (for brevity), this cruise is for fans of goth and industrial music and has been held annually for the past 15 years. Twilight Lexicon » Go Cruising Vampire Style
  • Clinical assessments were estimated to take on average 9.8 minutes for a regular review and 13.4 minutes for an annual review.
  • I find as many homes as I can and keep as many as I can house properly; I spay/neuter, give annual shots, treat for heartworms and fleas, and hold the others in my arms as my veterinarian gives them the shot to euthanize them.
  • Studies comparing annual ridership rank New York City's subway system the fifth largest in the world.
  • The region's Mediterranean style climate and annual water deficit has led to extensive calcrete development.
  • Preferring light shade and slightly damp soil, this evergreen form sends out new growth annually from the base of the plant.
  • For non-working spouses, sufficient units can be encashed each tax year to bring total income up to just below the annual allowance.
  • You will soon have a thick, impenetrable hedge to enclose the fast-growing butterfly bush, Buddleia davidii (coppice it annually to promote flowers), or the heavenly blue blooms of enthusiastic ceanothus thrysiflorus.
  • The 320 million of annual cost savings pencilled for the combined entity would represent a decent chunk of added value. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fifteen thousand bird watchers visit annually.
  • Otherwise you'll just have to pump as much as you can into the scheme through voluntary contributions, although scope here is limited as you are restricted to a maximum of 15% of your annual salary.
  • They spent their annual holiday on a chartered yacht in the Caribbean.
  • The next meeting takes place on Wednesday, May 14, at 8pm sharp and will be the annual general meeting.
  • We also decided to get our tattered, old couch reupholstered, and I doubled our annual contribution to a local conservation group.
  • Four people were gored and several others sustained scrapes and cuts yesterday as large crowds of enthusiasts in the Spanish city of Pamplona ran alongside six fighting bulls in the third bull run of the annual San Fermin festival.
  • At present the apportionment is as follows: Church extension, 10 per cent; annual conferences, 36 per cent; and the financial Religious Bodies: 1906
  • President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is aiming for annual average GDP growth of 6.6 percent through the remainder of his term ending in 2014, partly by boosting spending on roads, railways and ports. -- Top News
  • For the next three years until 2001, private capital outflow amounted to between $8 to 10 billion annually.
  • Some of the most charismatic cloud forest species such as the resplendent quetzal (Pharomacrus mocinno) and three-wattled bellbird (Procnias tricarunculata) are equally dependent on the seasonal moist forests as they migrate annually to these moist forests at the completion of their breeding season. Costa Rican seasonal moist forests
  • The 47th Annual Columbus Day Parade was held in New York city this week starting from October 11 to celebrate the spirit of exploration that inspired Christopher Columbus's 1492 expedition.
  • The same rates should control annual broadleaves (velvetleaf, lambs-quarters, pigweeds, mustards) less than 6 inches tall.
  • Many teachers qualify for an annual increment.
  • Deforestation and mineral extraction can damage entire regions used along the birds' annual migration paths.
  • At the annual holiday banquet, for instance, one employee each year wins the "Kraut" award -- a silver plate displayed at the front of the office -- along with a jar of sauerkraut. Top Small Workplaces 2007
  • As anyone with a son or daughter working for a City investment bank will tell you, the salaries and annual bonuses that go with such deals are mouth-watering.
  • A working group of nonprofit agencies was set up to conduct the annual negotiations with the State Department.
  • She organized an annual fun day for local children.
  • A week from today its annual conference will begin. The Sun
  • An annual music festival would include opera performances aboard container vessels. Times, Sunday Times
  • A police inspector or public prosecutor can bring home twice as much, the equivalent of around $150,000 a year. In contrast, Brazil's per capita national income stands well below $10,000 annually.
  • Our second annual spring trip to the Upper Catch and Release Area of the Miller's River, my father caught this nice brown trout, and caught flak from the elitists because he was using the fly rod with a spinning reel and rooster tail and catching fish, while the elitist fly fishers were getting skunked all morning. Field & Stream
  • Then winter arrives - usually for about two weeks - and we get new weeds - chickweed, henbit and annual bluegrass.
  • Take a look at your expenses over the last year to get an idea of annual expenses, such as taxes, insurance and subscription services.
  • The group's annual compilations garner the best that has been thought and cooked from the Test Kitchen's many venues over the past year. Gastronomy
  • Then, billionaire investor Warren Buffett, whose annual letter to shareholders is one of the most widely read in investing circles worldwide, told the 35,000 shareholders attending Berkshire Hathaway's annual meeting that they needed to read Dimon's letter. CEO Jamie Dimon steers JPMorgan Chase through crisis
  • In Switzerland and the Netherlands, insurers are required by law to provide a 4% minimum annual return.
  • If you're a regular rail user or commuter, consider an annual season ticket. The Sun
  • Three million people will visit theatres in the annual six-week season.
  • The prices of milk and cereals are fixed annually.
  • The opticians presumably forgave him, as he attended their annual dinners as a liveryman of the company.
  • And it has an annual cull of weaker employees anyway. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a first step toward dealing with he problem, management decides to compute the annual cost to the company of this 30 percent turnover. A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
  • To this annual cost a multiplier appropriate to other forms of continuing future expense should be applied.
  • Yet Pitt during his first eight years managed to raise annual revenue from £12.5 million to £18.5 million.
  • For a typical family of two adults, this is equivalent to an annual income of P£12 000.
  • He observes the annual round of sowers and barley harvesters, goes stubblewalking, and contemplates how the modern combine has forever changed life for rural farmers.
  • Guinness drinking is on the decline in Ireland, with volume sales falling by an annual rate of about 3 per cent over the past four years.
  • Well, Joel tells me Hillier has been selected as the honouree -- Man of the Year -- for the lodge's 57th. annual gentlemen's dinner at Beth Tzedec Synagogue on Dec. 5. Money, meet mouth
  • The job cuts will shave tens of millions of pounds from the company's annual budget. Times, Sunday Times
  • Proponents say exam scofflaws are part of the price of annual testing, which shows parents how well a school is really doing, and dismiss the notion that accountability itself is the problem.
  • This year, the annual meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women has a new focus: the global economic downturn.
  • What utter contempt the industry has for punters, including those having their annual flutter. The Sun
  • I'm just wondering are there any shorter-term intangibles in there that could roll off in 2009 or 2010 that could bring that number down from $100 million annualized run rate. Undefined
  • The results showed that the sea-land breeze and its annual variation in the coastal area of the northern Yellow Sea is obvious and it is seasonal maldistribution.
  • First, the wines are tasted by all of Omni's food & beverage managers at their annual conference.
  • Tens of thousands of anti-abortion activists are set to take part in Monday's annual " March on Washington" to mark the 34th anniversary of a Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion.
  • He suggests that investors at bank annual meetings should vote on the entire amount spent on staff pay, not just the sum that goes to boardroom executives. Times, Sunday Times
  • He ranks just fourth in total assets, with a nine-billion-dollar annual revenue flow.
  • It is holding its annual conference in west London tomorrow where an unholy row is brewing between two otherwise natural allies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Antilocapridae, are native to North America, but are not true antelopes because they annually shed the outer sheath of their branched horns unlike other antelope species. Undefined
  • Of these five species of woodland winter annuals, only C. verna has received much attention with regard to autecology.
  • The building of the canal is expected to control the annual floods that inundate many parts of the capital, causing much loss of life and property.
  • If you are tempted to plant annual flower seedlings, consider the most heat-tolerant ones such as petunias, calendulas, cosmos & African marigolds.
  • Insurance brokerages typically sell for 1 to 1.5 times annual revenues.
  • First dubbed the Mexican Riviera by the American cruise industry, today this magnificent shoreline is the fourth most popular cruise destination in the world with approximately 300 cruises annually. Retirement on the Mexican Riviera
  • During the period from 1860 to 1985, sulphuric anhydrite emissions, one of the leading causes of acid rain, increased from seven million tons to approximately 155 million tons annually. Fidel Castro Issues `Message' to UNCED
  • The festival is planned for this year only; a post-mortem will decide if an annual event is feasible.
  • The Merger Fund, the oldest arb fund, has delivered a 10.8% annualized return over the past 10 years, besting the average bond fund's 7.0% return with a comparable level of volatility.
  • This was to he supplemented with one-third of the annual revenue.
  • Fifteen thousand bird watchers visit annually.
  • Along these arteries of traffic many tons of tracts and propaganda are hurled annually by train, felucca and colporteur. Pan-Islam
  • This will offer an annual return of in excess of 12 per cent and give a further fillip to the company's cash generation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government offers meager help: a $130 annual payment to each widow, and a ration card for rice and oil.
  • Two separate studies presented today during the Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Urological Association (AUA) in Orlando confirmed existing hypotheses that maternal exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals – including total polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs, such as Arochlor) and organochlorinated pesticides (such as dichlorodiphenyl-trichloroethane, or DDT) may contribute to an increased incidence of these conditions. Maternal Exposure to Persistent Organic Pollutants Linked to Urologic Conditions in Boys
  • The estimated annual number of births affected with a neural tube defect is about 400,000 world wide.
  • Every year at the annual Comic-Con International, they let me host a batch of wonderful events, most of them about the history of the comic book medium.
  • Cannes hosts the annual film festival.
  • Zionist program and pay the annual contribution, known as a shekel, varying from 15 cents to 25 cents in different countries. The Menorah Journal, Volume 1, 1915
  • All he had ever seen of Skipton was, as a boy, pressing his nose to the windows of a charabanc as he and his family passed through the town on the way to their annual holidays in Morecambe.
  • The monthly settling particulate samples provide a data set of seasonal and interannual export fluxes of organic carbon, biogenic opal, calcium carbonate, and lithogenic material.
  • ROBERTS: Unbelievable, also the spelling bee, the annual spelling bee wrapped up last night, the winning word serrefine. CNN Transcript Jun 1, 2007
  • His brief brush with crime came early yesterday morning while he was attending the annual UWI Splash fête at Bowen Marine, Chaguaramas.
  • Spread out over 7 years since we invaded, that works out to be about $100.57 billion PER YEAR out of an average annual federal budget of roughly $3.2 - $3.4 TRILLION ($3200 billion - $3400 billion) or in other words ... a whopping 2. 9% of every federal dollar spent over the last 7 years. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • There is never a good time to pay bills and annual subscriptions, but some times are worse than others.
  • It will provide supporting material for the annual review of implementation and, where necessary, clarify or supplement information received.
  • Even though children with MEN2B rarely have hyperparathyroidism, they should also be screened annually. Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2
  • I don't give plugs as a rule, but I make an honourable exception for the annual Saints & Sinners meeting at Hamilton on Wednesday.
  • This chapter outlines the main financial reports included in the annual report and accounts of a business. Finance for the Non-Financial Manager
  • Statistical Reports Future annual statistical reports will adopt the same format and will incorporate information similar to that contained in this Update.
  • Farmers and crofters can apply for annual payments for up to ten years for adopting environmentally friendly farming practices.
  • I caught just a quick glimpse of a whale yesterday, on its annual wintertime northward migration, and hope to have a bit more to say about this tomorrow.
  • Saturday nights, walked through the meadows and round by the mill and back home past the creek on Sunday afternoons, taken his seat in the brake for the annual outing, shuffled his way through the polka at the tradesmen's ball, and generally seized all legitimate opportunities for sporting with Amaryllis in the shade, has a hundred advantages which your successful careerer lacks. The Man Upstairs and Other Stories
  • Tuneful trumpeters joined harmonious horn players at Bury Music Centre when they staged annual concert performances.
  • Annual meetings were held to coordinate global operations and facilitate cooperation.
  • The spending increases announced by the Treasury amount to £61 bn once the £32 bn annual uprating on pensions and other benefits has been taken into account.
  • It gives an annual growth rate of 2. 3 percent, according to analysts.
  • Over the next decade, China's annual grain demand is likely to reach 573 million tons, which is above its current production levels. Hot Potato in China's Rising Food Costs
  • All employees get an annual bonus before the summer holidays.
  • The annual budget for the secretariat is approved by the board of governors in which the refurbishment was included. Times, Sunday Times
  • An estimation for Swedish sunbed users even gives the annual UV dose from sunbeds as approximately equivalent to that from sun exposure.
  • Late flowering annuals and half-hardy perennials, like Rudbeckia, Nicotiana, Chrysanthemum and Argyranthemum come into their own now, along with tuberous plants like Begonia, Dahlia and Canna.
  • Terms: Maturity: Nov. 5, 2020; coupon: 3.5%; reoffer: 99.189; date: Nov. 5, 2010; spread: 75 basis points more than midswaps; debt ratings: Aaa (Moody's), triple-A (S & P) and AAA (Fitch); denominations: € 1,000; listing: Luxembourg; interest: annual. New Securities Issues
  • Other annual writing competitions are open to unpublished writers, but note that some unfortunately, ask for an entry fee.
  • In his recent annual address to the clergy the Bish. lamented bitterly that the American "jingo" was provoking dear patient Christian England to put on her war-paint. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 10
  • Each year, Clerical Medical announces the rate of annual bonus to be added to each eligible policy.
  • This includes lowering the annual level of inflation to below 5 per cent.
  • He would place an item on the agenda on an annual basis to keep the project before the public mind.
  • Benefits include free furnished accommodation, 30 working days annual leave, family airfares, medical care and children's educational assistance.
  • Traditionally, lenders have calculated the interest annually, which means you effectively pay interest on money you no longer owe.
  • Organize vendor audit annually, submit audit report to management review.
  • Cosmos and zinnias are good choices too; they're great for cutting, and the old-fashioned annuals attract beneficial insects.
  • The much trumpeted 39,000 more seats at peak times is an annual figure and in fact amounts to 107 seats per day. Times, Sunday Times
  • South African cricketers had better get used to being dope tested once the United Cricket Board of South Africa introduces its anti-doping policy at its annual meeting in August.
  • In terms of [annual] total return, you're looking at 4% - your coupon, and maybe a teeny bit more.
  • Meanwhile, a popular feature of the annual festival, the Carlsberg Rhythm Route, is back and will once again see some top acts perform for free in Waterford pubs and nightspots.
  • People come from the four corners of the earth to attend the annual festival.
  • Last April's NUT annual conference unanimously voted to ballot members on a boycott of the SAT's.
  • -- Elegant half-hardy annuals, which can be grown as specimens for the conservatory, or in quantity for open borders. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
  • Cool-season annuals such as clarkia, Iceland poppy, lobelia, pansy, and stock can't stand intense summer heat.
  • The exposure to fine particles (PM2. 5) from local emissions was defined as the modelled annual levels. BONJOUR L'ESTONIE
  • He also gets a $ 4, 800 annual car allowance plus $ 5, 599 a year for other expenses.
  • The annual population estimates constitute the principal source of official statistics on sub-national populations.
  • For example, many tropical species reproduce at irregular supra-annual intervals.
  • Hong Kong ranked first in Fortune's annual ranking of the best cities for business in Asia this year, the international magazine said in a statement Wednesday.
  • Once we got home, there was barely time to enjoy our presents. We had to go off to our grandparents' house for our annual Christmas dinner. As we drove down the highway through town, I noticed that the family was still there, standing outside the closed gas station.
  • At a 6. 7\% annual rate, NOT including taxes and property insurance (called PITI payment), at max you can qualify for $238K …. and that's if that debt ratio fits in your income. Progressive Bloggers
  • Annual showcase from home and abroad, with a different selection at each performance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sorry I missed the cook out …. for Star Wars (10th annual PA collectors society met the same day), but thx for signing the books I had friends bring and a huge thx for the deal on Clicker 1-3! Pics from Creator Cookout 2010 – Brian Keene
  • Ties should be inspected regularly and renewed annually, so as not to constrict the stem.
  • Will the owners of townhouses carve out self-contained flats in the attic or the basement to avoid the annual toll? Times, Sunday Times
  • The average winter temperature is minus 7 degrees with an average annual snowfall of 74 inches.
  • Letters have just gone out with our payslips informing us of our annual pay increase.
  • Some of the best and most widely adapted annual cut flowers with the longest vase life include alstroemeria, aster, cosmos, snapdragon, sunflower, yarrow, and zinnia.
  • About 50 million wet tons of alfalfa are ensiled annually in the United States, and 30-50 percent of this tonnage is inoculated at a cost of about $1 per ton.
  • A refreshment kiosk is already on the site which is leased out as an annual franchise by the council.
  • Pot-bound grasses require frequent watering, as well as annual division and repotting.
  • Asean finance ministers vow to avoid overheating, but remain mute on yuan ASEAN finance ministers have vowed to co-ordinate policies to avoid economic overheating in the fast-growing region, following a semi-annual gathering dominated political tension in Thailand and the avoidance of any criticism of China's currency management. | Top Stories
  • Savers who exceed the annual or lifetime caps could face punitive tax charges. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the annual rent payments are as high as 20,000. Times, Sunday Times
  • Three of the biggest unions, Unison, the Communications Workers Union and the GMB have tabled motions at their annual conferences next month calling for members to disaffiliate from Labour. Archive 2008-05-01
  • A few months after performing his first lobotomy in 1936, Freeman presented the case to the annual meeting of the Southern Medical Association.
  • More than a dozen of these model conferences are held annually across Canada.
  • Tender bulbs can be either treated as annuals and composted or tossed out, or they can be lifted and stored.
  • First ever national 'stocktake' of reptiles and amphibians and annual wildlife survey hope to replicate success of the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch This week's new events
  • The city has a medieval quarter, great pubs, and an annual opera festival of international importance.
  • I even won prizes in the school's Annual Athletic Contest in my freshman year.
  • This stands us apart from other clubs that have substantial external debt with significant annual interest payments. Times, Sunday Times
  • I get 25% of my own money back in cash, and the rest becomes a piddling annual income, on which I pay higher-rate tax.
  • So when some of the staff at her fledgling firm wanted bigger salaries she could not afford, she offered them an extra week of annual holiday instead. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are also new quantity standards for the annual use of all biofuels nationally and specifically for biodiesel in Minnesota.
  • This new annual youth dance festival offers two programmes. Times, Sunday Times
  • A man of many unfixed addresses, he was there to speak at South by Southwest, the well-known annual music, movies, and technology conference.
  • The scheme requires about 5,000 large organisations to report annually on their energy use and to buy carbon allowances in line with their carbon footprints. Computing
  • More generally, there are the well-known patterns whereby plants with large genomes cannot adopt an annual or ephemeral lifestyle and in which weeds tend to have small genomes.
  • The annual budget was calculated on a historical basis of costs from previous years.
  • Usually, this payment was in addition to an annual retainer.
  • Under present policy the county council is putting down as many as five hundred dogs annually.
  • Lemon Verbena, a slender stemmed bush, has delicious lemon-scented leaves. Moonflower is an annual vine with sweet smelling white flowers that open in the evening.
  • They want to stop rebating the $16 billion annually from the stock transfer tax to Wall Street speculators; restore the progressive state income tax to levels from the 1970s; and raise $10 billion with a 50% bankers bonus tax. Alan Singer: New York Needs 50,000 Green Votes
  • But presidential elections are quadrennial affairs, whereas Superbowls happened annually.
  • We sang America as our recessional, yet another indication that the date is now solemnized as an annual patriotic memorial.
  • Your basic annual leave is 20 days.
  • An annual windfall of up to £83m could be ring-fenced to create an improved business environment, through better roads, streetscapes, traffic control, and offering a better service for tourists.
  • They have successfully defended their title against 15 bands at the 18th annual Youth Brass Band Entertainment Festival of Great Britain.
  • Since we wanted to photograph the first production Bicker, Steve invited us to attend the annual Bicker fly-in which was being held at Santa Paula this past July.
  • Pompey had laid out open chests on glistening display that morning which contained seventy-five million silver drachmae: more than the annual tax revenue of the entire Roman world. CONSPIRATA
  • I guess these aren’t trendy enough or an easy slap at someone (did anyone find it ironic that one year [the annual contest] C’ville said that the place for peoplewatching was at Golden Corral and in the article slammed every person in there for being an obese porker from a surrounding county and THIS year, the place to take your folks in C’ville Annual Contest was Ponderosa? The Dec. on C-Ville and The Hook at
  • Pull off the tops and fill the space with some annual planting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is it too late to sow trailing annual nasturtiums directly in my garden? Times, Sunday Times
  • Feeling reasonably guilty for my lack of input in our annual dissection, I decided I needed some intellectual nutrition to atone for my sins.
  • Luckily for Berwick, washing the cast's nether garments is about the only job he doesn't take on in the annual Theatre Royal panto, in which he is the star, writer and co-director.
  • The rosebowl is the company's annual award for consistent high quality service to customers.
  • Annuals, such as impatiens, coleus and begonias that are still growing strong can be encouraged to continue blooming with regular watering and feeding. Local News from Tuscaloosa News
  • As you are aware, a fee will be charged annually.
  • The National Institute on Drug Abuse has estimated that 1, 000 teens die annually by breathing fumes from easily accessible products.

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