
How To Use Announcement In A Sentence

  • A couple of weeks after the monarch's announcement, heavy rain began to fall, thus ending the drought.
  • The announcement hushed the crowd but soon the hubbub returned and the misfortune was forgotten.
  • An official announcement of their plans is expected to follow early in the New Year. The Sun
  • Soon after his announcement the House passed the bill, 328-101, and the Senate was expected to approve it Thursday.
  • The only real surprise in last week's announcement is that he would not stand for a fourth term.
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  • The announcement finally laid all the speculation about their future to rest.
  • The announcement had a dramatic effect on house prices.
  • News organizations were quick to defend their policies, and some competitors saw the Fox announcement as a potential grab for publicity.
  • Censorial ministry website issues announcement, announce the country prevents corrupt bureau website to debut formally.
  • The announcement will appear in tomorrow's newspapers.
  • The earnings announcement came before the opening of trading on the Madrid Stock Exchange.
  • Colours Beyond Colours" opens with a Jamaican-sounding speaker ostensibly describing the supersensory effects of LSD, and then segueing into a cod-'60s-didactic announcement about the electromagnetic spectrum. PopMatters
  • The announcement came in a bald statement from the official news agency.
  • TAG: - A local live or recorded addition to another pre-recorded announcement.
  • When he made that announcement, the prime minister presumably did not mean that the official would continue to do his first-class job until Wednesday evening, whereupon he would draft a truly top-hole letter of resignation.
  • A "bellman" is the English equivalent of a town crier; his task was to move about the town, ringing a bell and making public announcements. The Bellman's Song (The Moon Shone Bright)
  • On Jan. 23 a decree suspended import tariffs retroactively from Jan. 15 until the expected announcement of new tariffs on April 1.
  • At the prayer conference, warm applause greeted Hurwitz's announcement that she might be getting the title rabbi "but with a slightly distinct sound. Undefined
  • Luckily there was consolation at home in the form of a birth announcement. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sour cherry atop this icky sundae is todays announcement that that the U.S. Balloon Juice » 2005 » May
  • At this point I must once again digress briefly to say that I am totally in agreement with the response of the President of the Canadian Labour Congress, Joe Morris, to the announcement last week that the federal government intends to impose works councils on industries coming under federal jurisdiction. Let's Get Back to People
  • As we celebrate this milestone anniversary, transitioning to third-generation family leadership and innovation are keys to continuing success in serving retailers nationwide," says Joe Cory, Sr., said a spart of the announcement. Dealerscope News
  • Parking for the venue, the Palestinian people have made announcements to persuade, but no enforcement power to prevent reversals .
  • I have an important announcement to make.
  • This week saw the announcement of the earth shaking Tianyulong confuciusi, an ornithischian with feather like structures! Life's Time Capsule: Palaeo Art Roundup #1
  • When the announcement was given for the ceremony to begin, everybody kind of meandered over to the field and stood around in a circle. Hullabaloo
  • Resist acting surprised when a relative makes a marriage announcement. The Sun
  • And, unlike previous announcements, he wasn't backward in providing the evidence.
  • The announcement electrified the paleoanthropology community.
  • The announcement marks the end of an extraordinary period in European history.
  • The announcement took Washington and Paris by surprise, but Downing Street had been expecting it.
  • With great joy I received the announcement of Your Beatitude's election to the Patriarchal See of Alexandria for Copts and your request for Ecclesiastical Communion.
  • But just now, on the train from Fribourg back home, the productive and calm silence was interrupted by an announcement where to find the restaurant in four languages, and when the "minibar" passed the upper deck of our wagon, the voice again made sure we knew. Planet Debian
  • An announcement is likely today or tomorrow. The Sun
  • The numbness that followed the first announcement of the virus is quickly becoming a paralysis.
  • Keyes told a news conference Wednesday night that he would make an announcement by Sunday.
  • The announcement of her retirement caused consternation among tennis fans.
  • Announcement of the verdict was accompanied by shouts and cheers.
  • After hitting a low of $28.55 two days after the half year results announcement, it trended steadily upward to reach a high of $30.98 last Tuesday.
  • His resignation announcement was widely expected.
  • I have an important announcement to make.
  • Okay everyone - listen up! I have an announcement to make.
  • But in an hour-long press conference which largely retrod the argument of yesterday's announcement, both men refused point-blank to comment on rumours of a new pact to pass the Labour leadership in return for entry to the euro.
  • What happened in the three months between Stalin's December announcement and his statement in March 1930 that 58 per cent of peasant households had been collectivized was ghastly.
  • The announcement came less than a week after interim pre-tax profits at the pizza group nearly halved after teething problems in the fledgeling German unit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sound of emergency announcements spewing from car radios left blaring as the drivers abandoned their vehicles in terror. The Sun
  • The announcement will give farmers greater flexibility on moving stock, restocking and other day-to-day farming activities.
  • After the schlepp and slog of it all, contestants would find out if they'd won after the first quarter of the super bowl; an announcement which would involve no words, only the music to the winner's song played -- to 90 million people. Lydia Hughes: Singing Beyond the Stairwells: Kina Grannis
  • While the announcement of the results brought cheer to some, many others looked crestfallen.
  • As predicted, many get there because of so-called exogenous shocks: a major media announcement, a celebrity endorsement, a dignitary's death.
  • He denied the announcement was clumsy and insensitive.
  • The announcement came yesterday following a meeting between fire safety officers and the stadium's consulting engineers.
  • The announcement had a dramatic effect on house prices.
  • The announcement made it sound as though he'd married a flighty piece of Eurotrash. LADY BE GOOD
  • Her announcement ended: ‘In these forests the future now belongs to the kereru, the kiwi and the kaka.’
  • The announcement follows recent refusals by two judges to take early retirement despite pressure from the government.
  • The only problem is, not unlike many government announcements, the claim has a hint of smoke and mirrors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Duggan, a TV presenter and one-time journalist, made the announcement last week.
  • It looks like its got a few tricks up its sleeve about Solaris-on-Intel as well: expect announcements of some OEMs.
  • All the signs and announcements were rendered in English and Spanish.
  • The announcement came in a bald statement from the official news agency.
  • Dole called Clinton around noon, shortly before the afternoon announcement.
  • Working with a gallery also provides opportunities for shows, openings, announcements and newspaper or magazine articles.
  • Admittedly, this vision is far removed from the Christmas angels' announcement of peace on earth and good will among men.
  • Bulletin boards and microblogs have been buzzing all day with chatter about Google's announcement.
  • An announcement about his resignation is imminent.
  • Things are pretty close to finalisation and an announcement is likely soon," a person close to the deal said on condition of anonymity. Deals India: Morning News Roundup
  • The announcement was welcomed by environmental campaigners, who had criticised the government for failing to back up support for natural flood defences with cash for projects. Times, Sunday Times
  • The announcement lifts a heavy burden from him and ends months of speculation. Times, Sunday Times
  • a paid announcement
  • The Google developer conference has been chock-full of announcements, but one that we are particularly excited about is a "20% time" project from software engineer, Moishe Lettvin.
  • An announcement detailing the exact route of the second phase of the project has been delayed by the government for almost two years, according to another insider. Times, Sunday Times
  • (Taste, July 9): A bitter debate surrounded the announcement of the Bollingen Prize to the profascist and anti-Semitic Ezra Pound for" The Pisan Cantos, "judged by a panel of highly regarded poets to represent the best poetry of 1948. Art Stands Apart From the Artist
  • Mr Johnson secretly arranged with deputy crier David Mitchell to propose during one of his ear-splitting announcements.
  • On the signboard outside the village hall, a mysterious announcement appeared: Let all men recognize your unselfishness, your considerateness, your forbearing spirit. A Christmas Parable By Judith Moran
  • The central strategy of the housing announcement is a new-build indemnity scheme, which will target first-time buyers by encouraging lenders to provide 95% loan-to-value mortgages on newly built homes. U.K. Plans Housing Scheme
  • The announcement created surprise and consternation.
  • The most dramatic result of the scientific account was Louis Bertrand Castel's “ocular clavecin,” an elaborate instrument for projecting colors by a key - board, and this enthusiastic French Jesuit spent years attempting to perfect his color symphonies after the initial announcement of the project in 1725. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • The announcement comes as somewhat of a surprise after The Office creator and UK series star delivered a hard-hitting monologue last year that included zingers aimed at Hugh Hefner, Charlie Sheen, the cast of Sex and the City 2 and Scientologists. Who Will He Offend This Year? Ricky Gervais to Host Golden Globes Again
  • Estrada's move to soften his stand on capital punishment followed his announcement that he has commuted death sentences to life terms for over 100 convicts.
  • What brought Delaroche to mind was the announcement of the Lytro light field camera, which goes on sale next year. Farewell to the fine art of focusing
  • An announcement before the show promises that they really are playing their instruments live in front of you. Times, Sunday Times
  • Technology stocks also helped the two small-cap indexes as earnings and earnings preannouncement news lifted several companies. Swift Energy Gains 4.7%; Ceradyne Declines 14%
  • All our hopes were dashed by the announcement.
  • Jordan may use the occasion to make an announcement following weeks of speculation about who would get the job.
  • The announcement came only hours before the Lok Sabha convened for the annual budget session.
  • The announcement has left shareholders nursing huge losses.
  • The announcement last year of a possible North West assembly had to be held in an hotel in Daresbury in Cheshire in order to be roughly equidistant between Liverpool and Manchester and avoid offending the residents of either.
  • A few of them, including Williams, also believe police's announcement of Stiles's 368 blood-alcohol level at the time of his arrival in the ER was an attempt to blame Stiles 'inebriant behavior for his injury. stories
  • The protests are a delayed reaction to last week's announcement.
  • Nobody really expected that the announcement of a unilateral cease-fire would bring an immediate end to the fighting.
  • In July 1938 the official announcement of passenger closure came.
  • We have a new public address system which now gives clear announcements to all areas of the ground, including the bars.
  • On the other hand we have the announcement that he will offer up new hope to the Scottish economy as the chief executive elect of Scottish Enterprise.
  • The government welcomed the announcement unreservedly.
  • n. announcement of the Incarnation to Mary, mother of Jesus; feast celebrated on Lady Day (March 25); Annunciation lily, madonna lily. annunciative, annunciatory, anobiid Xml's
  • Whether the fever is sthenic or asthenic at the period of its announcement, as the disease progresses the signs of depression become marked, and the patient rapidly sinks into a typhoid condition.
  • The announcement ends a long wait for a permanent successor to Dean Robinson, who left the club in March.
  • The constant recycling of chimes seasoned with crowd noises, tube announcements and nature sounds acts as a sonic tour of the city.
  • He was so distracted he almost missed the announcement on the Tannoy. YELLOW BIRD
  • The announcement caused serious ructions.
  • Mr. Lang My hon. Friend the Minister responsible for housing will make an announcement about that figure shortly.
  • Finally, we examine whether investors react rationally to disaster announcements.
  • But she will make no formal announcement and is instead pouring her heart out in the recording studio as she continues work on her new album. The Sun
  • An announcement by the ruling Workers' Party of Korea says it hopes to make "great changes" as it marks its 65th anniversary this year.
  • The interview was recorded minutes after the announcement and the interviewer is Adam Smith, Editor-in-Chief of Nobelprize. org. George E. Smith - Interview
  • The announcement stunned the City. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a fiction that all the intrusive announcements we've come to accept as a part of worship are necessary; the siddur is not a textbook and the synagogue is not a classroom.
  • The government's announcement is seen as a move towards settling the strike.
  • The news coming out of the beta customers is positive so I await with interest the full announcement after the Summer.
  • He will make an announcement next week, he says, that could alter the course of this country.
  • Although, the announcement of a strong, capable director should stop this from happening.
  • I was totally unprepared for the announcement on the next day.
  • The UBP's announcement is likely to throw the PLP onto the back foot.
  • The republisher, or the derivative work publisher, places an announcement of intent to republish in some legally sanctioned medium of general circulation. The Volokh Conspiracy » Moral Panics and Copyright Law
  • The announcement represents a significant return to its core business of wealth management. Times, Sunday Times
  • # announcement in 1995 that non-lethal weapons - including high powered microwaves and radio frequency devices - are to be 'transited' to the law enforcement sector was met with dismay in some quarters Archive 2009-05-01
  • Asquith ended the pension announcement with the footnote that the Liberal party had fought 'the last election entirely unpledged on this matter'.
  • The office, one of the most militant in London, met the announcement with a spontaneous one-day walkout.
  • The promised decision date of August 31 came and went without any announcement.
  • In this country, the first announcements of his death appeared in the low-tech, large-print format of Teletext.
  • In the days prior to the announcement the market had been nervous that a set of disappointing figures from the bellwether of the tech stocks could have precipitated a significant drop in share prices.
  • Luggage that went astray every time (then being expected to tip the delivery guy when it was dropped off the next day) and yes - just like you, some of the surly announcements over the tannoy, by jaded, well-past-there-useby staff. Unexpected
  • It follows an earlier announcement that the borough would evict any council tenants involved in August's riots. Times, Sunday Times
  • One wall is dedicated to announcements, notices and messages that patrons want to put up.
  • The announcement emphasizes, attack to area kill, get minatory area compulsive immunity offers finance subsidy.
  • Is this announcement the signal of better times ahead?
  • Media reports and announcements from various anti-virus vendors have warned that the W32/Klez-E worm will initiate a destructive payload today, 6 March.
  • In an announcement to Parliament, the minister said that the peace negotiations would continue.
  • I know our draft is already underway, but I just saw an announcement that Erykah Badu is playing a show at Cramton Auditorium on Friday night. The Click Track 2010 Howard Homecoming Draft!
  • Shortly after that announcement, a brief statement came from The Hague saying the prosecutor had submitted an indictment and supporting materials to the pre-trial judge. Hariri Tribunal Prosecutor Submits Indictments
  • The announcement will come as a huge blow to thousands of patients who are on a waiting list for transplants. Times, Sunday Times
  • A rumour went round that Snowball had after all contrived to introduce poison into Napoleon's food. At eleven o'clock Squealer came out to make another announcement.
  • Now, the announcement is nanarupam; it is also prithak; and lastly, it is viprasthitam or contradictory, for, as the commentator points out, that which a particular asrama announces to be righteous is according to another unrighteous. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
  • The announcement heralds a significant step forward in the development of global data synchronization, to establish a network with standards compliance and no redundant services.
  • All that will remain is for the voters to register their opinions with a cross on a ballot, the tallying of opinions and the announcement of results.
  • Neither of these announcements was greeted with universal enthusiasm. Times, Sunday Times
  • The beheading is to be carried out by Labour peer Lord Ahmed, who welcomed the Government announcement as 'a good day for Britain ', and has vowed to amass 10,000 supporters of the new legislation to celebrate outside Parliament. Archive 2009-02-01
  • There have been two announcements this week that herald some good news for consumers and not so good news for credit providers and retailers.
  • Central to those was his announcement of an additional £ 7 billion in savings from the welfare budget — on top of the £ 11 billion the chancellor identified in his June emergency budget. U.K. Welfare Spending Slashed
  • The announcement, made by junior agriculture minister Baroness Hayman in the House of Lords, followed a day of intense activity after the disease was confirmed at an Essex abattoir.
  • MILLIONS of with-profits policyholders will be reviewing their investments with the announcement of disappointing bonus payouts from insurance giants. Times, Sunday Times
  • An announcement detailing the exact route of the second phase of the project has been delayed by the government for almost two years, according to another insider. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once, the announcement of a pregnancy was the occasion for congratulations.
  • He said he would make a formal announcement about his future today. The Sun
  • That is how you build good will. initial announcement of artists coming to town from June 17 to 20, they've really kind of outdone themselves. .: v7.5
  • This announcement is arousing far more controversy than the plan to cap the amount of benefit any family can receive. Conservative conference live - Monday 4 October
  • The timing of the announcement was rather unexpected.
  • Tony, 62, popped the question by placing a notice in last week's personal announcements section of the newspaper.
  • The Panel is not sympathetic to delay in making an announcement occasioned by an unsuccessful application for suspension.
  • The announcement was not entirely unexpected.
  • The two people, who spoke Thursday on condition of anonymity because they did not want to pre-empt Emanuel's announcement, said he will return to Chicago over the weekend and begin touring neighborhoods Monday. Rahm Emanuel To Begin Touring Chicago Neighborhoods, Connecting With Voters This Weekend
  • Mitchelstown was rife with rumours yesterday of an impending announcement.
  • Shelves and walls in Latonya's home were filled with family photographs, childlike paintings, and mimeographed school announcements.
  • The announcement came in a bald statement from the official news agency.
  • The announcements come after months of racial tension across the country.
  • The announcement would not be affected by any management buy-out, because the recent jobs announcement was inclusive of the decision.
  • The announcement follows a speech in which Spelman extolled the benefits of filling cities with trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the time the first appointees were expected to be chosen by Easter, the traditional time for the annual announcement of new silks.
  • The announcement comes around three months after the group said it planned to retain and reshape the wine operations, reasoning it wasn't an appropriate time to demerge the division. Foster's to Separate Beer, Wine Businesses
  • The results of the People's Booker are posted online in the days following the official winner announcement.
  • The announcement was made during morning assembly.
  • They are dominated by classified ads: missing person searches, compact disc replication, name-change announcements and other intimations of a world of phantom insubstantiality.
  • Dillon made the announcement at a news conference.
  • The announcement by the government that it is to sell off Victorian prisons and build nine new ones is welcome. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clarke is yet to make a test debut for Australia, but this announcement is expected to make all the Clarke fans very emotional.
  • Gather round! I have an important announcement to make.
  • The two sides intend to make an announcement early this week. Times, Sunday Times
  • We can't leave and we can't see any panels that don't happen in Hall H-- Hall H being the biggest hall and where more major movie announcements happen. COMIC-CON 2010: ALEX ALBRECHT talks comics fandom, Hall H perils -- & his 'awesome' work history with BP
  • The surprise announcement could cause an uproar in the United States.
  • But there was an announcement of the potential return of Development Land Tax (on unrealised gains on undeveloped land).
  • Yesterday's announcement came after a 10-year treasury bond sale was undersubscribed this week. Globe and Mail
  • The protests are a delayed reaction to last week's announcement.
  • However, one writing quirk guaranteed that their newsletters, brochures, and announcements would end up in the trash.
  • Which means that by clicking ‘next’ when confronted with the first four unchecked boxes, the user unwittingly elects to receive sports, entertainment, music and new service announcements.
  • Carter, who was just 23 when LeBron hired him, has been faulted for ruining LeBron's image by orchestrating such an egocentric approach to LeBron's announcement to move, and the move in general, to Miami. Michael Evans: LeBron James and President Obama: A Comparison
  • Three weeks ago, he said he could not let it go beyond Easter to make an announcement about the next academic year.
  • We will make a formal announcement tomorrow.
  • The dramatic announcement brings to an end one of the most controversial and colourful careers in Scottish football.
  • The recent announcement that the National Gallery intend to establish a public relations department may improve the situation.
  • These small businesses are compelled to publish announcements of their incorporation.
  • The announcement about the oil change came on the heels of BP's decision earlier in the week to separate the Gulf into two sections, full-serve and self-serve. Andy Borowitz: BP Says Oil in Gulf Must be Changed Every Six Months
  • Shares in the electricity companies were marked down following the announcement of the new energy tax.
  • After some channel-surfing, they stumbled upon the announcements live.
  • The announcement raised a storm of protest.
  • The announcement was made at a joint appearance by new Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez and EU Development and Humanitarian Aid Commissioner Louis Michel, who is visiting the Cuban capital.
  • An official announcement of their plans is expected to follow early in the New Year. The Sun
  • This announcement seems to be more of a knee-jerk reaction than a considered response to a terrible problem.
  • I'm delighted to receive the announcement of your marriage and now send you and your Frank my sincere congratulations and best wishes for a happy and harmonious life together.
  • Now buses have automated announcements at each stop that repeat what's written on the dot-matrix screens. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides, as he was with the army of Virginia, and the South fought battles elsewhere, he, not having the gift of ubiquity, is forced to rely for events of which he was not an eye-witness upon letters from friends and announcements in newspapers. Current Literature
  • According to London Stock Exchange regulations, directors cannot deal when they are in possession of price-sensitive information, or in the two months before an earnings' announcement.
  • Okay everyone - listen up! I have an announcement to make.
  • It took a few months between being invited to accept a peerage and its announcement. Times, Sunday Times
  • The flashiest is the announcement earlier this month that the government will expand the money supply by 17% in 2009. Money Trouble in China
  • The search for this quark-gluon plasma has been long and frought with peril (CERN miraculously announced its discovery just before the turnon of RHIC - an announcement which later proved to be premature and a stretching of the truth). Top Physics Stories
  • The announcement doesn't seem to faze Jonathan Leidich, our guide, who hooks his thumbs in his pack straps and beams.
  • Then my anger shall be kindled, ... and I will hide my face from them -- an announcement of the withdrawal of the divine favor and protection of which the Shekinah was the symbol and pledge. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Following the announcement, Peter Englund, Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy, told senior editor Simon Frantz why Herta Müller's uniqueness comes from the double experience of being part of a minority language while being under an oppressed society. The Nobel Prize in Literature 2009 - Prize Announcement
  • (The battier Bush-haters add that the announcement is a publicity stunt to stoke public fear or serve some political purpose.) From the WSJ Opinion Archives

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