How To Use Annotating In A Sentence
Seeking meaning through opposite word and seeking meaning through neighboring word are both the annotating method used in "Guangya Shuzheng".
This great flowering of annotating and indexing will alter the way we discover books, too.
I used to watch my dad as he placed our family photos in albums like this, neatly annotating them as he went along.
Gilbert and Quinn have whipped up a sweet little Blosxom plug-in for annotating blog entry: if you have a link that you think should be added to a Blosxom post, you click the "annotate" link, select the word from the post that you want to footnote, enter the link, and click submit -- voila, annotated post.
Boing Boing: April 13, 2003 - April 19, 2003 Archives
I'm anxious to get the annotating started but I won't do that until the list is complete.
Sir Richard laid great stress on the necessity of thoroughly annotating each translation from an erotic (and especially a paederastic) point of view, but subsequent circumstances caused me to abandon that intention.
The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus
Charles M. Robinson has the massive task of editing and annotating the diaries.
The account book is a complex manuscript, requiring considerable deciphering, researching and annotating - and regrets that it had previously been inaccessible are now dispelled by this excellent publication.
The quotation we gave above suggests that Li was given the task of correcting and annotating mathematical texts.
You can't read the texts online but some extremely helpful person has been busy annotating the material with descriptions which makes a search or even a ramble through the material a pleasure.
I used to watch my dad as he placed our family photos in albums like this, neatly annotating them as he went along.
We were annotating our map as we went along, noting the date we passed a place or visited a ruin.