How To Use Annotate In A Sentence

  • During further analysis of these cosmids, high throughput sequence databanks were periodically screened for homology to the unique sequences until unannotated files containing exact matches appeared.
  • In the following example, Spring would pass a reference to the Spring-managed object with a bean name of "dataSource" to the annotated setter method.
  • The material which eventually made it into Mencken's second chrestomathy was selected, revised, and annotated by Mencken himself.
  • Sterling annotates Babbage, finds reference to computer games » SWEATblog: 2010 Living in the Future by Geoffrey Hoyle
  • Having delivered his bundle of trouble, neatly gift-wrapped and fully annotated for the record, the Polizei Präsident dropped the phone. WALL GAMES
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  • Therefore, a number of Category Romance series are listed and briefly annotated below.
  • The satire is so laden with invective and is so dense that I wish there was an annotated version of this book to read which would make it much easier to read.
  • And yet, our currency invokes our trust in God, our leaders pray for divine guidance and, apparently, the Pentagon annotates briefing memos with Bible verses. RELIGION Blog |
  • Much of it consists of more or less richly annotated lists of the sorts of things one sees and experiences.
  • Available from The David Brown Book Company, The Archaeology of Heinrich Schliemann includes an introductory essay, a fully annotated handlist of Schliemann's works, and an annotated list of bibliography and references.
  • He painstakingly annotates and takes notes from the books and gets information downloaded from the Internet.
  • With a promo for " Worst Case Scenario " for the Discovery Network she melds live action and graphic illustration, nicely using typography to annotate the footage.
  • With its eroticized reflections on modern aesthetics and liberal guilt, it's like watching a bi-curious college professor annotate an Abercrombie & Fitch catalogue. Michael Cunningham's "By Nightfall," reviewed by Ron Charles
  • However, I knew I needed my own book to annotate.
  • Carefully annotated and extensively glossed, it has a chronological table of Ancient Iranian Rulers, a select bibliography, and an index running to 25 pages.
  • Habitually unpunctual, he seldom arrived at his office before 1 p.m., but then stayed late, writing heavily annotated letters of recommendation that turned many customers into friends.
  • You can also import a photograph and annotate it with your own handwriting or add text with Graffiti.
  • Secondly, the writer annotates the academic concept related to university morale culture respectively from general to special logic order.
  • Likewise directories themselves you should be able to annotate.
  • David's Annotated Lyric site mentions "stella" as being the Latin for star. The WELL: Stella Blue
  • Some will be capable of filling in the identities of the consistently unannotated first names; others less so. The Times Literary Supplement
  • They use a natural interface which enables users to highlight, scribble notes, bookmark and annotate.
  • Not only do I underscore; I use brackets, carets, and braces; I annotate all four margins and I copiously turn down the edges (both top and bottom) of certain especially memorable pages.
  • He compiled, wrote, updated and annotated the inventory and signed every page relating to Denny's charge in 1542.
  • An annotated bibliography of his writings on Cornish folklore is also presented.
  • While at the work site, students keep journals that their supervisors read and annotate on a weekly basis.
  • The fax viewer is more flexible, and you can now annotate documents before resending them.
  • Several generator types of increasing complexity are explained in detail and sample implementations are provided and annotated.
  • Brown annotates every deliberate inaccuracy in the book's notes.
  • I've got the hand-list as a rough reference to be annotated and fixed as I go through the relevant box, stopping only for a sneeze here and there at moments. A day away at the V&A but not at play
  • Please quote reprinted annotated source consciously, otherwise you will be cursed with gang rape.
  • The stylus is a big plus, at least for users who like to jot down notes, create sketches or annotate documents in a way that's much more precise than using a fingertip. Mobile Device That's Better for a Jotter Than a Talker
  • The Kaleidoscopic Concern - This annotated bibliography on racial and ethnic diversity in librarianship by Kaetrena D. Davis-Kendrick includes new areas of study such as gender issues and white privilege with regard to racial minority and ethnic librarians. The Kaleidoscopic Concern from ACRL
  • Congratulation You can also use this pen to highlight or annotate existing documents.
  • The "annotated" bibliography is a perennial, popular among non-fiction writers of every stripe. Joe Woodward: Bibliography: A True Confession
  • key" - annotated genes in the group will follow a binominal distribution. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This style is matched by regular sidebars in which Anderson expands on and annotates concepts and formulas that appear in the text.
  • For Japanese speakers who use English as a second language, it is helpful to annotate this text in Japanese so that images may be recalled by Japanese keywords.
  • Secondly, even if don't modify it, also should this opinion be annotated in the textbook, letting scholars to commentate .
  • Daily Kos does a fairly hysterical "annotated" version of the mea culpa. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Far fewer doctors now annotate notes with acronyms designed to spell out the unsayable truth about their patients.
  • There are annotated cartularies where the various documents are arranged in chronological order for the reign of the abbot or prince during which the events took place. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Some people annotate as they read.
  • A dandy, a wit, an inveterate controversialist, he conducted a series of campaigns against the public and critics in the form of pamphlets, annotated exhibition catalogues, and letters to the press.
  • Sterling annotates Babbage, finds reference to computer games SWEATblog: April 2010 Archives
  • The exception is when the dedicatee is associated with the writer, or when one writer has annotated another's work. Bibliophilia for Beginners
  • I have read most of the short stories many times and I very much appreciate and enjoy Dale Walker's series on "The World of Jack London" website that synopsizes and annotates them. An Interview With Daniel J. Wichlan
  • Rutt also drew upon the 1659 record to annotate, supplement, and modify Burton's.
  • One word annotated | the blog of author, illustrator and designer Kris Waldherr One word (annotated) | the blog of author, illustrator and designer Kris Waldherr
  • In his will, Michele d' Alessio stipulated that any unbound volumes should be bound, and that each book should be annotated on its flyleaf with his name as donor.
  • It then conglomerates them into an annotated list and emails it to your mom and the FBI.
  • Someone asked Linda why nearly all the songs in her book were annotated with the date she learned the song and who taught it to her.
  • She took from her pocket a slender booklet, its lined pages annotated in her own hand. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • The scholar annotated the early edition of a famous novel
  • It allows me to save pages in categorized folders, to edit the pages to only show relevant content, to highlight passages, and to annotate each page with a comment. Web Teacher › Organizing topics for blog posts
  • His drawings feature annotated cutaways of fierce reptilian creatures revealing inner organs that serve various destructive purposes.
  • It is a significantly extended, critically judicious, helpfully annotated edition of an indispensable oeuvre.
  • Marlon Brando's personal effects, including a pair of bongo drums and an annotated script of The Godfather, will be auctioned this week.
  • I started compiling an annotated bibliography of the philosophy of mind when I was a graduate student learning the ropes.
  • Her question pleased him greatly and he gave her a marked copy, annotated with the chapters she should skim and those she should skip altogether, in order to provide her with an appropriate grounding in political philo- sophy, sociology and economics. The Guardian World News
  • It is midway between a field guide and an annotated account of birds and mammals of a non-biogeographical region.
  • Whether the Notes were written by the Editor or by Jacob Henry Burn, who annotated Dickens's "Grimaldi," is a point which I have raised An Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, Volume I
  • Annotated editions of Shakespeare's plays help readers to understand old words.
  • A dandy, a wit, an inveterate controversialist, he conducted a series of campaigns against the public and critics in the form of pamphlets, annotated exhibition catalogues, and letters to the press.
  • Therefore, a number of Category Romance series are listed and briefly annotated below.
  • The word annotated should have been a clue, I guess. Author! Author! » 2009 » April
  • A project is being planned to systematically catalogue and annotate all human protein sequences, with reference to the sequenced genome.
  • Gilbert and Quinn have whipped up a sweet little Blosxom plug-in for annotating blog entry: if you have a link that you think should be added to a Blosxom post, you click the "annotate" link, select the word from the post that you want to footnote, enter the link, and click submit -- voila, annotated post. Boing Boing: April 13, 2003 - April 19, 2003 Archives
  • A project is being planned to systematically catalogue and annotate all human protein sequences, with reference to the sequenced genome.
  • She is not alone in just choosing to post some of her own photos, annotated with her self-evaluations.
  • Notes are annotated on levels of certainty with predictions and risks and possible causes for changes to numbers.
  • For more information on Hone, including an extensive annotated bibliography of his publications and a handlist of recent criticism, readers are encouraged to consult the William Hone Homepage, which link will open in a separately maintained archive. Introduction and Contents
  • Those who are fans of great barnstorming piano works will most definitely warm to this disc which is expertly annotated and scintillatingly interpreted from first note to last.
  • In his will, Michele d' Alessio stipulated that any unbound volumes should be bound, and that each book should be annotated on its flyleaf with his name as donor.
  • To learn virtually first-hand about the places his characters traveled, visualize, annotate, share their impressions and experiences, and ideally be inspired to show off their own world (both real and imagined) using similar (or what the heck, altogether different!) tools and techniques. Co-creating futures
  • [1] Annotated in another hand: 'A sufferer from a destructive Letter 215
  • Sophisticated File Viewers Some apps for the iPad let you store large numbers of different types of files, view them and even annotate them. In and Out Of Office: Putting iPads To Work
  • He annotated on what his teacher had written
  • The method of treatment applied by Propaganda to an ordinary case may be described as follows: A letter addressed to the congregation is opened by the cardinal prefect who annotates it with some terse official formula in Latin, embodying his first instructions (e.g. that a prÈcis of the antecedent correspondence relating to this matter is to be made). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Annotated checklist of marine decapod Crustacea from Shark Bay, Western Australia. Shark Bay, Australia
  • My associate will make two copies of the judgment available to each side, so that you have one upon which you may annotate and one you may preserve clean.
  • His annotated score, as well as a beautifully bound presentation copy signed by every member of the orchestra, is among the thousands of scores and sound recordings in the library.
  • SWEATblog: Sterling annotates Babbage, finds reference to computer games SWEATblog: Sterling annotates Babbage, finds reference to computer games
  • The corrupt and illegal practices prevention act, 1883, annotated and explained: Notes of judicial decisions in cases of bribery, treating undue influence, personation, etc by H. OpEdNews - Quicklink: U.S. Telecom Firm Pays $3 Million in Fines Over China Business
  • Agassiz, a typical Swiss polyglot, annotated books in the language of their composition.
  • It prints Lock's sonnets in old-spelling and very lightly annotated texts.
  • To take advantage of the phenomenon, the company created a descriptive language called keyhole markup language, or KML, which lets anyone annotate maps, not only with their own place markers but also with lines, icons, and three-dimensional shapes. Google Maps Is Changing the Way We See the World
  • We all know that annotation requires such rigor of selection that one might say that to annotate is to omit. Naming the Dying Lady
  • Annotated genomes were examined for novel gene orders and the presence of unassignable sequences.
  • Their copyist also annotated the printed pages of the partbooks in a neat, careful hand, correcting some of its many misprints.
  • Shakespeare's plays are often elaborately annotated to make them easier to understand.
  • The French honor their writers by publishing them whole in good typography on India paper, meticulously edited and annotated, in Gallimard's Bibliothèque de la Pléiade.
  • PaperPort software creates a graphic image of the scanned item and lets the user edit, annotate and sort the result.
  • “Every time an officer writes a report or attends a meeting or draws up a programme or facilitates this or annotates that or signs off the other, he or she is not catching burglars.” Five Go Camping In Hampshire « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • A reader of this codex will readily see that the original columns have been annotated with addenda and corrigenda. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Once users have downloaded what they want, they apparently annotate it and file it in filing cabinets and folders just as they always did.
  • The fax viewer is more flexible, and you can now annotate documents before resending them.
  • You can add text, shapes, and stamps to annotate drawing and perform markups and redlining - all of which you can bring into AutoCAD 2005 applications.
  • But, while I can annotate them, I can't copy any text at all into my notes.
  • For details regarding XML shredding support through the Visual Studio Add-in, please refer to "Introduction to annotated XML schema decomposition using the DB2 Visual Studio 2005 Add-in".
  • The same is true at the opening of the Finale: Allegro moderato molto e marcato, where even longer annotated phrase spans should exactly match with the lead in to the poco animato.
  • In his will, Michele d' Alessio stipulated that any unbound volumes should be bound, and that each book should be annotated on its flyleaf with his name as donor.
  • To test the accuracy of our negation tagger, we evaluated our system against a gold-standard, human-annotated corpus of 250 reports.
  • Not only do I underscore; I use brackets, carets, and braces; I annotate all four margins and I copiously turn down the edges (both top and bottom) of certain especially memorable pages.
  • Pages not for public dissemination should be annotated in bold at the bottom with the reserved term ‘classified.’
  • It has come to this: the FBI has warned law enforcement organizations across the country to beware of anyone carrying almanacs, particularly if the books have been annotated in suspicious ways.
  • To annotate the essence of life with friendship.
  • Hissune returned to his desk and for an hour more continued to annotate his maps. VALENTINE PONTIFEX
  • Please quote reprinted annotated source consciously, otherwise you will be cursed with gang pe.
  • Dates are annotated on the papers, and the piece might best be considered a Zen meditation on the way cigarettes metronomically mark one's hours.
  • PaperPort software creates a graphic image of the scanned item and lets the user edit, annotate and sort the result.
  • Every time an officer writes a report or attends a meeting or draws up a programme or facilitates this or annotates that or signs off the other, he or she is not catching burglars. Five Go Camping In Hampshire « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • You take your copy of McHugh, unbind it, take your copy of the wake, unbind it and xerox it at twice size so the page size matches McHugh, and rebind it interleaved, so each McHugh page faces the page it annotates. FWEET.
  • The other envelope, much thicker, held a mass of newspaper cuttings, notes, annotated catalogues and police notices. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • Annotated editions of Shakespeare's plays help readers to understand old words.
  • Annotated editions of Shakespeare's plays help readers to understand old words.
  • To annotate the essence of life with friendship.
  • The editor is a reference librarian who also coauthored with David Dodd The Grateful Dead and the Deadheads: An Annotated Bibliography.
  • Secondly, even if don't modify it, also should this opinion be annotated in the textbook, letting scholars to commentate .
  • All focus group discussions were transcribed and annotated with contemporaneous field notes.
  • When RainbowJJ cc the materials from other websites, we will annotate the original author.
  • Therefore, a number of Category Romance series are listed and briefly annotated below.
  • Their copyist also annotated the printed pages of the partbooks in a neat, careful hand, correcting some of its many misprints.
  • I annotated it and prepared the double book for publication with a preface explaining what I had done and why I had done it.
  • The extrapolation from any data set to the whole genome will be plagued by possible biases in representation until the two respective genomes are sequenced and annotated.
  • The site's astronomers (in Michigan) annotate the photos, so stars, constellations and planets are all clearly identified.
  • The same is true at the opening of the Finale: Allegro moderato molto e marcato, where even longer annotated phrase spans should exactly match with the lead in to the poco animato.
  • Her question pleased him greatly and he gave her a marked copy, annotated with the chapters she should skim and those she should skip altogether, in order to provide her with an appropriate grounding in political philo- sophy, sociology and economics. The Guardian World News
  • More than 33% of gene transcripts annotated with unknown function were included in the category of unclassified proteins.
  • At 39,472 bp, the annotated genome revealed a closer relationship to coliphage T3 than T7 with Kvp1 containing homologs to T3 early proteins S-adenosyl-L-methionine hydrolase (0.3) and protein kinase (0.7). BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • For details regarding XML shredding support through the Visual Studio Add-in, please refer to "Introduction to annotated XML schema decomposition using the DB2 Visual Studio 2005 Add-in".
  • Annotated, logged and indexed, his book scarcely illuminated Belushi's demons, or the system that supposedly destroyed him.
  • Skills checklists and an annotated bibliography provide a springboard for further insight and exploration.
  • Historians annotate, check and interpret the diary selections.
  • As for zhuyin fuhao ㄓㄨㄧㄣㄈㄩㄏㄠ, another argument in their favor is the convenient way they are used in editions of classical texts annotated for students, aka duben 讀本 (the most prestigious collection of this kind is the « turquoise-cover » one published by Sanmin shuju), just like Japanese furigana, i.e. with the transcription of each character on its left side (the text being in columns). SHIH SHIH.
  • It’s so upsetting to see pundits just spout off bs they read in annotated textbooks of political theory and not open a friggin book or read the newspaper of another country. Matthew Yglesias » By Request: The Case for Parliamentarism
  • Hissune returned to his desk and for an hour more continued to annotate his maps. VALENTINE PONTIFEX
  • Hissune returned to his desk and for an hour more continued to annotate his maps. VALENTINE PONTIFEX
  • I've settled on an "annotated" bibliography for my Nathanael West, I think. Joe Woodward: Bibliography: A True Confession
  • Or, an 150-term ontology to annotate the scientific content of your literature archive? Tagging, thesauri or ontologies?
  • Each of the plays Shaver includes, however, is thoroughly annotated with explanatory notes that will ease the introduction of these texts into the classroom.
  • This is the first part of a three-part post that annotates the screed of one such person, Professor Mat (only one "t" - so maybe he knows Michele-one - "l" - Bachmann) Stevor, Dean of Liberty Anti-Health Care Reform, Anti-Obama: What's Been Going Out As "Gospel" Part One
  • All you have to do is annotate what you have already written. The Volokh Conspiracy » Laptops in Class Redux
  • Thus, our study has revealed more than 200 annotated and unique genes that have not been previously detected in the context of the oscine song system. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • To annotate means to add explanation to information - extra ‘commentary information’ in terms of the Online Dictionary of Computing.
  • A small electret condenser monaural microphone is found on the top panel next to its speaker, so you can annotate each image with your own voice.
  • From the 38 genes, 14 ~37% are annotated in the slim GO annotation as participating in cell-cycle,meiosis or cytokinesis. Archive 2007-01-01
  • As well there's an "[annotate]" button allowing the viewer to add text commentary about a particular case annotation. Slaw
  • The slides all looked identical to Dan - a lot of coloured blobs and tangled spaghetti, annotated by mysterious abbreviations.
  • I read it closely and annotated it extensively, as is my habit in reading generally.
  • A translation of his book appears in the Vatican library, annotated by Lorenzo Ghiberti.
  • This was bad enough, but in the 1950s the library decided to thin its inventory, unloading the unwanted books on a book dealer who soon realized he now possessed more than 60 titles annotated by Mark Twain. Boston Globe -- Ideas section
  • In the gene ontology list, "[dist]" is the distribution map link of total genes annotated to the GO term. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The text has been annotated and lightly edited to bring spellings up to date.
  • PaperPort software creates a graphic image of the scanned item and lets the user edit, annotate and sort the result.
  • You can take the very best teachers and kind of annotate it, have it so everyone sees who is the very best at teaching this stuff. Bill Gates unplugged
  • I started compiling an annotated bibliography of the philosophy of mind when I was a graduate student learning the ropes.
  • * In the fifth and final installment of his Wes Anderson series, Matt Zoller Seitz annotates the prologue to The Royal Tenenbaums. Tuesday, Tuesday « Gerry Canavan
  • No worries - they're part of the permaculture here and deserve to be annotated in posterity.
  • Jan Freeman, author since 1997 of a word column for the Boston Sunday Globe, produced an excellent annotated version of Bierce's book in 2009. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Underneath its scholarly precision, her prose has a proselytizing edge; she urges us to think about the marginalia that we come across and hopes our libraries will preserve annotated books.
  • The XML Fragment query, for example, will produce first only documents that contain "center" where it appears as part of a phrase annotated as an organization by a named-entity recognizer. Intelligent Enterprise

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