How To Use Annihilated In A Sentence

  • All souls were to be judged by Mithra (represented as a bull) with the Elect going to heaven, and the earthly and evil being annihilated in a great battle.
  • The attackers had far superior forces but they gave no quarter and totally annihilated the defenders.
  • They brought people to destruction, to be killed, to be annihilated, and the kapos were hated.
  • In the south, the disease, virulent and immedicable, had nearly annihilated the race of man; storm and inundation, poisonous winds and blights, filled up the measure of suffering. The Last Man
  • The attackers had far superior forces but they gave no quarter and totally annihilated the defenders.
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  • Thu 07/01/10 9: 16 PM p.s. I think you mean "annihilated" - decimated means "to reduce by 1/10th. Today's Latest Headlines
  • Men, women and children desperate for food had been systematically annihilated by the burning toxins.
  • The home basketball team annihilated the visiting team.
  • Yet the din was overwhelming, a thunderous, persistent clamour, which pummelled one, anaesthetized the mind, annihilated thought. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • 93 In this extremity they collected the relics of their strength, sallied from the town, and in a single memorable day, annihilated or dispersed the host of Turks and The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The decaying atoms emit positrons, which encounter electrons and are annihilated, releasing pairs of gamma rays.
  • The attackers had far superior forces but they gave no quarter and totally annihilated the defenders.
  • Once the remaining three ships were clear of the blast area they were annihilated by the burst from the destroyer's main gun.
  • And so a billion particles of antimatter and a billion of matter annihilated each other and turned back into heat and one little teeny bit of matter was left over - and that's us.
  • Our soldiers annihilated a force of five hundred enemy troops.
  • But, as it is believed, at the instigation of one member of the cabinet, himself largely connected with foreign trade, without enquiry and without warning, the market was thrown open to competition from without, barilla imported, and the staple product of the north of Scotland annihilated. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 361, November, 1845.
  • The Basques and the Gascons annihilated them, and among the fallen was the Frankish commander Roland.
  • Neither side moved, but one day the Damascenes attacked a large foraging party and nearly annihilated it.
  • If this thing is annihilated in thought, the internal possibility of the thing is also annihilated, which is self-contradictory. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • The Dutch annihilated the Olympic champions 5-0.
  • Archaeologists have found proof of the first ever use on British soil of a terrifying new weapon at the Battle of Killiecrankie, at which 2,500 Jacobites annihilated a force of 4,000 redcoats.
  • At the Aug.14 supreme council meeting, the emperor asked the councilors to prepare the capitulation rescript, saying, ‘If we continue the war, Japan will be altogether annihilated.’
  • If all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger. I should not seem a part of it.
  • The new truth reached by the discovery has recently also been incorporated as an important ingredient in cosmological speculations The aim has been to try to understand how a universe, originally very hot and symmetric, could avoid that matter and antimatter almost immediately annihilated each other. Press Release: The 1980 Nobel Prize in Physics
  • That mountain barrier, virtually annihilated so long as the faiths of the two peoples were one, was upreared again.
  • Men, women and children desperate for food had been systematically annihilated by the burning toxins.
  • Throughout their recollections you could hear in their voices the absolute belief that even if they were killed, even if their whole battalion was annihilated, that the Allies would still win the war.
  • Had dinosaurs not been annihilated by an asteroidal impact, mammals might still be small, nocturnal insect-eaters unable to evolve higher intelligence.
  • If all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger. I should not seem a part of it.
  • “In modern string theory, dark energy also called the cosmological constant is the energy stored in empty space, where pairs of matter and anti-matter particles are spontaneously created and annihilated,” said Baylor researcher Gerald Cleaver. Researchers Claim Star Trek’s Warp Drive Possible In The Future | Impact Lab
  • He finished off two huge helpings with gusto and annihilated my entire collection of home-baked almond macaroons.
  • Many tectonic ironstones are rather massive, cherty rocks, suggesting that early structural fabrics were annihilated by late-stage chert replacement.
  • He was annihilated in the finals of the competition.
  • Against the hungry Rutgers horde 125-lb. Harry Hormel played left halfback, scored thrice, risked constant annihilation as his team annihilated Rutgers 60-6.
  • When a particle or atom of antimatter comes into contact with a particle or atom of normal matter, both are annihilated and energy is released.
  • Yet on July 23, Samak annihilated his opponents to win the Bangkok governorship with a record-breaking one million votes, almost twice the total of the other 22 candidates combined.
  • She annihilated her opponent, who failed to win a single game.
  • A man who has no 'monde' is inflamed with anger, or annihilated with shame, at every disagreeable incident: the one makes him act and talk like a madman, the other makes him look like a fool. Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1752
  • Our soldiers annihilated a force of five hundred enemy troops.
  • In the end, they have all fallen in front of Jones - Montell Griffin beat him once via disqualification but was annihilated in their second meeting.
  • She annihilated her opponent, who failed to win a single game.
  • These persistent structures are reminiscent of particles being created and annihilated in a quantum field theory.
  • If all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger. I should not seem a part of it.
  • Our soldiers annihilated a force of five hundred enemy troops.
  • It is impossible to recall without a shudder that there was at that time neither money nor credit, that the pressing debts were immense, the revenues exhausted in anticipation, the resources annihilated, the public securities valueless, the coinage impoverished and without circulation, the discount-fund bankrupt, the general tax-exchequer (_ferme general_) on the point of failing to meet its bills, and the royal treasury reduced to two bags of A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 6
  • As a finale, the "Left" have chosen another and even more demonical cult to defend against "racist bigotry" which was contrived by a war-mongering, desert bedouin, mandated by God, the Koran and the most respected scholars of Islamic Jurisprudence, to be in a constant state of war with the infidel, until converted or annihilated. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Yes, I am happy, most happy, that I can weep thus for imaginary sorrows, and that the slight loss of my adored country is not dwindled and annihilated in mightier misery. III.2
  • Similarly, neither the Titans nor Dionysos are destroyed or annihilated by Zeus' thunderbolt; they, as Chaos, persist.
  • Of course if a man hates space and wants it to be annihilated, that is another matter. Surprised by Joy
  • According to the Sadder Bun-Dehesch, a more modern work, Ahriman is to be annihilated: but this is contrary to the text itself of the The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The Middle East was largely unhabitable, following the limited nuclear war that had annihilated both Israel and its Arab neighbors; India was slowly dying from the radioactive fallout from that exchange. A King of Infinite Space
  • And this one’s not an irrational fear, because the kind of assault I’m talking about happens all the time: when people like me and all the things we’ve done in the world are annihilated from the fiction I read; when people like me are twisted into caricatures of reality; when people like me see their culture violated because other people can’t be bothered to depict it accurately. It’s never “just a story”. «
  • The tribes formerly inhabiting this coast have long since been annihilated by continual wars, whose destructive effects have unpeopled this part of the country.
  • Devices like the telegraph, telephone, phonograph, and radio annihilated physical and temporal distance.
  • The good effects of this law is admirable, insomuch that it has almost annihilated robbery: but when one has actually been committed, the energy and exertion of every individual is directed to discover the depredator, and they seldom fail to discover him. An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa
  • Again, I have always found, that a human body was possest of a quality, which I call gravity, and which hinders it from mounting in the air, as this porter must have done to arrive at my chamber, unless the stairs I remember be not annihilated by my absence. A Treatise of Human Nature
  • If all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger. I should not seem a part of it.
  • Similarly, neither the Titans nor Dionysos are destroyed or annihilated by Zeus' thunderbolt; they, as Chaos, persist.
  • This sin is something that is inborn, which is first to be pardoned, then controlled, and finally annihilated by a new birth, by the grace of God, by the work of the Holy Spirit, by the entrance on the glory of heaven, by the mighty power by which a risen Savior is to raise these vile bodies and make them like His own body. Weedon's Blog
  • The consequences for the NNP were clear and simple: it had been annihilated as an electoral force in South Africa and the Western Cape, Selfe said.
  • The Dutch annihilated the Olympic champions 5-0.
  • With spirits high despite the previous day's loss, Air Force showed determination and pulled together as they annihilated Navy in a strong win.
  • Parts of the huts were torn and cracked in some places and it looked as if an army had swept through and annihilated the whole place.
  • Fifteen cohorts were annihilated at Atuatuca, and another garrison commanded by Quintus Cicero only just saved by a relief column.
  • The virus had annihilated all those who knew of Rassilon's great mistake.
  • Even before he was cashiered, Belle Jambe Bernadotte nearly let The Iron Marshal get annihilated by a vastly larger Prussian army Matthew Yglesias » Kristol Complicates Napoleon Metaphors
  • Diclofenac residues have virtually annihilated the Oriental white-backed vulture in Pakistan.
  • Called prester by the Greeks, typhoon by the Romans, timmins by the Persians, and dragons de mer by the French, waterspouts annihilated ships and massacred sailors. A Furnace Afloat
  • They annihilated Caragh in the semi final on Saturday before beating the hosts by 2-12 to 3-5 in Sunday's final.
  • Because he was a king, Conrad continued to play a role in the Second Crusade, but the imperial army was annihilated and the Germans did not contribute significantly to what followed.
  • The anti-Japanese organizations have been dissolved, and all other civil and Internet anti-Japanese movements are being destroyed and annihilated.
  • Similarly, neither the Titans nor Dionysos are destroyed or annihilated by Zeus' thunderbolt; they, as Chaos, persist.
  • Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor v2. 500 to v2. 501 English Patch Fixes - Fixed an issue where a glider shot down in mid-air would prevent the commonwealth faction from being 'annihilated' - Fixed an issue where the game could crash if a player was alt-tabbed during ... 2404 - PC Gaming
  • Dairying in the west will be virtually annihilated if the government adopts the recommendations of a strategic development plan which they have commissioned on the future of the industry in Ireland, a farm group has warned.
  • Why punish with death for stealing a very little of _that_ sort of property, and make a mere fine the penalty for stealing a thousand times as much, of any other sort of property -- especially if by his own act, God had annihilated the difference between man and _property_, by putting him on a level with it? The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • This is the fundamental solution, or else the Jews will be annihilated in the future, because the Palestinians have [strategic] depth.
  • Furthermore, it would seem that a system such as Arminianism, which suspends salvation on a personal act of rational choice, would logically demand that those dying in infancy must either be given another period of probation after death, in order that their destiny may be fixed, or that they must be annihilated. The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination
  • They eat the stem, which thus becomes weak, and breaks; but are checked by another insect, called the destructor, otherwise whole crops of wheat would be annihilated. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 334, October 4, 1828
  • To which General Valencia replied: – That a correspondent reward should follow an heroic action, nothing more natural; but to remunerate a service which does not go beyond the sphere of ordinary things, such as mine in the affair of the 15th to the 26th of July of 1840, by such a noble distinction as the sword of honour with which your Excellency has deigned to gird me, in the name of the National Congress, of this the magnanimity of the sovereignty is alone capable; and so it is that I remain annihilated by a present worthy of the ages of the Roman Senate and Republic. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • We annihilated our opponents, and nobody could argue about it.
  • Then, in 1986, the same year that Holmes was beaten by Michael Spinks, Tyson annihilated Trevor Berbick for the WBC crown.
  • The moral interest of the fable, which is so powerfully sustained by the sufferings and endurance of Prometheus, would be annihilated if we could conceive of him as unsaying his high language and quailing before his successful and perfidious adversary. The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • In a single stroke, her social network had been annihilated, which is a lot worse than losing your playlists. Salon
  • The tone of that one word annihilated hope in Clarissa's mind. The Lovels of Arden
  • The reigning champion didn't just beat his opponents - he annihilated them.
  • The heavy bombing almost annihilated the town.
  • All souls were to be judged by Mithra (represented as a bull) with the Elect going to heaven, and the earthly and evil being annihilated in a great battle.
  • A three-month bombing campaign nearly annihilated the city, destroying its people and its wealth.
  • Western European “explorers” annihilated millions of indigenous people in the “New World” under the pretext that they practiced anthropophagy and were better off dead or enslaved than they were living in their natural “uncivilized” state. Flesh, flesh everywhere, Nor any morsel to eat...
  • The ordinary traffic had been stopped, I believe, in order to allow of the passage of troops and guns to Chertsey, and I have heard since that a savage struggle occurred for places in the special trains that were put on at a later hour to help clear this area of people before the dead plague worsened or the Martians annihilated the town. The War of The Worlds
  • Once I got to the top, the master would take over and my enemy would be utterly annihilated.
  • The battery was annihilated by those volleys in a moment.
  • Would the troops be seen by the German parachutists dug in along the route and be annihilated, or would the American soldiers reach their objectives unrevealed to the enemy defenders?
  • At the time the program began, there were only about 500 of the grazing animals left, because they had been virtually annihilated by hunters.
  • Tyson annihilated his opponent in the first round.
  • And now that repugnance is very nearly annihilated how strange it would be to say we forbid you under severe legal restrictions from using this precaution which has been so long, so diffusively, so earnestly and so effectually recommended. Letter 111
  • And now that they may be expelled and annihilated they are brought to light and seen clearly through the illumination of this dark light of divine contemplation.

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