How To Use Annex In A Sentence
The annexe has the feel of a private house with a wood fire and stupendous views of the temples of Baalbek.
[116] A chaplaincy is a pious foundation made by any religious person, and elected into a benefice by the ecclesiastical ordinary, with the annexed obligation of saying a certain number of masses, or with the obligation of other analogous spiritual duties.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 28 of 55 1637-38 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
The Don wants his Rocking K development annexed by the city under the most favorable conditions he can get.
Think Progress Appearing on Imus In the Morning to promote his new book, State of Emergency, Pat Buchanan asserted that the Mexican government has a “direct program” to reannex “the seven states of the American Southwest.”
Think Progress » Buchanan: Mexico Conspiring To ‘Re-Annex’ Seven Southwest States
This year is the centennial for a treaty under which Japan deprived Korea of its power to conduct foreign affairs, a prelude to Japan's annexation of the Korean Peninsula in 1910.

Three syngeneic animals and one animal with allograft had marked focal uptake of annexin V in a linear pattern corresponding to the left thoracotomy site.
Canada it was voted by the English Parliament to reannex the territory northwest of the Ohio to Canada and to permit the settlers to share in the rights and privileges of the Canadian province.
The Loyalist A Story of the American Revolution
In the fourteenth century this custom greatly increased, and small additional side aisles and transepts were often annexed to churches and called mortuary chapels; these were used indeed as chantries, but they were more independent in their constitution, and in general more ample in their endowments.
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Carlisle A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Episcopal See
Matthew, in annexing this cure to that of the leper, who was a Jew, intimates this; the leprous Jews Christ touched and cured, for he preached personally to them; but the paralytic Gentiles he cured at a distance; for to them he did not go in person, but sent his word and healed them; yet in them he was more magnified.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
He predicted Jones would “discountenance the movement under the impression that the United States will have the right, and will be bound to remove the Mexican military from east of the Rio Grande after annexation.”
A Country of Vast Designs
He has annexed citizens' goodwill, not in fiscal speak but in a prophet's rhetoric, or even a poet's.
When the U.S. annexed Hawaii, all of its citizens - native and non-native - became Americans.
Bukey's interpretation of Austria's annexation to Germany largely follows the prevailing view.
Why was Hitler allowed to remilitarize the Rhineland, annex Austria, and invade Czechoslovakia before the Allies confronted him over his incursion into Poland in September 1939?
It consists of the former Egyptian embassy and a one-time annexe to Russia's embassy knocked together.
The device of appending separate annexes to key government documents is becoming something of a norm in the wake of the breakdown of the Belfast Agreement.
However, at that time, the definite opposition of the United States already had arisen, inasmuch as for some time back it had dreamed of the idea of annexing Cuba to its territory at some point.
If they just follow the majority idea...sure, they might get more support and more money, but we will probably still think we are pure Chinese, and eventual "unification" is unavoidable note even how the term changes, nowadays people use "annexation" instead of unification...
Five Commentaries for Wednesday
Commitments to the Kyoto Protocol by Annex B countries are a major driver of energy efficiency, as about 70 percent of these countries greenhouse gas emissions are related to energy use.
Chapter 9
A separate agreement between the eleven is annexed to the Treaty.
Like all the cabins in the Lowlies' quarters, this was a single-storey building with one main room and annexes to serve as bedrooms.
Nuclear retention of annexin II results in reduced cell proliferation and increased doubling time of cells.
Could I invite your Honours to go to submissions on behalf of the Wentworth Shire Council and to the document annexed to it following page 11.
The Licence Committee considered other available evidence, including that derived from the four publications referred to in the attached annex.
Now if you wish to annex, and make the Palestinians citizens, this would cease to be a Jewish nation-state and you’d be offering Israel’s enemies the hallowed “one-state-of-Palestine-secular-and-democratic” that is: another Arab state like many others; if you wish to annex but to withhold citizenship from the Palestinians, you’d be making true the antisemitic lie of “zionist apartheid”; either way annexion is *not-gonna-happen*.
Jewish Voice for Peace calls on Michael Moore to make his next film about US/Israel relationship | Jewschool
It may be true that, according to Freddoso, Obama dismissed the slogan “Yes we can” as “vapid and mindless” when it was first proposed to him, in 2004, but he liked it well enough in 2008, and then came the null emptiness of the phrase — the audacity of hope — that he annexed from a windy sermon by Jeremiah Wright.
Cool Cat
For example, the Bank of England has published an annex to the Global Master Repurchase Agreement for London to cater for government securities, enabling a netting of obligations under gilt repos with non-gilt repos.
The suburban city of Burien is showing a strong interest in annexing White Center.
Sound Politics: Nickels' Push For White Center Annexation = Power Politics
“Personally,” he wrote, “I could have no objection to the annexation of Texas, but I certainly would be unwilling to see the existing Union dissolved or seriously jeoparded for the sake of acquiring Texas.”
A Country of Vast Designs
He said that leading suspects in the killings, whose names were provided to him in a secret annex to the report, must be tried urgently.
As to which concrete punishments should be annexed to which crimes, the judgment is a prudential one left for public authority to determine.
The Baltic republics were annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940.
As Israel announced the building of 238 more housing units in annexed East Jerusalem, further complicating US efforts to revive stalled peace negotiations, it emerged that Ehud Barak, the Labour leader, is predicting that the government will collapse.
Cracks widen in Netanyahu's coalition
At Honolulu these annexationists made speeches abusing the Senate of the United States for the delay in annexing Hawaii; they further said the most grossly insulting things of President Cleveland because he frustrated their plans, and included Secretary Gresham in their condemnation because he failed to recognize them as Americans.
Hawaii's Story, by Hawaii's Queen
Meanwhile, "gooky wet stuff" and "assorted yuck" are being hauled from Owens Hall and the annex of Bancroft, and a contractor is busy collecting computers from the buildings for repair.
The Herald | - Front
Successive regimes annexed the region and populated it with lowland people.
He was a conspicuous pluralist in the diocese, annexing to his bishopric a number of Salisbury prebends, two abbeys, and several churches.
One poll in September 1991 found small pluralities in Moscow and large cities opposed to the transfer to Russia of territories in other republics where Russians predominated the Crimea, Donbass, and Northern Kazakhstan were mentioned; in small towns and rural areas, the votes for and against such annexations were equal.
The Return
Well now, Flash old son, says you, that's compensation surely, for all the horrors unmanfully endured - and don't forget that along the road you've had enough assorted trollop to fill Chelsea Barracks, with an annexe at Alder-shot.
It consists of the former Egyptian embassy and a one-time annexe to Russia's embassy knocked together.
The dates of publication of the new Sciences modules are given in Annex 5.
I know certainly that all these incommodities are annexed to the exercise of arms I would here die for very wrath and displeasure.
The Third Book. I. Wherein Is Rehearsed the Unfortunate Adventure Which Happened to Don Quixote, by Encountering with Certain Yanguesian Carriers
The dark bay or brown horse annexed his final career start, winning an allowance race on the turf at Churchill Downs on June 22.
Sunrise over the half-completed annex going up outside the window of his room in Merton is dazzling and beautiful.
Brasilia warned it would not relinquish command of UN forces in Haiti, and Paris complained the airport had become a US "annexe", exposing a brewing power struggle amid the global relief effort. ...
An Englishman's Castle
annexation of the suburban fringe by the nuclear metropolis
There is a double garage with two workshops, a self-contained annexe and a winery.
Times, Sunday Times
The denials notwithstanding, some members of Sharon's inner circle believe he's hoping President George W. Bush will accept the idea of annexing some large settlements to Israel.
It was a lengthy document of some 68 pages with 9 annexes comprising the preliminary ruling and other documentation.
How many pages is your report, including the annexes?
For countries that had annexed territory in the preceding two centuries, the only real option was to fight for as long as seemed possible and then arrange an orderly retreat.
A circular sent to members of the exclusive club said the newer building was ‘a useful annexe’.
Venture industrial investment, corporate finance advisory, enterprise financing, IPO recommendation, purchase and annex, policy enquiry.
DOWNSIDE Only one bedroom upstairs with another downstairs and a third in the annexe.
Times, Sunday Times
On this latter point the earl of Shelburne rcmonftrated veiy warmly with his colleagues, urging in forciUe language the fupinenefs, the cowardice, the tij-eachery, the befotted ftupidity of permitting Lfiwis to rob the Corficans of their ina« lienable rights, and to overturn the balance of power by annexing to his dominions an ifland that would give him coniiderable in - fluence in the affiurs of Italy, and a dangerous extenfion of con - troul over the trade of the Mediterranean.
Memoirs of the right honourable edmund burke
The hospital comprises three main structures - the annex building, atrium, and research center.
I knew he was the clerk from the Town Hall Annexe.
They decided to cover in the passage between the main building and the annex.
He met with official disfavour after his spectacular military failure at St. Etienne in 1546, a crucial stumble in Henry's campaign to annex the territory.
Lots of them, of course, were frightfully swell (Betty annexed "frightfully" at school, by the by) and had all sorts of clothes; but Betty was perfectly content with her modest outfit, and none of the other girls seemed to mind how she dressed.
The Fortune Hunter
Plus, the barns could easily be turned into a guest annexe.
Times, Sunday Times
Finally, I annex by way of an Appendix a schedule of companies who have signed the confidentiality agreement and their status.
The annex at the back of the new document incorporates the legally enforceable element of the agreement.
The words will be parodied, and the chief effect I expect from them must arise from their being _known_; for the joke will be much less for these jolly fathers to sing any thing new, than to give what the audience are used to annex the idea of jollity to.
Memoirs of the Life of the Rt. Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan — Volume 01
And the faithful still see annexation as one way to pay that bill -- and no proof it will work is required.
And because they are essential and inseparable rights, it follows necessarily that in whatsoever words any of them seem to be granted away, yet if the sovereign power itself be not in direct terms renounced and the name of sovereign no more given by the grantees to him that grants them, the grant is void: for when he has granted all he can, if we grant back the sovereignty, all is restored, as inseparably annexed thereunto.
In 2016 my wife and I moved into a house with an annexe.
Times, Sunday Times
What but annexation is missing in that domination exerted by a great nation over a smaller one.
Nationhood Within the Empire
There's a one-bedroom annexe to the rear.
Times, Sunday Times
They had invented a new social custom but they had also annexed a significant part of the working-class experience.
The city annexed the area across the river.
In 1783 she proceeded to annex the nominally independent Crimea and to construct a large Black Sea fleet.
Wilshere is a delicate thing, to be dandled and stroked and made much of, perhaps even quartered in a very small secure dark room, some kind of sealed basement annexe.
Why we must savour the rare English delicacy that is Jack Wilshere
These out-field spots were selected by any feuar at his own choice, amongst the sheep-walks and hills which were always annexed to the Township, to serve as pasturage to the community.
The Monastery
A bit earlier, in the 1960s, Streetsville was feeling constrained by tight boundaries and floating the idea of annexing parts of Toronto Township which formed the bulk of what's now Mississauga, an idea with some street cred because a town municipally trumps a township.
Their annexation of the most coveted trophy in Gaelic football unleashed a frenzy of unconfined joy.
In June, an attempt to sell the pink stucco main building and adjoining annex failed to elicit any bids that met the government's minimum so a new tactic will be tried.
Fifa and Uefa believe football is a special case, and that a special protocol for sport needs to be annexed to existing EU treaties to protect the professional game from imploding.
Cagliari" by the Neapolitans on the high seas; our attitude towards the Paris Congress of 1857; while in 1858 he led the revolt against Lord Palmerston's proposal to amend the Conspiracy Laws in deference to Louis Napoleon; in 1860 vigorously denounced the annexation of Savoy and Nice; and in 1864 moved the amendment to
Biographical Study of A.W. Kinglake
Commissioner of Public Housing sharing common parts with a building area that see Annex II.
I attended a meeting at Orion's offices on 23rd April 1975 a note of which (prepared by Mr Russell of Drake) is attached hereto as Annex 2.
The city annexed the area across the river.
The Annex lists and discusses eight titles.
Sadism and masochism, like fetishism, annex pleasure to established systems of desire.
It may be that as the town of Mallia grew, it outgrew its local territory and annexed the adjacent Lasithi territory.
An elastic metropolitan area is one in which the central city can easily annex undeveloped land and in which there is ample undeveloped land within the central city for growth.
King Moshoeshoe I was left with a mountainous, infertile kingdom when most of his arable land was annexed to the Orange Free State in the 1860s.
Montana Kid, however, was fresh from Salt Water, and they annexed him while they pitched camp, swamping him with questions concerning the outside, from which they had been cut off for a twelvemonth.
Ocala City Council also stressed getting rid of blight and developing a long-term annexation plan
News | OS |
[126] It was formerly suggested that the fact of the Mahars being the chief worshippers at the shrines of Sheikh Farid indicated that the places themselves had been previously held sacred, and had been annexed by the Muhammadan priests; and the legend of the giant, who might represent the demonolatry of the aboriginal faith, being slain by the saint might be a parable, so to say, expressing this process.
The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume IV of IV Kumhar-Yemkala
Walkup counts among his first-year triumphs the annexation of 26 square miles of state trust land on the city's southeast side.
They annexed the conquered territory to their country.
Before ten o'clock the adobe wall of the patio was warm enough to permit lingering vacqueros and idle peons to lean against it, and the exposed annexe was filled with sharp, resinous odors from the oozing sap of unseasoned "redwood" boards, warped and drying in the hot sunshine.
Susy, a story of the Plains
I affirm, comprehends the whole nature of a law precisely considered; and as for the annexion of punishments to the violation, or of rewards to the performance of it, they are not of the precise intrinsic nature and obligation of a law, but are added only as appendages to strengthen it, and procure a more certain awe to it and performance of it: forasmuch as man will be more likely not to transgress a law, being under the fear of a declared punishment for so doing, and to perform it upon a persuasion of a sure promised reward for such a performance, than if neither of these were added to it.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
In 1856 Congress authorised the annexation of any uninhabited or unclaimed island from which guano could be recovered, and more than seventy Pacific and Caribbean islands were commandeered in the next thirty years.
There were threats of annexation from the United States of all or part of the Territory and it was deemed necessary to establish the rule of impartial law in order to prevent lawlessness.
Policing in Today's 'Sophisticated' Society
In our day the sees to which was annexed such privilege have no longer any extraordinary jurisdiction, though some enjoy an honorary distinction; the Archbishop of Salzburg, for example, may wear the cardinalatial purple, even in Rome.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
She took the correct corridor, found the Salome annexe and climbed up to the attic.
There are countries that are attempting to annex territories and populations that would rather have independence.
For the several fashions, customs, and manners of one nation, making several combinations of ideas familiar and necessary in one, which another people have had never an occasion to make, or perhaps so much as take notice of, names come of course to be annexed to them, to avoid long periphrases in things of daily conversation; and so they become so many distinct complex ideas in their minds.
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
Why the backchannel is bad for RSS « Scripting News Annex
Why the backchannel is bad for RSS « Scripting News Annex
A new wing has been annexed to the hospital.
In the commons, Pitt asserted that the rupture of the negociations was wholly due to the directory, who demanded, not as an ultimatum, but as a preliminary, to retain all territories of which the war had given them possession; and respecting which they had thought proper to pass a decree, annexing them unalienably to the republic.
The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
In 717716, Sargon took and annexed Carchemish and defeated the Egyptians at Raphia, the farthest west the Assyrians had yet penetrated.
F. The Neo-Assyrians and the Neo-Babylonians
For ready reference, a copy of this document is annexed as Schedule ‘A’ to these reasons.
Following the Mexican War, the United States in 1848 annexed most of the region, rounding out the border in 1853 with the Gadsden Purchase.
There has reportedly been some local controversy about a planned glass annexe at his house.
Times, Sunday Times
A brutal junta invaded and annexed territory in defiance of international law.
Times, Sunday Times
I wasn't sure how many floors there were to the place: the frontage was a riot of shingle roofs and gables, annexes and additions, windows of all shapes and sizes.
So they wanted to take control of central america to avoid any USA annexion of mexico in the name of the latin culture that share the french, spanish, italians and portuguese. so the name "latin-america" was quikly imposed to name this part of america were spanish and portuguese cultures dominates. LATIN AMERICA.
Dutch New Guinea, now West Papua, was briefly self-ruling from December 1, 1961 until December 18, 1961, when Indonesia invaded and evantually annexed it.
True believers are adamant that without annexation there can be no financial or social equity in Tucson -- end of discussion.
In 735, Tiglath-Pileser III defeated the Urartians again and annexed the region around Lake Urmia.
F. The Neo-Assyrians and the Neo-Babylonians
Et il n'y a ni eu ni menaces, ni allêchement qui ayent sceu esbranler les nobles et libres coeurs besançonnais, pour quicter aucune chose de leurs libertez, quelques couleurs de grandeur et de richesses qu'on leur ayt mis audevant pour se laisser annexer au comté de Bourgogne, et avoir un parlément, et se mettre auxpieds ce qu'il ont aux mains.
Holidays in Eastern France
He then declared the house an annex of the Swiss legation, and eventually extended diplomatic immunity to 72 buildings in Budapest, moving as many Jews into them as possible.
As the fibres of the medulla pass up through the pons to the great inferior ganglion, and the fibres of the corpus striatum pass outward and upward to form the cerebrum, this procession of the fibres is shown in the annexed engraving, in which we see the restiform bodies passing up to form the cerebellum, and the remainder of the medulla fibres passing through the pons, and then, under the name crus cerebri or thigh of the cerebrum, passing through the thalamus and striatum to expand in the left hemisphere of the cerebrum.
Buchanan's Journal of Man, May 1887 Volume 1, Number 4
In October 1939, Nazi Germany annexed the Polish town of Oswiecim, renamed it Auschwitz and incorporated it into its gau (province) of Oberschlesien (Upper Silesia) as part of the Landkreis (county) of Bielitz.
Alex Storozynski: The Wall Street Journal understands history, when will the rest of the American media?
This is what we call our annex -- the annex to our camp.
The Motor Girls on Cedar Lake Or the Hermit of Fern Island
In the 4th century, Alexander the Great conquered nearly all of the Near East and Palestine was annexed to Egypt and fell under Greek control.
The Western Sahara conflict broke out in 1975 when Morocco annexed the territory after Spain withdrew from what was then a Spanish colony.
The general appearance of the area will be greatly improved, particularly benefiting those people located in the ground floor annexe.
The region was formally annexed in 1892.
Down a wide aisle from the engine, at the south end of Machinery Hall, was the Hydraulic Annex.
There is also a two-bedroom annexe and an acre of mature gardens.
Times, Sunday Times
Third, it is awoken to the idea that it can reannex the American southwest, which it used to hold, linguistically, culturally, ethnically and socially, not militarily by pushing all these people in there and creating a gigantic fifth column in America.
CNN Transcript Sep 5, 2006
Terry Opdendyk Others are considering so-called annex funds, which are side funds that can provide an extra pool of money.
As Cash Stops Flowing, Venture Capitalists Get Creative
No — a final decision, and about time too, to invade Munchkinland and reannex it?
Son of a Witch
Franchise: hydraulic pumps, hydraulic motor oil, hydraulic valves, hydraulic annex and accessories.
But to the threatening is annexed a promise that this shall be a means to convince them of their folly, and bring them home to their duty; and so good shall be brought out of evil, in token of the mercy God has yet in reserve for them.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
In 1956, Johannes Paul Stetten was born to German parents in Zabrze, Poland, a part of Germany that was annexed to the Communist Bloc after WWII.
He duly received a thirty page document plus voluminous annexes which set out KNS's case at considerable length.
1794.14 - "The annex'd elegy is on a gravestone in the churchyard at Hythe.
The annex'd elegy is on a gravestone in the churchyard at Hythe.
The minister readily annexed his seal to the document.
Someone has annexed my pencil.
The Spartans had, in the archaic era, annexed the adjacent territory of Messenia and forced the once-independent Messenians into helotage.
He said the risk streets were listed in an annex to the report, but the annex had not been made available to the press or public.
They decided to cover in the passage between the main building and the annex.
But a serious lag in the development of infrastructure has followed rapid annexation, and many annexed areas still lack basic services.
The buildings are mostly guesthouses or the sad annexes used by the hotels on the main Prom when they are full.
This dispute would later become a trigger for the Mexican - American War after the annexation of Texas.
He has secured planning permission to develop the house and grounds, but is intent on also converting the castle into an annex of the hotel.
Decisions to approve amendments to the Multilateral Trade Agreement in Annex 3 shall take effect for all Members upon approval by the Ministerial Conference.
Eight out of ten This is a quiet hideaway with good deals on the annexe rooms, though some of the decor is a little twee.
Times, Sunday Times
Georgia is trying hard to secure wider support to replace the Russian peacekeeping force in Abkhazia with an international one, to prevent what it calls the territory's "creeping annexation.
U.N. Says Russian Jet
The guildhall of the town, called by them the moot hall, to which is annexed the town gaol.
A Tour through the Eastern Counties of England, 1722
To give him the greater weight, he was created a landgrave of the colony, to which dignity forty-eight thousand acres of land were unalienably annexed: but to his mortification he soon found, that the proprietary government had acquired but little firmness and stability, and, by his imprudence and rigour, fell into still greater disrespect and contempt.
An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia, Volume 1
There are nine bedrooms on the first floor, one within a large self-contained annexe.
Times, Sunday Times
All these questions were addressed, and the replies and technical annexes were provided to the IAEA, who also suggested they were very interested in this.
Napoleon's aim was not to occupy territory as such: although great areas of Europe were annexed either to France or to new satellite states, control of them was passed to civil administrators in due course.
They decided to cover in the passage between the main building and the annex.
MONTGOMERY, AL (WSFA) - The years-long annexation battle between the city of Montgomery and the town of Pike Road continues after the Alabama Supreme Court reversed a key ruling Friday.
Some Enterprise rooms are in the annexe directly opposite the main building.
Whether a new annexe amounts to a self-contained unit depends on the facts of each case.
Times, Sunday Times
Mr. Dussel was speechless in the face of such ingenuity, and could do nothing but gaze around in surprise as he explored the rest of our lovely and ultrapractical Annex.
The Diary Of A Young Girl
The strongest kitchen trend of the past decade has been the rapacious annexation of space once sovereign to the hallway or dining room.
Times, Sunday Times
These are located in an annex to the main building.
In the immediate aftermath of annexation or conquest Euric's rule was far from pleasant.
Their plan to reannex Texas, which was slave soil, could, they thought, be offset by a declaration in favor of acquiring all Oregon, which was free soil.
A School History of the United States
Save a few bucks and order your grilled margherita in the quick-service annex to the main restaurant, Scopa to Go.
When the word _ever_ or _soever_ is annexed to a relative pronoun, the combination is called a _compound pronoun_; as, _whoever_ or _whosoever, whichever_ or _whichsoever, whatever_ or _whatsoever_.
English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
So a disseisor, abator, intruder, or the lord by escheat, &c., shall have them as things annexed to the land
The Common Law
The annex has been built on to the main building.
The new figures, in an annex to the pre-budget report delivered two weeks ago, says the new rate of immigration will be 285,000 a year.
Recent news from America bring the intelligence that the Government of the United States has at length succeeded in finding a reasonable excuse for exercising a protectorate over, or in other words annexing, the Isthmus of Panama.
Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands
Currently, such "interlocal" annexations are allowed if the city and county agree, giving local fire districts no formal role in the process.
Similar to a connection you might see in Japanese joinery this wall connection locks together a large wood-log structure with a smaller annex.
Build Blog » Finnish Wood Detailing
What the proposals amounted to was a plan to trisect the West Bank into three cantons by annexing blocs of settlements.
Many of the actions required are already within the scope of existing conventions concerned with wildlife conservation, insofar as they list marine species or marine protected areas on their annexes.
In all governments like our own he declared that there was a tendency to a union and consolidation of all its parts into the executive, and the limitation and annexion of the parts with each other as settled by the Constitution would be destroyed by this influence unless there were a constant attention on the part of the legislature to resist it.
Albert Gallatin American Statesmen Series, Vol. XIII
Then there were flies which were disposed to be troublesome and had to be kept at a distance, Mark making a loose chowry, like a horse-tail, of long wiry grass, and this proving so effective that the major annexed it, and advised Mark to make another.
Mother Carey's Chicken Her Voyage to the Unknown Isle
Britain annexed this small island west of Scotland in 1955.
No, it is the Corporations Act 2001 of Western Australia, which is annexed to the submissions in reply.
All the amenities are there, and Church House only needs a short wheelchair ramp to the entrance door and is more useful than any of the proposed annexes which would be built on to the church.
»Brasilia warned it would not relinquish command of UN forces in Haiti, and Paris complained the airport had become a US "annexe", exposing a brewing power struggle amid the global relief effort.
By the end of World War II, Estonia had been reconquered by the Red Army, and Stalin annexed it.
Estonian Symbolism, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Stalin is annexed to the general study of pathological dictatorship.
Wales was legally annexed by the Act of Union 1536, in the reign of Henry VIII of England.
The dispute determination is one document with annexes if necessary.
Four other guests must make do with a two-bedroom annexe.
Times, Sunday Times
What will follow next will depend on how strong Russia feels, how weak and slow the West's response is, but annexation is not out of the question.
Pravda predicts
In other words, you rely upon the criminal record as appears from the documents annexed to the stated case.
Hitler annexed Lithuania
Lastly, that they gather only (unless in case of necessity) leaves from the present, not from the former years sprigs, or old wood, which are not only rude and harsh, but are annex’d to stubb’d stalks, which injure the worms, and spoil the denudated branches.
Sylva, Vol. 1 (of 2) Or A Discourse of Forest Trees
While the Fountainebleu apartments sit across from an entrance to the university, it also is operated with a smaller property known as the annex, which doesn't have its own cafeteria, so residents must walk several blocks to the Fountainebleu if they want to eat in a dining facility.
Off-Campus Housing: 101
The transnational purchase and the annexation, already became the global transnational investment the fundamental mode.
An annex citing examples of good practice would also be helpful.
Last week, the more graceful term "petrolic resource reapportionment" began to appear in prominent Venezuela media, along with "amicable annexation.
War By Any Other Name
But officials were so keen to preserve friendly relations with Indonesia that they made it clear they would not oppose any annexation.
Thus, upon the whole, the little maiden was disposed to submit, though not without some wincing, to the grave admonitions of the Lady Hermione; and the rather that the mystery annexed to the person of her monitress was in her mind early associated with a vague idea of wealth and importance, which had been rather confirmed than lessened by many accidental circumstances which she had noticed since she was more capable of observation.
The Fortunes of Nigel
I do not mean to intimate by this that I believe in annexation; I do not believe in annexation, but I believe it is the role of Canada to increase the good feeling of the great nation to the south of us to the British Empire.
The First Great English Imperialist
There are nine bedrooms on the first floor, one within a large self-contained annexe.
Times, Sunday Times
The technical annex to the document is almost three times as long as the text it supports.
There should be annexed to section 9 Statements proving service, the notice of intended prosecution and the requirement to provide details.
It feels to me that this is like building an annex before the main building has gone up.
There was interest in annexation to the United States of America.
Responsible Nationhood
A brutal junta invaded and annexed territory in defiance of international law.
Times, Sunday Times
The detached annex was rebuilt in 1998 after inspectors deemed It'substandard. Ms.
The affidavit which is annexed to Mr McKenna's affidavit is that which was used in the Federal Court proceedings yesterday.
The complexity and confusion of the Treaties (thirteen protocols and fifty-nine declarations were annexed to the Amsterdam Final Act) must be partly attributed to the way in which they are negotiated.
It is always bustling with intrepid browsers (I prefer the quieter and relatively less crowded annex on Fulton Street in lower Manhattan) and books stretch as far as the eye can see.