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How To Use Annelid In A Sentence

  • Sphenothallus Hall, 1847 is a widespread Paleozoic marine taxon that has been interpreted most recently as a tubiculous annelid or other ‘worm’ or as a thecate hydrozoan or scyphozoan cnidarian.
  • The main assumption was that the neural or blastoporal surface must be homologous throughout the Metazoa, though it was dorsal in the Chordata, ventral in the Annelida and Arthropoda. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • One of the two vascular hemoglobins possesses a hexagonal-bilayer hemoglobin (HBL-Hb) quaternary structure, which is only found in the Annelida and Vestimentifera.
  • As a rule, annelidan segments are generated from a posterior growth zone, arising and developing sequentially, from anterior to posterior.
  • Polychaetes usually have separate sexes; many polychaetes hatch into a particular type of planktonic larva, the trochophore, which later metamorphoses into a juvenile annelid.
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  • They seem to eat more annelid worms and insects than any other prey, and chicks are fed mostly earthworms.
  • One widely-mooted suggestion is that planktotrophic larvae, typified by the annelidan trochophore and echinoid pluteus, existed long before the metazoan radiations evident in the Cambrian fossil record.
  • In that time, the first undoubted fossil annelids, arthropods, brachiopods, echinoderms, molluscs, onychophorans, poriferans, and priapulids show up in rocks all over the world.
  • Between 1859 and 1866, he worked on many ‘invertebrate’ groups, including radiolarians, poriferans and annelids (segmented worms).
  • On the basis of the vesicular structure of the shell wall, Fisher felt that they were not closely related to annelid worms.
  • Of the phyla you haven't seen alive, I have seen: Chaetognatha, Nematomorpha, Nemertea, Sipuncula, Echiura which is really a subgroup of Annelida, Phoronida and Brachiopoda. So many phyla so little time
  • Each somite pair corresponds to a myotome in vertebrates or to an adult segment in annelids and arthropods.
  • The position and composition of these cells suggests that they are homologous to the gliointerstitial cell system of molluscs, sipunculans, annelids echiurans.
  • After examining the opening of these traces, it is tempting to assign their origin to the behavior of vermiform borers such as annelids, sipunculids, or phoronids.
  • We thought that leeches were one group and their sister group with the oligochaetes, earthworms and a variety of other aquatic annelids.
  • The presence of limb-like extensions on the body with furry bristles on them told the scientists that this creature was an annelid.
  • Over the last two decades, various members of the Coeloscleritophora have been compared to sponges, annelids, mollusks, ascidians, and brachiopods, and the group is likely polyphyletic as other authors have suggested.
  • Such a scenario would be consistent with the fact that Recent crinoids serve as substrate for a large variety of organisms, including annelids, arthropods, gastropods, fish, ophiuroids, and polychaetes.
  • Among the Annelid worms a species of _Nereis_, or sea-centipedes, has earned by its phosphorescent property the specific name of _noctiluca_ Young Folks' Library, Volume XI (of 20) Wonders of Earth, Sea and Sky
  • It is a widespread Paleozoic marine taxon that has been interpreted most recently as a tubiculous annelid or other ‘worm’ or as a thecate hydrozoan or scyphozoan cnidarian.
  • Arthropods, chordates and annelids are the three segmented phyla in the animal kingdom.
  • The oligochaetes include earthworms and a group of related, mostly freshwater, species of annelids.
  • Furthermore, the micrognathozoans have two rows of multiciliated cells that forms a locomotory organ, similar to that in some gastrotrichs and interstitial annelids.
  • If reptiles could develop into birds then annelid worms could develop into insects.
  • Annelids — earth-worms, nereis; Mollusks — mussel or clam; The University of Virginia Record
  • Arthropods, chordates and annelids are the three segmented phyla in the animal kingdom.
  • His idea, about a week with a worm named Willi, didn't grab his editor, Ms. Beneduce, who thought an annelid was too unsympathetic a protagonist. The Very Busy Author-Illustrator
  • Arthropods, chordates and annelids are the three segmented phyla in the animal kingdom.
  • If the ancestor of protostomes displayed a segmentation comparable to annelids and arthropods, this necessarily means that segmentation was lost independently in different protostome lineages.
  • The unnamed worms are known as annelids, a group that also includes the familiar garden earthworm, as well as more unusual critters such as the giant hydrothermal vent tubeworm. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Cell lineage analyses, mainly conducted on annelidan. and molluscan embryos, suggested that the ultimate fates of blastomeres are tremendously conserved.
  • The relative arrangements of all 22 genes identified for Helobdella and Galathealinum are identical to one another and to their arrangements in the mtDNA of the previously studied oligochaete annelid Lumbricus.
  • I conclude that the molluscan and annelid crosses cannot be upheld as independent potential synapomorphies of molluscs/sipunculans and echiurans / annelids, respectively.
  • Annelids can be told by their segmented bodies.
  • The striking behaviour, found in the earthworm Eisenia fetida, is the first time that any type of worm, or annelid, has been shown to form active herds. Earthworms Form Herds And Make “Group Decisions” | Impact Lab
  • The plesiomorphic nature of myoepithelial organization of the body wall musculature is evident in adult annelids, echiurans, and sipunculids.
  • Both the frenulate pogonophoran clade and the vestimentiferan clade have been referred to as phyla, classes within the Annelida, classes within the Pogonophora, and subclasses within class Pogonophora within the Annelida.
  • At first glance, the animals in the annelidan and molluskan groups look like they have little in common.
  • The annelids include earthworms, polychaete worms, and leeches.
  • Scolecodonts are the isolated jaws of polychaete annelid worms.
  • Of the 1,579 aligned amino acid positions in the limited data set, 843 are completely conserved in the three annelids and the pogonophoran, and 650 are completely conserved in all nine taxa.
  • A short survey to a depth of 20 m revealed 168 species of finfish, 60 species of cnidaria, including corals, 8 molluscs, 14 sponges, 11 echinoderms, 15 arthropods and 8 annelid worms. Pitons Management Area, Saint Lucia
  • Thus some shallow water marine annelid worms contain considerable quantities of porphyrins in their tissues, but are tubicolous or burrowing in habit.
  • Thus, in the annelid, which is composed of a great many similar rings, and is regarded as quite a complex creature, there is so little dependence of one part on another, that a number of the rings may be destroyed without any injury to the rest. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 3, No. 1 January 1863 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • Foods eaten include: whiting, herring, haddock; sand launces; insects; crabs, shrimp, and other crustaceans; annelids; mollusks; fish eggs; and in certain cases, echinoderms.
  • Geoffroy's principle of the unity of plan and composition to the three great metameric groups, the Annelida, Arthropoda, and Vertebrata. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • The insectan nervous system evolved from the segmented system of annelid worms, such as the earthworm.
  • Yet because the reasoning is …. exactly the same as that used to show the evolutionary relationships of mice and bats, whales and hippopotamuses, and, yes, annelid worms and humans. progress can be imagined. Assessing Causality
  • The most striking feature seen on the fossil annelids in this study is the ‘fan,’ a cephalic cage formed by annulated capillary setae.
  • Vertebrates and yet show no particular annelidan affinities? Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • In the complementary category, the protostomes, which includes annelids and arthropods, the blastopore develops into the mouth.
  • Between 1859 and 1866, he worked on many "invertebrate" groups, including radiolarians, poriferans (sponges) and annelids (segmented worms).
  • When present, the annelid peritoneum either rests directly on the muscle cells or is separated from them by a layer of extracellular matrix.
  • The carnivores feed on annelids, crustaceans, and fish.
  • It supports a number of unlikely associations - entoprocts with nemerteans, phoronid with annelids, and pogonophorans with gastropod mollusks.
  • One widely-mooted suggestion is that planktotrophic larvae, typified by the annelidan trochophore and echinoid pluteus, existed long before the metazoan radiations evident in the Cambrian fossil record.
  • In the complementary category of the protostomes, which includes annelids and arthropods, the blastopore develops into the mouth.
  • The annelidan affinities of the Echiura are further strengthened by recent work demonstrating a metameric or segmented arrangement of their nervous system as is typical of the annelids.
  • Arthropoda for 150 years were believed to originate from Annelida, but now they are derived from Nematoda. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The oligochaete L. terrestris, the only other annelid whose complete mtDNA sequence has been determined, has a somewhat smaller and slightly less A + T-rich mitochondrial genome.
  • Diagram of the four secondary germinal layers, transverse section through the metazoic embryo: Figure 1.74 of an annelid, Figure 1.75 of a vermalian. a primitive gut, dd ventral glandular layer, df ventral fibre-layer, hm skin-fibre-layer, hs skin-sense-layer, u beginning of the rudimentary kidneys, n beginning of the nerve-plates.) The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • At this time he considered _Balanoglossus_ -- by reason of its gill-slits (its notochord he did not know) -- to be the nearest living representative of the ancestral form of Vertebrates and Annelida. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • After examining the opening of these traces, it is tempting to assign their origin to the behavior of vermiform borers such as annelids, sipunculids, or phoronids.
  • It is clear that two different hydrophobic motifs are conserved in annelid species.
  • Megascolides australis phylum Annelida is truly a giant among terrestrial invertebrates; according to this document lengths of adults average under 1 m. Archive 2006-01-01
  • Some information has been gathered on the expression of transcription factors associated with segmentation and regeneration in oligochaete annelids.
  • Make a classroom wall dictionary of all the new worm words your students are learning: annelid, fanworm, earthworm, flatworm, leech, lugworm, nematode, planarian, ribbonworm, spoonworm, tapeworm… to name several.
  • Besides being segmented, the body wall of annelids is characterized by being made up of both circular and longitudinal muscle fibers surrounded by a moist, acellular cuticle that is secreted by an epidermal epithelium.
  • In that time, the first undoubted fossil annelids, arthropods, brachiopods, echinoderms, molluscs, onychophorans, poriferans, and priapulids show up in rocks all over the world.
  • The body of an echiuran lacks annelid-type segmentation, but the distinctive free-swimming trochophore larval stages of echiurans and polychaetes are very similar.
  • The anteriorly situated, eversible ciliated pits (frontal organs) resemble nuchal organs of polychaete annelids.
  • These differences in expression domains indicate changes in the regulation of these genes somewhere in the annelid lineage.
  • Most biologists are familiar with only a few of the approximately 40 extant animal phyla such as annelids, arthropods, molluscs, echinoderms and chordates.
  • It states that vertebrate and annelid CNS are of common descent and vertebrates have turned themselves upside down throughout the course of evolution. April 20th, 2007
  • Its remarkable fidelity enabled him to recognize that I was wrong: the segmented worm with a proboscis probably is not a nematode, but an annelid.
  • Maybe five year olds, the ones troweling up dirt, practicing the long-forgotten art of making mud pies, daring each other to snort an earthworm for that Annelida high. Archive 2010-03-01
  • Instead, the current best guess is that it is a mass of annelid worms, probably Tubifex. Archive 2009-08-01
  • a sign of inedibility are, the brilliantly coloured nudibranchiate molluscs, those curious annelids the Nereis and the Aphrodite or sea-mouse, and many other marine animals. Darwinism (1889)
  • Having established this primary principle, Semper has little difficulty in showing that the main organs of the body lie to one another in the same relative positions in Annelida, Arthropoda, and Vertebrata; and this, together with the metameric segmentation common to them all, constitutes his first great argument in favour of their genetic relationship. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Although the group was first documented in 1555, their phylogenetic affinities are obscure; they have been variously related to holothurians, echiurids, priapulids, phoronids, and annelids.
  • Many polychaetes hatch into a particular type of planktonic larva, the trochophore, which later metamorphoses into a juvenile annelid.
  • Silurian ramphoprionid polychaete annelids, represented by their jaws, are described from extensive collections from Gotland, Sweden.
  • The main assumption was that the neural or blastoporal surface must be homologous throughout the Metazoa, though it was dorsal in the Chordata, ventral in the Annelida and Arthropoda. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Other animals with a pseudocoel, such as rotifers and acanthocephalans, appear to be more closely related to Lophotrochozoa, a large alliance of protostomes that includes molluscs, annelids, brachiopods, etc.
  • In fact, there are so many species of beetles that there are more species of beetles than the total number of species currently living in the Phyla Echinodermata, Mollusca, Annelida, Platyhelminthes, Cnidaria, and Porifera combined! Species richness
  • Scientist Kristin Tessmar-Raible from Arendt's lab directly compared two types of hormone-secreting nerve cells of zebrafish, a vertebrate, and the annelid worm Platynereis dumerilii, and found some stunning similarities. 2007 June - Telic Thoughts
  • The high degree of diversity of the annelidan nervous system may seem to weaken the power of the ropeladder-like nervous system to act as an apomorphic characteristic for a taxon comprising Annelida and Arthropoda.
  • Called trochophores, these larvae link together mollusks and annelids - and other groups that include spoonworms, ribbonworms and peanutworms - within the larger group called Trochozoa.
  • By contrast, a number of others (including scaphopod and some bivalve mollusks, as well as many annelids) deviate from rotational symmetry to a much greater degree than PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Arthropods, chordates and annelids are the three segmented phyla in the animal kingdom.
  • The effect of progenesis has been best illustrated in some groups of interstitial-living annelids in which parapodia as well as the coelom are lost and the segmented appearance greatly reduced.
  • Of the phyla you haven't seen alive, I have seen: Chaetognatha, Nematomorpha, Nemertea, Sipuncula, Echiura which is really a subgroup of Annelida, Phoronida and Brachiopoda. So many phyla so little time
  • After examining the opening of these traces, it is tempting to assign their origin to the behavior of vermiform borers such as annelids, sipunculids, or phoronids.
  • These genomes have remarkably similar gene orders to previously published annelid genomes, suggesting that gene order is conserved across annelids.
  • On the other hand, such relationships are not observed in groups like oligochaete annelids, moths, spiders or within the few families of beetles that have been studied to date.
  • Mushroom bodies are prominent neuropils involved in the processing of multiple sensory inputs as well as associative learning in the insect, platyhelminth, and annelid brains. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Many annelids and molluscs share patterns of development in early embryonic stages.

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