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  1. the Mon-Khmer language spoken in Vietnam

How To Use Annamite In A Sentence

  • Incident D, the Thyestean banquet, is widespread throughout European saga and Märchen literature: but even this incident Cosquin (I: xxxix) connects with India through an Annamite tale. Filipino Popular Tales
  • Cloaxity, this Bengalese Beacon of Biloxity, this Annamite Aper of Atroxity, really at, it will be precise to quarify, for he seems in a badbad case? Finnegans Wake
  • Confined to the wet evergreen forests in the Annamite lowlands of Vietnam and the Lao P.D.R., saola is under threat from severe habitat degradation and conversion, as well as indiscriminate snaring, which may increase with ongoing road construction projects in its habitat. Biological diversity in Indo-Burma
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