How To Use Anna In A Sentence
Rihanna is real clingy, a bit two clingy saying he cant talk to other women, even though there just friends! but he is also in the wrong for doing it!!!!! like ye dnt go round beatin up women no matter how bad they are! gooddd like … buh i LOVE chris brown so im natt sayn nethn!
Chris Brown Rihanna Break-Up Following Alleged Assault
Savona also includes several family recipes from Malta, such as Nanna's rice salad, which I'm anxious to try.
BellaOnline - The Voice of Women
Re: [expatwannabe] looking for long term rental in playa del carmen
Looking for long term rental in playa del carmen
The proper signification of hosanna is that which we find,
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
Since ye cannae hunt nae more north of the border, something's got to eat these beasties.
After several days of climbing, high on a huge, exposed face of Annapurna, a mountain almost double the height of Mont Blanc, a storm erupted and the two men decided to descend.
Despite the lateness of the hour Annabel gathered her skirts and prepared to take a solitary ramble in the garden.
I didn't really like this new Annabelle at all: she wasn't her old friendly self, she was hostile, brash and rude and she clearly held a large grudge towards me.
Northern migratory species winter in the savanna, such as spotted sandpiper Actitis macularia, barn swallow Hirundo rustica and blackpoll warbler Dendroica striata.
Canaima National Park, Venezuela
I'm still unsure about this one; it could turn out really cool, or an absolute disaster ... my main motivation is that i don't wanna spend money on a haircut. decisions, decisions purchase any of the following: Kindle, iPod Touch, or MacBook
Archive 2009-02-01
Additionally, those people who smoke cannabis are also risking all the attendant problems from the use of tobacco on top of the cannabis and this needs to be thought about too.
Benny and Mark erupted into cheers as Anna ran the bases.
But lately I have begun to feel intensely curious about Anna herself.
Although the zebra long since retired to that savannah in the sky, and his owner herself is more than 30 years gone, the eccentric Winmill might be gratified to know that her phaetons and surreys, curricles and landaulets still command attention.
Buchannan, at least, I think he can't displace; the man was practically an asymptote.
"Edge Of Darkness" (2010)
Annan says robust monitoring by international observers will be key to resolving the devastating conflict.
Scattered trees, mainly acacias and junipers, dot the savanna.
I don't really wanna tweak the songs too much.
Times, Sunday Times
Võibolla on siin süüdi see, et alustasin ulmega lähemat tutvumist Seiklusjuttude sarjast mille raamatud olid alati kobedalt illustreeritud aga minuarust annavad head illustratsioonid ulmekale väga palju juurde.
Hyperion Cantos – kanoonilised kaaned
The lawyer-turned-playwright's "true story" of her friendship with a convicted "homegrown" terrorist does suffer from an unfortunate Pollyannaism, however.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
Now, two weeks after her visit to Paris Crater, missing Hannah already but knowing that the girl must be safe in the firmary, Ada found herself lost in thought during the carriole ride over the hills to home.
Hannah lent me a sleeping bag since I didn't take one and I managed to find space in a room with a carpet to sleep.
These two requirements alone mean that many hopeful wannabes will not even get to first base.
Pettin's men surged up the steps at them, weapons flashing in the guttery light; Del's screaming, shrill as an angry hawk's, stabbed through Joanna's panic like the senseless sounds of nightmare.
The Silicon Mage
Tanning experiments carried out with the chromium, iron, aluminium, and calcium salts of Ordoval G yielded leathers which possessed proportionate characteristics of either kind of tannage to the extent to which either material was present.
Synthetic Tannins
February 24, 2006 4: 56 PM bibliobibuli said ... visitor - you sure naughty one chatting up the girls again. what your ah mooi going to say this time? anna - sorry you were scrabbled, but at least you can take your piccy from here
Meet Up and Scribble Night
The electricity rates payable by householders was two and a half annas per unit.
To them it was a ‘red letter day’ that will remain in the annals of their history for generations to come.
Gesturing with one fleshy, clawless manus toward his shorter, more cranially hairy companion, he added, And this is my senior diplomatic officer, Commander Deanna Troi.
Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Seize the Fire
When the people of Israel cross the Jordan River into the Promised Land the manna stops coming.
Yet breaking the endless cycle of global poverty that powers these wars is achievable, Mr Annan says.
The tide, too, which had hitherto favoured us, now turned against us and drove us to the eastward with prodigious rapidity, so that we were in great anxiety for the Wager and the Anna pink, the two sternmost vessels, fearing they would be dashed to pieces against the shore of Staten Land.
Anson's Voyage Round the World The Text Reduced
Steve's new mechanic mate causes ructions in the Lewis household - not least with wayward teenager Hannah.
In time folk memory faded and with the passing of those who had lived through the events of 1903 the Gordon Bennett Race became an almost forgotten note in the annals of Irish motoring history.
Grandfather was already in his place and Anna slid into the chair next to his.
Tell those candy-ass wannabe pitchers to stick it.
He showed Anna how to open the carapace and extract the good meat with her fingers.
He was addicted to a stronger strain of skunk cannabis but demand for it won't disappear if marijuana is legalised.
Times, Sunday Times
Anna stopped to examine a plant growing by the stream.
Dozens of wannabe singers compete for the chance to attain pop stardom.
Times, Sunday Times
Some disputes are better left undecided in the annals of history.
Hannah's remembrances of things past, however, are sometimes skewed by subtle dissonances and a sense of anxiety that disturb the apparent placidity of his picture-perfect world.
He and Hannah had been scuffling in the yard outside his house.
The ability of snails to hydrolyze plant polysaccharides xylan, mannan, starch and cellulose as well as chitin, an animal and fungal polysaccharide, is probably an indication of their omnivorous diet.
Archive 2006-04-01
Suzanna's a funicle man cho: Sing lassy go rings below
Suzanna's a Funicle Man
When her father died in 1874, Hannah inherited two million pounds in cash, Mentmore and its priceless collection of art and furniture.
Rothschild, Hannah de, Countess of Rosebery.
The philosopher Hannah Arendt concluded that evil lay in the refusal to think.
I'm trying not to be too much of a Pollyanna about it all in case something goes horribly wrong and the tumor comes back.
Hanna called absently into the kitchen, then began reading the introductory paragraph on page 2.
Mending Places
The Annamese all chew betel nut.
Even the ostrich squawk as they make their way across the sandvelt to open marshlands and savannahs dotted with acacia, baobab trees and wild sage bushes.
The research will also reignite the debate over the use of cannabis for other medicinal purposes.
Chettha Thannajaro pressed Chavalit to back the new constitution and put better people in economic posts.
To tell you the truth I cannae remember why we split up.
Hereafter no remittances shall be made for annates or for any other purpose to the court of Rome, the vice legation at Avignon, or to the nunciature at Lucerne.
While the children may have acted according to the simplicity of their nature and were not considered legally or morally responsible for their actions, the annalist implied that adults should have known better.
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
She and her brother Joe, 25, were visiting Anna who was spending a gap year there.
Johanna took piano lessons.
The simplest and one of the oldest methods is the division by calendar centuries, decades, or years in annalistic fashion.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
According to Hannah, identifying the energy wasters in your home can have a direct effect on our environment as well as saving you money.
You all wanna wake up and face certain realities or do you all wanna continue to jerk around?
Think Progress » Fox News Devastated Over Arrest Of ACORN Pimp, Says The Story Probably Needs ‘A Lot Of Context’
I keep hearing that Australia is super turnt up and that I won't wanna leave.
Anna put up a mild protest.
Anna Maria was still arguing in shrill tones.
The Tales of Beatrix Potter
While Anna was very active whenever any good song came on, and danced like a madwoman, I hung back, studying the sea of unfamiliar faces.
The model here is the Dutch program of allowing users to smoke pot in licensed cannabis shops.
I suppose so," said Anna with a shrug.
Annabelle finished the sonnet with one soft rippling sound on the higher notes and then a single dong of two of the lowest.
They are usually applied to wool and silk in a neutral or slightly alkaline bath; on cotton they are fixed by means of tannate of antimony or tin.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 810, July 11, 1891
I 'm sartin it's fair play ye want; an' I canna for the life o 'me see a hair o' wrang i 'yer lordship's gaein' in a cogue, as auld
Why would he wanna crawl after such an insecure, uptight little snot?
If you're calling the polemicist Arianna Huffington a "traditional network star," I demand that status be given to Ann Coulter.
Infinite Monkeys - "...a sparkly blog..." - James Lileks
Ex-forces personnel could be the manna from heaven employers are seeking.
It was one of those lofty dreams I had, so now I cannae believe I'm here, hen.
This of course was Bush's ideology, but the 'agressive' mannar in which he carried this out caused this superpower credibility to falter.
D-Day in West Virginia
He smoked cannabis on an industrial scale.
Both tobacco and cannabis have a similar range of carcinogenic substances.
Most of us cannae thole the way the Heids go on, but ye get used tae it.
The clam pie was hot and the beer, as promised, cold - manna and nectar after a day's hiking.
Interestingly the manna did not fall on Sabbath, but the shewbread was renewed each Sabbath.
It took Anna a while to even get Nancy to call her by her name instead of addressing her as ‘your highness’.
A woman from Leyland Road was cautioned for possessing cannabis.
Where are you going, Rex?" said Anna one gray morning when her father had set off in his carriage to the sessions, Mrs. Gascoigne with him, and she had observed that her brother had on his antigropelos, the utmost approach he possessed to a hunting equipment.
Daniel Deronda
The drug's active ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol, will be delivered not by smoking, but through such mechanisms as a spray aimed under the tongue.
Carved on the lobstick of the Landing were many names famous in the annals of this region, Pike, Maltern, McKinley, Munn, Tyrrel among them.
The Arctic Prairies : a Canoe-Journey of 2,000 Miles in Search of the Caribou; Being the Account of a Voyage to the Region North of Aylemer Lake
Dear Joanna, your American friends will not know what 'hoovering' is.
Auntie joanna writes
As soon as the tanning matter has completely penetrated the pelt, the total time of tannage is noted, and the velocity with which the tanning matter converts the pelt into leather at that particular concentration is thus obtained.
Synthetic Tannins
Dr. Annalu Waller, a computer scientist and expert in augmentative and alternative communication, is also Scotland's first disabled woman Episcopalian priest.
Archive 2007-05-01
All he is doing is saying things the cons don't agree with - last time I looked, that wasn't a bannable offense, at least not here.
At the gathering, Secretary General Kofi Annan listened quietly to three and a half hours of bluntly worded counsel from a group united in its personal regard for him and support for the United Nations.
She destroyed my collages and stuck sharp objects through my notebooks when Susannah and me weren't around to stop her, which wasn't often, but often enough.
Should we simply accept that the messiness and contestability of contemporary politics leave little room for Principled Pollyannas who refuse to engage in any kind of feigning, fibbing, and fakery?
John Seery: Bush the Bluffer
Inside a rehearsal space at the Elinor Bunin Munroe Film Center this week, a group of musicians including former múm vocalist Kristín Anna Valtýsdóttir, an Icelandic string trio Gyda Valtýsdóttir, Borgar Magnason and Maria Huld Markan Sigfúsdóttir and the Seattle-based Aono Jikken Ensemble were running through their cues and a new score by composer Matthew Patton.
Worldwide Hospitalities
Mass for the repose of her soul was celebrated by Father Gilroy after which burial took place in Annagh Cemetery.
Anticipating actual legal reform, the development of cannabis beverages, lozenges, skin patches or other forms of delivery could be encouraged to diminish pulmonary hazards.
From the annals of Indian history, it can be discerned that the role of women in the society is no less than men.
Big 2WackGo wants their stooge the US government and military to let our shores be flooded with smack (or, in the 80's, crack) if "that's what it takes" to make sure children in this country can't experiment freely with cannabinol instead of nicotine. Main RSS Feed
Tobacco panna cotta will be followed by a course of fillet of char with a honey-smoked pistachio crust.
But now the wannabe mechanic has masterminded an innovative scheme to help put both himself and other youngsters on the road to success.
Is it just me, or are they suddenly soapier, as indicated by such characters as Hanna's dad and his new bride in PLL, and Annie "Rebecca" Sewell in TLG "returning to town" to disrupt the lives of those with whom we've become familiar so far.
Ask Matt: Dance, Downton Abbey, CSI, Guilty Pleasures and More!
But her aunt's intimations, coupled with the cheerful prattle of her French governess, Elise, had fired Anna's imagination.
Nekkid girls and boobies alert, distasteful showiness of much skin, and they all wanna fight each other in order to be the Queen of wherever the heck they are.
Anime Preview: Spring 2009 First Impressions – Batch 1 « Undercover
What he did was wrong, but ok, its over, let them move on. rihanna is constantly saying how she wants to be a role model for these girls, buttruth is that if the get out of the situation of domestic violence, theyll sink right back in. she dresses half naked (her white bandaged body @ the award show) and she has gun tatoos and has guns in her her music videos. so shes promoting fire arm then. shes tryign to make him look like a monster, he is just a man. she played her part in the situation, and i just think its time people stop talkin about this. theres no progress in regressing!
ABC Yanks Chris Brown “Good Morning America” Performance
Scores of wannabees thronged to the auditions for the York Theatre Royal pantomime, Babes In The Wood.
` ` Na, Laird, '' Jeanie replied, endeavouring as much as she could to express herself with composure, notwithstanding she still trembled, ` ` I canna gang in --- I have a lang day's darg afore me --- I maun be twenty mile o 'gate the night yet, if feet will carry me.' '
The Heart of Mid-Lothian
The desserts range from the unpretentious — an ice cream sundae or sorbet — to the splendacious — caramel panna cotta, hazelnut Anglaise, or two kinds of crepes.
Yeah you really believe in him, is that the sort of thing you wanna do?
Late flowering annuals and half-hardy perennials, like Rudbeckia, Nicotiana, Chrysanthemum and Argyranthemum come into their own now, along with tuberous plants like Begonia, Dahlia and Canna.
And wha can tell but she's needin him waur nor he's needin her -- though there maun aye be something he canna get -- 'cause ye're no his ain mither, Maggie, and I'm no even his ain gutcher!
Salted with Fire
Rosanna is the Entertainment News Reporter, so she always has the scoop on what is happening with the stars.
Accusing Alex had simply been a way of avoiding her own guilt and Anna's, bloody Anna's.
The discordant sounds of violinos, woodwinds, and the falk-horn rose around Anna, but she continued to watch the camp below.
Darksong Rising
But want o’ siller it canna be — he pays ower the shillings as if they were sclate stanes, and that’s no the way that folk part with their siller when there’s but little on’t — I ken weel eneugh how a customer looks that’s near the grund of the purse. —
Saint Ronan's Well
HPConfig. blog_id = 0; var ads_page_type = 'bpage'; var zone_info = "huffpost. politics/blog; politics = 1; nickname = huff-tv; entry_id = 302691; @yus-news = 1; arianna-huffington = 1; pete-dominick = 1; pigs-at-the-trough = 1; radio = 1; sirius = 1; sirius-xm = 1; stand-up = 1"; if (top!
Huff TV: Arianna Discusses Health Care Reform, Special-Interest Influence In Congress On Pete Dominick Show (AUDIO)
'What about that time at Annabel's when you threw up on her mohair rug?
Outside the sun shone bright through the clouds, Anna fanned herself with her hand as she sat on the bed beside Victoria.
Hannah Start met one of the more seriously injured who is on the long road to recovery.
I remember my hesitation in front of Anna's hotel door, and the old man barrelling down the corridor towards me.
i only like nasi goreng babi and mee goreng babi chiu ish wan ppl 15 years later to rememember 15 years ago someone kanna burnt because he ask question related to pork burger??
But the rest of my family were like, 'You wanna do what?
Times, Sunday Times
Listen to me, Mister, I don't ever wanna see you in this bar again.
Disheartened, Santa Anna separated from his large escort and planned to slip through the mountainous country with three attendants.
The aerie overlooked a savannah of cubicles with shelves lined with gizmos, yurtlike conference rooms, and countless microkitchens equipped with goodie-stuffed fridges and high-end espresso machines.
In the Plex
She saw a school of orange and yellow fish swim past her; Joanna felt elated and blissful.
Rosy Hannah by moonlight is beauty's own self, and to be cut on wood is realy surprising.
Letter 65
Last year the head of the Army, General Sir Richard Dannatt, warned that a lack of public appreciation for Britain's military effort in Iraq and Afghanistan was in danger of "sapping" the willingness of troops to serve on dangerous operations.
Archive 2008-05-01
As Anna and Claire's stratagems become more and more elaborate, Catherine's constant interruptions get funnier and funnier.
Plucky Anna bounces back from her ordeal the next morning, so eager is she to get a Van Gogh back to the nice lady who deserves it, but a Romanian tycoon dispatches a tiny hit woman to steal the painting away.
Touch of Evil
This form developed bipedalism and other adaptations to the newly opening arid savannah landscape and eventually became the ancestor of man.
Clad in red shirts and bandannas, both defendants looked calm upon hearing the verdict.
In particular, the absence of legal means for coffee shops to obtain cannabis has highlighted their association with organized crime.
Amsterdam's cannabis-selling coffee shops face crackdown
The photography portfolio of my exceptionally talented and lovely friend Jeanna Nash.
Who do I really wanna work with?
The Sun
Anna looked at me past the condiments in flowery plastic containers and grinned very broadly.
If blind eyes are turned to some drug use, such as cannabis, on the (utterly mistaken) assumption that it is relatively unharmful, this destroys the consistency that is the absolute requirement to hold a moral and behavioural line.
It is thought the wannabe star had a heart attack after industrial silicone was injected into her veins.
The Sun
Thus, the perception of cannabis as a less dangerous drug is not mainly based on a lack of experience or drug education.
Please tell me that you're directly involved in the process, not a power plant "wannabee" like myself.
Looking Back and Looking Forward - NASA Watch
She would install Hannah in front of the television and retreat to another room.
A more light-minded woman than Anna Reynolds might have swooned at the romance of this troubled courtship.
The vicar of the parish, Banks, is excessively sentimental about the church and is constantly importuning Stannard with hesitations and objections.
You can't necessarily set the positive agenda that we want across the board, but you can stop a lot of bad things from happening, and that's a step forward," said Colin Hanna, president of tea party support group Let Freedom Ring.
Tea Party Winners Take Ambitious Promises To Washington
See also this newly-minted Susannah Breslin fansite: Link
Boing Boing: January 2, 2005 - January 8, 2005 Archives
In return for the donation, said Bunau-Varilla, Hanna had seen to it that the Republican platform called for the construction of an “isthmian” canal, rather than specifying one at Nicaragua, as the Democrats had done.
The Path Between the Seas
Wong Ping Yee tries to help two sisters who own the Four Seas restaurant (Cherrie Ying and Ai Kago) while training a young and romantically foolish wannabe chef named Ken'ichi Lung Kin Yat (Vanness Wu) to win the competition which will make him the Top Chef of China.
George Heymont: A Chaotic Cornucopia of Culinary Cinema (VIDEOS)
Susannah's party was the social event of the year.
His life story was already entering the annals of tabloid folklore.
Times, Sunday Times
We had ridden over 22 miles when we finally made camp near Taylorsville on the South Anna River.
Although Deanna Russo in undies I could get used to.
Knight Rider: Series Premier
The star system encourages wannabes who push things too far.
Times, Sunday Times
Mon 11/30/09 12: 14 AM everytime i saw him i wanted to start singing johanna from todd haha he really chooses the weird and somewhat dark pieces between sweeney todd and new moon
'New Moon' Volturi member Jamie Campbell Bower wants more power |
An entrepreneur in Saskatoon has asked the city for permission to set up a ‘Dutch-style’ cannabis cafe where pot is freely toked.
Created and written by comedians Ruth Jones and James Corden, the show follows the title couple, played by the winsome Joanna Page and the just-handsome-enough Mathew Horne.
"Gavin & Stacey": Catch BBC America's Latest, Sweetest Sitcom before It Gets the NBC Makeover
Minor building alterations brought forth mighty dagga plants; cannas migrated without provocation into any gap left by the lantana and inkberry.
Compare Lu 10: 39, Mary; Lu 2: 37, "Anna ... a widow, who departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day" (1Ti 5: 5). distraction -- the same Greek as "cumbered" (Lu 10: 40, Martha).
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
The next day, officers searched his home discovering three Ecstasy pills, seven wraps of cocaine and cannabis resin hidden in an aftershave box.
Other low- and no-maintenance looks include chignons, ponytails or donning a bandanna.
Marianna, the duke's daughter, became mute after a shock.
If Billie Holiday tends to root us to one spot, (the place from which her painful joy issues forth into the world), Yannatou carries us on a voyage into different musical dialects with varied textures and inscapes.
Famblee an frendz kno tew jus start tawkin an iffen ai kan ai wil pikkup….moastlee….unles ahm tyred…er annoyd….er crankeeier tahn uzuzl….inn wich kaise tehy prolly doan wanna tawk tew meh aneewai!
But Iz don’t wants to be baptized and welcome ceiling - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
You get a bit more than a paragraph in Bede and a line in an annal.
Nefertiti, by Michelle Moran. Book review
Anna was one of six women among the 35 trainees on the course - and all six passed.
The experimental technique has entered the annals of science under the name of "stochastic cooling.
Simon van der Meer, Nobel laureate in physics, dies at 85
A 16-year-old boy who carried out two knifepoint robberies after smoking cannabis has been named and shamed by a judge.
True Blood" co-stars Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer married Saturday evening; the bride wore "a white halterneck, three-quarter length gown and black platform court shoes, with her hair in an updo," according to US Weekly ...
Faith Evans arrested for DUI; Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer marry; 'Mad Men' sends internet searching for Dr. Lyle Evans
Half an hour later the laundry was passably clean and Anna had ended up even more scungy than before.
Hannah McGill called the movie a ‘challenge to apathetic, vapidly amoral cinematic shock tactics’.
Anna Warner, a passalong from neighbors Mae and Mickey looks pleasing with the spent stalks of Astible arendsii ‘Fanal’.
Some Daylilies And A Surprise « Fairegarden
In 1980 the Hebrew Institute of Jerusalem confirmed her claim that "kaneh bosm" is indeed cannabis.
Christiane Amanpour's "God's Warriors"
The Dutch classify cannabis in all its forms as a soft drug and the smoking of it, even in public, is not prosecuted.
Don is especially receptive to Megan's beguilement after settling affairs at Anna's house and getting the ring from Stephanie.
Finale Watch: Mad Men, Rubicon
How long before she has her first “Rosanne Rosanna Danna” moment?
Think Progress » O’Reilly excited that Palin will be able to use Fox News to help her political career.
Diane Schuler had a high level of THC, tetra hydro -- tetra hydro cannabinol, in her blood.
CNN Transcript Aug 7, 2009
I wanna shout out to all the trash celebrity stars.
Anna and her conscience had a little tussle.
Lillian and Anna had decided to try teaching Mom a nonphonetic, ideographic, alphabet, and in the morning they co-opted Sonny to help.
Plenty of Tories are, it seems, cock-a-hoop about the news, still to be confirmed, that General Sir Richard Dannatt is to be elevated to the House of Lords where he will become a Tory defence adviser and, perhaps, a minister in the next Conservative government.
John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
Because of the family's tradition of taking the name of one's parent of the same gender, her brother was the only Preston among many Scotts, more Stuarts, a scatter of MacLaughlins, and one Ishimoto, a great-uncle Dannan remembered with great fondness.
The tanna R. Eliezer ben Hyrcanus expanded the restriction of Shammai (limiting sexual connection to the first act of intercourse only) for the mature bride to all brides and put them in the category of niddah.
Female Purity (Niddah).
Iowadad says: @Johanna: Johanna, write to the Register and other papers about how you feel.
An afternoon spent in the Landmannalaugar region of Iceland involved bracing myself against a strong wind.
The food was not divine but it was manna for a lonely man.
Jewish tradition has it that a child be named after the deceased, and my name borrows from both Charles and Anna; thus, Carole Ann.
Healed by Horses
After Claire excused herself to run her unspecified "errand" - making Roger shudder only slightly-he and Brianna had driven to the pub, but then decided to wait for their supper, since the evening was unexpectedly fine.
Dragonfly in Amber
As has been argued previously, savannas may represent a unique biome where predictions developed for grasslands or forests may not directly apply, and more research into the dynamics of these interesting biomes is clearly needed.
The tantalising pomme Anna consisted of Charlotte potatoes sliced, layered and caramelised with rosemary butter.
Anna could only gaze at him ‘with terror at the undisguised hatred in his whole face.’
I learned t this with the title 'Suzanna's a funicle man'.
The Old Sow (2)
The Mexican force has been estimated at from 2, 400 to over 5, 000, the Alamo's defenders numbered only about 185, and Santa Anna declared he would give no quarter.
Anna's arm hurt dreadfully, worse than when she'd fallen off the top of the climbing frame at the nursery.
It is a lighthearted account by an unlikely bunch of wannabes and has beens.
In the annals of innovation, new ideas are only part of the equation. Execution is just as important. Steve Jobs
The British government has now confused the issue even more, if such a thing is possible, by reclassifying cannabis from a Class B to a Class C substance, effectively decriminalising it.
Anna gave Klaus a beseeching look, but he was studying his hands, his face distraught.
At first, the teacher would play just with Hannah, rolling a ball to her.
Almost all come from monastic or mendicant milieux, and are passages in annals or chronicles of the writer's abbey.
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
I didn't think it was possible for Shanna to look like she swallowed a blowfish.
The manna that succored the Israelites in the wilderness was gathered in baskets, which thus formed part of a divine act of national salvation.
This turbidity, if I remember the cyclopædia aright, is tannate of fibrin, or leather.
The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) The Whole Comprising a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home
Al Gore wins a Nobel Prize for projecting global warming, and gets called a wanna-be for his efforts.