How To Use Animus In A Sentence
For his part, Walsh declines to respond to Armstrong's bitter personal criticism in kind, and he displays no outward signs of animus toward the Tour champion.
In that sense, the power that a female feels from the male - the animus, in Jungian terms - is a specification of the female power, a mode of application of the power.
Underscoring why he won't debate on Hardwick's show, Davis is trying to backtrack, which is hard when you clearly harbor animus towards the subject matter:
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Both parties walk away with a clean reputation and no animus toward the other.
Circnlum 6f in crena nervus adaftus habet. bQuas animus mifit, voiitant 9 feriuntque fa - gittse,
Analysis operum S.S. patrum et scriptorum ecclesiasticorum

Having confessed, according to the terms of the text, that the field or ground is not the Church, but the world, he proceeds, with a very strong animus against what he calls puritanism or separatism, [14] to argue in the usual way against every attempt to purify the visible
The Parables of Our Lord
But he goes still further: "_deum igitur te scito esse_: si quidem deus est qui viget qui sentit qui meminit: qui providet, qui tam regit et moderatur et movet id corpus cui propositus est, quam hunc mundum ille princeps deus, et ut mundum ex quadam parte mortalem ipse deus aeternus, sic fragile corpus animus sempiternus movet." [
The Religious Experience of the Roman People From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus
My guess is that Tess represents your lost animus, the feminine side of your personality.
This is specially true of the animus and anima, for their quest for completion is rendered more imperative by the nagging insistence of sexual desire.
I was left with a suspicion that the majority shared the anti-military animus of the plaintiffs.
After the election, Belcher resampled the white voters whose racial animus he had measured before.
Race Over?
Socratico, Cornute, sinu. tune fallere sollers adposita intortos extendit regula mores, et premitur ratione animus vincique laborat artificemque tuo ducit sub pollice vultum. tecum etenim longos memini consumere soles, et tecum primas epulis decerpere noctes. unum opus et requiem pariter disponimus ambo, atque verecunda laxamus seria mensa. non equidem hoc dubites, amborum foedere certo consentire dies et ab uno sidere duci: nostra vel aequali suspendit tempora libra
Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
Vel imperatore vel milite me utimini; neque animus neque corpus a vobis aberit.
C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
At the same time, the incident showed his liability to argue from passion and personal animus to philosophical or political generality.
I always felt like I had a strong animus but it seemed to be a terrible thing when it came to relationships.
Jung said that the animus is more likely to be personified by multiple male figures, while the anima is frequently a single female.
Despite Windschuttle's denials, the rise of pastoralism ushered in an era of heightened racial animus towards Aborigines.
Animus cujusque is est quisque -- The soul is the man; and it is well or ill with us according as it is well or ill with our souls.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
Non canimus surdis, respondent omnia sylvae," the voice of Nature will consent, whether the voice of man do or no.
The Advancement of Learning
In his letter, Jenkins suggests that Wills' animus toward him is related to his deeper animus toward the Catholic Church.
Has Stanley's ill-considered publication of this literary leviathan given license to a certain kind of rebarbative white animus toward any stirrings of black cultural ascendancy?
Isn't this pretty much the animus behind advanced capitalism?
Sometimes, especially at National Review, the animus against braininess has overlapped with a crusade for traditional manliness - the idea being that book learning is for wimps.
His declinature was taken so hotly by the King and Arran that all who were present felt he was as good as a dead man; but 'Mr. Andro, never jarging [9] nor daschit [10] a whit, with magnanimus courage, mightie force of sprit and fouthe [11] of evidence of reason and langage, plainly tauld the King and
Andrew Melville Famous Scots Series
Cicero answers: "Hoc turpe Cnaeus noster biennio ante cogitavit: ita Sullaturit animus ejus, et diu proscripturit;" "so he apes Sylla and longs for a proscription.
Caesar: a Sketch
Look at eminences in the past, and what stands out in their childhoods is an animus toward school, a tolerance for solitude and families with lots of books.
There are more and more articles being written about the intense animus toward president Bush among Democratic partisans.
Jung called the persona the "outward face" of the psyche because it is that face which the world sees. The "inward face" he called the anima in males and the animus in females.
Animus conjungitur, et spiritus etiam noster per osculum effluit; alternatim se in utriusque corpus infundentes commiscent; animae potius quam corporis connectio.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Of course it reflects Dostoevsky's animus toward Catholicism, but it depicts the temptation to which religion, and all forms of Christian religion, not just Catholicism, are susceptible.
Fournier is, perhaps because of his animus toward the Vice-President, no stickler for accuracy.
Schuyler has lost the thread of his thought, the boring vistas of odd jobs, and has allowed himself to take up - perhaps through aesthetic animus - almost a contrary position.
This is why I always think of Vergil when I contemplate rereading, when he said: Non canimus surdis, respondent omnia silvae, or Not to deaf ears I sing, for the woods echo my singing.
BOOK VIEW CAFE BLOG » A Riff on Rereading
The chemotherapy agents used were combinations of methotrexate, mitoxantrone hydrochloride, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, etoposide and prednisolone, ranimustine and enocitabine, and carboplatin.
This is why I always think of Vergil when I contemplate rereading, when he said: Non canimus surdis, respondent omnia silvae, or Not to deaf ears I sing, for the woods echo my singing.
BOOK VIEW CAFE BLOG » A Riff on Rereading
The artifex is the alchemist attempting to bring together opposites black/white, male/female, animus/anima, and so on as part of the major opus.
Listening to Raven: The Shadow’s Role as Guide
Should art - high or low - only inspire the animus, not the anima?
Should art - high or low - only inspire the animus, not the anima?
There is certainly a degree of personal animus in some of the attacks and with the increasing polarization of the political debate in the country, this question of Tony Blair's personal style -- I mean, we saw, for example, the Butler Report in it's very veiled and rather elegant way, criticizing his what they call sofa cabinet, the fact that everything is done very informally, off the record with just a few select advisors.
CNN Transcript Jul 17, 2004
But their age-old political animus is reviving too; only a fifth of China's exports are in categories that compete with Japanese ones.
Neither was deterred by the fact that the inevitable visceral animus they are fueling among voters has five more months to fester.
On the contrary, the individualising animus which there found expression impelled him to raise more formidable barriers about man, and to turn the ring-fence which secured him from intrusion into a high wall which cut off his view.
Robert Browning
The question itself might seem vaguely offensive, but one has to wonder given the howls about Obama “apologizing for America” anytime he publicly intimates that any past foreign policy of the United States might have been mistaken — or, heaven forfend, even be the source of some degree of international animus against us.
We Never Make Mistakes
The Brahmins were known for their tendency to absorb, assimilate and upgrade deities, not for exhibiting animus towards them.
Forte, serenati qua stat plaga lactea caeli, alma Venus thalamo pulsa modo nocte iacebat amplexu duro Getici resoluta mariti. fulcra torosque deae tenerum premit agmen Amorum; signa petunt, quas ferre faces, quae pectora figi55 imperet; an terris saeuire an malit in undis, an miscere deos an adhuc uexare Tonantem. ipsi animus nondum nec cordi fixa uoluntas. fessa iacet stratis, ubi quondam conscia culpae
The Marriage of Stella and Violentilla
He has avoided affronting unionist sensibility with tribal grievance against the English and there is no sign that he is motivated by such animus.
SNP: Westminster needs to take Alex Salmond seriously | Observer editorial
I have absolutely no animus towards Bloomberg, and he if he was running against Sharpton, I'd certainly vote for him.
The animus and hostility and the intensity of feeling evidenced by this act of the accused does not outweigh its prejudicial effect.
A advance synopsis of the programme on the website of CTVC, the production company that made it, revealed the animus that lay behind it.
It is true that a nationalistic animus did not rally the Russian people into a cohesive national body with the idea of restoring the country's international standing regardless of the cost, as was the case in 1933 Germany.
The anima represents the female nature of consciousness, the female aspect of life, while the animus is the term given to represent the male aspect of life.
Motivation refers to the animus for behavior and includes the affective aspects of attitudes, desires, ends, aims, goals, objectives, desired end states, and the like.
Whether this constitutes ‘an animus to economic reasoning,’ I cannot say.
But this does not mean that Judge Sotomayor is a right-wing zealot who tosses minority victims of race discrimination out of court anymore than her now-famous vote in Ricci v. DeStefano proves that she bears some kind of animus against white people.
Wonk Room
Jenkins, an Episcopalian, has no such inhibitions and here offers a spirited account of how deep, pervasive, and multifaceted is the elite culture's animus toward the Catholic Church.
Even though exploring the anima and animus can be enriching, healthy, or just plain fun - hurting other people is not an acceptable outcome.
So by casting Exanimus you're adding the victim's magical power to your own on permanent basis?
[196] "In beneficio reddendo plus animus, quam census operatur.
The Sermons of John Owen
At the same time, the incident showed his liability to argue from passion and personal animus to philosophical or political generality.
Ordinarily of course, self-directed aggression conflicts with the life instinct, especially it's self-preservative component, the animus.
Animus enim aspirat ut eo fruator, et formam boni habet et praecipue videtur et placet.
Anatomy of Melancholy
In his book, he suggests there was such an irrational animus.
The ideology of the organising cadre or party is adopted, and its rhetoric comes to be used to express the anger which is the animus of the revolution.
It allows my animus and anima to express themselves in unison.
The Polarity model tends to get explained in terms of Yin / Yang, Shiva-Shakti or Jung's concept of anima / animus.
Not least of the obstacles he would encounter in life were the animus and violence of the reactionary throngs.
People with Disabilities must impress it on the civic conscience that alternately ignoring us and then treating us to various forms of animus when we are assertive and refuse to be ignored, is just as corrupt as the above actions were against African-Americans, other minorities and women.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Never a Good Way to Start Your Argument
Unum quodque istorum verbum nummis Philippis aureis non potest auferre hinc a me si quis emptor venerit; nec recte quae tu in nos dicis, aurum atque argentum merumst: fixus hic apud nos est animus tuos clavo Cupidinis. remigio veloque quantum poteris festina et fuge: quam magis te in altum capessis, tam aestus te in portum refert.
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
The depiction of the animus as a lover is common and reinforced here through erotic language.
He also identified the anima (an archetype of female wisdom) and the animus (the embodiment of masculine qualities).
Soelle's animus toward the church is just as implacable.
Non illorum exhorrescit corpus, non contremescit animus; sed securi et garruli, de Christo Dei filio, qui pro me indigno peccatore passus est, deque ipsius utraque generatione loquuntur; nec saltem quod in luce cæcutiunt, sentiunt
Qui olim cogitabat quae vellet, et pulcherrimis philosophiae praeceptis operam insumpsit, qui universi circuitiones coelique naturam, &c. Hanc unam intendit operam, de sola cogitat, noctes et dies se componit ad hanc, et ad acerbam servitutem redactus animus, &c.
Anatomy of Melancholy
At the same time, the incident showed his liability to argue from passion and personal animus to philosophical or political generality.
'Si canimus silvas, silvae sint _consule_ dignae.'
The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
He insists, not entirely convincingly, that he harbours no animus towards the First Minister.
The greenhouses are now stuffed full with geranimus, surfinia petunias, fuchsias and gazanias.
According to Jung, one must get in touch with the Shadow and Anima/Animus before one can truly get in touch with the Self.
They also required the University to take no action motivated by hostility, animus, or disapproval toward Brady's pregnancy.
Catilinae crudelis animus eadem illa movebat, tametsi praesidia parabantur et ipse lege Plautia [164] interrogatus erat ab L.
C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
Both parties walk away with a clean reputation and no animus toward the other.
It allows my animus and anima to express themselves in unison.
As a practical matter, a claim of selective prosecution is well nigh impossible to prove, absent an express admission of racial or ethnic animus or a situation so flagrant as that present in Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356 (1886) (facially neutral municipal ordinance enforced Chinese laundry operators, but not otherwise enforced).
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Ponting's animus toward Churchill never reaches Irving's level of contempt but he has his moments.
Shiva, rather than Brahma, is the animus behind Fight Club.
Jung developed his theory of the personal animus and anima - male and female aspects of the psyche.
To a man they deny any animus toward the Chinese.
Jung also found that in practice both anima and animus act in dreams and in the imagination as mediators of the unconscious to the ego, so providing a means for inner as well as outer adaptation.
Yet in its animus and malignancy, this protest is a model of anti-intellectualism.
Times, Sunday Times
Otiosus animus nescit quid volet: An idle person (as he follows it) knows not when he is well, what he would have, or whither he would go,
Anatomy of Melancholy
At times, I think the wolf within crawled out from under my skin to become my totem, my animus, my daemon, if you will.
Mjh's blog — 2009 — October
Jung postulates that each individual has both masculine and feminine components of the psyche. For a male the feminine component is the anima, and for a female it is the animus.
He also identified the anima (an archetype of female wisdom) and the animus (the embodiment of masculine qualities).
Socratico, Cornute, sinu. tune fallere sollers adposita intortos extendit regula mores, et premitur ratione animus vincique laborat artificemque tuo ducit sub pollice vultum. tecum etenim longos memini consumere soles, et tecum primas epulis decerpere noctes. unum opus et requiem pariter disponimus ambo, atque verecunda laxamus seria mensa. non equidem hoc dubites, amborum foedere certo consentire dies et ab uno sidere duci: nostra vel aequali suspendit tempora libra
Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
Covett's animus, directed in the early pages at rivals among the other teachers for Sheba's affections, gives Heller the excuse to indulge herself in some very funny, mean-minded reflections.
President Kennedy glossed over the racial animus in Mississippi as he let the issue die by moving on to other concerns.
“Non canimus surdis, respondent omnia sylvae,” the voice of Nature will consent, whether the voice of man do or no.
The Advancement of Learning
The animus corresponds to the paternal Logos just as the anima corresponds to the maternal Eros.
Francis suspected Cosmo had something of an animus against Veronica, perhaps an obsession, and wondered how well he knew her.
In the Jungian archetypal schema the nigredo is the Shadow; albedo refers to the anima/animus (contrasexual soul images); citrinitas is the Wise old man (or woman) archetype; and rubedo is the Self archetype, which has achieved wholeness.
Archive 2008-05-01
The story begins legitimately upon activating Pandora's Box; Decard's palm is locked in place and stabbed clean through, imprinting the 'signet' on it, allowing you to absorb Animus Energy.
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* In beneficio reddendo plus animus, quam census operatur.
The Sermons of John Owen
Mendocino County has an unparallel place in the history of the sustainable wine, food and agriculture movement -- something we've been proud to be part of," said Owsley Brown III, Proprietor of Magnanimus Wine Group.
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Though it is not clear what lies at the root of Kennedy's anger, it long predates his involvement in Bristol; indeed his animus against the medical profession was already evident in his Reith Lectures more than 20 years earlier.
The animus of your reporter to my comments was clearly evident in the story he wrote, especially in citing the group Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, an advocacy organization that has falsely attributed stories to me in the past.
The greenhouses are now stuffed full with geranimus, surfinia petunias, fuchsias and gazanias.
Yet while in other French cities the violence continues, in Marseille the animus soon fizzled out.