How To Use Animosity In A Sentence

  • With no requalifying for the Ryder Cup, no wild-card picks and no apparent animosity, the only thing to talk about has been how poorly many of the team members are playing.
  • He emphasised that there is no personal animosity. Times, Sunday Times
  • But there is pressure for him to step aside now to clear the air of animosity that hangs over the agency.
  • Despite everything, she bore her former boss no animosity.
  • We have no animosity toward anyone.
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  • Mao led the Cultural Revolution Authority in stirring up more animosity by calling the factional fighting “an extension of the struggle between the Communists and the Kuomintang”—without specifying which group was which. Wild Swans
  • Familiar animosity between the two services asserted itself. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • He insists he has no animosity towards ordinary Catholic people or nationalists.
  • As for Nicolas Sarkozy, the brief warm fling with the French president, when the two men were brothers-in-arms over the Libyan intervention, has soured into a bitter animosity. Now it's three-speed Europe. And we're left on the hard shoulder | Andrew Rawnsley
  • And there were also economic issues that fueled this sectional animosity to an even greater degree.
  • I sat back on my haunches, breathing heavily, and casting what I could only imagine to be the fiercest glower of animosity I'd ever bestowed upon another human being.
  • The personal animosity between the two party leaders had made a deal after the 2015 election look impossible. Times, Sunday Times
  • This animosity is based on fear of a Bible believing Christian aspiring to political office. Palin to make announcement Friday
  • It's really this blockheaded inability to recognize the humanity of others that is the root of almost all animosity out there on the roads. The High Road: Working Your Way Up
  • In Motion's book there is a remarkable photograph of Eva Larkin circa 1970, sitting relaxedly in an armchair over the back of which her son leans, wearing a look of mingled animosity, defensiveness, and desolation; on the reverse of the picture Larkin had written: "Happy As the Day is Long. Homage to Philip Larkin
  • A spokeswoman for the theatre denied that there was any personal animosity and that it was a case of there being'too many chiefs '. Times, Sunday Times
  • No parang song has ever created animosity, incited anarchy, induced horning, glorified carnage, supported drug abuse or unprotected sex, condoned domestic violence or maligned any person.
  • Applied to Drake the word connoted animosity pure and simple, animosity suddenly conceived too, for it was not a week since Mallinson had been boasting of his friendship with the man. The Philanderers
  • It is useless, said he to us, to again attempt conciliation; there is too much animosity on both sides.
  • Berlusconi has had to overcome considerable personal animosity towards Chirac to offer him his support.
  • Now that the two have exposed their repressed animosity toward each other, there's an added layer of drama and intrigue to their public personas.
  • Despite everything, she bore her former boss no animosity.
  • The history of the recent animosity between the two sides is well documented.
  • But if not, then there could be a sulfurous explosion of political animosity.
  • It is a real grudge fight, with genuine animosity between both men. The Sun
  • Reflecting considerable animosity toward the police, a 12-year-old once attacked one of Easton's policewomen with a chair.
  • Ugly thougths of Jessica and her artificial friends entered her troubled mind, making her cry out in animosity.
  • He seems impatient with you, almost testy to the point of animosity.
  • Much of the balance of Justice Sotomayor's remarks sought to correct what she called the misimpression that there is animosity among the justices. NYT > Home Page
  • In families where favorite children grow up playing by the same rules as everyone else, it is less likely that unfavored siblings feel animosity towards the favorite. Dr. Ellen Libby: Mom and Dad: How to Solve the Favoritism Problem Once and For All
  • The group's success led to national media attention, but also provoked animosity, as some accused it of a collective holier-than-thou attitude.
  • The animosity at the time was directed at the principle, rather than the particular person.
  • It's really this blockheaded inability to recognize the humanity of others that is the root of almost all animosity out there on the roads. The High Road: Working Your Way Up
  • Of course we're competitive but there's no personal animosity between us.
  • Animosity prevailed between headquarters and the field, heightened by the different career backgrounds characterizing the two groups.
  • Such sentiments of animosity towards the church, the teaching establishment and tradition were excuse enough for the censors to ban the film in its entirety.
  • Cynics argue that the space race was merely an expression of cold-war animosity.
  • She said she bore no animosity towards her stepson Gordon for what had happened.
  • Some of the animosity is personal: Republicans in both chambers and K Street attorneys say Jackson and her staff are too dismissive of opposing views and other stakeholders. Wonkbook: Foreclosure mess gets criminal; liberal Dems rally behind Social Security; Arne Duncan's international school reform
  • In biology, the animosity to such thinking is much more intrenched. Antony Flew dies at 87
  • All sport thrives on rivalry that teeters on the brink of animosity. Times, Sunday Times
  • It appears the US never learns from the past ... sticking our noses in other countries affairs creates animosity towards us. Congress overwhelmingly approves Iran resolutions
  • He was barracked throughout, yet the animosity was not based on skin colour. Liverpool tear aside camouflage to expose Manchester United
  • We spice up the action with a bit of intramural animosity between crewmembers, which gives the film an occasional shot of action, but mostly it's scenic.
  • Kennedy seems to be suggesting that not only is the lack of a unified self a human condition, but it is also a subaltern condition, aggravated by racial animosity.
  • But controversial plans to erect wind turbines across St Andrews have reignited the animosity between town and gown.
  • Back at that first game... there was tremendous animosity between writers from the two leagues.
  • The revelation he favoured an easily available pick-me-up called androstenedione - banned by every sport that actually cared about drug testing - created as much animosity toward the reporter who wrote the story as it did McGwire. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Similarly, if a nudnick comes into your life, put aside personal animosity.
  • There is strong animosity between the two groups and each has its own culture and traditions.
  • He wants to convert your feelings of animosity or resentment or intimidation into enormous favor toward that person. Christianity Today
  • In spite of his injuries, he bears no animosity towards his attackers.
  • They had neither personal animosity towards us, nor much interest in dialogue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course we're competitive but there's no personal animosity between us.
  • But as the 22nd runner, Nicole Zell, age 13, started her kilometer outside city hall in Manhattan shortly after noon, word crackled over radios in the sparse crowd that the Olympics were once more being seared by political animosity. Top Stories
  • They say there has been no animosity between them and local Kurds for decades.
  • Anyone who does not think twice about a candidate who inspires such hatred and animosity is working on auto pilot instead of logical thought processes. McCain team reaches out to disappointed Clinton backers
  • All of it reeked of animosity, belligerence, and things the pixies could not even begin to comprehend.
  • What I took issue with is the idea that this animosity translates into votes; normally it does not. Hillary Pollster Mark Penn: Obama Has Become The "Establishment Candidate"
  • That he was working up his animosity against the half-caste, and that the explosion might come any time, was apparent to all. A GOBOTO NIGHT
  • They used a more complex set of criteria to estimate the relative amicability or animosity of the 17 nations that were involved, and found that two stable configurations emerged.
  • He seems impatient with you, almost testy to the point of animosity.
  • There is no personal animosity between the party leaders.
  • And in "The Twisted Sisterhood," Valen argues convincingly that such animosity is pervasive and has lasting consequences. "The Twisted Sisterhood," a book about the "dark legacy of female friendships"
  • He is a gentleman and while we were on opposite sides, there was no animosity.
  • Despite everything, she bore her former boss no animosity.
  • Punishing someone for "ethnic animosity" is pretty vague. Archive 2008-05-01
  • Today rogue animosity fuels a backlash against the development of the global economy and the spread of democracy.
  • When the game fizzled out, so did any hint of animosity.
  • There is limited animosity between the two men. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lose momentum and your forward thrust will be curtailed. If you ingest the animosity and acrimonious threats of the nay sayers you will be discouraged, and indeed that is their controlling motive.
  • We spice up the action with a bit of intramural animosity between crewmembers, which gives the film an occasional shot of action, but mostly it's scenic.
  • Too much time is lost in preliminaries, and the narrative bids fair to be characterised by that unreasoning animosity which distinguishes most of the literary monuments of Secession. The Magazines
  • The revelation he favoured an easily available pick-me-up called androstenedione - banned by every sport that actually cared about drug testing - created as much animosity towards the reporter who wrote the story as it did towards McGwire. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • It is a real grudge fight, with genuine animosity between both men. The Sun
  • Some people believe that to bring up the incident will revive bad memories and interethnic animosity.
  • Brisbane eventually sold his field hands as an act of divestiture for the sake of conscience, which only exacerbated animosity as it pricked the consciences of other slaveholders.
  • The story involves a man who faces the animosity of local villagers when he moves into an abandoned house. Times, Sunday Times
  • This caused a great deal of animosity between my friend and I, and I have not seen him since, unfortunately.
  • The two rivals for party leadership insist that there is no animosity between them.
  • They have remained great friends and there is no animosity between them.
  • There were reports of " personal animosity' between the two men. A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
  • It was civil, mutually respectful, completely lacking in any personal animosity.
  • Cynics argue that the space race was merely an expression of cold-war animosity.
  • Lose momentum and your forward thrust will be curtailed. If you ingest the animosity and acrimonious threats of the nay sayers you will be discouraged, and indeed that is their controlling motive.
  • For all my animosity against Baluch terries, I know they have a legitimate cause; the Pakistani power structure recognises that and it is dealing with angry Baluch groups in an appropriate manner. Eric Margolis
  • They are also anxious about growing popular animosity to the government's repudiation of democratic rights.
  • The Shadow Chancellor suggested that the personal animosity between key figures is damaging the economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is understood to be no animosity between the two. The Sun
  • Meanwhile, Muslim media fromTurkey to Afghanistan warned that burning the sacred text of Islam could deepen animosity toward the West.
  • Social worker Jane Addams, who led the movement to assimilate immigrants through settlement houses and who may have observed more immigrants at the time than anyone, reported that Italians in Chicago “held no particular animosity toward Negroes, for those in the neighborhood were mostly from South Italy and accustomed to the dark-skinned races.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • Two weeks ago the couple announced they had split, saying they wanted the baby to be born into ‘a calm environment with no animosity between its parents’.
  • Of course we're competitive but there's no personal animosity between us.
  • There was thus little in the second reign to stir up renewed animosity towards the Woodvilles.
  • To feel animosity for the country as he defines it would indeed be an indication of envy and resentment.
  • He felt no animosity towards his critics.
  • The palpable animosity between the two women is one of the reasons for the film's scalding savagery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Terentia, the divorced wife of Cicero; and there subsisted between the two husbands a kind of rivalship from that cause, to which was probably added some degree of animosity, on account of their difference in politics, during the late dictatorship of Julius Caesar, by whom Sallust was restored to the senate, whence he had been expelled for licentiousness, and was appointed governor of Numidia. The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 02: Augustus
  • The two rivals for party leadership insist that there is no animosity between them.
  • Crumwell had alwayes professed a more then ordinary animosity, and though the sceane of his imprysonment had bene altred, accordinge to the alterations of the goverments which succeeded, yett he never founde himselfe in compleate liberty, till the kinge was proclaymed by the Parliament, and then he thought it not necessary to repayre into Characters from 17th Century Histories and Chronicles
  • Mr Collins told the court he knew there was animosity between families in the street over children playing football.
  • Therefore, we can understand depth of animosity between Germany and France.
  • On the other hand, if she conforms to the formal organisational expectations she may be headed for animosity and hostility from the rest of the teachers. Educational Psychology in a Changing World
  • But perhaps because revolutionaries are by nature contentious and intellectuals disputatious, it was not long before the 1903 congress was riven with disagreement, which developed into dissension and animosity.
  • In each case, once the race/class/gender animosity is revealed, there is a brief hesititation to see how well the media will come to the rescue and "contextualize" the remark, and when that fails there is the obligatory qualifier "maybe not the best way of putting it," "wrong word," "if I had to say it over, I'd . . . Archive 2009-06-01
  • The best of the heckling, though born out of animosity, was seasoned by spontaneous wit.
  • Despite everything, she bore her former boss no animosity.
  • Earlier, Simpson denied that he felt animosity toward his ex-wife in the days leading up to her murder.
  • The correct use of the term requires the elements of intolerance, irrationality, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs. Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • We walked right through the middle of them and there was no animosity or hostility. The Sun
  • But he moans because he wants things to be right and he does it in a way where there is no animosity or bad feeling. Times, Sunday Times
  • I ended up bringing a lot of friends home with me on vacations because it was an opportunity to travel out of the Midwest and a lot of people I met had never been to Washington, D.C. Do you think some of this animosity comes from the fact that Wisconsinites are known as cheeseheads and most Jewish girls are at least a little-bit lactose intolerant? Interview with a Coastie « The Blog at 16th and Q
  • As the animosity fountain is freely flowing, shouldn't someone at least raise their cup and a kind word for the four dedicated police officers. HuckPAC coordinator steps down, citing clemency decision
  • I think you may have some deep seated racial or other animosity that goes beyond your experience in "skool". Democrats Debate Tonight In Philly
  • It is a real grudge fight, with genuine animosity between both men. The Sun
  • He accounted for their animosity by my defiances: no good family, having such a charming daughter, would care to be defied, instead of courted: he must speak his mind: never was a double-tongued man. — Clarissa Harlowe
  • He said: 'There is animosity against this player. The Sun
  • The guild has decades of catching up to do in order to reduce the animosity and alienation the arguable majority of local musicians feel towards them.
  • Of course we're competitive but there's no personal animosity between us.
  • I have no resentment of animosity against the gentleman [Jefferson] and abhor the idea of blackening his character or transmitting him in odious colors to posterity. Chris Rodda: No, Mr. Beck, John Adams Did Not Think Governments Must Be Administered by the Holy Ghost
  • They had faced no animosity before, except the protest a day earlier.
  • When an inimically divorced couple meets up again at the formal wedding of their somewhat humiliated daughter, their animosity is rekindled on sight.
  • These people who cross over to vote for Clinton are only doing so because there is built-in animosity and vitriol against her for a large portion of the population. Schneider: Did 'Operation Chaos' succeed in Indiana?
  • Yet—such was the peculiar character of the man, and such the intensity of the feelings which he called forth—at this very moment, at the height of his popularity, he was distrusted and loathed; already an unparalleled animosity was gathering its forces against him. The End of General Gordon: Paras. 31-66
  • The animosity between Clinton and House Democrats is likely to endure.
  • As a group, the Russians encountered deep animosity from the French. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • The judgment said Suárez's claim to have been "conciliatory and friendly" in the set-to with Evra was not believable, given the "mutual animosity" of their argument clear in video evidence. Onus on clubs to prevent ugly spectre of racism rearing its head again | David Conn
  • Who or what has worked him into an animosity so irreclaimable, I cannot conjecture, nor will he tell; but something darkly mysterious has part in his wrath and his injustice. Cecilia
  • Here is an example of jumped-up twits hurting the party through personal animosity.
  • Giscard's position has been weakened by his refusal to declare his candidacy and the animosity between him and Mitterrand.
  • He was aware that his ingratitude to his benefactress was the theme of general remark and reproach; and he apprehended, should the King fall a victim to one of those attacks of indisposition to which he was continually subject -- an event which had been foretold by the astrologers, and which was anticipated by his physicians -- that he should be unable to contend against the animosity of the irritated Princess, and the undisguised aversion of the Duc d'Orléans, who made no effort to conceal his dislike to the haughty minister, against whom he published during his sojourn at The Life of Marie de Medicis — Volume 3
  • The visit heralds the restoration of diplomatic ties after decades of political animosity.
  • I think that the believers tend to be driven by a disklike of corruption, and that their animosity is more driven by moral outrage. To Browsing Undergraduates « Climate Audit
  • It is a real grudge fight, with genuine animosity between both men. The Sun
  • Such animosity stems from a particularly low level of morale among the Guardsmen and reservists.
  • That the sixteenth chapter of Mr.G. did not excite the same or greater disapprobation, is a proof of the unphilosophical and indeed fanatical animosity against Christianity, which was so prevalent during the latter part of the eighteenth century. — The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The appearance of Bowen at this time of latent agitation for Separation and open and undisguised animosity to the "upstart collection of humpies on a mud bank in Cleveland Bay," was pleasing in the extreme. Tom Gerrard
  • Kang Sheng, Mao's intelligence chief, and Mme Mao led the Cultural Revolution Authority in stirring up more animosity by calling the factional fighting 'an extension of the struggle between the Communists and the Kuomintang' without specifying which group was which. WILD SWANS THREE DAUGHTERS OF CHINA
  • There is also animosity to stringent security checks at the turnstiles. Times, Sunday Times
  • There seems to be no animosity towards foreigners on the part of the ordinary citizen.
  • His position had in any case always been nuanced, and free of personal animosity. Times, Sunday Times
  • He feels a lot of anger/hostility/antagonism/animosity towards his father.
  • There seems to be no animosity towards foreigners on the part of the ordinary citizen.
  • It was also a call to shun violence and animosity and to promote universal love and understanding.
  • When reading about Patience in the Guide, His Holiness spoke of a man he met in Northern Ireland who had been shot and blinded who, completely without animosity to his assailant, displayed the kind of forbearing patience to which Shantideva refers. Shantideva's Compendium of Precepts (Laptu) and A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life (Chod-jug
  • Maggie doesn't hide her animosity towards her father, and despite her daughters' curiosity, shoos him out as fast as she can.
  • They still saw each other occasionally and the relationship came to an end without much anger or animosity.
  • Woods also chose China to clear up his views on the levels of animosity creeping into the Ryder Cup, claiming that gamesmanship made it not as much fun as the Presidents Cup between the United States and a team of internationals.
  • Pam says the people are lovely and you encounter very little public animosity about the Vietnam War.
  • Yet in spite of this long animosity, Confucianism and Buddhism unite in refusing to take positive law very seriously.
  • While some of these conflicts and fragmentations were of an ideological and administrative nature, most of them were really the result of personal animosity among the clergy.
  • They managed to discuss their past disagreements without animosity.
  • She brings up a valid point about Vicki constantly trying to create animosity("am-in-osity," in her verbiage) between her and Tamra.
  • They don't ban them over personal animosity or for the sake of a harmonious life. The Sun
  • On the quay at Mallaig the whiff of animosity is stronger than the odour from the boxes of freshly-caught prawns just landed for market.
  • There's a long history of animosity between the two nations.
  • I just hope that it doesn't cause any animosity between the two sets of fans. Times, Sunday Times
  • All sport thrives on rivalry that teeters on the brink of animosity. Times, Sunday Times
  • She felt a certain amount of animosity towards him.
  • They did, if anything, give vent to heightened animosity between the two peoples.
  • Henry Sidgwick, I am not sure if you, like Maoz, can be described as harbouring "unhinged animosity" towards Israel. John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • I'd been largely unaware of how deep the animosity between the "chicks" and the "lits" had become. Rachel Pine: THIS IS CHICK LIT: Sick Of Being Kicked Around
  • It is a real grudge fight, with genuine animosity between both men. The Sun
  • Wilful misinterpretation of the law has bred animosity and resentment towards disabled people.
  • The animosity between these clubs is well known and Stoke's ability to use that to their advantage proved crucial. Times, Sunday Times

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