How To Use Animist In A Sentence

  • The Wetu Telu—a Muslim people who maintain some animist traditions—believe luhluh seal in the smell of a dead body so it will not disturb the spirits of Mount Rinjani.
  • The term Animism may, as far as I can see, be quite well applied to the social affiliation, for the latter is evidently only a case in which the individual projects his own degree of consciousness into the human group around him instead of into the animals or the trees, but it is a case of which the justice is so obvious that the modern man can intellectually seize and understand it, and consequently he does not tar it with the 'animistic' brush. Pagan and Christian creeds: their origin and meaning
  • Composed of southerners who are mostly black and Christian or animist, it fought those in the largely Arab, Muslim north. Sudan Vote Sets President on Path
  • Adat derives in part from the ancient animist and Hindu belief system of the Minangkabau, which existed before the arrival of Islam to Sumatra.
  • My feeling is that the implicit function is the inculcation of abstract systematic thinking - which is necessary for modernizing societies, but is not a spontaneous human attribute (we are naturally 'animistic'). School Reform, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
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  • The pre-Christian religion of the Fijians was both animistic and polytheistic, and included a cult of chiefly ancestors.
  • If this spectacle amazes one to-day, what emotions must it not have aroused in the breasts of the earlier folk, whose outlook on the world was so much more direct than ours -- more 'animistic' if you like! Pagan and Christian creeds: their origin and meaning
  • The ancient Pacific religions have been animistic religions, that is very, very close relationships between human and the natural elements.
  • On theoretical grounds it is probable that animatism preceded animism; but savage thought is no more consistent than that of civilized man; and it may well be that animistic and panthelistic doctrines are held simultaneously by the same person. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • Muslims as well as Christians have strict views on sexual conduct, and even animists are expressing their desire to restore older mores.
  • There are small numbers of animists, Confucianists, Taoists, Mahayana Buddhists, and Hindus.
  • They are also unified conceptually by the fact that all have to do with water spirits and the symbolism of Japan's indigenous animistic religion, Shinto.
  • Sudan's predominantly Muslim and Arab north and the largely Christian and animist south fought a 22-year war that led to the deaths of 2 million people. Fear of flareup in Sudan border town of Abyei
  • We don't mean by ‘tree’ quite what our animist forebears meant by the word they used to talk about oaks, limes, and beeches.
  • It is interesting that in animist, totemistic and polytheistic belief systems there are deities and powers associated with the branches of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Two Trees
  • The word animistic should have been animalistic ... by A Lipstick on a Pig Campaign Metaphor; McCain's Biggest Staff Budget-- Make-up Artist
  • Also, it must have been thoroughly deserved: nearly all the people killed were Muslims (who are following a false faith), Hindus or Buddhists (worshipping other gods), or animists, who hate God even more than the Muslims (note that the epicentre was very close to the Andaman Islands which is infested with animists). Pharyngula
  • The animist beliefs of so many of this Labour Government who talk about the mauri within a mountain or a river are arrant nonsense.
  • The religion of the mudang was polytheistic and somewhat animistic.
  • If anything they look like African animist masks that convey the idea of an animal more than its literal shape.
  • Southerners — mainly animists or Christians — were also angered by attempts of the northern dominated government to impose Islamic law. Turnout in Southern Sudan vote passes 60 percent
  • Madurese are now 10 percent of the Sambas population and tend to disparage Dayaks for Christian and animist ways that Islam considers unclean, like keeping dogs and eating pork. Rule Of The Headhunters
  • The tribal groups are animistic, constantly making offerings to the myriad spirits believed to inhabit the village, houses, trees, paths, mountains etc.
  • The ancient religion of Hawaii incorporates hundreds of deities as well as magical and animist beliefs.
  • Is the Sodom story, even, a necessary step in constructing an aniconic, ascetic, abstracted concept of the divine needed to get from an animistic understanding of nature to a mechanistic -- i.e. scientific -- understanding? Wisdom, Justice And Mercy
  • I am a primitive and I believe primitivism, and that arises from this soil under this sun, what you might call an 'animist' or 'atheist,' and I uphold communication as the only means which ends territorial conflict and wars, and brings planetary peace and consciousness. Slimy Love 4: In Your Face. A Monologue Of An Angry Jew
  • In summary, if disenchantment is a source of environmentally destructive or uncaring attitudes, then both the aesthetic and the animist/panpsychist re-enchantment of the world are intended to offer an antidote to such attitudes, and perhaps also inspirations for new forms of managing and designing for sustainability. Environmental Ethics
  • Perhaps 3 million Burmese, mostly Karens, Kachins, Chins, and Lisu, are Christians who accept animistic rituals like the Burmans, who are mostly Theravada Buddhists.
  • As Christian fundamentalism and consumerism subvert local cosmologies and converts castigate traditional practices as satanic or insult animist believers as rustics, few replace shrine objects.
  • But it is difficult in practice to distinguish the two phases of thought and no clear account of animatism can yet be given, largely on the ground that no people has yet been discovered which has not already developed to a greater or less extent an animistic philosophy. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • I ended up with something like transcendental animistic chaos with stress on the importance if imminent divinity when I was done with it, which has worked well for me so far.
  • For the largely Christian and animist southerners, Malik says al-Bashir's push for an Arab Islamist identity in Sudan "was a bridge too far".
  • The animistic overtones of the book, and its intimations of love and death, made a deep impression.
  • Thus we have evidence of the existence in pre-Buddhist India of rites and beliefs — the latter chiefly of the kind called animistic — disowned for the most part by the Buddhists and only tolerated by the Brahmans. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 1
  • Broadly, I'm something of an animist, so my everyday life is filled with minor recognitions, deals, tributes, and negotiations with local spirits.
  • Scotland started as a place of superstitious animists and pantheists, much as it is today.
  • My feeling is that the implicit function is the inculcation of abstract systematic thinking - which is necessary for modernizing societies, but is not a spontaneous human attribute (we are naturally 'animistic'). School Reform, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • His enthusiasm of knowledge is literally an enthusiasm: has about it that character of possession of one person by another, by which those "animistic" old Greeks explained natural madness. Plato and Platonism
  • Deng, a former child slave who became a national swimming champion in Sudan, is also a champion of human rights, including the rights of his people, the South Sudanese, mostly Christians and animists -- or practitioners of native religions -- who he says have been slaughtered and persecuted in huge numbers since the 1950's. Heather Robinson: The Original Darfur
  • South of the reeds, Gordon disappeared into a primeval interior of naked animists and mapless swamps, where the connected world of Cairo and the coast lost all meaning. Three Empires on the Nile
  • Familiaris, though they attained great dignity of conception, and were the centre of the family life, and to some extent of the family morality, never quite rose to the position of full-grown gods; while among the spirits of the field the wildness and impishness of character associated with Faunus and his companion Inuus -- almost the cobolds or hobgoblins of the flocks -- reflects clearly the old 'animistic' belief in the natural evilness of the spirits and their hostility to men. The Religion of Ancient Rome
  • Many people, such as animists, think that all objects are imbued with a spiritual essence. Artificial or Natural
  • The Uktena tribe is composed of animistic ( some would say primitive ) peoples from throughout the world.
  • Well, I would say to this that I am very much an animist, and my experience of working with spirits - be they spirits of places, local area networks, or behavioural memes, indicates to me at least, that it is do-able to varying degrees.
  • If your pantheon is more complex, say you have two competing factions of deities, laid over an older, animist pattern, that tells you a lot about the social evolution of the society: maybe not-Buddhism came along and supplanted not-Shinto. MIND MELD: Gods by the Bushel
  • The Jola practice a generally syncretized version of Islam, with a few still holding to animistic ethnic religions. Survey of West Africa: Peoples Summarized
  • Traditional Javanese Islam, a blend of Sufism mixed with animist and Hindu concepts predating Islam, shares common heritage with Bali.
  • There, the primitive mind practiced animistic shamanism. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • Thousands of animists joined the Church in 2000 and 1000 adult catechumens are scheduled to be received this Easter.
  • All Sudanese are Africans, most are Muslim, and the population of Christians is lower than the number of Sudanese who practice African ( "animist") religions. Articles » peoplesworld
  • Animals are humanized, that is, the kinship between animal and human life is still keenly felt, and this reminds us of those early animistic interpretations of nature which subsequently led to doctrines of metempsychosis. The Art of the Story-Teller
  • If your pantheon is more complex, say you have two competing factions of deities, laid over an older, animist pattern, that tells you a lot about the social evolution of the society: maybe not-Buddhism came along and supplanted not-Shinto. MIND MELD: Gods by the Bushel
  • The census officers kept complaining that it was nearly impossible for them to decide who was an animist and who was a Hindu, since all worshipped God in many forms.
  • For the largely Christian and animist southerners, Malik says al-Bashir's push for an Arab Islamist identity in Sudan "was a bridge too far".
  • In the old animistic world view, people believed that nature was organised by invisible souls.
  • An entirely different class of ideas, also termed animistic, is the belief in the world soul, held by Plato, Schelling and others. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • Vedic Invocations, which are deemed animistic and crudely pagan by many scholars, merely invoke God through his attributes and functions.
  • a pithy essay on the irrelevance of the notion of authenticity and the "animistic" attitude that has taken shape in response to the boundless online population of modified images; Rhizome Inclusive: News, Blog, and Digest
  • The lights are full on, but there's an inner darkness ... because we're retreating into a sort of [mind-set] of our pre-rational forebears who lived in a kind of animist world where everything had a spirit -- every twig, every stone in a stream ... where questions of guilt and anxiety and fear and aggression ruled our reflexes. (from an interview with V. Vale. Boing Boing: September 4, 2005 - September 10, 2005 Archives
  • The voting, which spanned several days last week, was called for in a 2005 peace agreement between Sudan's mostly Christian and animist south and the mainly Muslim north. Observers Approve Conduct of Southern Sudan Vote, Predict Secession
  • Census classes as "animists," or nature-worshippers, _i. e._ they still worship trees and stones and the spirits that are supposed to dwell in them. India, Old and New
  • When confronted with monotheism for the first time, polytheists and animists all over the world frequently reacted if their own accounts are to be believed with: Sure! In the Valley of the Shadow
  • It is said to have begun before the introduction of Buddhism, when the people of ancient Tibet observed animistic forms of religion and used the foodstuffs they produced as offerings to their gods.
  • Southerners – mainly animists or Christians – were also angered by attempts of the northern dominated government to impose Islamic law. Southern Sudan Vote Reaches Crucial Tipping Point
  • He embraces the heterodox idea of monism, sometimes called animist materialism or vitalism, which is essentially a denial of any distinction between the body and the soul.
  • For the uninitiated, Vlad Taltos is a human assassin in a strange world where humans occupy the eastern kingdoms and the rest is run by the Dragaereans, a long-lived elfin race whose sorcery is far more formalized than humanity's witchcraft (the human culture on Dragaera is based loosely on ancient Hungarian culture, and the magic is derived somewhat from Hungarian animist mysticism). Boing Boing

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