How To Use Animism In A Sentence
It is this philosophy, currently known as fetichism, but treated by Mr. Tylor under the somewhat more comprehensive name of "animism," which we must now consider in a few of its most conspicuous exemplifications.
Myths and Myth-makers: Old Tales and Superstitions Interpreted by Comparative Mythology
This worldview and lifeway is now being called animism (Graham Harvey and Robert J Wallis: Historical Dictionary of Shamanism)
William Horden: God Is One Mind
There's also a sense of animism, wherein a particular tree beside a stream might constitute a sacred place.
-- Animism may have arisen out of or simultaneously with animatism as a primitive explanation of many different phenomena; if animatism was originally applied to non-human or inanimate objects, animism may from the outset have been in vogue as a theory of the nature of man.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
Symbolism in poetry is animism, anthropo - morphism, inspired by the truth that the universe, nature and spirit must be one at their roots.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
They still retain large elements of animism, a belief which assigns a divine spark or spirit to every material thing.
Today the term animism has fallen into disuse among serious scholars of religion although it is still retained by some MISSIOLOGISTS.
Concise Dictionary of Religion
They still retain large elements of animism, a belief which assigns a divine spark or spirit to every material thing.
I'd probably frame it more in terms of a clash of belief systems: monotheistic Christianity straitjacketing polytheistic animism into more polarised gender roles, and introducing the concept of sin.
On theoretical grounds it is probable that animatism preceded animism; but savage thought is no more consistent than that of civilized man; and it may well be that animistic and panthelistic doctrines are held simultaneously by the same person.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
Believers, animism and shamanism, some Protestant and Catholic Christianity.
Beninese animism, dance, and music have a long and rich history.
They were not just priests, as is a common misconception, but would have fallen into the class of bards, judges, teachers, etc … According to the Roman, Pliny the Elder, the Druids believed in animism (the belief that animals have souls) and reincarnation.
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Discarding animism is the first principle of science, which Monod calls the principle of objectivity.
These serials help perpetuate superstitions and blind beliefs in witchcraft and sorcery, in magic and animism.
The most important theoretical framework is provided by detailed articles discussing basic religious ethnological concepts: rites of passage, sacrifice, mourning, ancestors, animism, etc.
Shamanism is an ancient religion that includes belief in animism, deities, and demons.
And animism is one of the first things I think of when you describe this world where there are spirits in everything, and they're communicating with each other, and you have to go to an expert to mediate between you and them.
She has explored various religions and ways of thought throughout her life, from Christianity to agnosticism and Taoism to animism and shamanism to Gnosticism, Hinduism and Buddhism.
The nineteenth century notions of the evolution of religion from primitive animism to polytheism to monotheism have been falsified in tribe after tribe all over the world.
Other faiths include Roman Catholicism, Islam, animism, and Mahayana Buddhism - the type of Buddhism found most often in northern Asia.
These serials help perpetuate superstitions and blind beliefs in witchcraft and sorcery, in magic and animism.
Many Central Africans still observe the traditional religion of ancestor worship, or animism.
Thai beliefs actually reflect a mix of Theravada Buddhism, Hinduism, and animism (spirit worship).
The Tukulor, one of Senegal's seven main ethnic groups, converted to Islam in the 11th century, but animism remained widespread until the middle of the 19th century.
A related more scientific-sounding version of animism is panpsychism.
It was also during this period that Theravada Buddhism gained strength in Ayutthaya, despite the deep roots of superstition and animism that still exist even today.
They still retain large elements of animism, a belief which assigns a divine spark or spirit to every material thing.
The two main religions are Roman Catholicism and Voudou, or Voodoo, a mixture of African animism (belief in spirits and nature) and Christianity.
They still retain large elements of animism, a belief which assigns a divine spark or spirit to every material thing.
On November 26, Noreum-Machi will stage a captivating virtuosic percussion performance known as Samulnori, a modernized stage adaptation of p'ungmul nori, which is a ritualistic celebration which originated from shamanism and animism and which is performed by rice farmers and professional musicians at harvest festivals.
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Hinduism's deepest inroads into Bali's animism came in the 16th century, after the armies of Islam had defeated the powerful Madjapahit Hindu dynasty.
Islam has had a presence in this part of Africa since the 12 th century, but well into the 19th the traditional order was still based in animism.
In modern anthropology, fetishism, like animism and totemism, tends to be disfavoured as a universalistic principle.
Others looked to traditions that survived to the present day: to African animism, to Santeria and voodoo, to American Indian religions, even to Hinduism.
The term Animism may, as far as I can see, be quite well applied to the social affiliation, for the latter is evidently only a case in which the individual projects his own degree of consciousness into the human group around him instead of into the animals or the trees, but it is a case of which the justice is so obvious that the modern man can intellectually seize and understand it, and consequently he does not tar it with the 'animistic' brush.
Pagan and Christian creeds: their origin and meaning
In a culture where witch trials occur and animism is alive and well, the Catholic Church nevertheless plays a major role in East Timorese society.
Animism is, as already explained, a pitfall which is always yawning before us and into which we are sure to plunge unless we are ever watchful.
The Mind in the Making The Relation of Intelligence to Social Reform
Many different strands are woven together: elements of Christian iconography, a kind of coastal animism, surreal touches, a subdued eroticism.
Their religion, which exhibits features of animism, animalism, anthropomorphism, nature-worship, fetishism, ancestor-worship is under the control, guidance and supervision of the village.
His theory is that there are four ways in which various cultures portray reality in paintings, sculpture and other objects: animism, totemism, analogism and naturalism.
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Holistic cultures like those of Native Americans or Australian aborigines usually see human beings as part of a wider, natural universe in which everything is alive (a concept often called animism) and the life force is everywhere.
Offerings Without an Altar
Their pre-Christian religion could be described as animism - the belief that everything is alive with natural or supernatural spirits.
Groups that descended into animism might never emerge from this ‘stone age’ of their development, because of the stifling effects of such things as taboos, and fear of evil spirits.
The nineteenth century notions of the evolution of religion from primitive animism to polytheism to monotheism have been falsified in tribe after tribe all over the world.
In addition, there is often a layer of syncretism between Buddhism and animism.
Belief in God, gods and spirits is what Monod calls animism: the projection into nature of the purposive properties of the human central nervous system.
That type of mentality called animism which anthropologists designate as the essence of primitive man characterizes the Mother's mind.
The Mother is a seer
In terms of intent -- how we're meant to read God -- I think you absolutely have to distinguish the immanent all-pervasive divinity of animism from the transcendant all-powerful divinity of monotheism.
Archive 2006-02-01
More appropriately, in animism, these objects have never been ‘inanimate’ - they are always already ‘possessed’.
Spiritualism, pan-animism, metempsychosis and reincarnation were at the radical end of a spectrum, but wide consensus existed for accepting evolution as a creed of progress.
He probably saw lakes and trees and lightning as actual, living beings, a view of the world called animism.
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From early animism in its manifold expressions, through polytheism, kathenotheism, henotheism, to monotheism, and so out into loftier possibilities of conceiving the divine nature and purpose -- the main road which man has traveled in his religious development now is traceable.
Christianity and Progress
In more recent years, immigrants from Vietnam and Laos have brought folk religions such as animism into some U.S. communities.
Today, Noreum-Machi will stage a captivating virtuosic percussion performance known as Samulnori, a modernized stage adaption of p'ungmul nori, which is a ritualistic celebration which originated from shamanism and animism and which is performed by rice farmers.
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Believers, animism and shamanism, some Protestant and Catholic Christianity.
Some, such as the Dais in Yunnan and the Zhuangs in the southwest, practice animism.
And even though nowhere in Buddhist scripture is there any mention of any kind of ghosts or animism, a strong belief in magic still remains.
The proportion of Yorubas in Nigeria who are Muslim, Catholic, or Protestant or who subscribe to traditional beliefs or animism is not stated.
Shamanism is the ancient religion of animism and nature-spirit worship and its origins in Korea are lost in antiquity.
Here, life is presented as purely immanent to itself and without a lapse into transcendent views of nature such as pantheism and animism.
They still retain large elements of animism, a belief which assigns a divine spark or spirit to every material thing.
The nineteenth century notions of the evolution of religion from primitive animism to polytheism to monotheism have been falsified in tribe after tribe all over the world.
«The ultimate source of the term animism is the Latin word, anima, meaning spirit, soul, or life force. Directorio y Buscador de Blogs Latinos
My understanding is that animism does not start from the premise that objects are inanimate.
Here, life is presented as purely immanent to itself and without a lapse into transcendent views of nature such as pantheism and animism.
His stepfather's brand of Islam accommodated elements of animism and Hinduism, but Obama understood in retrospect that the overthrow of Sukarno in 1965, and the massacre of Communists and ethnic Chinese, had changed his stepfather from the idealist his mother had met at the University of Hawaii to an incommunicative man intent on surviving in the new regime.
Dreams from Obama
Scientists eventually must deal with animism, it's now too important to be left to clerics and barristers.
In contemporary philosophical language these would be the doctrines of hylozoism and animism.
The expressive power of these works is dramatically amplified when considered in the context of their natural setting, and gives a face to the palpable, yet otherwise abstract animism that pervades the woods near his home.
why do hindu gods have animal attributes and does this reflect tribal Animism. the gods almost always have animals around them or are partly animals such as hanuman and the elephant god ganish
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animism is common among primitive peoples
Animism was the widespread expression of this stage, hylozoism one of its later, conceptual forms.
Why did that other poster think that Monotheism, pantheism and animism are exclusive to each other?
Discarding animism is the first principle of science, which Monod calls the principle of objectivity.
As I have pointed out, such a philosophy - animism - is not dissimilar to the beliefs of Druidism, which is a set of religious beliefs from Western Europe and Britain around the time of the life of Christ.
Javanese identity has been built up over many centuries, and many religious and cultural traditions: ancient Malay animism, Indian Hinduism, Buddhism, and later, Islam, later still Christianity.