How To Use Animate thing In A Sentence
If love, an enduring human ideal, formed the subject of this show, this ideal was counterbalanced by the weight of inanimate things: stones, earth.
Inanimate things, as a church, a hospital, a bridge, may be personated by a rector, master, or overseer.
So it is, too, with inanimate things; for of these, too, some are really silver and others gold, while others are not and merely seem to be such to our sense; e.g. things made of litharge and tin seem to be of silver, while those made of yellow metal look golden.
On Sophistical Refutations
It is not an inanimate thing, like a house, to be pulled down or enlarged or structurally altered at the caprice of the tenant or owner; it is a living thing.
The forward cylinder was depending on that unknown force men call the pertinacity of materials, which now and then balances that other heartbreaking power, the perversity of inanimate things.
The Day's Work - Volume 1
Schopenhauer believes that the various species of animate and inanimate things in the world are eternal and static.
So I shall set out on another long drive today, and while I drive I shall ponder the general unhelpfulness of inanimate things.