How To Use animality In A Sentence
- In a world that can sometimes be disgusting, we evolved an upper tier of emotional longing -- the aspiration for purity -- to keep us balanced in this satyricon of carnal delights where animality beckons and frequently wins. Mark Matousek: Why We Don't Need God to Be Good (and What Religious Folk Don't Want You to Know)
- Clearly, de Blainville's language echoes through this passage framing the scientists' concerns about human animality and sexuality.
- The rage that people feel against their own mortality and animality is often enacted toward them, whether by humiliation or, in addition, by physical violence.
- Where there is triviality, there is sin and animality.
- More generally, animality stands in for all that is repressed by culture, as exemplified by Albee's earlier animal play, The Zoo Story.
- If our creeds are an expression of our animality, if they require an explanation from natural science, then we have not transcended our genetic imperatives. Spelling it out ...
- It threatens subjectivity by collapsing meaning, reminding us of the subject's necessary relation to death, corporeality, animality and maternal materiality.
- She was not frightened, but appalled, rather, at the human animality of it. Chapter 25
- In what may be a gesture of ironical respect to animals, however, the Speaker refrains from explaining human behaviour on the basis of its so-called animality.
- The God, one supposes, didn't "become flesh" in order to extricate our human persons from our bodies, but to infuse (maybe to re-infuse) our mere animality with life-bearing spirit. Scott Cairns: Art and the Meaning of Creation