How To Use Animal oil In A Sentence
The main portion of the total amount of added vegetable and/or animal oil is added and mixed with conventionally soured or unsoured cream before the churning.
You can do some basic modifications to some diesel engines, which will basically let you use vegetable and animal oils to run your car.
In the same way, vegetable oil can be used for cooking instead of animal oil.
But this form of deafness may be easily cured, even though it has existed for years; for, having softened the accumulations of viscid wax by dropping animal oil into the ear, they may be removed by the injection of warm soap-suds, which is an effectual and safe remedy.
Popular Education For the use of Parents and Teachers, and for Young Persons of Both Sexes
Gingerols and Diarylheptanoids are the antioxidant of Ginger extraction, which have strong anti- oxidizes function and can be used as an antiseptic in animal oil, vegetable oil and meat product.