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How To Use Animal kingdom In A Sentence

  • This relationship between body temperature and the speed of biological processes applies throughout the animal kingdom.
  • Stunning images reveal the daily life-and-death struggles that take place in the animal kingdom. The Sun
  • Norman Solomon: Well, what goes by the term conservative is too often a sort of a euphemism for dog eat dog, whoever comes out on top, we believe in the survival of the fittest – a sort of perversion of Darwinism taken into a social realm, where generally, the predatory nature in the animal kingdom of one category of animal inflicted on another is sort of mimicked and replicated. Failed Conservative Values: Norman Solomon on Dog Eat Dog Greed
  • Molluscs Molluscs belong to the largest phylum in the animal kingdom and are a very varied group of animals.
  • In the animal kingdom intruders usually lose contests over territories.
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  • It is possible that the entire animal kingdom is the inevitable by-product of the process.
  • St Francis is a saint normally associated with peaceful, eremetic living and an overwhelming empathy for the animal kingdom. Ruth Gledhill - Times Online - WBLG
  • The circles were full up, and therefore man was not a part of the animal kingdom at all.
  • Such a crude lie can surely be perceived by that genius of the animal kingdom, humans.
  • With man effort not often matched in the animal kingdom, he overcame that considerable obstacle.
  • I mean the actual animal kingdom where scientists are finding out all sorts of interesting things about our fellow critters.
  • In the animal kingdom there are many phyla, and the mammals come into a phylum called the chordates.
  • It's been a while since we rounded up the best animal photobombs, but rest assured: the animal kingdom has been hard at work ruining people's pictures.
  • The animal kingdom does not display a linear pattern of species linking the lowest forms to humankind.
  • Mollusca is the second biggest phylum in animal kingdom.
  • It is possible that the entire animal kingdom is the inevitable by-product of the process.
  • The non-human section of the animal kingdom is often so much more interesting than the mixed up messed up human one.
  • Upon the balance between them depends the enormous variety of societies seen in the animal kingdom.
  • These are the most elegant, gentle creatures in the animal kingdom. The Sun
  • Knowing all this, the Babu asked the Brahman point-blank to perform a false samadhi, that is to say, to feign an inspiration and to announce to the sorrowing mother that her late son's will had acted consciously in all the circumstances; that he brought about his end in the body of the flying fox, that he was tired of that grade of transmigration, that he longed for death in order to attain a higher position in the animal kingdom, that he is happy, and that he is deeply indebted to the sahib who broke his neck and so freed him from his abject embodiment. From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan
  • Chimp muscle is actually among the strongest in the animal kingdom, probably because they need to throw their heavy bodies around acrobatically in the treetops. Peter McAllister: Manthropology: The Science Of The Inadequate Modern Male
  • We have not treated our brethren in the animal kingdom well and we've defiled much of the space they need to live.
  • Designers are scouring the animal kingdom for exotic species to turn into bags, shoes and all manner of trendiness.
  • The structure of human brain is unique in the animal kingdom.
  • Disney World's Animal Kingdom team has sorted elephant calls into trumpets, snorts, croaks, revs, chuffs, noisy rumbles, loud rumbles, and rumbles.
  • Historic parkland in North Yorkshire is now home to some gentle giants of the animal kingdom - a herd of North American bison.
  • To those who see in a man a perpetual kinship to that animal kingdom of which he is supreme, there was something undeniably anthropoidal about Abrahm Humoresque A Laugh on Life with a Tear Behind It
  • No, this is indolence that is beyond even the animal kingdom in its insistence.
  • The elephant's nose or, more familiarly, trunk is the most versatile organ in the animal kingdom.
  • The fact that hibernators are as numerous and as varied as they are - the club includes some ground squirrels and rodents, at least one bird, various snakes and the echidna which is the platypus's closest living relative, among other species - suggests that the biological machinery that's needed for hibernation is both ancient and widespread in the animal kingdom. Many species use hibernation to survive the rigors of winter
  • Would you like creatures of the animal kingdom? Times, Sunday Times
  • The eyeless gene is an example of the remarkable conservation of developmental genes throughout the animal kingdom.
  • Zoophyta, polyparia, crinoidea, conchifera, and crustacea, {60} are the orders of the animal kingdom thus found in the earliest of earth's sepulchres. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation
  • It ignores the obvious discriminations which we make between similar treatment of different species within the animal kingdom.
  • There is a new rollercoaster under construction at Disney's Animal Kingdom.
  • Hahnemann's original remedies were drawn from the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms.
  • The dinosaurs alone have commanded as much popular attention as the rest of the fossil animal kingdom combined.
  • Natural Born Heroes also reveals how the anatomy of the human face is unique in the animal kingdom and can show an extraordinary range of emotions.
  • What might be called passional sensibility -- desire, emotion, impulse -- is, like physical sensation, another indispensable factor in evolution; it is the special element in the development of the animal kingdom as well as of the less evolved portion of the human kingdom. Reincarnation A Study in Human Evolution
  • [1] The glyptodon and armadillo are mammalian; the tortoise is a chelonian, a reptile, distinct classes of the animal kingdom; therefore the latter cannot be a representative of the former. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • At the beginning of the twentieth century, philosophers still regarded humans as unique and assumed that a wide gulf separated us from the animal kingdom.
  • Arthropods, chordates and annelids are the three segmented phyla in the animal kingdom.
  • Mivart adduces this case, chiefly on account of the supposed difficulty of organs, namely the avicularia of the Polyzoa and the pedicellariæ of the Echinodermata, which he considers as “essentially similar, ” having been developed through natural selection in widely distinct divisions of the animal kingdom. VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
  • This creature had the largest eyes in the whole animal kingdom.
  • The elephant's nose or, more familiarly, trunk is the most versatile organ in the animal kingdom.
  • We say _lower animals_, because man is really an animal, a member of the great animal kingdom, though not a beast -- at least he should not be a beast, though some animals in human form approach very closely to the line that separates humanity from brutes. Plain Facts for Old and Young
  • Judging by size alone is a bad tactic in the animal kingdom.
  • The hand is self - addressed as no other organ in the animal kingdom, and it has a prodigal inventiveness permitting choice also unmatched in other living creatures.
  • It ignores the obvious discriminations which we make between similar treatment of different species within the animal kingdom.
  • The marine Cycliophora is the most recently described phylum in the animal kingdom.
  • One of the distinguishing features of immunoglobulins is a structural feature called the Ig fold, and if you read the literature on the immune system, you will learn that the immunoglobulins are part of the Ig fold superfamily, one of the largest families in the animal kingdom. Stuck on you, biological Velcro and the evolution of adaptive immunity - The Panda's Thumb
  • Scott Stapp doesn't know a whole lot about the animal kingdom, and thinks that a marlin is a bird rather than a fish. The News is - The News is Now Public
  • Just before the harvest season, it became palpable that this field, then waving with wheat, was depredated upon to a wasteful extent by some unknown subjects of the animal kingdom. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 21, July, 1859
  • The celebrated eighteenth-century systematizer Carolus Linnaeus also located people firmly within the animal kingdom, constructing the primate order to accommodate humans, apes, monkeys, prosimians, and bats.
  • I'm going to box Animal Kingdom, Soldat, Santiva, and Master of Hounds in the superfecta, because they all faced my horse Willcox Inn in previous races. Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Local News
  • The body plans of lobsters and humans, flies and fish, barnacles and mice, are initiated using the same families of genes that are conserved across the animal kingdom.
  • Let us be like that famous Don Juan of the animal kingdom, the ten-hearted earthworm, and cultivate as many loves as our biology (or clockworks) will allow - then secrete a viscid egg sac into our clitellum and slide that junk right off our segmented, slithery body. Wondermark
  • In this are comprised the six higher stems of the animal kingdom, the annulata and their descendants, the mollusca, echinoderma, articulata, tunicata, and vertebrata. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • The ciliary sieving method of the ectoprocts (gymnolaemates and stenolaemates) seems to be unique in the animal kingdom.
  • Upon the balance between them depends the enormous variety of societies seen in the animal kingdom.
  • In a "Science" column first published last summer and reprinted below, Daniel Engber examined onanism across the animal kingdom.
  • Romans is expected to decide later this week whether Shackleford, who finished fourth at the Derby before edging Animal Kingdom by a half-length in the Preakness, will go, according to a New York Racing Association official. Belmont Face-Off Is More Likely
  • An attentive consideration will, however, show the enquirer, that to distinguish man from the remainder of the animal kingdom by his structural characteristics alone, is not so easy a task as would at first sight appear; and he will be obliged at length to return to some such humiliating designation of the _genus animal_, _species homo_, as those above given. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 56, Number 347, September, 1844
  • This relationship between body temperature and the speed of biological processes applies throughout the animal kingdom.
  • Enter the burglars, led by the scary, skeevy Ben Mendelsohn Animal Kingdom, a group that also includes the growly Dash Mihok and the jittery Cam Gigandet. Marshall Fine: Movie Review: Trespass
  • Also, it’s key to know what’s going on in the animal kingdom – I’m never going to close a client if I’m talking about the otters holding hands when the new otter is the carrot eating hedgehog. Staying on top of things : #comments
  • The animal kingdom gets its fair share of attention as children learn how to care for pets.
  • The circles were full up, and therefore man was not a part of the animal kingdom at all.
  • At the one end, we are reminded what a ghastly thing is Homo sapiens: despoiler of the environment, parasite of the planet, who lords over the animal kingdom with arrogance and cruelty.
  • On the brilliant ‘Animal Kingdom’, he engages in a bit of anthropomorphism, drawing parallels between the laws of the jungle and the code of the streets.
  • Scientists have found that, even in the animal kingdom, males hand out so-called nuptial gifts that seem to be worthless.
  • The family had a wild time in Disney's Animal Kingdom and enjoyed close encounters with giraffes, hippos, lions and tigers.
  • In the animal kingdom, the mollusca are the rasorial type, which, however, only shews itself there in their soft and sluggish character, and their being very generally edible. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation
  • The mantis shrimp's elongate, jointed carapace sports stalked eyes, the most complex in the animal kingdom.
  • A scientist thinks he has uncovered the secrets to the adaptative powers of the animal kingdom, via the pineal gland. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: The Best Of Stanley G. Weinbaum - Stanley G. Weinbaum
  • The snake belongs to chordate phyla, vertebrate, reptile, squamata, serpents, in the animal kingdom.
  • Now that we finally have a science of human sexuality -- and remember what a struggle this has been for sexology pioneers, such as Alfred Kinsey and Masters & Johnson -- we need a similar science for the rest of the animal kingdom. Frans de Waal: Fellating Female Fruit Bats
  • Arthropods, chordates and annelids are the three segmented phyla in the animal kingdom.
  • In the animal kingdom intruders usually lose contests over territories.
  • The various shapes signify representatives of the animal kingdom; the square signifies the earthly reality of the four elements and our world; while the eight roundels suggest the heavenly bodies.
  • With an exceptional balance of protein and amino acids, quinoa, they declared, is virtually unrivaled in the plant or animal kingdom for its life-sustaining nutrients.
  • It's not a huge stretch to think that if salicylate induces programmed cell death in plants to kill infected cells, maybe it's doing similar things in the animal kingdom to enhance the death of aberrant cells causing cancer," said Prof Burn. Aspirin cuts cancer risk in people with an inherited susceptibility
  • Or it might be that a culture would arise on this planet flourish briefly in the innocent belief that the universe revolved around it, and then sink back once more into the dim twilight of preconscious thought, rejoining the animal kingdom from which it had emerged. Tin
  • The dinosaurs alone have commanded as much popular attention as the rest of the fossil animal kingdom combined.
  • There is no beast in the animal kingdom with the same capacity for baseness, for depravity and degradation as our lower classes sometimes display.
  • This implies that everything shares the same energy, allowing us to treat human diseases with medicines from plant, mineral and animal kingdoms from around the world.
  • According to John Wright, the virus is already in the soil everywhere, and has been for centuries, and it only breaks out when there are susceptible weaklings in the animal kingdom who have suffered nutritionally.
  • The animal kingdom does not display a linear pattern of species linking the lowest forms to humankind.
  • That's good news for researchers, too — especially those who deal with the surlier members of the animal kingdom. Mr. Know-It-All: Sex-Offender Witch Hunt, Facebook Fibs, Radio-Tagged Deer
  • In fact, telomerase actiity has been barely catalogued in the animal kingdom.
  • I've always known that cat owners are somewhat fanatical when it comes to their pets, but the sheer number of sites devoted to this finicky member of the animal kingdom probably outnumbers the amount of cats in this country.
  • Up to that time the chief aim in the classification of the animal kingdom was to arrange all the animals from lowest to highest, from the infusorium to man, in one long and continuous series. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • My god, these discoveries and research about the Bonobo could be some of the most important in all of the animal kingdom and our religious squirminess has stopped us from truly glorifying what seems to be the other sentient intelligent species on this planet! 2009 February | Netflow Developments
  • Anybody who has some understanding of the animal kingdom will recognise that the worst thing a dog owner can do to a pet is overfeed it.
  • In the years following Trivers' initial paper many biologists thought that reciprocal altruism was widespread in the animal kingdom.
  • On the other hand, perhaps I am carefully picking my words so that I can make both Gaia and the animal kingdom sound as if they are alive.
  • Even in my newly adopted home in Florida, I am still bewildered to see critters outside Animal Kingdom.
  • Human beings, on the other hand, have the foulest mouths in the animal kingdom and their bites are always septic.
  • Of and about the animal kingdom are: deer and camel grass, elephant and tiger grass, kangaroo grass, fox and dog grass, cattail, rattail, mouse and mousetail grass, and, just for luck, rabbit foot. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol III No 1
  • Those raised in urban Western understanding of the psychology of the animal kingdom tend to view the fox as a cunning, sly, deceitful animal.
  • In the animal kingdom, it's known as thanatosis - an animal feigns death in order to evade predators or unwelcome mating attention. Ben Sherwood: Playing Dead: How to Survive Like the Hero in the Binghamton Massacre
  • Would you like creatures of the animal kingdom? Times, Sunday Times
  • These are the most elegant, gentle creatures in the animal kingdom. The Sun
  • As for keeping their numbers down, leave it to mother nature, she'll sort out the animal kingdom the natural way.
  • Animals have the vegetable kingdom for their nourishment, and within the animal kingdom again every animal is the prey and food of some other.
  • The animal kingdom does not display a linear pattern of species linking the lowest forms to humankind.
  • Such a crude lie can surely be perceived by that genius of the animal kingdom, humans.
  • With man effort not often matched in the animal kingdom, he overcame that considerable obstacle.
  • This creature had the largest eyes in the whole animal kingdom.
  • So it is, right now, with the suddenly vanishing animal kingdom, mostly small, such as fireflies, and bees, and bats, and all sorts of amphibians. Godzilla Stock | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • The poor ichthyoids are even discriminated against by many so-called vegetarians who deny fish their status as members of the animal kingdom since they're wet, smelly, and don't purr.
  • This we shall see to be as true of man as of any of his relatives in the animal kingdom.
  • Unlike the preservationists, we believe that it is our job to manage the animal kingdom with the natural predators that God has provided to keep populations in balance.
  • The dinosaur had camouflage used throughout the animal kingdom today: dark on the top, light on the bottom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Arthropods, chordates and annelids are the three segmented phyla in the animal kingdom.
  • Accepting, then, the type of articulates as founded in nature from the similar modes of development and points of structure perceived between the worms and the crustacea on the one hand, and the worms and insects on the other, have we not a strong genetic bond uniting these three great groups into one grand subkingdom, and can we not in imagination perceive the successive steps by which the Creator, acting through the laws of evolution, has built up the great articulate division of the animal kingdom? Our Common Insects A Popular Account of the Insects of Our Fields, Forests, Gardens and Houses
  • The animal kingdom was represented by gelatin in the form of meat stock; isinglass; and hartshorn.
  • They are the tanks of the animal kingdom, and they come in many forms.
  • I've always known that cat owners are somewhat fanatical when it comes to their pets, but the sheer number of sites devoted to this finicky member of the animal kingdom probably outnumbers the amount of cats in this country.
  • These gentlemen are said (p. 190) to have introduced a stranger in the animal kingdom, a species of _acarus_ or mite amidst a solution of silica submitted to the electric current. An Expository Outline of the "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation" With a Notice of the Author's "Explanations:" A Sequel to the Vestiges
  • Complex signals are common throughout the animal kingdom, consisting of one or more signals in one or more sensory modalities presented within a single display.
  • So it seemed wise, even prudent, to seek counsel from the animal kingdom; these multifarious species, many of which predate humankind and have survived cataclysms far worse than our present imaginings.
  • From the number of e-mails I've received from the "disagreeables," those people who are reading my articles and asking me in Sean Hannityesque fervor why I hate America, I have to admit that several more among the animal kingdom, in addition to Barney-the-dog and Laura-the-wife, remain loyal in buttressing George. The Blood of October
  • Two companion works, Six of the bestiary and Quartet of beasts, illustrate an ancient Chinese encyclopaedia in which the entire animal kingdom is broken down into fourteen categories.
  • In the animal kingdom intruders usually lose contests over territories.
  • Molluscs Molluscs belong to the largest phylum in the animal kingdom and are a very varied group of animals.
  • Arthropods, chordates and annelids are the three segmented phyla in the animal kingdom.
  • Since Aesop mined the animal kingdom for characters, it was only natural that he incorporated plenty of birds in his fables.
  • Try dating something from the vertebrate branch of the animal kingdom. AMBERBEACH
  • The elephant's nose or, more familiarly, trunk is the most versatile organ in the animal kingdom.
  • Historic parkland in North Yorkshire is now home to some gentle giants of the animal kingdom - a herd of North American bison.

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