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  1. express blame or censure or make a harshly critical remark
  2. express one's opinion openly and without fear or hesitation
    John spoke up at the meeting

How To Use animadvert In A Sentence

  • The animadverted on his faults and the badness of his taste.
  • In fact, as one of the speakers in the senate was rising to animadvert upon and oppose Hannibal's views, he undertook to pull him down and silence him by force.
  • Bemoaning the state of British arts in general, she animadverted concerning our undoubted satirical prowess: "It's easy for us, it's what we do? we just lift an arse cheek and out it comes. Rude Britannia: British Comic Art, at Tate Britain
  • I said how much I enjoyed myself and I was sorry to have animadverted on his character.
  • _Animadvertere_ is the proper expression for the infliction of bodily punishment by a lictor, who _has to pay attention to his orders_; but it is also used of the person who gives the order, and causes it to be carried into effect, just as _interficere_ is said both of the executioner and the person who orders a man to be put to death. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • The Nabob finding his time after dinner hang somewhat heavy on his hand, and the moon being tolerably bright, had, one harvest evening, sought his usual remedy for dispelling ennui by a walk to the Manse, where he was sure, that, if he could not succeed in engaging the minister himself in some disputation, he would at least find something in the establishment to animadvert upon and to restore to order. Saint Ronan's Well
  • Especially in the period of Institutional Revolution fell under complete negation, and Jiluan Zhang suffered animadvert.
  • We regret to animadvert upon the disturbance and disorderly conduct exhibited in the Town Hall of New Rochelle upon Thursday evening, the 16th.
  • Humfrey, in his "Peaceable Disquisitions," having animadverted on the spirit in which Clagett had dealt with Owen, Clagett published another volume, and promised a third on the opinions of the Fathers respecting the points at issue. Pneumatologia
  • Turning is so versatile: avert invert revert animadvert pervert evert convert divert revert. Justine Lai paints herself having sex with each of the Presidents, beginning with George Washington.
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