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[ US /ˈænəˌɫin/ ]
[ UK /ˈænɪlˌiːn/ ]
  1. oily poisonous liquid amine obtained from nitrobenzene and used to make dyes and plastics and medicines

How To Use aniline In A Sentence

  • Quinaldine can be made by reacting aniline, hydrochloric acid, and paraldehyde.
  • They can be diazotised at the ordinary temperature, and their diazo compounds are much stabler than those, for example, of alpha-and beta-naphthylamine or of aniline, which must always be used as quickly as possible. The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student
  • It is well known that in coal-tar is found a series of ammonia-like bases, aniline or amido-benzol, toluidine or amido-toluol, and xylidine or amido-xylol, which are utilized practically in the manufacture of the so-called aniline dye-colors. Scientific American Supplement, No. 415, December 15, 1883
  • It is well known that in coal-tar is found a series of ammonia-like bases, aniline or amido-benzol, toluidine or amido-toluol, and xylidine or amido-xylol, which are utilized practically in the manufacture of the so-called aniline dye-colors. Scientific American Supplement, No. 415, December 15, 1883
  • Believing that not all samples of aniline oil worked consistently, Ziehl substituted phenol (carbolic acid) in its place.
  • The calculations of Sponar suggest the nonplanarity of amino groups that are bound to aromatic systems such as in aniline or in the nucleic acid bases.
  • This paper provided the way im which Aniline can be multi - electro - polymerized in the neutral medium solution.
  • In alkaline solution azobenzene results, while arsenic acid produces the violet-colouring matter violaniline. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • These amido compounds, of which aniline, toluidine, benzidine, naphthylamine are familiar examples, are characterised by containing the molecular group NH {2}, which radicle is built up of the two elements nitrogen and hydrogen. The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student
  • He cited examples of two key raw materials namely phenol and aniline, which are required to manufacture leather chemicals, pigments, dyestuff and rubber chemicals.
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