
How To Use Ani In A Sentence

  • Their dried dung is found everywhere, and is in many places the only fuel afforded by the plains; their skulls, which last longer than any other part of the animal, are among the most familiar of objects to the plainsman; their bones are in many districts so plentiful that it has become a regular industry, followed by hundreds of men (christened "bone hunters" by the frontiersmen), to go out with wagons and collect them in great numbers for the sake of the phosphates they yield; and Bad Lands, plateaus, and prairies alike, are cut up in all directions by the deep ruts which were formerly buffalo trails. VIII. The Lordly Buffalo
  • It is recognised as a crime against humanity under international law.
  • We carried spare water for the rad, a hand pump just in case the Dunlop pressure dropped, and maybe even a canister of petrol.
  • It is by these special touches that the author infuses the books with the spirit of humanity, without which a fantasy becomes an empty fancy.
  • Note that you'll be able to find the demonstration projects themselves as open-source projects on the companion site to the column (see Resources).
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  • Have a cosmic awareness, an interest in ecology, environment, vegetarianism, or are very socially conscious.
  • a class in conversational Spanish.
  • In the forecabins, the head and shower is located forward and has a large mirrored vanity with ample storage below.
  • By adding the chlorides of strontian, uranium, potassium, sodium, iron, or copper to the liquid, various effects may be produced, and these bodies will be found to produce the same color on the plate that their flame gives to alcohol. American Hand Book of the Daguerreotype
  • Kids at one Connecticut school don't like a new rule, but you probably won't hear them expressing themselves by using profanity: the rule to keep kids from cussing.
  • Sony Pictures Animation has a full slate of films including the mouth-watering 3D comedy Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, which opened as the #1 movie in North America on September 18, Hotel Transylvania, now in pre-production and, in association with Columbia Pictures, The Smurfs, now in production. Anton Yelchin and Fred Armisen Join The Smurfs | /Film
  • The front end of the Jaguar was on stands and two mechanics were fitting a new shock absorber. A QUESTION OF PRINCIPLE
  • Prior to the 19th century, the region's social structure - outside of a few major cities, including Baghdad - was organized primarily around relatively isolated tribal confederations.
  • We had engaged a very nice mare and stanhope, which we knew we could depend upon, when, the day before the race, the chestnut was declared lame, and not a presentable four-legged animal was to be hired in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 59, No. 363, January, 1846
  • Businesses and service organizations were losing employees and customers weekly, daily, and eventually hourly.
  • A leisurely breakfast - even the motel manager was moaning about the way the Italians "hogged" the muffins this morning and drank cups of milk instead of putting it on their bran flakes! TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • Visitors are welcome to fuss and pet the animals. The Sun
  • Chartists at once organized resistance to what they called the usurpation and, after a long civil war, were successful. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • The League Against Cruel Sports issued a statement Wednesday calling on Ottawa to "take steps to end the immense cruelty to animals in events such as calf-roping, which is practised at rodeos including the Calgary Stampede. CTV BritishColumbiaHome
  • Schedule 3 comprises a number of toxic or precursor chemicals with widespread industrial uses, such as phosgene, hydrogen cyanide, phosphorus trichloride and thionyl chloride.
  • The Danish Dairy Board and the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Fisheries supported this study.
  • Thereafter thought, weighing the truth or falseness of the notion, determines what is true: and this explains the Greek word for thought, dianoia, which is derived from dianoein, meaning to think and discriminate. NPNF2-09. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus
  • This animal is found in Australia, and nowhere else.
  • Most organic farmers try to supply their nitrogen needs with legumes in the crop rotation or with manures and composts.
  • He had just received my check and was apoplectic with rage, declaring he never wanted to see or have anything to do with ‘that woman’ - meaning me - again.
  • The composition of displaced terranes ranges from that of typical oceanic crust to significantly less dense granitic rock with clear continental affinities.
  • Spanish-American War of 1898 Edison suggested to the Navy Department the adoption of a compound of calcium carbide and calcium phosphite, which when placed in a shell and fired from a gun would explode as soon as it struck water and ignite, producing a blaze that would continue several minutes and make the ships of the enemy visible for four or five miles at sea. Edison, His Life and Inventions
  • The CDC asks states to report confirmed flu deaths by age group but not by subtype, meaning H1N1 deaths are not necessarily tracked. Top News Headlines
  • Such aggregations not only promote transmission of micro-organisms but through repeated exposure allow large doses of these.
  • Over 20 factors were analyzed amongst the DUI attorneys sampled, including whether free consultations are offered, if a lawyer is willing to do 'outcall' (meaning they will meet with potential clients outside the office), how aggressive the defense of the client is, the degree to which each client is offered access to their lawyer, how much time is spent with each client talking by phone or over email, and other factors. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • In that time she accompanied members of the Royal Family on some unforgettable overseas tours.
  • Eating disorders, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa, are characterised by morbid preoccupation with weight and shape and manifest through distorted or chaotic eating behaviour.
  • Another constant thread is lesbianism, as if to say that women are better off without men.
  • Under this arrangement, the men of each village were organized into ‘tithings ' and expected to answer for each other's good behaviour.
  • All interested parties are asked to attend with a view to setting up a committee to organize and plan the same.
  • I can find no legitimate references to the use of metallic, inorganic, or organic silver compounds as a sanitizer, disinfectant, or sterilizing agent. quaternary ammonium chloride compounds - Mixtures of compounds such as alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride, didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride, dioctyl dimethyl ammonium chloride, and octyl decyl dimethyl ammonium chloride are very commonly used as surface sanitizer; if you look at your household cleaners that claim disinfecting properties, there's a high percentage chance that you'll find a "quat". Question ;Microdyne
  • He can still credit marvels, the little miracles and epiphanies that rise out of our daily lives.
  • Sed vt bonis et cordatis omnibus, etiam extraneis, satisfaciam qui maledicentiam istam Germanicam lecturi vel audituri sunt, aut olim audierint, ne et hi nos meritò calumniam tantam sustinere credant: Tum etiam vt alios qui istis virulentis rhythmis A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • It is therefore unsurprising that such seizures are sometimes confused with panic attacks.
  • The relationships between hagfishes, lampreys, and jawed vertebrates are one of the still-unresolved problems in craniate phylogeny.
  • Mediterranean to look out for a French and Spanish squadron, which had been on the coast of Portugal, but returned to Ferrol --- I received all your letters by the Turkish corvette, which is arrived at Messina. The Life of the Right Honourable Horatio Lord Viscount Nelson, Volume 2
  • They dismiss concerns that some of the Africans who flocked to Libya under Mr. Gadhafi's policy of pan-Africanism might be subject to retribution.
  • Sometimes, when people die of heart failure, they first suffer angor animi, anguish of the soul. Times, Sunday Times
  • A study by Conservation International, an American organisation, found that nearly a third of frogs, toads, newts and other amphibian species were likely to disappear within 100 years.
  • He vanished from the scene, to materialize presently in front of the door.
  • A recent issue of Gastroenterology reports on animal studies describing a swallowable capsule that can transmit video images as it travels through the small intestine.
  • Hi! ufficio immatricolazione catania Croce italia marche bollino blu euro 4 Campo golf irrigazione risultato roma milan fiamma tricolore emilia nome canzone cd rudebox COMPRA PLAYSTATION 3 ADESSO biomassa sansa esausta 509 99 perito industriale Reso Condemning MoveOn Passes Overwhelmingly, With Lots Of Dems
  • Josefina Scaglione's YouTube video When Mr. Laurents first called the willowy soprano, who speaks with lushly rolled r's and sometimes interrupts conversation to ask the meaning of an English word, she was performing the role of Amber Von Tussle in a Buenos Aires production of "Hairspray. I've Just Met a Girl Named Josefina
  • Its heroes were beastly revellers or cruel and ferocious plunderers; its heroines unsexed hoidens, playing the ugliest tricks with their lovers, and repaying slights with bloody revenge, -- very dangerous and unsatisfactory companions for any other than the fire - eating Vikings and redhanded, unwashed Berserkers. The Conflict with Slavery and Others, Complete, Volume VII, The Works of Whittier: the Conflict with Slavery, Politics and Reform, the Inner Life and Criticism
  • Now the word "prayer" to non-Muslim readers will evoke an image of people perhaps silently clasping their hands together, leaning forward in a pew, and either silently, to themselves, or in a quiet tone, speaking heartfeltly to God. David Horowitz Freedom Center
  • Several other recent transfers have been accompanied by a strong whiff of controversy.
  • No reasonable person wants animals to suffer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Organic carbon mineralization was studied in a large humic lake in northern Sweden during a well-defined summer stratification period following high water flow during snowmelt.
  • Thirty unarmed INS agents accompanied the flight, guarding the handcuffed deportees in shifts, standing in aircraft's aisles at every fifth row.
  • She knew now how attractive Miguel could be when he wanted to be, and she knew he could manipulate her feelings.
  • This is because people who suffer Panic Disorder, when they experience tetany for the first time, often think incorrectly that they are about to die.
  • We've seen how things turned out for Scotland's national football manager; matters are organised no differently in the more modest context that is Scottish shinty.
  • The 22-year-old arrived without huge fanfare or any of the media lobbying that normally accompanies the promotion of a fresh face.
  • These require you to face manipulative individuals, relinquish your rights unfairly or be exquisitely tactful when you'd be justified in blowing up. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term aesthetics was coined in the eighteenth century by the German philosopher Alexander Baumgarten from the Greek word aisthetikos meaning “perceptive, especially by feeling”. MARKETING AESTHETICS
  • Severe paruresis in school aged children can also lead to complete school refusal by the child, as well as more pervasive anxiety that can spread into other areas of life, such as social anxiety or even panic attacks. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • Allegheny Technologies Incorporated manufactures titanium, hafnium, tungsten, and cobalt. Eric Lotke: Steel City: Forgotten but Not Gone
  • She loved Ty, but she never got his organization and orderliness.
  • The Guidance concentrates on the organizational status of internal audit and the objectivity of internal auditors in achieving the requisite independence.
  • That said, the advisability of perching a laurel crown on a horse-riding hat, which tended to happen after the equestrianism events, may have to be addressed.
  • A tumour had manifested itself. Fine fabric had been scarred.
  • Unlike anything else in his catalog, Aura is a ten-part suite composed by Danish flugelhornist Palle Mikkelbourg as a tribute.
  • The fact that your name adorned a jet over the skies over Afghanistan solidifies the bond all of us in the military share with the American people. CNN Transcript Mar 17, 2002
  • Your clock has a floating balance mechanism.
  • Both these people have lied and manipulated people through the press to believe one facade after another in order to get whatever it is they want…
  • Such an approach not only allows the authors to discuss the work from many different angles, but allows them to do so without implying that the practical quandaries in The Angel of History can be reduced to a simple meaning.
  • Why such a paper has never been given to the world, I am much at a loss to say—but, perhaps, the autorial vanity has had more to do with the omission than any one other cause. The Philosophy of Composition
  • It was not a great botanic garden, but it was a lung in the midst of the crowded brick and stone of human habitation. THY BROTHER DEATH
  • Chess takes the place of all the other passions, and the people in his life, including his parents, become shadowy, meaningless figures.
  • As for the problem…one wonders if the africanized honeybee is having similar problems or if it is limited to the “domesticated” variety. Bees still alive and buzzing | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Some animals may consume insignificant amounts of the primary production.
  • The transitional zones between low backgrounds of W Mo group elements and iron group and chalcophile elements are the favorable enriched zones of uranium deposits.
  • The same thing happened when I was at the animal hospital, too; two or three people got preggers there, sometime before I left.
  • an essay with a meaning that was not always discernible
  • She damped her cloth before cleaning the windows.
  • In fact, it should not recommend either, since the spicy salami, bocconcini and tomato panino is too stingy on fillings.
  • Before one embarks on this high flying experience, the organisers supply a crash helmet, and a safety waist belt which is securely tied with a long and strong rope to the huge multi-coloured parasail.
  • An Iron Ancestor is a reanimated and iron - forged dead body possessed by a ghost.
  • Efforts by tobacco companies to stop confectioners selling candy cigarettes in packs resembling cigarette brands seem to have been minimal.
  • This species is also closely associated with colonies of various seabirds and marine mammals; it feeds among birds and seals and has been considered a commensal of those colonial animals.
  • For 10,000,000 years during the Miocene, Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs this area was a fiery inferno of constant volcanic activity and magnificent giants such as the Grizaba, La Malinche, Iztaccihuatl, Popocatepetl, Volcan de Toluca and Volcan de Colima, along with thousands of smaller volcanic cones, came into eruptive existence. The geology and geography of Lake Chapala and western Mexico
  • In other cases panting is caused, i.e. the mechanism most often seen in the dog under natural conditions, when it is hot. Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
  • The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation is responsible for internal security, for counter-espionage, for counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism.
  • Eventually almost all postwar writers whose work departs significantly from convention have come to be labeled "postmodernist," a term that has definable meaning but that also has been used as an aid in this lashing-out, a way to further disparage such writers both by lumping them together indiscriminately and by identifying their work as just another participant in literary fashion. Postmodernism
  • So I was writing an email about comparing Mormonism and traditional Christianity and I wrote “moronism” instead. Moronism « Christopher Colaninno
  • After just the right wait, they arrived, each accompanied by a side dish of steamed vegetables.
  • Companies must earn a reputation for honesty.
  • To avoid having sodium react with oxygen or water vapor in the air, it is usually stored under kerosene, naphtha, or some other organic liquid with which it does not react.
  • The other key aspect of the restoration involved repointing the exterior masonry, in the facades of limestone, sandstone, and granite.
  • There wasn't a blank spot anywhere, beautiful carpets covered most of the floor and there were paintings and animal furs on the walls.
  • Evidence such as this serves to undermine the apparently monolithic edifice of Victorianism.
  • Children in particular should not have to witness wholesale slaughter of animals to which they may have become very attached.
  • This is a composite image of the 1st pair of pleopods and the outer branch (exopodite) of the right (animal's left) pair that came apart during the removal operation (each pleopod has an outer and an inner branch). Archive 2007-12-01
  • Different methods are a better fit for different people," Lyubomirsky explains."Keeping a daily gratitude journal seems hokey to some people, but writing a letter of gratitude may be very meaningful.
  • The whole project is in suspended animation while we wait for permission to proceed.
  • Serve with cream or vanilla ice cream. Times, Sunday Times
  • Canaanite: but [197] _John baptized in Ænon, near to Salim, because there was much water there: and they came, and were baptized_. A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume I.
  • Instead, they've argued, companies are more like biological organisms - living things that learn, evolve, and eventually die.
  • The resemblance also of the human stomach to that of the orang-outang is greater than to that of any other animal. The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • Christianity could not content itself with building up its own altar; it was absolutely forced to undertake the destruction of the heathen altars
  • All this seems to contradict the expectation of the manipulation theorists.
  • The men were droning at each other in their Greek-inflected patois, or singing through their noses to the accompaniment of a flute out of tune.
  • Such a usage is ethically unacceptable, politically manipulative and decidedly unhistorical.
  • Witnesses said that two Hispanic men were seen toting the garments away.
  • Daniel Defoe, The Consoli - dator: or Memoirs and Sundry Transactions from the World in the Moon (London, 1705). COSMIC VOYAGES
  • He infected mice and rabbits with Trypanosoma gondii, the parasite responsible for the dreaded sleeping sickness, then injected the animals with chemical derivatives to determine if any of them could halt the infection. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • It shows a stag hunt, accompanied by more unlikely woodland animals such as a monkey and a tortoise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Animals were visitors from the other world temporarily assuming animal shapes.
  • Zoophagous insects extract nutrients from a living animal host and represent a broad group of parasitic insects.
  • The companion star would emit plenty of its own UV radiation, but this radiation would be blocked in the direction of Eta Carinae by the thick nebulosity of the giant star's surrounding gas, dust, and stellar wind.
  • In one of his books he reviewed the early nineteenth-century development of catastrophism and uniformitarianism and made this revealing comment.
  • The watchdog plans to issue formal regulatory guidance setting out how companies should handle endowment complaints and assess where compensation is due.
  • The best defensive spell available to a Sorceress is manifest in this formidable armor.
  • Statistical analysis for significant difference in the slope of mutant induction in the presence or absence of vanillin was performed using the f-test for comparison of slopes.
  • This bulky animal is one of the most dangerous mammals to be found anywhere.
  • She gave me a cheerful grin and rattled off her past employers, accompanied by a brief biodata, both seemingly satisfying.
  • For the last five years, he's been a fixture on Houston street corners begging for money, a life Edwards describes as dehumanizing and empty. CNN Transcript Mar 29, 2009
  • The rival TV companies are in a race to bring out the first film drama of his life.
  • Contador, who won the 2007 Tour and the 2008 Spanish Vuelta and Giro d'Italia, is also aiming to win in Paris this year. Armstrong, Contador team up in Castilla Leon race
  • Most work places have a huge manual of lists of organizations, religious, animal charities, local characteries. Latest Articles
  • The series has been optioned twice by film companies but no one has ever gotten as far as the script stage. Marcia Muller talks about her heroine Sharon McCone
  • A touch is all that is needed to lube delicate trigger mechanisms, firing pins, ejectors, extractors and springs.
  • These companies will also sell you mason bee cocoons, if you don't want to wait for the neighborhood bees to stumble across your beehouse on their own. Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
  • Adele brushes her perfectly manicured fingertips atop the cold, smooth metal of the letter opener.
  • In some quarters the touching belief that financial services companies will reward loyalty persists. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike several other states, Pennsylvania has no provisions for unincorporated territory.
  • Ye same did rede a portion of his "Venus and Adonis," to their prodigious admiration, whereas I, being sleepy and fatigued withal, did deme it but paltry stuff, and was the more discomforted in that ye blody bucanier had got his wind again, and did turn his mind to farting with such villain zeal that presently I was like to choke once more. 1601
  • The latest strategy is now seen dropping unsupported accusations across the media spectrum to the effect that the intelligence agency's assignment of Ambassador Joseph Wilson to look into the now-discredited Iraq/Niger/uranium claims were all part of a long-term insidious scheme to try and discredit the Bush Administration. Brad Friedman: Wingnuts Declare Coordinated All-Out Cross-Media War on CIA as Newest Front in TreasonGate!
  • Nanotechnology is in danger of being pigeonholed as a risky, hazardous and controversial business, a new study has found, because companies in the emerging field are not tackling the very real health and safety issues involved.
  • Lia was looking around her shoulder, as if she was expecting a stampede of wild animals to come charging down the corner.
  • In fact, little by little the term necromancy lost its strict meaning and was applied to all forms of black art, becoming closely associated with alchemy, witchcraft, and magic. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • His theory was that animals were the ‘slaves of man’ and he spoke of the ‘tyranny of humans over non-human animals.’
  • [GLGT] Fwah KLM and Lufthansa chiong into volcanic dust cloud~~~
  • The water vascular system of the sea stars open up at the madreporite, a perforated opening in the central part of the animal.
  • Organizing your finances and time helps you become more productive and responsive and ensures you avoid unnecessary pitfalls, such as incurring wasteful late fees. - Home Page RSS
  • Aerogels had been largely forgotten when, in the late 1970s, the French government approached Stanislaus Teichner at Universite Claud Bernard, Lyon seeking a method for storing oxygen and rocket fuels in porous materials. A Real Spinoff that NASA Has Seemingly Forgotten About - NASA Watch
  • The director organised two-day hippy schools for his extras, in which they were shown news clips from 1969 and instructed in hippy speak until such antiquated terms as 'crashpad', 'dig' and 'groovy' came naturally. Latest articles - Radio Prague
  • My disorganization was a chaotic river that I waded through every day, somehow coming out the other end dry only due to the comparatively placid pace of being a Londoner. Ed Zitron: Ride the Whirlwind: Making a New York Minute Last
  • She provides love, companionship and entertainment, and brings so much happiness to my life.
  • Generally, carnivore species are more dimorphic for canine measurements than for skull length.
  • … Others can only be identified with a microscope, such as the majority of protozoa [single-celled animals], certain blood filariae [small larvae of pathogen parasites in the blood vessels], and the trichinae. Modern Science in the Bible
  • So asking them to use mild soaps and weaning them away from perfumes and deodorants is our primary task,’ he said.
  • Fire ants feed on almost any plant or animal material, including vulnerable reptile and ground-bird hatchlings.
  • anisotropy," has been seen from the Northern Hemisphere by previous experiments, she says, but its source is still a mystery. Space News From SpaceDaily.Com
  • It is the latter which is the deeper meaning of existentialism.
  • She was leaning against the wall, staring out over the still snowy landscape.
  • The conditions attached and qualifications stipulated by the companies could kill you before any disease.
  • With no requalifying for the Ryder Cup, no wild-card picks and no apparent animosity, the only thing to talk about has been how poorly many of the team members are playing.
  • Wilkins is now extolling the virtues of organic farming.
  • Their bodies are not distinctly segmented, but an important feature of their anatomy is the carapace, a folded shell-like structure which covers the animal and opens both ventrally and posteriorly.
  • They claim the vermin-annoyers show no consistent success or, sometimes, no success at all. They're not approved for use by commercial pest-control companies because not enough is known about potential side effects.
  • The Irish actor was as famous for his varied movie roles as his drinking and womanising.
  • Forage crops, pasture, and rangelands are important in feeding ruminant animals tied to the meat and dairy industries.
  • You come over as a capable and amusing companion.
  • Animals are humanized, that is, the kinship between animal and human life is still keenly felt, and this reminds us of those early animistic interpretations of nature which subsequently led to doctrines of metempsychosis. The Art of the Story-Teller
  • These results indicate that, depending on the unique features of a given learning, experience, very different classes of mechanisms can be engaged to subserve memory in a particular time domain.
  • Hytra Grouper on a bed of salicornia and spinach accompanied with a crayfish sauce scented with pelargonium at Hytra It's daybreak at Athens' Agora, or central market, and the air is buzzing with the cries of fish mongers hawking the day's catch. Not Your Typical Greek Salad
  • Likewise, if you told an ethologist that you found a new species of primate that is closely related to chimps, she would instantly know a tremendous amount about this animal and what it might be able to do. Bunny and a Book
  • Particularly true now as more areas are organising summer courses and events for you to attend and include in your diary.
  • In neopaganism, the spring and autumn equinoxes are called Ostara and Mabon, respectively, although these names are modern in origin and don't correspond to any ancient festivals. CBC | Top Stories News
  • The key to the sealant is a family of unique mussel adhesive proteins containing a high concentration of dihydroxyphenylalanine, an amino acid. The Money Times - finance news, lifestyle, markets, investment, personal finance, banking, retirement planning
  • The helicopter then touches down so that the same man, known as a mugger, can dash in and use a syringe to administer a mild sedative to the animal. stories
  • A critical specialization in the locomotor spectrum for aquatic animals is buoyancy.
  • Along the rocky paths Buddhist monks appear like ghosts and vanish mysteriously into the trees.
  • Amoebiasis can be prevented by good hygiene and sanitary conditions.
  • Traditional rural staples are sweet potatoes, manioc, yams, corn, rice, pigeon peas, cowpeas, bread, and coffee.
  • Yes, it means a re-think of the way we give, but it promises to truly lift up lives in these hard times and bring us back to the true definition of the word 'philanthropy,' which literally means "the love of humanity. Melanie Lundquist: Time to Change the Way We Give
  • Its purpose is to gather sufficient information to answer questions about magma chambers in oceanic crust.
  • Petrifications, where no organic material remains, are usually prepared as thin sections or polished and studied under reflected light.
  • Instead of talking about the mechanical superiority of their latest cars, manufacturers hired the sexiest, perkiest breasted young women they could find to writhe, lean and lick their lips next to their new products. Judith Acosta: How Marketers Capitalize On Your Fear: Confessions Of An Ex-Ad-Woman
  • Is that something you really want to see, that kind of ossified thinking in a bureaucratic organization like Homeland Security? CNN Transcript Jul 21, 2005
  • Mr Smith hopes that his campaign will attract the support of all organisations for the elderly or those on low incomes.
  • Tournament organiser Ussher Watson will take late entries for the junior events this evening at Belfast 647934.
  • Since the anito is the cause of all bodily afflictions the chief function of the person who battles for the health of the afflicted is that of the exorcist, rather than that of the therapeutist. The Bontoc Igorot
  • The International Labour Organisation identifies the following factors that indicate forced labour.
  • To our no small surprise, very soon after this quietus had been given to bibliomaniacal hopes, the books in question appeared before us in excellent condition. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, No. 97, November, 1865
  • The upper layer of a plate is composed of either oceanic or continental crust or both.
  • One of the first aims of propaganda is to dehumanize the enemy in the public mind.
  • The wide planing hull lends stability for easy shots down tough rapids, and the boat's upturned bow makes punching through big holes a cinch.
  • In this alone it stands as a triumph of contrarianism.
  • His neighbour goes on holiday, and Danielle shows up to house-sit.
  • Success was to be defined as the exfiltration of Bin Ladin out of Afghanistan.28 A meeting of principals was scheduled for May 29 to decide whether the operation should go ahead. Think Progress » Report: Saddam and Al Qaeda Enemies, Not Collaborators
  • The lack of a back-and-forth "us-verus-Nasdaq" makes it hard to imagine what the exchanges, and the fees, will look like, said Neil Catania , co-founder of agency-only brokerage firm MND Partners, located on the NYSE floor. Stock Traders Fear Fee Hit
  • The opening Thursday of SugarHouse Casino, Pennsylvania's 10th casino, comes after years of community protests and delays.
  • Over 300,000 visitors a year enjoy the waterfalls, flower gardens, exotic birds, animal life and the children's playground.
  • The coroner said it's up to travel companies to warn customers of any possible dangers.
  • Its political culture, once fiercely democratic, is being eroded by a manipulated, bureaucratic legalism that identifies dissent as disloyalty.
  • I duly surrendered my little device, only to feel a sudden pang of panic on my way back to my seat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both the antisense drug and glibenclamide led to 75% reductions in spinal cord lesion volume six weeks after the injury, compared with sham-treated animals, the researchers reported. Social Security Reports, News and Informaion
  • WASHINGTON — A U.S. military official says the Navy had a close encounter with an Iranian surveillance plane last week in the Gulf of Oman. Iranian Military Plane 'Buzzes' U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier
  • We ought to organize more social events.
  • For example, male orangs are typically much larger than females and have longer canine teeth.
  • What was the State of Florida doing to these poor, dumb animals?
  • The established idea that granitoid magmas ascend through the continental crust as diapirs is being increasingly questioned by igneous and structural geologists.
  • Early adopters will include utility and energy companies, local councils, and companies and individuals who want to be seen to be green. Times, Sunday Times

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