
How To Use Angus In A Sentence

  • Angus cattle are naturally polled and this is passed onto future generations even when crossbred.
  • And how coincidental is it that he just happens to be working with Angus Scrimm, star of my all time favorite horror film ‘Phantasm.’ The Tail Section » 2007 » May
  • Their livestock consists of Hereford and Aberdeen Angus cattle and free-range hens.
  • He offered Angus a high-powered job and, eventually, the likeable Scot became Sales Manager.
  • I picked listlessly at my Black Angus steak, not quite al dente fettuccine, and sighed.
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  • Notable are Tabebuia angustata (roble de yugo), Fraxinus cubensis (búfano), Annona glabra, Gueltarda combiri, Sabal parviflora, Bucida palustris, Hibiscus elatus, H. tiliaceus (majagua), Jatropha integerrima, Copernicia spp. Cuban wetlands
  • There ain't no grass, said Moochie Metz, 83 years old, as Black Angus cattle foraged in short scrub less than 10 miles from the swollen river. Two Plagues Hit Louisiana
  • Angus beef is claimed to be more reliably marbled, fattier and juicier than that of competing breeds.
  • Cliff and ravine vegetation is often very diverse and dense; the chasmophytic flora includes Cissus quadrangularis, Ficus lecardii, Boscia angustifolia, Euphorbia sudanica, Lannea microcarpa and Combretum lecardii. Cliffs of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons), Mali
  • A study by Dr Angus Davison has helped to uncover new facts about the most common organic compound found on earth - a substance called cellulose.
  • Angus was thrown forward as the car slammed to a halt.
  • Labels: onions, pimpin ', pirates posted by Angus @ 4/29/2009 02: 14: 00 PM This week's sign of the apocalypse
  • Labels: pimpin ', pirates, wtf? posted by Angus @ 5/23/2009 07: 12: 00 PM Yeah, there's an app for that
  • Angus thought everyone looked so chilly that he shivered in sympathy and took a swallow from his flask.
  • Angus had already poured his first glass of Tassie sauvignon blanc as we surveyed the 270-degree sweep of the ocean from the lodge's deck.
  • Kohati on see tee Robin Hobbi skill road, kohati tunned ära keskmaa kivised rajad läbi Ürgmägede, siis aga saad aru, et jalutad läbi mõne metsa või mäe kaardi Magicu mängus. Tatsutahime Diary Entry
  • Other primarily montane species include the gymnure (Hylomys suillus), siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus), and red-cheeked squirrel (Dremomys rufigenys). Peninsular Malaysian montane rain forests
  • The farm's herd is a cross between the indigenous Wagyu and another quality export from Scotland, the Aberdeen Angus.
  • Angus Grossart denied he had a conflict of interest as he was reappointed to the board.
  • Huic census exuberat, sed est pudori degener sanguis; hunc nobilitas notum facit, sed angustia rei familiaris inclusus esse mallet ignotus. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • In Dream Angus, certain mythological episodes concerning Angus’ conception, birth and life are beautifully retold. Archive 2007-06-01
  • They are dominated by Cyperus latifolius with C. aterrimus or Hypericum lanceolatum, Alchemilla cryptantha, Anagallis angustiloba and Jussiaea repens. Kahuzi-Biéga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
  • V. testa turbinata, globoso-conica, late umbilicata, spira elatiuscula, epidermide tenui fusco-viridi obtecta; anfractibus convexis, ad suturas subplanatis, faciis tribus vel quatuor angustis olivaceo-viridibus transversis ornatis; anfractu ultimo inflato, lineis duabus impressis ad peripheriam instructo; apertura ovata, postice subangulata; labio simplici; labro acuto. The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
  • MS.); pilis stellatis brevibus rigidis asperis, foliis angusto-linearibus obtusis marginibus revolutis, floribus in ramos breves solitariis, staminibus sub-12 unilateralibus, filamentis infra medium inaequaliter connexis antheras longitudine aequantibus, ovario parvo globoso lanato.] [***** T. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • Angus looks burlier than Gary, which fits my mental image better, but just based on pictures I think Gary has a better overall vibe to me. GRRM with a brief update
  • _ Fulvus, latiusculus; antennarum articulo tertio piceo angusto lineari longissimo; abdomine vitta tenui nigricante; alis limpidis, costa vittaque postica fuscescentibus. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Angus: ctrl+tap on mouse pad (works with your thumb …) is a right click with out straying too far from the keyboard … both hands in good “asdf jkl;” typing position. apple-space to open up spotlight is one of my favourite short cuts. My Quest For The Mac’s Keyboard Shortcut Soul | Lifehacker Australia
  • Drawn by the smell of petrol and cellulose paint, Angus wandered into a car enthusiast's glory hole.
  • Dave Eggers collection How The Water Feels To The Fishes is also very powerful, and my absolute favorite piecesoverallwere probably his, but his collection was not as consistently brilliant as Manguso’s. #38. One Hundred and Forty-Five Stories in a Small Box « 1979 Semi-Finalist…
  • Cupar-Angus, when Luckie Simpson's cow had drunk up Luckie Jamieson's browst of ale while it stood in the door to cool, that there was no damage to pay, because the crummie drank without sitting down; such being the very circumstance constituting DOCH AN DORROCH, which is a standing drink, for which no reckoning is paid. Redgauntlet
  • Besides raising Angus cattle in the South Highlands Theo's a property developer in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs and investor in listed and unlisted companies by himself and with others.
  • Although dressed in the buckskin of the frontiersman, he travelled in style, accompanied by a gamekeeper from his Angus estate and an Iroquois cook.
  • “It was decided in a case before the town bailies of Cupar Angus, when Luckie Simpson's cow had drunk up Luckie Jamieson's browst of ale, while it stood in the door to cool, that there was no damage to pay, because the crummie drank without sitting down; such being the circumstance constituting a Doch an Dorroch, which is a standing drink for which no reckoning is paid.” Sir Walter Scott
  • There was also a compressor and Angus was shown how to pressurise the air cylinders while Hopkirk and friends were out on the loch with the launch.
  • Deep down, in the recesses of his folk memory, Angus knew all of that.
  • In a Parliament of May 18, 1584, such declinature of royal jurisdiction was, by "The Black Acts," made treason: Episcopacy was established; the heirs of Gowrie were disinherited; Angus, Mar, and other rebels were forfeited. A Short History of Scotland
  • Angus can perform with as few as a trio of fellow musicians.
  • Angus, crouching over a keyboard in the corner, waited in pleasurable anticipation for his entry.
  • Suppose I have a herd of purebred Angus cattle and I market my beef as a branded product.
  • Swapping a studio in Portobello for the working environment of a restored watermill in Angus has done wonders for their spirits and health, he said.
  • Angus, thongs and full frontal snogging is a diary full of crazy confessions and extremely hilarious things that happen in the world of Georgia Nicholson. Reader reviews of Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging by Louise Rennison.
  • The handsome, goateed, fortysomething lawyer scours Lake Ontario in a ball cap and sunglasses at the helm of the Angus Bruce, his 6.7-metre patrol boat, looking for leaky sewage pipes and other signs of pollution.
  • Venetis, atque adeo regis Romanorum subditis largita vnquam aut donata fuit, celsitudinem vestram rogamus ne tam singularis beneficenti� laus in tam angustis terminis duorum aut trium hominum concludatur, sed ad vniuersos subditos nostrus diffusa, propagat醧ue, celsitudinis vestr� beneficium e� reddat augustius, qu� eiusdem donatio lati鵶 patebit, et ad plures pertinebit. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Various venues, AngusGreat British Beer Festival, London, Tuesday to 6 AugThe biggest in Britain, featuring over 1,000 real ales, ciders, perries and foreign beers, tutored tastings and more. This week's new events
  • Angus McGregor said: `He wanted to have a chinwag with him. THE SCAR
  • You're killin me, Angus, you really are. said Scaramouch on May 19, 2008 11:47 AM. YesButNoButYes: Rods and Balls
  • Important breeding wetland species include marbled teal Marmaronetta angustirostris (VU,35), white-headed duck Oxyura leucocephala (EN,400, which nest mainly in artificial ponds in surrounding areas), white-eyed pochard Aythya niroca (VU), purple gallinule Porphyrio porphyrio and crested coot Fulica cristata. Doñana National Park, Spain
  • Shelton handed the boathook to Angus and point at the buoy.
  • Angus led the old garron to the place called Clachan Knowe where big erratic boulders sprouted from the heather like henge-stones.
  • As Angus Calder has suggested, ‘the effect of the war was not to sweep society on to a new course, but to hasten its progress along the old grooves.’
  • There Angus and Jimmy would skin and hang the carcass.
  • Cupar Angus, when Luckie Simpson's cow had drunk up Luckie Jamieson's browst of ale, while it stood in the door to cool, that there was no damage to pay, because the crummie drank without sitting down; such being the circumstance constituting a Doch an Dorroch, which is a standing drink for which no reckoning is paid. Sir Walter Scott (English Men of Letters Series)
  • Angus: For any military personnel who resign or choose not to re-enlist because they refuse to serve alongside gay people, I say good riddance. The Volokh Conspiracy » Light at the End of the DADT Tunnel
  • To paraphrase economist Angus Maddison, for 1800 years progress was virtually non-existent, then it accelerated sharply. Emancipation From What ... Capitalism?
  • She alleged a precontract on the part of her husband, Angus, which was never proved. Henry VIII.
  • Gillebride had then succeeded to both the reduced Scottish earldom of Caithness and the whole of the Orkney jarldom as successor in the Angus line of Magnus II; and Gillebride had died in 1256 leaving a son Magnus III. Sutherland and Caithness in Saga-Time or, The Jarls and The Freskyns
  • Los Angeles Times | On a bus going nowhere in Cairo Retrato angustiante do Egipto contemporâneo, onde o crescimento económico só beneficia a élite ligada ao governo anquilosado de Mubarak, onde a classe média luta pela sobrevivência por entre salários irrisórios e inflação galopante. Leituras
  • 'Perhaps under the tables,' says young Angus, chirking up still more at this geniality. Somewhere in Red Gap
  • So they puzzled each other, until at last Angus said: "I'll tell you whit way it is, Donald, we'll juist awa 'ben the Hotel and speir if ony o' they English visitors is missing. Dominion of Canada Day Luncheon
  • Being poor white, they were not even accorded the" grudging respect that Angus Macintosh's dour independence wrung from neighboring families.
  • His father was one Suetonius Lenis, a military tribune and wearer of the angusticlave. The History of Roman Literature From the earliest period to the death of Marcus Aurelius
  • If he identifies himself as an Ashes fast bowler this summer then Angus Fraser, his director of cricket at Middlesex, might reflect on a gentle earwigging from his dad a month ago and deem it worthwhile. England's Steven Finn at home but Ajmal Shahzad has capital capers
  • To Angus it looked as though the North slope of the ridge was ready to crumble and avalanche into the corrie below.
  • Fit iterum cerastes in semita que quos fideles repperit et sese ad precepti celestis angusta itinera constringens non solum nequitia callide persuasionis impedit sed etiam terrore potestatis premit et in persecutionis angore post beneficia ficte dulcedinis, exercet cornua potestatis. Archive 2008-06-01
  • After Angus bombed, his career officially went into a lull so he enrolled at university and considered giving up acting altogether.
  • Lifehacker Australia editor Angus Kidman is keeping the roads safe by staying off them. Airport Parking Fees Are Rising | Lifehacker Australia
  • Angus, a mason, was slipping out of the yard to get a "refresher" during working hours, when he suddenly ran into the boss. Jokes For All Occasions Selected and Edited by One of America's Foremost Public Speakers
  • What about all those wonderfully attractive polled Angus two and a half year old heifers and steers, cut off in their prime to provide hamburgers for left wingers?
  • On the night I dined at Hedone, he was serving 45-days-aged Black Angus beef with endives and fresh horseradish. A Revelation in Chiswick
  • As they pulled out Angus looked back and saw Crowe standing at the car park entrance noting Savage's car registration number in his notebook.
  • Angusta cantare licet videaris avena, dum tua multorum vincat avena tubas. ' The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • We crested the hill and were surrounded by Black Angus cattle. CHASING the WHITE DOG
  • One of the joys of living in Angus is my proximity to the only commercial producer of sea kale in Great Britain.
  • Gary, a sturdy, silver-haired dairy farmer with 32 pairs of Angus-sired cattle of his own back home, fit the bill. Bovine Intervention
  • He has logged more than 1, 400 animals, from the miniature (one-ounce song sparrows) to the gargantuan (a 1, 500-pound black Angus bull).
  • While a naval officer, he invented and designed the first-ever aircraft carrier, the Angus.
  • Angus breeding is practiced to a large extent in the west and north-west, where its qualities of hardiness and ability to thrive under less favourable grazing conditions are well recognised.
  • Cows were bred to Brangus bulls during the 60-d breeding season, with 1 bull per 18 cows.
  • Sometimes, in calm seas, when the outboard stuttered and needed coaxing with frequent plug de-oilings, Angus would row the boat.
  • Lifehacker Australia editor Angus Kidman is feeling a strange urge to book some train tickets. Five Ways To Save Money On UK Travel | Lifehacker Australia
  • `Saying nothing with a lot of verbiage ," Angus ground out. THE QUEST FOR K
  • The dominant vegetation, covering two thirds of the reserve and forming a thick barrier around the lake, is the reed community Phragmites australis with lesser and greater reed-mace Typha angustifolia and T. latifolia and Schoenoplectus spp. Srebarna Nature Reserve, Bulgaria
  • Four Brahman and four Angus sires were rotated among breeding pastures in both forage systems each year.
  • I sank into a splayfooted chair and accepted the crystal goblet Angus Mhor held out to me. Dragonfly in Amber
  • Angus was given the mumps, measles and rubella inoculation when he was 15 months old.
  • Fit iterum cerastes in semita que quos fideles repperit et sese ad precepti celestis angusta itinera constringens non solum nequitia callide persuasionis impedit sed etiam terrore potestatis premit et in persecutionis angore post beneficia ficte dulcedinis, exercet cornua potestatis. Sigh. WMAM.
  • Woven into the long days of station work for the Angus family and their crew is the camaraderie of shared interests - particularly a passion for beef and a love of horses.
  • Angus replaced the necklet into the drawer of his desk, settling it into a velvet tray that held an assortment of other artifacts. One Night in Scotland
  • He works Miles hard and does all the thinking for Angus, who, right from the beginning, is seen to be a few straws short of a bale.
  • Hereford sires were bred to Angus and MARC III cows.
  • Fit iterum cerastes in semita que quos fideles repperit et sese ad precepti celestis angusta itinera constringens non solum nequitia callide persuasionis impedit sed etiam terrore potestatis premit et in persecutionis angore post beneficia ficte dulcedinis, exercet cornua potestatis. Sigh. WMAM.
  • Dialogue between the Duke of argyll and the Earl of Angus, and the character of his own first wife under that of Penelope. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 3
  • In due course, the government's response was to pass a law and appoint an Alkali Inspector named Angus Smith.
  • It should come from free-range herds, bred exclusively for meat not dairy (the most famous is Aberdeen Angus).
  • germina conparibus diuiderent spatiis. haec uiret angusto foliorum tecta galero, 'Gather ye Rosebuds'
  • Sedulum esse, nihil temere loqui, assuescere labori, et imagine prudentiae et modistiae tegere angustiores partes captus, dum exercitationem ac usum, quo isti in civilibus rebus pollent, pro natura et magnitudine ingenii plerique accipiunt. Biographia Literaria
  • Angus injured his leg playing rugby yesterday.
  • Miranda and Angus sat in a velvet-lined, crimson booth that reminded her of an old-fashioned railway carriage.
  • Professor Harry Wu of Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo and the late Professor Angus Maddison were among the most stern, concluding on the basis of their own index of industrial production that China's GDP grew just 0.3% in 1998 minus-0.1% in Professor Wu's recent updated results. China's Puzzling Numbers
  • Angus, his kin and friends, they concluded all and thought it best, that he should be summoned to underly the law; if he fand not caution, nor yet compear himself, that he should be put to the horn, with all his kin and friends, so many as were contained in the letters. The Lady of the Lake
  • He was pressing a twenty pound note into Angus's hand.
  • Y se marchó a su casa con paso lento, y pasó la noche con las angustias del padre que va a casar una hija al día siguiente. Novelas Cortas
  • To the new, stuck-up Angus, being vice-captain was as discreditable as being a reserve. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • Judge Angus Stroyan sentenced him to 12 months in jail and banned him from driving for two years.
  • Moire and David can look forward to fine wine and culinary delights such as sweetbreads, foie gras, tournedos of Angus beef and - though not the most romantic food for an anniversary - stuffed pig's trotters.
  • Whether you're looking for seafood, Angus beef, made-to-order pasta or traditional breakfast fare, you won't leave hungry.
  • Dinner might be our organically raised Black Angus mini burgers. Hideout Doubles Quietly Marks 35
  • Lavender especially Lavendula angustifolia, of course is at the top of my list, as much for how it looks and feels as all the beautiful things it can be used for. Trouver - French Word-A-Day
  • The Hounds of the Morrigan draws heavily on Irish mythology - not just the three-personned war goddess of the title, but Cuchulainn the Hound of Ulster, thinly disguised as a skinny Old Angler; the gods Angus Og and Bridget as the gloriously eccentric tinkers Boodie and Patsy; and the warrior queen Maeve, wandering under a black storm-cloud engendered by her own sorrow, and followed by a retinue of ducks and geese delightedly bathing themselves in her perpetual rain. Blogposts |
  • UPDATE 16:36: There is a great wazzock name of Angus Robertson from the Scottish National Party pontificating and claiming that his own party is immune. Plaid Cymru: Are These Boyos in Glass Houses?
  • In the current experiments, no relationship was observed in Angus × Simmental steers and heifers.
  • Ja ma olin õnnelik, kui Fantozzi viskas kivi aknasse - temas oli ju ka mingi varjatud jõud, mis ei luanud tal näha oma naise pisaraid mehe alandamisel piljardimängus, see jõud, mis pani ta tookord võitma, pani ta ka selle kivi haarama. Tatsutahime Diary Entry
  • I was given a lot of interesting assignments, often having to go out to the big Angus Shops and collaborate with general foremen, boiler - makers, and machinists.
  • Tyneside architects Angus Leybourne has appointed Edward Hill as senior consultant to the practice.
  • But we are reliably informed that Angus will be back on his feet and more importantly that seat tomorrow.
  • Dr. Angus she knew that his ordinary code of convention could not let him disregard Louis as the others did, as being merely a rather weak, silly young man, who "went on the shikker" every month and made many varieties of a fool of himself. Captivity
  • Dominant tree species include Typha angustifolia and Cyperus sp., of which the commonest is C. pilosus. Ujung Kulon National Park and Krakatau Nature Reserve, Indonesia
  • Another main course of seared Angus beef with its topping of slightly dry breadcrumbs and mushrooms was overcooked, unless you like beef grey.
  • It was probably the oleaster (Eleagnus angustifolius), which grows abundantly in almost all parts of Palestine, especially about Hebron and Easton's Bible Dictionary
  • When Angus was a baby, he had this Lamaze spider he loved to play with. » Paying for Complacency
  • Angus has composed the motifs in defined coloured areas with no central focus.
  • Angus breeding is practiced to a large extent in the west and north-west, where its qualities of hardiness and ability to thrive under less favourable grazing conditions are well recognised.
  • It was the family's other dog, a three-year-old cocker spaniel, who alerted them to the fact that the old dog, Angus, had got out of the garden of their home.
  • Important breeding wetland species include marbled teal Marmaronetta angustirostris (VU,35), white-headed duck Oxyura leucocephala (EN,400, which nest mainly in artificial ponds in surrounding areas), white-eyed pochard Aythya niroca (VU), purple gallinule Porphyrio porphyrio and crested coot Fulica cristata. Doñana National Park, Spain
  • Urit enim praecordia aegritudo animi compressa, et in angustiis adducta mentem. subvertit, nec alio medicamine facilius erigitur, quam cordati hominis sermone. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Angus followed, managing a fair hit, also staying on the fairway, but about seventy-five yards short of the Mountie. A BODY SURROUNDED BY WATER
  • Specimens of these, and of the bark of the Saul tree, of _Nychanthes arbortrista, Terminalia angustifolia_, and of the gaub fruit (_Diospyros glutinosa_), were shown by the East India Company. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • They already have sons, Tristan and Angus, at the village school, and know the sex of their new baby, but are keeping the knowledge to themselves.
  • While a naval officer, he invented and designed the first-ever aircraft carrier, the Angus.
  • Web Zen: installation+sculpture zen hehe projects rafael lozano-hemmer mars tokyo jake & dinos chapman kelly heaton devorah sperber yoko ono jennifer angus dia: beacon web zen home, web zen store, (Thanks, Frank). Boing Boing
  • Some wildlife experts believe that more than 50 beavers could be roaming free: families of beavers, and evidence of their lodge building, have been regularly seen by villagers and naturalists around Invergowrie on the outskirts of Dundee, Forfar in Angus, Glamis in Perthshire, and Tentsmuir near the mouth of the river Tay. Scotland's beaver-trapping plan has wildlife campaigners up in arms
  • Ernie came out a fawn colour and is the same breed as his mother a Simmental while Emily is darker shade of black and brown is apparently an Aberdeen Angus. Cow Gives Birth To Twins Of Different Breeds | Impact Lab
  • Gen. Angus Watt, has ordered the program fast-tracked, and his staff plan to give special consideration to companies that can quickly deliver the so-called uninhabited aerial vehicles or UAVs. Archive 2007-10-01
  • I picked listlessly at my Black Angus steak, not quite al dente fettuccine, and sighed.
  • Labels: pimpin ', pirates, we are so screwed posted by Angus @ 3/30/2009 08: 58: 00 AM World's Greatest Deliberative Body
  • Presented by old hand Angus Deayton, it was a jolly listen, with most of the jolliness provided by Miles Jupp's dad, who gave the answers for Miles's round, and Rufus Hound, who has quite the most infectious chuckle on radio. Rewind radio: The Archers; Victoria Derbyshire; Keys and Gray; It's Your Round – review
  • ` ` Do not forespeak us, brother, '' said Angus; ` ` that is not lucky. '' A Legend of Montrose
  • Joshua : Uh, Angus was just here. Where did he go?
  • And rockers don't get rockier than AC-DC's axeman, Angus Young: ‘I'm sick to death of people saying we've made 11 albums that sound exactly the same,’ said Young recently.
  • Most of the land is under grass at the moment and carries a flock of 265 ewes and a small Aberdeen Angus herd, as well as commercial cattle for fattening.
  • He hasn't lost his sense of humor: "The first movie I saw was that horrendous 'Fright Night' remake and the first thing I ate was one of those Black Angus burgers. 'West Memphis 3' Reunite
  • An Orkney farmer scooped one of the prizes at the prestigious Black Beauty Bonanza show of Aberdeen-Angus calves and yearlings, in Aberdeenshire, on Saturday.
  • Other high points on the menu involve respectable fajitas made with Angus beef, and a wonderfully idiosyncratic fajita variant called the La Playa taco.
  • Angus answered somewhat sulkily, that “he was no makebate, or stirrer-up of quarrels; he would rather be a peacemaker. A Legend of Montrose
  • BUTT (who in the cushlows of his goodsforseeking hoarth, ever fondlinger of his pimple spurk, is a niallist of the ninth homestages, the babybell in his baggutstract upper going off allatwanst, begad, lest he should challenge himself, beygoad, till angush). Finnegans Wake
  • Angus produced his Ordinance Survey map and Jimmy regarded it with distaste.
  • Grab a table at Shabu, boisterous as an après-ski bar and serving inventive Pan-Asian fare like a Death Roll of soft-shell crab, or Black Angus rib eye given the Thai treatment. Head 2 Head
  • Fit iterum cerastes in semita que quos fideles repperit et sese ad precepti celestis angusta itinera constringens non solum nequitia callide persuasionis impedit sed etiam terrore potestatis premit et in persecutionis angore post beneficia ficte dulcedinis, exercet cornua potestatis. Sigh. WMAM.
  • Together with several other shrub and tree species (Tamarix canariensis, T. africana, Salix alba, Alnus glutinosa, Populus alba, P. Nigra, Fraxinus angustifolia, Ulmus minor), this assemblage typifies small riparian woodlands and is well adapted to periodical flooding. Iberian sclerophyllous and semi-deciduous forests
  • The marsh vegetation is dominated by reeds Phragmites australis which form floating or fixed islands of decaying vegetation ( 'plaur') with some Typha angustifolia and Scirpus sp. Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania
  • I have no idea what you're talking about, Angus ... but your brashness is always fun. McCain passes the ABR test
  • The blanket term echinacea usually refers to three species of this plant: Echinacea angustifolia, Echinacea purpurea, and Echinacea pallida. Herbs for Health: Endangered Echinacea
  • Angus Stevenson Editor, Concise Oxford English Dictionary "The expression 'woot' began in America but was picked up very quickly by people in Britain, as a result of the internet breaking down international boundaries," said Mr Stevenson. BBC News - Home
  • She shook her head gently at Angus, warning him not to make a scene.
  • There were the hostess and her daughter; three young noblemen, the purple stripes on each angusticlave telling of knightly rank; a Jewish prince in purple and gold; an old philosopher, and a poet who had been reading love lines. Vergilius A Tale of the Coming of Christ
  • Var. angustifolia; leaves linear; calyx and pedicel glabrous; corolla outside glabrous or scantily hairy. The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
  • As viewed from the center of the knot garden with the armillary sundail surrounded by Lavandula angustifolia ‘Hidcote’ ready to pop open illuminated by the first rays of the day, it is time for the annual rose haircut. Veilchenblau Gets a Trim « Fairegarden
  • Ha, ha, ha … The reference, here, is to the Black or Aberdeen Angus breed of hornless cattle, which was developed through the first half of the nineteenth century from beasts native to the Scottish highland counties of Aberdeenshire and Angus, and successfuly transplanted thence to the New World. Angus
  • The man nodded politely to us as they passed and Angus returned the salutation.
  • Angus looked from the necklet to the picture a few more times, then picked up a paper presented by Michael Hurst at the same meeting not six months ago. One Night in Scotland
  • 5: 18PM Angus Kidman | After a quick change of cabin necessitated by a non-functioning power outlet, the Next G train torture test is fully underway. Thursday, September 11, 2008 | Lifehacker Australia
  • And Angus he was fair mad, I can tell ye, and he said to Wilson, 'Thoo stammerin' and yammerin 'taistrel, thoo; I'll pluck a lock of thy threep. The Shadow of a Crime A Cumbrian Romance
  • Early spring 2007 shows nice red calluna joined by lavender ‘Hidcote’, lavandula angustifolia ‘Hidcote’, cuttings. The Knot Garden « Fairegarden
  • The odd occurrence happened when farmer Vic Phillips, 27, mated his Aberdeen Angus bull Eric with a Simmental heifer, called Jemima. Cow Gives Birth To Twins Of Different Breeds | Impact Lab
  • This gathering of songs from the Angus-bred singer and fret player from Scots band Malinky is more an assertion of personal identity than a hansel to the glens, Mearns and tenacious coastal townships of his youth.
  • A typical meal might be a warm salad of Port Seton langoustines with a lime dressing, followed by tournedos of Angus beef with shallot and oxtail confit.
  • Also, standing beside the life-sized model of Angus, my ampleness paled into insignificance.
  • From time to time Angus glanced at the man's face and found it a study in eye-piercing concentration.
  • As a matter of fact, the only noises in the car were Angus whimpering and the quiet purr of the car.
  • GOODENIA (cycloptera) ramosissima pubescens, foliis radicalibus serrato-incisis; caulinis lanceolato-ellipticis obsolete serratis in petiolum attenuatis, pedunculis axillaribus unifloris folia subaequantibus, seminibus orbiculatis membrana angusta cinctis. Expedition into Central Australia
  • The distressful effects of dehorning your cattle can be avoided by using Angus.
  • Angus Lordie brings bonhomie and his dog, Cyril, to the residence; and Matthew and his father, Gordon, negotiate their familial roles.
  • So Angus gave a series of interviews to various pressmen.
  • From there, six thousand men wended their way in solemn order across the Velia and down the Clivus Sacer into the lower Forum, most of them knights with the narrow stripe — the angustus clavus — on their tunics, a thinned Senate following behind the consuls and their lictors. The Grass Crown
  • Broughty hous, which was called the Forte of Broughty, and was verray noysome to Dondy, which it brunt and laid waist; and so did it the moist parte of Anguss, which was not assured, and under freindschipe with thame. The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
  • The so-called defense of Angus McMillan’s Bushy Park, and innumerable one-sided skirmishes elsewhere in Gippsland during the 1840s, for which the squatters’ justification was usually some form of legitimate reprisal for thefts of cattle, or fictitious attacks on white settlers (even a few real ones), effectively combined to wipe out most of the Aborigines of East Gippsland within a span of ten years, roughly extending from 1840 to 1850. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Mrs. Angus pointed out his duckwalk to me right away. If it walks like a duck....
  • Gen. Angus Watt, has ordered the program fast-tracked, and his staff plan to give special consideration to companies that can quickly deliver the so-called uninhabited aerial vehicles or UAVs... Archive 2007-11-01
  • Angustatur ex abundantia, contristatur ex opulentia, infelix praesentibus bonis, infelicior in futuris. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Mr Angus had joined the Minster staff in October 1980 as part of a team of vergers who help with the day-to-day running of the cathedral.
  • Quoniam igitur Turcorum agmina ex iam factis pr鎙ijs cognouerant, non conforre sibi � fronte nobis repugnare, loci angustiam bonum subuentorem cum inuenissent, posteriora statuerunt inuadere agmina, quod et fecerunt. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • MS.); pilis stellatis brevibus rigidis asperis, foliis angusto-linearibus obtusis marginibus revolutis, floribus in ramos breves solitariis, staminibus sub-12 unilateralibus, filamentis infra medium inaequaliter connexis antheras longitudine aequantibus, ovario parvo globoso lanato.] 143 [T. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • Seasonal dynamics of aboveground biomass DW/FW and of biomass allocation in modules of Calamagrostis angustifolia, a typical wetland plant in the Sanjiang Plain, were studied in a field investigation.
  • He acknowledges three of the great Scottish stockbreeders as the founding fathers of the so-called Black Angus line.
  • The doctor's first attempt had resulted in his calling the Scotchman 'Sor Langusta,' which means 'Sir Crayfish' -- and it must be admitted that 'Anguish' was an improvement. Casa Braccio, Volumes 1 and 2 (of 2)
  • Now, Ninja Cow, a fairly young Black Angus, is starting to calm down in Mr. Grell's small pasture. 'Ninja Cow' Had an Excuse for Udderly Unbovine Behavior
  • Finally Angus would take the horse back to paddock and feed it.
  • Other fast food chains are propping up the higher end of their menus with Angus beef burgers at Hardee's and fancy salads at Wendy's.
  • King Angus MacFergus of the Picts commanded a mixed army of Scots and Picts who were fighting an army of Saxons from Northumbria.
  • I thus cautiously confine myself to the relatively non-committal psychologised explanation and, in doing so, I thereby convey to my hearers, by Gricean implicature, just such doubtfulness concerning the correctness of Angus 'belief. Reasons for Action: Justification vs. Explanation
  • The broad galloons made the _laticlave_, and the narrow the _angusticlave_. A Dialogue Concerning Oratory, Or The Causes Of Corrupt Eloquence The Works Of Cornelius Tacitus, Volume 8 (of 8); With An Essay On His Life And Genius, Notes, Supplements
  • And instead to walk with Angus to Ruadh Dearg where waves curled and crashed and lathered the rocks, where birds wheeled and screeched among the cliffs.
  • Every now and then they hit a hard lump of water which shook Angus and rattled his teeth.
  • It was a colourful occasion in a tiny kirkyard at the top of an Angus glen.
  • The areolar mounds disappeared 9 months after discontinuing the use of a hair styling gel containing Lavandula angustifolia (lavender) oil and Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil. Archive 2007-05-01
  • The sixth title is poet Sarah Manguso's memoir of dealing with an auto-immune disease, The Two Kinds of Decay. Philip Roth heads Wellcome prize shortlist
  • _I. _ nigra; clypei margine antico, maculis duabus postscutelli flavis; segmentis abdominis ad apicem flavo angustè fasciatis. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Angus waited outside whilst I went in and bought Gerald's medicine, a continuing prescription routinely picked up once a month.
  • El boticario inclinó la frente con indecible angustia. Novelas Cortas
  • Ignoring the spill of weak sunshine from the garden, Angus examined his latest paper for the Royal Society, holding an ancient gold necklet beside it. One Night in Scotland

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