How To Use Angular In A Sentence
To make such a rectangular and austere space appropriate for music, walls are treated with acoustic plaster and ceilings are absorbent too.
He has a triangular version of Rupert's stylised muzzle with the same pricked ears and bright black-button eyes.
The floor was divided into 25 rectangular squares by pencil lines.
Furniture shapes became more angular, with edges defined by simple piping.
Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings
A cloud of gas that is gravitationally attracted to the black hole can have a net angular momentum oppositely directed from that of the black hole.
Supermassive Black Holes Spinning Backwards Create Death Ray Jets? | Universe Today

She had already cropped this photograph to fit the rectangular print into the square format of the book.
angular momentum
During Vajpayee's visit, China raised the prospect of a triangular relationship between Russia, China and India.
Thousands of people can live in a hutong which is made up of hundreds of quadrangular courtyards each surrounded by four homes.
A dozen or so greenish boulders lurked with angular menace below.
This wall was originally incrusted with rich marbles, and the great dome, adorned with deep coffering in rectangular panels, was decorated with rosettes and mouldings in gilt stucco.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition, revised
At this stage the rate of descent and particularly the angular rotation appeared to me to be very high and I was sure that ground impact in this configuration would have severe consequences.
Hiroshima -- As a mountain range rises angularly in the background, two Japanese misses, one in modern dress, the other clad in a traditional Japanese kimono, pose beside the Peace Bridge in Hiroshima during a day of remembrance, the ninth anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima with atomic bombs.
Archive 2009-01-01
Excavations directed by Metaxia Tsipopoulou of the Greek Ministry of Culture and William D.E. Coulson, former director of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, showed that the four buildings had been erected on the rectangular "megaron" plan typical of the Greek mainland.
Cretan Shrine Discovered
The coffin was palled with a square of rusty black velvet, whence all the pile had long been worn, and which the soaking rain now helped age to embrown and make flabby; a standard cross was borne by an ecclesiastical official, who had on a quadrangular cap surmounted by a centre tuft; two priests followed, sheltered by umbrellas, their sacerdotal garments dabbled and draggled with mud, and showing thick-shod feet beneath the dingy serge and lawn that flapped above them, as they came along at a smart pace, suggestive of anything but solemnity.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 107, September, 1866
They change the angle of attack from acute within the central delta, to near neutral over the outer triangular sail panel.
Rather than open beams, the room has a plaster ceiling formed into rectangular panels but leaving the central wood beam uncovered.
Times, Sunday Times
Called the Chamber of Paladine, the sepulcher was a large rectangular room, built far below the ground where the destruction of the Tower did not affect it.
Dragons of Winter Night
The adult ovary may present marked deviations from its typical form, sometimes being unusually long, spheroidal, flattened, triangular, crescentric, or otherwise irregular.
In this work, the dose distribution produced by a single, rectangular ( "planar") x-ray microbeam was simulated inside the head phantoms which had a cylindrical shape.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Features of ear The great majority of the people have triangular lobes but lacks Darwinian point.
The glass pavilion, designed by Dirk van Pastel, is in the western corner of a triangular site, surrounded by the woods and fields of Burgundy.
One of the girls had been to New York before, and fairly expertly navigated us to a tiny gay piano bar set in a tiny triangular building created by the intersection of grid lines and old Indian trails.
Here is the power spectrum: amount of anisotropy as a function of angular scale (really multipole moment l), with large scales on the left and smaller scales on the right.
WMAP results — cosmology makes sense!
Between the two crura of the fornix is a white, triangular lamina, known as the fornical commissure.
If this is the case but there is no aspect, yet the planet to which the Moon applies is angular, the pregnancy will be successful.
Fronted by Alan Donohoe, they specialise in creating angular working class anthems that are packed with sharp, edgy guitars and socially relevant lyrics.
Now they find themselves thrust yet again into an intense triangular relationship: Jimmy the avenger, Sean the truth-seeker and Dave the unfortunate.
The night I visited, a barback deftly chipped away at an angular, Braque-style ice block with a large spoon, taking about 90 seconds to shape something roughly the size of a baseball.
Cold Fusion
We can think simultaneously of opposites (e.g. existence and nonexistence, round and angular), and these opposites must be simultaneously present in our consciousness, for otherwise we could not compare them, nor perceive and declare their oppositeness.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
And that was for a measure – changing the tax treatment of so-called triangular mergers – affecting a relatively small number of transactions.
Investing in Japan
The magnitude of the angular change associated with the transition from rigor to relaxation was similar for both light chains and amounted to less than 5 deg.
The experimental setup uses a standard OCT system with an additional apparatus to rotate the sample to acquire multiple angularly displaced OCT images (displaced-reflector images).
The size and shape of pinfolds varies, some are four sided: rectangular, square and irregular, others are circular.
A matrix is a rectangular array of symbols, usually numbers, neatly arranged in columns and rows.
The first series is incorporating plain rectangular elements which participate in the creation of parabolic volumes.
Wall Mounted Desk Office
We map each configuration on a number of rectangular three-dimensional grids as follows.
The Billet is a small elongated rectangular figure supposed to represent a billet or letter, and to some, a brick.
The experiment indicated that the angular rate sensor can sense the angular rate of pitching of rotating carrier.
Hippocampus severnsi is distinguished from congeners in having a combination of: extremely small size (height 13 mm, standard length 15 mm); 12 trunk rings; 27 tail rings; reduced ossification of inferior and ventral trunk ridges; 14 dorsal fin rays; 10 pectoral fin rays; anal fin small or absent; medium length snout which lacks a bulbous tip; raised, angular coronet; single gill opening on midline directly behind coronet supported by raised cleithral bone; scattered tubercles on trunk and tail; predominant colour dark brown (sometimes slightly marbled) with large, bright red patch covering dorsolateral surfaces of trunk rings 1-4; tiny white dots scattered all over; pale posterior section of tail with dark transverse bands.
Practical Fishkeeping news (RSS)
Walking into a rectangular box just doesn't do it for me.
Times, Sunday Times
Smoke from a slender chimney vents above the height of the second-level cooling room, a triangular ‘wood tube’ that cantilevers beyond a supporting brick wall.
The viewer was greeted by a starburst of white lines radiating from the center of a yellow, rectangular, floor-to-ceiling field.
And not only the punters: TV's Angular Ex-England Fast Bowler Punditry Eminence could be seen holding court in raddled picnic pose, a tiny plastic Viking hat on his head.
Sozzled - how English cricket got lost in drink | Barney Ronay
Finally, still other portions of this same Mycenaean wall show on the outside a near approach to what is called ashlar masonry, in which the blocks are rectangular and laid in even horizontal courses.
A History of Greek Art
Both the proposed method and finite element method were applied to analyze the dynamic responses of a two-layer plate subjected to rectangular impulsive load, and the results show a good agreement.
Nic Holc-thompson, Havant Hampshire I must confess I don't really understand why the flapjacks must now be square or rectangular.
Also accompanying the typescript is a small rectangular piece of paper upon which Leinster has evidently typed an advertisement blurb.
Antiquarian Weird Tales: Murray Leinster
The completed building is a towering rectangular block with almost no decoration, an austere statement and bold break away from the traditional methods of architectural adornment.
His body is an angular, jutting emblem of a body uncomfortable everywhere.
Were they perhaps influenced by the angularity of the nearby street sculpture, Vertebrae, by Henry Moore?
Whereas if only she had been dishonest, and therefore commonplace, she would either have chucked her given word to the devil, or the deep grey sea over which she stood, and cleared for her own happiness and a marriage licence; or kept her word in one sense while making deedy little plans of triangular pattern for future reference.
Leonie of the Jungle
The biventral lobule is triangular in shape; its apex points backward, and is joined by the gray band to the pyramid.
IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
Typically cited are triangular shapes on the tortoises 'shells, the occasional purple coloring of nopal coyotillo (Opuntia violacea), and the large size of human individuals in the Zone.
The Zone Of Silence of nothern Mexico - scientific marvel or just fiction?
Cliff and ravine vegetation is often very diverse and dense; the chasmophytic flora includes Cissus quadrangularis, Ficus lecardii, Boscia angustifolia, Euphorbia sudanica, Lannea microcarpa and Combretum lecardii.
Cliffs of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons), Mali
The jointed stems (culms) are round or flattened (never triangular); they are usually hollow except at the nodes (points on the stem from which leaves arise), where they are solid.
Within the northern compound is a rectangular structure, probably a post-medieval sheepfold.
The tall, dark one with the angular face was Thomas; even at Ruth's age, when he'd been only four, Thomas had had a leading man's kind of handsomeness -- a combination of poise and thuggery that, in his teenage years, gave him the seeming confidence of a much older man.
Excerpt: A Widow For One Year by John Irving
The aerial photographs suggest at least one Romano-Celtic temple alongside other circular or rectangular structures.
The reflected inguinal ligament is a layer of tendinous fibers of a triangular shape, formed by an expansion from the lacunar ligament and the inferior crus of the subcutaneous inguinal ring.
IV. Myology. 6d. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
E. Fix the beverage holder on the base with the M 5 inner hexangular screw.
Sheep graze, rabbits burrow, the young were out, you will see a giant triangular box (probably little owl) and nearby another magic dewpond.
Objective To observe the effects of triangular tension band on treating the comminuted patella fracture.
The researchers need to test the material in a vacuum to see how it might perform in space, so they stretch triangular sheets of the cloth over four booms that form a square, and pump all the air out.
Dropping the rag over the side of the bedpost, she turned and let the scabrous shard fall into a small bowl on the dresser; it greeted a similarly discordant family with a slight tink of angular metallic collision.
Circular bezel divided saltirewise into four triangular spaces filled alternately with red and yellow enamel
Archaeologia, or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity [microform]
The landscape which preoccupies me happens to be in its nature fairly geometric, like the triangular gable of a roof, the crossed bars of a gate or the circular shape of an oil drum head on.
The early experiments involve simple angular measurement of the coordinates of celestial objects for star positions, planetary motions etc.
In plan, the fort was of angular shape defined by five straight stretches of boundary.
The scattered light is collimated, and simultaneously detected by a fixed array of 18 transimpedance photodiodes, which span an angular region from 22.5 [degrees] to 147 [degrees].
To the left is the Stockholm skyline, all domed roofs and angular spires.
Times, Sunday Times
Make a triangular diagonal parting from the top of the head to just the middle of the ear.
The ship made the transition from its rectangular cruising shape to the multibranched ovoid shape that was its battle mode, and it made the change swiftly and smoothly.
The Three-Minute Universe
In the first 57 propositions in On the Section of a Cone Serenus examined triangular sections of right and scalene cones made by planes passing through the vertex.
Soon the rectangular farms gave way to rugged ranch land, canyons, ravines , red earth-and lots of mesquite trees.
When trying to widen a space, square tiles should be laid in a diamond pattern and rectangular tiles should be laid in a brick or herringbone pattern.
Short in proportion to the Corolla tho wide or bulky; the Style is very long or longer than the stamens, simple, cilindrical, bowed or bent upwards, placed on the top of the germ, membranous shrivels and falls off when the pericarp has obtained it's full Size. the Stigma is three clefts very manute and pubescent. the pericarp is a capsule, triangular, oblong, obtuse, and trilocular with three longitudinal valves. the Seed So far as I could judge are noumerous not very manute and globilar.
The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
Small wonder that, mounted on her fiery little mustang, untrammeled by her short gray riding-habit, free as the wind itself that blew through the folds of her flannel blouse, with her brown hair half-loosed beneath her slouched felt hat, she seemed to Dick a more beautiful and womanly figure than the stiff buckramed simulation of man's angularity and precision he had seen in the parks.
The Bell-Ringer of Angel's
I take the area distorted maps produced by cylindrical projection, we often see them when someone wants to emphasise the artic and antartic areas, and transform them into area undistorted rectangular maps.
Southern Ocean Temperature Trends « Climate Audit
Howardites are polymict breccias composed of angular clasts of eucrites and diogenites welded together by pulverized mineral dust.
The overmantel contains its original rectangular mirror plate and has a moulded bead and leaf frame measuring 83 centimetres high by 150 wide.
Theres something wrong about the angularness of the front and the roundness of the back, as if the dress has an identity crisis.
This Week's Pattern Story - A Dress A Day
She is tall and angular, but her manner is gentler than the others '.
Times, Sunday Times
Consilio itaque eiusmodi triangulum pro bibliopola pigendi reiecto, vt mihi, quae mistiones pigmentis angularibus Mayerianis producantur videre cupienti satisacerem, triangulum e siccis illis pigmentis, sicut Mayerus sub sinem §10, suadet, construxi, in vires illorum tigendi methodo Lambertiana ita inquirens.
The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
McCarthy's angular face, a weather-beaten mask of crags and furrows, hides an inner core filled with Yorkshire steel and Irish charm.
Genal regions are angular but are not developed into genal spines.
The assumption is that we will start with a rectangular cuboid of material, and then mill out parts until we get what we need.
Using GCAM for GCode 1 « The Half-Baked Maker
Among the common shapes are triangular, circular, rhomboidal, quadrate, trapezoidal, and elliptical.
Both the anterior and posterior rims of the pleurocoel are rounded rather than angular or acuminate.
Body black, with large, dense, not very profound punctures; elytra with the punctures towards the suture longitudinally confluent; a sub - lunate or triangular, dull rufous spot rather behind the middle of each elytrum; tergum with the punctures not smaller at the posterior mar - gins of the segments; feet dirty yellowish; thighs blackish above —
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
Their abdomens are variable in shape being triangular, round to ovoid to elongate, sometimes extending tail-like past the spinnerets.
She could only make out the strong angular shape of his face.
Directly opposite the incisura angularis of the lesser curvature the greater curvature presents a dilatation, which is the left extremity of the pyloric part; this dilatation is limited on the right by a slight groove, the sulcus intermedius, which is about 2.5 cm, from the duodenopyloric constriction.
XI. Splanchnology. 1F. The Stomach
In contrast, the active medium in the mechanical laser is the intrinsic angular momenta of electrons and nuclei.
The care of children with uneven limb length and limb deformities is complex because achild's growth can dramatically exaggerate limb length differences, as well asangular and rotational deformities.
Leg-length discrepancies, limb deformities
At Ado a harvest-festival was in progress in the balei, which, there, was of rectangular shape.
Through Central Borneo; an Account of Two Years' Travel in the Land of Head-Hunters Between the Years 1913 and 1917
The archaeologists last week unearthed engravings of a bison, another ibex, part of a horse and some triangular shapes.
Conservation laws assure us that such quantities as angular momentum, mass-energy, and charge cannot be created or destroyed.
A New Weapon Against Freedom and ID: Volksverhetzung
The task was difficult, as the sprigs were barbed with large thorns, and the fragrant resin stuck to their fingers as they broke the sprigs from the angular branch.
For one, slave hiring provided flexibility within the slave system that yielded benefits for all parties involved in the triangular relationship.
The tilt sensors were comprised of 4 levels of unidirectional fixed inclinometers, used to measure the angular displacement between the levels.
Our oven hob has four rings, like most hobs arranged rectangularly.
Archive 2010-02-01
Within each bay, the thin membrane is tautly held between triangular steel trusses by a network of bracing cables and compression bars.
But any particle with integer intrinsic spin angular momentum is a boson.
A triangular pyramid, or tetrahedron, has a triangular base and four faces, counting the bottom.
With your prominent cheekbones and square jaw, you need to soften your look by avoiding glasses that are sharp and angular.
Times, Sunday Times
At different moments in Jez Butterworth's play Jerusalem, the noted Shakespearean Mark Rylance sports a pickelhaube the spiked emblem of Great War-era German militarism, a knit cap with satanic-looking triangular points, and a searing cross burned into his back by vengeful hooligans.
Eamon Murphy: Theater Review: Jerusalem
Between the curving cross-spars, the sail adopts a vee form not unlike that on a Malay or triangular kite.
The saltatory nature of this type of flight results in extreme linear and angular displacements of the bird's body; however, birds isolate their heads from these accelerations with cervical reflexes.
The lesser multangular is the smallest bone in the distal row.
II. Osteology. 6b. The Hand. 1. The Carpus
The angular magnification of any optical system can be obtained from the system matrix for the system.
It now sports a black base with an angular platinum flip-top.
We have also found a fourth, and then on the south side of the city, about the year 320, they built another wall with what we called the multangular tower, to guard against the incoming peoples on the river side of the city, again our ancestors, the English-speaking people, who were beginning to come up the river in those days.
Energy and Common Sense in Education and Empire
Dimples, especially on the chin, also increase the angularity and definition of the male face, creating the impression of a strong visage.
On the other hand, my chest - not my bosom, my chest - measures 17 1/2 inches from scye to scye - the triangular notch in the front armhole.
So many dresses, they're coming out of the walls - A Dress A Day
The remains of a small amphitheatre and three rectangular enclosures, possibly Roman, can be seen in fields beside the road.
The Zambia under-18 squad opened the quadrangular rugby tournament in Jwaneng with a 19-6 victory over their Botswana hosts.
From garage rock to punk, electro and disco it's blend of angular funk bass lines, cut and paste loops and warp style electronica provides both a fascinating and highly danceable listen.
She was tall and slim, with angular features and a tentative smile.
Spitfire Women of World War II
Thcfc peltated leaves are of a roundifh figure in the whole, though they are angular, and being large, and of a good green, make it a valuable climber.
Planting and Ornamental Gardening: A Practical Treatise
Angular depressions at the base of siltstone laminae represent casts of halite that was dissolved by lower-salinity waters that introduced silt.
I consider her stiff, slender figure, Egyptian in its stubborn angularity.
She had aged, yet the angular face was unmistakable.
The Sun
They are specifically angulated and torqued so that a round wire will begin the allignment and a rectangular wire will fine tune the torque, etc.
Orthodontics (Braces)
The unique toroidally-shaped rectangular roof, hung from a basket weave lattice arch with a record breaking span of 315m, is an innovative and structurally efficient solution to providing fully covered, unobstructed views to all
WA Business News - Latest News
Southern hemisphere ships and non-Venn ships of the north were all fore-and-aft rigged, though many had square foretopsails; raffees had square foresails with triangular foretopsails.
I solved the problem of shading my conservatory a couple of years ago by purchasing a large rectangular sun shade and base in a sale.
Times, Sunday Times
Mooncakes are customarily circular in shape, but rectangular cakes are gaining in popularity.
The alidade is a triangular ruler with one or more working scales on it beside other measurements.
Military Instructors Manual
Black and colored lines delineated triangular planes of color that made up a succession of cubistic forms.
I tell her I'd like some of the bulk trimmed out, and that I'm thinking of cutting some side-swept bangs to soften up my angular, Central European moonface.
Model Project: Exposed
The woman is a predatory siren whose fierce, angular movements are accompanied by the creaks and grinds of unoiled door hinges.
The mandibular symphysis is more than one-third of the total length of the mandible, and the dentary, angular, and splenial are involved.
This was later elongated to become rectangular in plan, with roofing of bamboo as well, only this time curved in the shape of a barrel.
Integral Forms for Magnetostatics. Magnetic Multipoles. Relation between Magnetic Moment and Angular Momentum.
The triangular slave trade had begun to supply these Atlantic colonies with unfree African labour, for work on tobacco, rice and sugar plantations.
Stone tools of the tradition include triangular points made on flakes, racloirs, triangular bifacial handaxes, and burins and awls made on blades.
Shower trays come in an array of dimensions from square, rectangular and quadrant for corner units with coinciding shower enclosures to ensure conformity in the bathroom.
Garcia Maquez's magic realism sheds a light on tyranny that is no less illuminating for its kaleidoscopic nature; Toni Morrison's opulent, curvaceous sentences give us a taste of the poison of racism, as do J.M. Coetzee's angularities.
Moral Fiction
The brief flare of light showed him short hair, thin but not angular face, and dark eyes.
Both interior and exterior changes are fairly subtle, with a slightly more angular front bumper and chrome trim pieces setting it apart from the previous model.
The Sun
The red sandstone tower of Qutab Minar is 72.5 m high, tapering from 14.32 m at its base to 2.75 m in diameter at its peak, and alternating in angular and rounded flutings.
He had an angular face with prominent cheekbones.
Extra - large press head , rectangular in shape , color code push - button switches, easy to operate.
They can be configured for linear, square, or rectangular excavations to depths of 30 ft. or more for such uses as pipelines, pits, retaining walls, and bridge abutments.
Tom Arthurs' Centipede are fidgety writhers, striking angular shapes with tricky grooves and utilising the spiked fork of their leader's trumpet and Laubrock's soprano saxophone.
His cap cast a shadow over the top part of his face and accentuated the slightly angular shape of his jaws.
Irradiation of aminolevulinic acid/protoporphyrin IX-sensitized cells with 10 J cm - 2 of 514 nm light led to pronounced changes in angularly resolved light scattering consistent with mitochondrial swelling.
The new iPhone's headphones will plug into the same rectangular socket as the charging cable.
Times, Sunday Times
His designs pulsed with angular hepcats bearing funnel-tapered noses and shark-fin chins, who fingered cockeyed pianos and honked lollipop-hued horns.
Boing Boing: September 19, 2004 - September 25, 2004 Archives
If only the same could be said for the so-called sopaipillas, which turn out to be triangular, cinnamon-sugared cake doughnuts - very average ones - instead of flaky balloons of fried dough.
At the rear of the engine is a pair of rectangular metal grids that are charged with 6,000 volts of electric potential.
Even his face was angular, with small black eyes that burned with inexhaustible impatience, and full of crooks and sharp, awkward angles, from his pointy ears to his thin white mouth and his sharp, narrow chin.
I watched cabin cruisers arc through the large triangular confluence, then, my detour done, wandered back for the walk proper.
Grease and line a 30cm × 20cm rectangular traybake tin with baking parchment.
Times, Sunday Times
So far as I can see then, the catafalque is simply constructed of a bier (a raised rectangular wooden box or metal stand of dimensions that would hold an adult sized coffin) which is then covered by the black pall, or the same, further with a type of symbolic coffin further placed upon it, similarly covered.
Reader Question: Constructing the Catafalque
Here, the 24-foot-thick bed strikes E-W, dips 25 [degrees] N., and is composed of subangular-to-rounded clasts composed of granophyre, rhyolite, and basalt.
Angular planes of corrugated steel extend out to frame the entrance and engage with the public thoroughfare.
Her head was covered by a red kerchief, which, folden triangular, hung loosely over it: her grey hairs were combed back from her high and wrinkled brow.
Three Weeks in the Downs, or Conjugal Fidelity Rewarded: exemplified in the Narrative of Helen and Edmund
The department said in a notice today that it will issue regulations that disallow so-called triangular reorganizations that attempt to escape tax when they send foreign earnings to a U.S. parent company....
September 2006
In quantum mechanics, angular momentum is quantized.
At last we came upon a set of double doors that had a rectangular window on each of them.
The heights of Pindus towered above us; the castle of Yanina rose white and angular from the blue waters of the lake, and the immense masses of black vegetation which, viewed in the distance, gave the idea of lichens clinging to the rocks, were in reality gigantic fir-trees and myrtles.
The Count of Monte Cristo
A stela is a free-standing stone slab, generally rectangular in shape but sometimes with a rounded or pointed top.
Interactive Dig Waka' - Bulletin Board
LU decomposition is a triangular decomposition approach of non-singular matrix, and the digital image can be seen as a matrix.
Yet being red should not be analysed into being coloured plus something else, in the way that being square can be analysed as being quadrilateral plus being equilateral and equiangular.
The very top roof of the main structure rose in a steep slope to be cut off into a flat, even, rectangular-shaped roof.
The faces on chabazite are typically smooth and lustrous, whereas gmelinite has triangular growths on the crystal faces.
With her gaze she traced his jaw, smooth and angular, edging up towards his eyes.
Meanwhile, the others had razeed a frigate, the _Merrimac_, and upon an angular roof laid railroad-iron to make her shot-proof.
The Lincoln Story Book
His face seemed to have been carved from the very stone around them, with sharp, angular features and a hawk-like nose.
Two female students stood at the right side of the long rectangular board, where the names of the highest placing students were located.
The architectural moldings divide the wall into rectangular fields and cusped trefoils, rigorously inscribed by straightedge and compass.
He was older and hid behind a harsh, angular face and a tiny moustache.
The Crossing-Place
The former asylum opened in 1816 is a stately quadrangular building of stone with pillars of the Doric order.
Rectangular waveguide longitudinal slot arrays is analyzed using moment method.
The acquisition will be the first major deal in Japan to use the so-called triangular-merger method, which became available in May.
Citigroup to List in Tokyo
Both the spin and orbital angular momentum of a beam can always be calculated from the transverse components of linear momentum.
But then you come to the third part of this sort of triangular absurdity, and what you get to is big financial institutions with extremely well-paid individuals, in the presumably pure free market.
They were infilled with rubble and sodded to create a low rectangular mound.
The word ‘barbican’ describes a fortified outpost of gateway, and it is a good fit for the angular, sharp architecture of this London development.
The final seven rusticated bands are precisely linked to the voussoirs and keystones that define the arches and the niches, the latter exactly the same height as the rectangular openings below.
If, however, you are using the basic triangular frame, you should place it over the reds as earlier described, and lift the frame slightly off the cloth and carefully move them toward the pink spot.
The game board is a rectangular grid of squares, initially occupied by a given configuration of filled squares.
While the Korean summit made headlines, probably as important is a new triangular rapprochement fast taking place among the three main protagonists of Northeast Asia.
It was that rectangular piece of cardboard that musical compact discs used to come in.
A rectangular parquet table sat before a wall of windows, and a silk flower arrangement exploded with color on a bombé chest.
Products with a square, rectangular, triangular, or polygonal cross-section can have corners rounded along their whole length.
Its skin is smooth and looks like carved stone, but graceful, not angular and chiseled like a statue.
Their sliding-block puzzles often featured differently shaped pieces in rectangular trays.
He held up a small rectangular box of clear, thick plastic.
Like many critics of Federation Square, this guy emphasised the harshness, angularity and general uninvitingness of the development.
The horns of the male are sub-triangular, much compressed laterally and posteriorly; in fact one may say concave at the sides, that is, from the base of the horn to about one half; transversely sulcated; curving outwards, and returning inward towards the face; points convergent.
Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
Fix the cosmetic shelf on the base with the M 5 inner hexangular set screw.
They were brown and pentangular, with a short stem, and slightly punctured at the intersections.
Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions, Volume 1 (of 2)
At first he was like to sulk in the style of a hawk who has failed of his swoop; but seeing his enemy arising slowly with grunts, and action nodose and angular -- rather than flexibly graceful -- contempt became the uppermost feature of his mind.
Mary Anerley : a Yorkshire Tale
The wild and provocative intonations of the danse du ventre hit our ears as one dancer broke into convulsive movement, arms, legs, torsos echoing the percussive sounds in angular responses.
If being asymmetrical is the design focus, why put it in a rectangular frame? sasha on 28 Jan 2009 at 4: 06 am # wow! never seen anything like this before!
The Dekka Daybed by FurnID
A free-form patchwork of green stretched from under my nose to tall boxwood hedges on the verge of a triangular lot.
This griseous pilosity fills all the tips of the elytra, leaving bare only the sutures, an angular notch behind the middle (which forms with that apical part of the suture a kind of hook on each elytron), and two round spots, one submarginal fronting the tip of the notch, the other larger, discoidal, behind the foot of the notch, much above the tip.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology