How To Use Anguished In A Sentence

  • There was a great deal of variation, ranging from the mundanely technical to the anguished plea for understanding and cooperation.
  • It's not related to the band because it isn't music in any shape or form, just anguished, terrifying pure sound.
  • Back in the late 1970s it languished at motoring's base camp, keeping company with much more mundane marques.
  • Unlike his usual style, the symphony ends with an adagio that includes some of the most anguished music he ever composed.
  • The classical music scene languished during the war as symphony orchestras and opera companies lost musicians to military bands.
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  • Without the founder's drive and direction, the company gradually languished.
  • The message boards of websites for expats brim with anguished questions on the practicalities of returning home. Times, Sunday Times
  • Homeowners and businessmen spent an anguished day poring over maps trying to determine the extent of damage to properties and livelihoods. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was most conscience-stricken by my anguished looking mother's tearful eyes; an unproud image now permanently carved into my subconscious.
  • As Paul says, all creation groans in anguished anticipation of the day when God's glory will transfigure all things. Medpundit
  • Of course he's probably lying, but any sensitive, caring American would recognize this as an anguished cry for help.
  • Here, the music becomes anguished yet mechanical, frighteningly repetitious and full of noises that seem only half-human in origin.
  • Our project languished during the holidays.
  • That was obviously not the opinion of Ann Sadler's friends when they brought this case to the attention of the court, nor does it seem to be her opinion- she 'languished' for several days before dying. Archive 2008-08-01
  • The notion that she was seconds from rescue before the blunder must be intolerable for her anguished parents to bear. The Sun
  • The result of all this was that the Escort languished in some unfamiliar positions in the top 10 sales chart.
  • Anthony Milne, an anguished soul in a Yucatan-style jacket and veldskoens, has been coming here since the poetry evenings started.
  • For years afterward, the index languished below the century mark as the economy slowed and inflation ravaged consumers' buying power.
  • Since the war the industry has gradually languished.
  • Now, each time she calls her anguished daughter " You sweet girl, " your flesh crawls, just as it ' s supposed to. '
  • Symphony #4 was finished in 1934 but languished unplayed until 1967, five years before the composer's death.
  • Desmond eyed her anguished face with sympathy.
  • Still, Jeter has used it for his at-bat song of late, as well as Philadelphia has no equivalent swat stars, with many of a citys tip bent carrying languished for years upon you guessed it Jay-Zs old label, Roc-A-Fella Records. Archive 2009-10-01
  • The notion that she was seconds from rescue before the blunder must be intolerable for her anguished parents to bear. The Sun
  • These give off the feel of man and earth as a lesson for the anguished lyric poet.
  • Although the Symphony lacks the striking originality of future masterpieces like "Fratres" (1977) or "Tabula Rasa" (1977), the adagio-like second movement, with its dark, anguished outbursts in the low strings, points the way. P
  • He took an anguished breath. He had to be brutal and say it.
  • The watch-wher, its snarl turning into an anguished cry of alarm, executed an incredible maneuver in mid-air, turning aside from its trajection. DragonFlight
  • DVDs, video games, paperbacks, housewares, unopened toiletries, unopened energy bars, even unused bellybutton rings: If it might have otherwise languished in a basement, closet, cabinet or drawer — or ended up at Goodwill in exchange for a teensy tax deduction — it's ripe for swapping. Sign of the times: Going swapping, not shopping
  • I was depressed and anguished, because I realized that there was no future for me, for my magazine, for anything.
  • an anguished conscience
  • He had languished in Lewes prison for more than a week. Times, Sunday Times
  • In surviving the cut, an otherwise anguished Woods displayed admirable qualities of courage and resolve.
  • The result was an anguished 1,500-word confession cum apologia.
  • His tones made it plain that the name of anguished, God-ridden Darwin was as distasteful as that of any other forktail fiend, Beelzebub, Asmodeus or Lucifer himself. The Satanic Verses
  • Her parents made anguished appeals for her return.
  • Madeline is devastated by guilt and anguished over her helplessness.
  • She's dehydrated and quite stressed and anguished, so they are keeping her in for observations.
  • I said, the word wobbly and anguished, my mouth barely able to form the sounds. Claim to Fame
  • But he was rushed back to hospital after docs told his anguished parents he had caught the bug. The Sun
  • He had languished in Lewes prison for more than a week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Howard didn't know how long he'd languished, lost in misery.
  • Why do we still have to talk about this obviously anguished former glamour model? Times, Sunday Times
  • And as the public sector grew, the private sector languished.
  • The old man languished in his grief after the death of his wife.
  • Sometimes they were East Germanic, and that was a grief, taking, as it were, the bloom from the guess that had made him great; and again they were West Germanic, and that was awful, the hallucination ending in a mortal struggle with the feather bed under which German science is incubated, and passing off with an anguished The Collectors
  • When she finished dressing almost falling in the act, she heard an anguished cry of pain.
  • Most of the rioters could never have expected the riots to bring about any specific political reforms, but instead engaged in them simply as a staging of anguished, despairing, and defiant political street-theater, the value of which inhered in the unmitigated violence through which the dialogue was communicated to a national audience. Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
  • Future historians will ask whether a society that anguished over the imposition of ever more absurd politically correct terminology might not have been better employed in curbing some of the excesses of the rock music industry.
  • The leaves languished from lack of water.
  • The loss of her husband anguished her deeply.
  • If we are all ‘artists-as-citizens’, and we go about our days perceiving that unique, vast ‘picture’ of our own description, then we will have always lived as artists, here, in anguished times! Think Progress » To Justify Hypocritical Attacks, Rudy Giuliani Claims The Shoe Bomber’s Attempted Attack Happened Before 9/11
  • [T] he forty-part Missa sopra Ecco sì beato giorno ... by Alessandro Striggio languished throughout the twentieth century disguised as a nameless four-part Mass by Strusco. For Choral Music aficionados
  • It was so hard to pick the best picture of Wenger looking anguished in the last few games.
  • As he lay on the infuser and the dark glow flooded his anguished mind, the truth had burst upon him like a bolt from Belbe's plasma discharger. Nemesis
  • Homeowners and businessmen spent an anguished day poring over maps trying to determine the extent of damage to properties and livelihoods. Times, Sunday Times
  • The loss of her son anguished her deeply.
  • Birds screeched from the bamboo forest, echoing the anguished cries of the injured.
  • Michael reared back and struck the radio dial with an anguished roar, bloodying his knuckles with the punch.
  • He has nothing more for you, nor you for him; but he may be rich in juices wherewithal to nourish the heart of another man, and their two lives, set together, may have an endosmose and exosmose whose result shall be richness of soil, grandeur of growth, beauty of foliage, and perfectness of fruit; while you and he would only have languished into aridity and a stunted crab-tree. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 59, September, 1862
  • Most analysts of international relations agree that it was a period during which the traditional alliance between Washington and Brussels was languished; mainly due to Bush administration's impuissance to search for broader consensus regarding the Iraq War. Obama's chance to renew US-Europe relations
  • Your boyfriend saw you anguished and felt powerless to help. The Sun
  • But even after 90 years, some of the anguished cries from that war still re-echo. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the anguished upstate New York social worker now finds himself waging a spirited campaign to keep his sibling from death row.
  • Lawns remained uncut, gardens unweeded and crops languished in the field.
  • Our project languished during the holidays.
  • Burton played the anguished but heroic young captain who would not betray the revolutionary leader despite the systematic slaughter of six hostages.
  • Her ready laugh is wide-mouthed, almost anguished, like a howl. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had languished in Lewes prison for more than a week. Times, Sunday Times
  • A tetanic convulsion wracked Spock's body, arching his spine and forcing from him a shuddering, anguished scream. THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK
  • Bradford has for too long languished at the end of two dead-end railway lines and one dead-end motorway.
  • Git could hear screams of anguished pain coming from inside the burning inferno.
  • faineant kings under whose rule the country languished
  • Miriamele made an anguished sound, trying to bury her face in her long blue veil, then leaped up to dash past on velvet-slippered feet into her bedchamber.
  • One of them, who saw a stray dog being beaten to near-death, was so anguished that he has vowed never to come back here again.
  • Your boyfriend saw you anguished and felt powerless to help. The Sun
  • Certainly his letter to his wife showed a man anguished about his family.
  • Chief U.S. District Judge Stephen Raslavich has complained the company has "languished" in bankruptcy for more than 18 months. 93-Year-Old Ray Perelman Mounts Solo Bid For Philly Newspapers
  • His name languished in the Senate, and he was finally turned down.19 Most nominations, however, went through Congress unopposed or with little opposition. A History of American Law
  • The body politic languished in a discomposed mood, scrutinizing her every fidget to see if she would continue her quest for glory or tack back to safe harbor. Brad Parker: Captain Hillary Sails 'Round Good Hope At Last
  • The loss of her husband anguished her deeply.
  • There was much anguished toing and froing between the head waiter and the kitchen. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ways of the image and the emblem are opposed; the final line is not a rhetorical statement of reconciliation but an anguished question; it is our perilous fate not to know if the glimpses of unity which we perceive at times can be made more permanent by natural ways or by the ascesis of renunciation, by images or emblem" (202). History against Historicism, Formal Matters, and the Event of the Text: De Man with Benjamin
  • Shaw languished in jail for fifteen years.
  • Then the debate over cloning will be well and truly on, so prepare to hear an endless stream of anguished cries that we are on a slippery slope and politicians have joined the scientists in playing God.
  • But while others anguished over what his life meant, Ali had no such trouble: he knew who he was and exactly what he wanted
  • Emotions ran so high down on the beach that the painted green and yellow faces turned a smudged and anguished blue. The Sun
  • Unmoved by a chorus of anguished cries, the Biltmore crew calmly rounded up the glasses, tallied the tabs and shrugged off entreaties for special dispensation.
  • His anguished cries travel on the wind, haunting her.
  • Owners whose homes have languished unsold for months will fare no better as landlords unless they are prepared to bring their property up to scratch. Times, Sunday Times
  • And in anguished silence should they bear the punishment he would mete out to them, or else in no less anguished speech themselves proclaim their own dastardy to the world. The Snare
  • June 8th, 2009 3: 38pm it used to be called racialism till the socialists got in. like veterans used to be called ex-servicemen and women. like a loss used to be called a defeat. like a train station used to be called a railway station. you missed from the litany of racialist offences making a complaint to the planning authorities when a gang of car thieves plant their caravans and dogs in a lovely paddock near your house where parking or development are absolutely forbidden. and how many Tory or Lib Dem councillors will dare then to stand up for their anguished constituents in this situation? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Shaw languished in jail for fifteen years.
  • This time I saw the figure on the ground move, an anguished flopping like a landed pickerel. FOOLS GOLD
  • It has languished long enough in the shadow of unemployment and empty promises.
  • Briggs was hanging on to a particularly wild stirk, his back towards me, and I'll never know if he was thrown back or one of the other men nudged my arm because next moment he let out an anguished yell. Every living thing
  • If it has languished in your wardrobe since last winter's sales, chances are it will still be there unworn in January 2005.
  • The sight of Jon Matthews's anguished face was not something Jeffrey would soon forget. BLINDSIGHTED
  • This time I saw the figure on the ground move, an anguished flopping like a landed pickerel. FOOLS GOLD
  • The baby and juvenile specimens were exhumed from the museum's collection, where they had languished -- unrecognized and misnamed -- since the 1960s. Tracking T. Rex's Growth
  • The message boards of websites for expats brim with anguished questions on the practicalities of returning home. Times, Sunday Times
  • She languished to throw herself into the arms of her father, to unbosom to him all her errors and distresses, and owe their extrication to his wisdom and kindness. Camilla
  • When the USSR was invaded in June 1941, many anguished Christians serving in the Wehrmacht began to feel a little more comfortable about supporting a war that now included the overthrow of godless communism.
  • But come Sunday lunchtime, when local crayfish, cooked in white wine, butter and herbs, were being snapped up by the posher trippers - Tom let out an anguished scream.
  • Despite anguished pleas of extenuating circumstances by the desperate father, the school system has so far adamantly insisted that automatic punishments for weapon possession in school are inviolate.
  • He has nothing more for you, nor you for him; but he may be rich in juices wherewithal to nourish the heart of another man, and their two lives, set together, may have an endosmose and exosmose whose result shall be richness of soil, grandeur of growth, beauty of foliage, and perfectness of fruit, while you and he would only have languished into aridity and a stunted crab-tree. The Wit and Humor of America, Volume IV. (of X.)
  • In the original jail dungeon they will see the punishments being meted out and hear the anguished cries of the prisoners.
  • For 74 years, these true American heroines have languished there ignominiously.
  • This anguished cry rings out from the middle of a book which is otherwise full of intense pleasure. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Eihei temple, factionalized and concerned with maintaining the purity of its tradition, languished for a time, while the faction that went with Gikai out of the temple flourished.
  • Six years ago, the trust bought it, and a right of access from the farmer, and set about the task of restoring, as faithfully as possible, the Grade II-listed building, which had languished, unloved and unlived in, since 1912.
  • Soon enough, Tucker shows up late one night to torment the anguished adolescent about their relationship.
  • She cast an anguished look at Guy.
  • What is there to say to the anguished mother who asks why her child's death wasn't important enough to warrant the supreme penalty?
  • The leaves languished from lack of water.
  • But the conversation languished, and in the ever-lengthening silences all found their thoughts reverting to the idea brutally expressed by Mr. Ryan: Muslin
  • It languished in post-production for nearly a year; British Lion and its new Managing Director, Michael Deeley, considered the finished film overlong and unmarketable.
  • Lawns remained uncut, gardens unweeded and crops languished in the field.
  • Hunger, misery, degeneracy and the ravages of age were personified, and estheticized, in sculptures of anguished, contorted figures.
  • ‘I want you here,’ he whispered, his voice low and raw and anguished.
  • The lynchpin of the production is the intense and anguished performance of Nesbitt. Times, Sunday Times
  • McMinn anguished on his inability to force words from his mouth. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • She was also a deeply religious woman, although non-conformist, and anguished over the plight of prostitutes - women she felt were denied the chance to return to God's grace.
  • The word ‘guilty’ was greeted with an anguished wail from the gallery above.
  • Without the founder's drive and direction, the company gradually languished.
  • But the anguished upstate New York social worker now finds himself waging a spirited campaign to keep his sibling from death row.
  • But he was rushed back to hospital after docs told his anguished parents he had caught the bug. The Sun
  • He ends this kinderspiel with "Over to you, anguished liberals," as if he can't wait to watch with a maniacal giggle. Kristol Meth: Let's You and Him Fight
  • Then I heard the anguished bellow of a Himalayan cow, one of the little black crummies no bigger than Newfoundland dogs. The Kipling Reader Selections from the Books of Rudyard Kipling
  • They have anguished over a daughter's headaches and the sight of blood running from the nose of a son who has never suffered from nosebleeds before.
  • Since the war the industry has gradually languished.
  • While a small trade-off may take place for a new subway entrance or refurbished park, Governor's Island, an enormous opportunity, has languished in picturesque desuetude since its transfer from the federal government in 2003.
  • We are very distressed and anguished at what has been happening in Gujarat for almost three months.
  • For the writers who already felt anguished about writing for the films, strict censorship was just another insult to be added to the list. Writers in Hollywood, 1915-51
  • Tate's sobs and the anguished wails of relatives will not do much to change that.
  • Further, if they chose to stop or to discourage visits, they felt anguished about their decisions.
  • Only a free market would restore abundance, not to mention reanimating foreign trade, which had languished under a controlled economy.
  • We were quite tired when we reached our destination, rode up a washed and "gullied" approach to a most miserable looking habitation, a little have cultivated enclosure on one side, a lot on the other in which stood a poor bay horse, while outside under a tree languished a miserable claybank, with his back all bloody, a decrepit paling enclosed a little yard before the door where Diary, August 8, 1859-May 15, 1865.
  • Since the war the industry has gradually languished.
  • He could still save her - but he felt too broken up inside, too anguished to even think.
  • For seven days we climbed and skied perfect corn snow, sunbathed by the pool, and languished in the hot tub.
  • Meilir Rhys Williams captures Dennis's anguished flightiness and Oedipal instincts: he extravagantly dances Kirsten Clark as his mum round the living room and allows himself to be lovingly cradled in her lap. Over Gardens Out - review
  • If you want to sample his singing, try "Ich habe genug" on his Bach cantatas CD, with its quietly anguished oboe obbligato. CBSO, Stephen Hough/Nelsons; Bamberg Symphony Orchestra/Nott – review
  • He took an anguished breath. He had to be brutal and say it.
  • This anguished cry rings out from the middle of a book which is otherwise full of intense pleasure. Times, Sunday Times
  • What if she doesn't understand English and can't smile even if she wants to, I anguished.
  • Most of those imprisoned languished into ill health, many losing their lives due to total disregard.
  • Emotions ran so high down on the beach that the painted green and yellow faces turned a smudged and anguished blue. The Sun
  • But the older brother appeared too menacing to the bipartisan traditions of the Senate and the idea languished until 2010. THE PROMISE
  • Its tearing rage tells of torment and the anguished devils that take up emotional residence in your heart after a fractured romance.
  • All of these characters are subjects whose bodies convey an anguished message about pain and privation that cannot be articulated any other way.
  • His expression anguished, he rested one hand on her head, the other tightly covering her nape, guiding her head back. Demon From The Dark
  • The king’s tracer tossed and turned, his expression anguished. Sent
  • Often this leads to fists being shaken, fingered signs being gesticulated, and harsh words exchanged, as the anguished cry, ‘that was my space!’
  • The manner in which Judas grew more white-livered over his victuals, and languished, with his head on one side, as if he had no appetite, defies all description. Pictures from Italy
  • While the Byzantine Empire was flourishing, western Europe languished in spiritual and cultural darkness.
  • She showed him which ones, but he didn't seem all too anguished about it, for he gave her a dismissive wave.
  • AI's practical side continues to thrive, but its theoretical side has languished after bequeathing a mixture of brilliant and awful ideas to philosophy and cognitive psychology.
  • Another squeezes his eyes tightly shut to keep the tears back as he recalls the death of a soldier with the face of a boy, his panic as he bled to death and his anguished cries for his mother.
  • It's not related to the band because it isn't music in any shape or form, just anguished, terrifying pure sound.
  • They heard her anguished accusal of her uncle but Bandari was nowhere in sight. Haven
  • Since the war the industry has gradually languished.
  • But he was rushed back to hospital after docs told his anguished parents he had caught the bug. The Sun
  • No longer was it possible to barter twenty pounds 'worth of ivory for threepennyworth of beads, and the flourishing Mazeppa Trading Company languished and died. Bones in London
  • This anguished cry rings out from the middle of a book which is otherwise full of intense pleasure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Part of the symphony was substantially complete, but the rest consisted of shorthand scribbles and anguished remarks in the margins.
  • Unmoved by a chorus of anguished cries, the Biltmore crew calmly rounded up the glasses, tallied the tabs and shrugged off entreaties for special dispensation.
  • Defoe's story is an anguished inquiry into questions of predestination and election, freedom and theodicy.
  • In a hospice setting it is not unusual to be confronted by anguished relatives witnessing the physical deterioration of their loved ones.
  • The message boards of websites for expats brim with anguished questions on the practicalities of returning home. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was much anguished toing and froing between the head waiter and the kitchen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Have your investments languished because of low interest rates and a lethargic stock market?
  • Moses leading the israelites out of Egypt, Philippides running the first marathon, John Glenn blasting off to orbit the earth—none of those people could have felt as anguished, as traumatized, as terrified as I did, just taking those twenty or so steps. Claim to Fame
  • Emotions ran so high down on the beach that the painted green and yellow faces turned a smudged and anguished blue. The Sun
  • He languished in poverty for years.
  • They shouted at each other, someone called Claire was mentioned and there was many an anguished bellow.
  • The loss of her husband anguished her deeply.
  • An anguished woman's voice cried, `Ay, mi madre ,' and the teacher thought he was hearing things. OUTCAST
  • It is a harrowing experience to hear a squeal of tires followed by a thump and then the anguished cries of an animal in pain.
  • Penicillin and other antibiotics were miracle cures for gonorrhea and syphilis. The poor, humble condom languished.
  • Pure self-interest caused the Duke of Stone quite unreservedly to hope that he was anguished by the unaccustomedness of his surroundings, and was ready to pour himself forth to any one who would listen. T. Tembarom
  • He had never excavated another site, but as the ancient mound languished on the Konya Plain, undug and neglected, Mellaart had done everything he could to keep its memory—and his own reputation—alive. The Goddess and the Bull
  • Ava anguished, stupidly thinking that it'd be easy to just relax around Dianna, but she, Ava was still the prey and Dianna the predator.
  • Suddenly, on my earphones I hear an anguished cry from one of the interpreters: ‘The French is not coming through!’
  • She didn't have time to dwell on it however, before the pain from her wound surged through her, driving her back to her knees with an anguished cry.
  • The leaves languished from lack of water.
  • Yet in other cases he almost abdicated his leadership role -- as during the last couple of years, while the Bundestag languished in deadlock over tax reform and other moves to revamp the welfare state. Last Of His Kind
  • Well, a lady in that church anguished whether she should tell the pastor.
  • The notion that she was seconds from rescue before the blunder must be intolerable for her anguished parents to bear. The Sun
  • The other two pieces, now lost, are a relief sculpture and Anguished Woman in her Room at Night, which uses the reclining female form and similar spikes as those seen here to allude to mental pain.
  • Anguished voices have a way of echoing beyond the grave.
  • Under this legislation some men have languished in prisons for almost two years now without charge or trial.

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