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How To Use Angrily In A Sentence

  • Does a father react angrily when his tired, overwhelmed twelve-month-old flails out and hits him on the nose?
  • He reacted angrily to the suggestion that he had lied.
  • The sword clanked for the third time, and the king said angrily: The Crimson Fairy Book
  • These verbs mean to reprimand or criticize angrily or vehemently.
  • A brief silence followed, in which she tried to retaliate with a clever comeback and he frowned angrily at the ground.
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  • Angrily, he grabbed the first thing that came to hand (a wooden spoon), crossed the room in three strides and walloped Simeon as hard as he could.
  • The tallest of the three had his jaws set hard, his green eyes glinting angrily.
  • A hand yanked him backwards as a car went screaming past him, the driver angrily blaring his horn at him.
  • The sound of the gunshot reverberated angrily in the room.
  • ‘Whisht, woman! whisht!’ said the blind man, angrily, shaking his locks; ‘dinna deave the gentleman wi’ your havers. Redgauntlet
  • He tore off his vest as he trudged angrily away, left. The Sun
  • He spoke angrily about the condition of the urban poor.
  • Irked by Viswa's criticisms of the way some ethnic groups are treated in Singapore, LKY interrupted a medical treatment to angrily refute the "highfalutin" speech in a rare appearance on the parliament floor. SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
  • Somewhere in the thick of branches a sparrow screeched angrily.
  • Wherefore do thou write him a letter and chide him angrily and spare him no manner of reproof, but threaten him with dreadful threats and menace him with death and say to him, ‘Whence hast thou knowledge of me, that thou durst write me, O dog of a merchant, O thou who trudgest far and wide all thy days in wilds and wolds for the sake of gaining a dirham or a dinar? The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • This week, Cllr White reacted angrily to what she calls ‘the smears and untruths,’ levelled at her by Senator Nolan in last week's Nationalist.
  • Georgina opened her fan and started flapping it angrily in front of herself.
  • He sat at his seat behind the desk shuffling his papers around angrily.
  • She basically went all to pieces and I spent more than an hour angrily muttering and refolding every piece of linen in the closet so that when I was finished, it looked like this.
  • The sensitive plant is too vulgar an allusion; but if the truth of modern naturalists may be depended upon, there is a plant which, instead of receding timidly from the intrusive touch, angrily protrudes its venomous juices upon all who presume to meddle with it: – do not you think this plant would be your fittest emblem? Letters for Literary Ladies: To Which is Added, An Essay on the Noble Science of Self-Justification
  • I slammed the door angrily, dropped my bag, slid my jacket gently off my shoulders and once again took sanctuary on my mattress.
  • Sara angrily ground her cigarette into the ashtray.
  • The activists reacted angrily and one had to be restrained. Times, Sunday Times
  • I grunted angrily as we clashed swords, sparks flying off in every direction.
  • The crowd began to mutter angrily, the glowing embers of their ancient prejudices that had been viciously stoked by the near murder of their King were being fanned to fury so easily by the power of the monarch's simple words.
  • He swore as he bent low over the bars, angrily straining on the pedals, gathering speed as he wheeled round the corner and into the drive.
  • His persistentquestions finally goaded me into an angry reply / into replying angrily.
  • ‘Whisht, woman! whisht!’ said the blind man, angrily, shaking his locks; ‘dinna deave the gentleman wi’ your havers. Redgauntlet
  • A Giant, so tall that his head towered above Yvon like that of some mighty forest tree, glared at him angrily from the threshold. Folk Tales From Many Lands
  • Aunt Patty said she should be lost without her "hinny," and George Wild remonstrated half angrily with her, for going off to leave him alone; but all to no effect -- Annie must go. Eventide A Series of Tales and Poems
  • In the front yard the pot-bellied officer was scowling and grunting, exclaiming angrily to the monkish gatekeeper. COUP D'ETAT
  • Some were shouting angrily, some were talking loudly… and others were guffawing.
  • A little girl may cry for hours and scream angrily whenever her parents try to play with her.
  • He was the sort of person who would angrily thump the table and shout at the radio during political discussion programmes.
  • And at one point on the set she and another actress collapsed in fits of laughter because Walters was unable to glare angrily.
  • 'What's that chilt at now?' she exclaimed angrily, getting up and listening. The History of David Grieve
  • As though she had denied this he calls angrily at her: Let Rebecca go like a saint; for me it is fraud! The Crucible
  • My own range-extender is to glare angrily at the receiver.
  • The woman walked out of the shop angrily and decided to punish the assistant next day.
  • The Wolves midfielder reacted angrily, sparking a shoving match as players from both sides got involved. The Sun
  • The man shook his fist angrily.
  • One of the kids angrily asks how often it is that they get a suicide in this nowhere town.
  • “Oh, damn it!” he exclaimed, half angrily, half self-commiseratingly, in combined rage and shame. The Financier
  • Kira carried on walking, muttering angrily to herself about the absolute stupidity and selfishness of demons and mythical creatures.
  • Here was I, a ballet girl who had taken a cold whose proportions simply towered over that nursed by the leading lady's self; and as I slipped and slid slushily homeward, I asked myself angrily what a fairy was to do with a handkerchief, -- and in heaven's name, what was that fairy to do without one. Stage Confidences
  • The ground squirrel that called the crevice his home came shooting out of his burrow, tail high and stiff, bounding with rage, to chitter angrily at her. The Elvenbane
  • With an annoyed sounding harrumph, Alissa stalked away from John and flopped angrily down on the ground next to a large tree.
  • The vein at his temple throbbed angrily.
  • He was angrily jeered when he refused to apologise, and instead expressed his ‘regret’.
  • Malcolm clenched his fist angrily.
  • She angrily glared at him from above the rim of her thick glasses.
  • I want basketball players to stop angrily screaming "muthafucka" and looking like they could kill someone whenever they block a shot or dunk the ball (are you listening, Kevin Garnett et al?). Andy Ostroy: Cavs' Gilbert Was Right to Blast James. In Fact, He Didn't Go Far Enough
  • ‘New Easy To Open Box’ I read, while angrily pulling at various corners before working out that you lift the tab marked with the arrow to open a secret panel in the centre.
  • The beast snorted angrily at the cloaked men, and Tim had a hard job of keeping it from lunging.
  • When she opened her eyes, Rick loomed over her, his eyes glinting angrily.
  • By nature, Franco was an equivocator; his terms for joining the Nazi war effort were so high that Hitler was left complaining angrily of his ally's ingratitude. Taking A Separate Path
  • ‘Be off with you, you scatterbrains! ‘he shouted angrily, ‘Away from the palace steps!’
  • The mob advanced towards/on us shouting angrily.
  • She screeched angrily and slapped me, her perfectly manicured nails cutting across my cheek.
  • Graham banged his fist angrily on the table.
  • The child pummelled his mother angrily as she carried him home.
  • She questioned angrily, ‘Who is he calling a frump?’
  • Local residents have reacted angrily to the news.
  • The two grunted angrily, leveling their weapons at her.
  • Both times Darren said he heard a gruff male voice in the background speaking angrily in rapid fire French.
  • The leader growled angrily, charging forward only to be restrained by his guards.
  • ‘Edge,’ he said softly as lightning spiked out of the sky and the thunder followed angrily after.
  • Mark punches out angrily at a wall and makes a dent in the surface, hurting his fist.
  • His stomach growled angrily and he caught a few glimpses of disapproving gazes directed at him.
  • The fork shivered angrily and then slid across the table, banging Sven's glass.
  • If you have children under five, it's worth having a quick feel inside the video recorder for rogue bananas before angrily demanding a refund.
  • So I get a little narked and start going for my ear with the scissors in the same manner as one might angrily grab for a fly.
  • She banged her fist angrily on the table.
  • His persistentquestions finally goaded me into an angry reply / into replying angrily.
  • He glared angrily at the small screen of the portable television that he had propped on top of a large stack of dictionaries and rule books.
  • The judge reacted angrily to the suggestion that it hadn't been a fair trial.
  • Tana just acted normal, pretending not to understand why they were all looking at her funnily and angrily.
  • Indian, not of Yncarial blood, angrily addressed the term pederast to another, he was held infamous for many days. Arabian nights. English
  • I tried to sleep on the hour-long ride, but the harsh, strident sound became louder and the long menacing finger pointed angrily.
  • And I saw a bee the size of my thumb in the nest, waving feelers at me angrily.
  • Riho entered the forest, pushing the branches and underbrush out of her way angrily.
  • As the class looked angrily about to determine which ass had once again racked up a high score, I tried my very hardest to vanish into the ether. Waldo Jaquith - What type of college student are/were you?
  • Her brow furrowed and her scorning frown deepened as she glowered at him angrily.
  • Pope Innocent thundered angrily in letters, specifically forbidding the Crusaders from attacking Zara.
  • The child pummelled his mother angrily as she carried him home.
  • She slung her coat angrily into the car.
  • Billy," he called angrily, "you got to come in here and hold this old chicken; she's 'bout the terriblest pecker they is. Miss Minerva and William Green Hill
  • Wow I realy wanted to see both films and I still will, but now that I know tom crackhead cruize is in tropic thunder Im not so interested in it. dac_fan on Jul 29, 2008 tom cruise is so hated that he's actually inspiring people to boycott a movie and rant angrily about him on a internet review blog thingy … Mega Review: Tropic Thunder vs Pineapple Express! «
  • Sometimes, on hot summer nights, clouds form angrily in the distance; vivid flashes dartle hither and about, which serve to intensify the evening darkness. A Splendid Hazard
  • He put his hand on her shoulder,but she threw it off angrily.
  • The woman said angrily that the store was a clip joint.
  • he angrily denied the accusation
  • The swart face of the older half-breed flushed angrily, as he drew himself up and promised in good, round terms that he would travel his leader off his legs, and would then be delighted to plant him in the snow. TO THE MAN ON THE TRAIL
  • Yesterday, the Babaji in A is round continue to keep silence hard, angrily the means with outgiving , right " rumor " give strike back.
  • She sat down on the floor midst the great mess she had created angrily.
  • Just then I saw a fierce-looking man come from the gateway, sword in hand; the two bheesties went on with their watering, and I heard him speaking angrily, and he gave force to his abuse by striking each man sharply with the flat of his sword. Gil the Gunner The Youngest Officer in the East
  • But I never wore them into a sex shop, or paired them with a hot sleeveless number that makes me look like the oldest boy left in high school, the one with the Z-28 and the substitute teacher's phone number, you know the guy who'd been shaving, or not, for so long he no longer fronted the ratstache just to prove he could, preferring to graduate to a three-o'clock shadow that gave your face a particular flavor of rug burn that betrayed your afterschool activities to your parents who angrily whispered things like "juvie" and "Outward Bound TopChefChat
  • He strode angrily into the classroom.
  • Princesse Mathilde jabbed at a log in the stone fireplace and watched the sparks leap angrily upwards.
  • Aelex glared angrily through the smoke vent at the top of the tent.
  • After the ball falls to the grass, Couch angrily unsnaps the chinstrap on his helmet and looks down.
  • ‘You could clearly see my son just standing there talking to his friends and then struck by his gurrier,’ she added angrily.
  • He could almost see the man's spit flying from his mouth as he hissed angrily into the phone.
  • With Hevesi absent, his judge angrily stepped out of the case amid what he called baseless claims from Hevesi's lawyers that the judge had a conflict of interest. The Full Feed from
  • He angrily stomped his cricket after failing the fight.
  • The taxi driver was angrily tooting his horn.
  • He tore off his vest as he trudged angrily away, left. The Sun
  • At the first tribal gathering which is known as a shura, one tribal elder after another stood up, speaking loudly, angrily, some shouting at the president, complaining of police corruption, official bribes and insecurity, our correspondent says. BBC - Ouch
  • He spoke angrily about the condition of the urban poor.
  • It was after this that Joe pitched in his two penn'orth; I may have dozed, for I was suddenly aware that he was nearby, whispering angrily, and J.B. was snapping back at him: indeed, the first words I heard were J.B. growling to him to keep his place and mind who he was talking to. THE NUMBERS
  • Demonstrators protested angrily following the jury's verdict.
  • This caused already to believe originally China's solidifying after learning about went angrily.
  • The teacher frowned angrily at the noisy class.
  • She got up angrily and went through to her bedroom and bathroom to prepare for bed.
  • And like becoming you to peck rice like the chickling , eat when keeping, eat dish can broadcast driving music to convey it " angrily " .
  • Stella could feel the blood thumping angrily through her arteries. JUST BETWEEN US
  • Rail passengers have reacted angrily to news that fares are set to rise.
  • The first man grunted angrily and shifted his spear in his grasp.
  • Legal experts reacted angrily to the move yesterday because of the amount of time and money spent on the case. Times, Sunday Times
  • Expected to be sidelined a minimum of six weeks by the setback, Lee sounded off angrily against what he considered dirty tactics by his Yankee enemies.
  • 'Don't be ridiculous!' Pat retorted angrily.
  • I asked with as nonchalant a tone as I could muster, as he jumped angrily at my sudden appearance.
  • The demonstrators walked along the street, waving banners and shouting angrily.
  • ‘I'm such a wimp,’ she muttered out angrily, a mirthless smile tainting her lips.
  • She turned angrily to her brothers, her eyes blazing with fierce indignation and rampant fury.
  • In another scene, she reacts angrily when told the government is demanding the return of a tranche of public cash granted to the charity. The Sun
  • He never spoke angrily or shouted, and his first act on entering the schoolroom was to break up the long tough hickory "gad" lying on his desk and to fling it out of the window. The Jungle Fugitives A Tale of Life and Adventure in India Including also Many Stories of American Adventure, Enterprise and Daring
  • If he were a batsman, you could bowl him a succession of bouncers and he'd be unlikely to come down the pitch angrily pointing his bat at you.
  • Hearing clambering and the rustling of people around him, Ikeda remained angrily at his spot even as a woman's voice rang out, clear and strong.
  • Her dress is ripped on the floor, she brushes her teeth with whisky and goes up to the mirror and angrily writes'No sale! Times, Sunday Times
  • They rolled around on the floor, angrily scratching and slapping and clawing at each other.
  • Already narked off at having his progress interrupted, he would be angrily declaring that he definitely had had a travelcard.
  • And despite it, the drama rings true, from the angrily delayed passenger to the horror-struck office worker and her petty and malicious co-workers.
  • Brazilian soccer boss Carlos Parreira hit out angrily last night after his side were barred from training at Wembley.
  • I was tempted to snap back angrily at him.
  • she spoke loudly and angrily
  • Overhead, thunderclouds rumbled angrily, lightning began to flash a myriad of colors, and sea winds started to rise and howl.
  • A muscle in his jaw pulsed angrily.
  • Anita felt the heat beat on her cheek and nursed the flames until they seemed to pulsate as angrily as the hoarded resentment within her. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • MPs have reacted angrily to the plans. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has a sharp tongue , ie often speaks harshly or angrily.
  • Nancy looked at the note angrily, then crumpled it up and threw it in a nearby wastepaper basket.
  • There was a laugh among the yeomen who witnessed this pottle-deep potation, so obstreperous as to rouse and disturb the King, who, raising his finger, said angrily, “How, knaves, no respect, no observance?” The Talisman
  • She thrust past him angrily and left.
  • The Wolves midfielder reacted angrily, sparking a shoving match as players from both sides got involved. The Sun
  • The judge reacted angrily to the suggestion that it hadn't been a fair trial.
  • To his horror, a dark-bearded man came quickly in from Grant and looked, rather angrily, among the crowd.
  • He stabbed his finger angrily at my chest.
  • Simmons, the Finance fire-eater, flushed angrily and snapped, "They'll never get an army across the Sinai. HE SHALL THUNDER IN THE SKY
  • And it was she who roused the Cailleac," he said angrily. The Woods Out Back
  • A muscle in his jaw pulsed angrily.
  • In another scene, she reacts angrily when told the government is demanding the return of a tranche of public cash granted to the charity. The Sun
  • When she is gone, Jack angrily punches the air and utters a curse.
  • “I knew he would show them to every newsmonger about the clubs,” said Phineas angrily. Phineas Redux
  • The gentleman’s notice was very soon attracted; for he had not walked three paces, when he turned angrily round, and inquired what that young cur was howling for, and why Mr. Bumble did not favour him with something which would render the series of vocular exclamations so designated, an involuntary process? Oliver Twist
  • She banged on the door angrily.
  • Churkin, angrily denied what he called poisonous, unsourced reports on the Internet aimed at subverting Russia's relationship with Arab countries in the aftermath of the Security Council veto. NYT > Home Page
  • His mother continued to talk angrily, and Tim's thoughts automatically switched to more pleasant subjects.
  • MPs have reacted angrily to the plans. Times, Sunday Times
  • But one, a muscular young man, was far from happy, yelling, angrily holding his arm, he began pushing and shoving me.
  • Ado!" cried Rodney angrily, "is it not bad enough to be called messmate by _you_, and not be able to deny it? The Lifeboat
  • A shivery gray fellow named Hyppo, the Hypothermic Hippopotamus (see below), who sips whiskey from a flask and angrily fires wool socks into the crowd. Little-Known Facts About the Twins
  • He clapped his hat on angrily and went out.
  • Legal experts reacted angrily to the move yesterday because of the amount of time and money spent on the case. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lion lashed its tail angrily in the cage.
  • Jeanette was drying her eyes while Allison was talking angrily and making wild gestures.
  • As we get closer to town, the bus begins making stops more frequently, the wheels grinding angrily on their worn bearings each time.
  • The question now is whether we allow the dollar to be our ruler or keep on suing angrily for peace.
  • Langlais grimaced angrily, kicked open the ventils, leaned across as many keys as he could and almost blew the roof off.
  • Sean saw me first, and elbowed Mark in the side, who snapped his head up angrily, saw me, and smiled in a way I had never seen a mix between mischief and malice.
  • It was after this that Joe pitched in his two penn'orth; I may have dozed, for I was suddenly aware that he was nearby, whispering angrily, and J.B. was snapping back at him: indeed, the first words I heard were J.B. growling to him to keep his place and mind who he was talking to. THE NUMBERS
  • The lion lashed its tail angrily in the cage.
  • Anita felt the heat beat on her cheek and nursed the flames until they seemed to pulsate as angrily as the hoarded resentment within her. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • Russell scrubbed angrily at his cheeks, trying to staunch the flow of tears.
  • Raul turned away angrily, climbing back up the ladder to middle deck.
  • He was the sort of person who would angrily thump the table and shout at the radio during political discussion programmes.
  • His emerald orbs flickered rather angrily, his arms now folded across his chest.
  • Vladimir Putin today angrily dismissed protests against his regime as "provocations" and said anyone who took part in unsanctioned street rallies against the Kremlin should expect a "whack on the bonce". Vladimir Putin says 'unsanctioned' protesters can expect police brutality
  • Such fury against what resists and exceeds conceptualization is for Schelling the paradigm of "evil" as a "positive" or angrily active presence in the world. Mourning Becomes Theory: Schelling and the Absent Body of Philosophy
  • Thou wouldst follow the feet of Mesahchie, eh?" he cried angrily. THE SUNLANDERS
  • James stood up and clomped angrily out of the church.
  • 'Don't be ridiculous!' Pat retorted angrily.
  • The old man clenched his fist and waved it angrily at us.
  • The cabdriver stuck his head out the window and shouted angrily. ANGELS EVERYWHERE
  • He shouted at her, angrily kicking the ground.
  • 'Then I must go, my lady,' said Marriott, angrily, 'that is certain; for to part with my macaw is a thing I cannot do to please any body.' Belinda
  • Lauren suddenly stood up and whipped around to face him angrily.
  • That is why housing worker unions such as Unison are hostile to the plans and yesterday angrily began their campaign for a ‘no’ vote.
  • The car made a U-turn, the men in the car yelling and gesturing angrily at me.
  • He strode angrily to the other trapdoor on his roof, the one that led to the two rooms where his sons dwelled.
  • The mob advanced on us, shouting angrily.
  • The child pummelled his mother angrily as she carried him home.
  • Demonstrators protested angrily following the jury's verdict.
  • Players reacted angrily to a second-half penalty award. The Sun
  • ‘They should all be horsewhipped for what they're doing to everyone here,’ I said angrily.
  • Sophie flung her scarf and coat in frustration across the hall and stormed angrily upstairs to change her soaked jeans.
  • By now, the sun is up and angrily drying up your sweat, matting your hair and hardening your uniform.
  • It was two o'clock, and the general was peacefully awaiting the sound of the dinner bell, but at the sight of Eugenia his peacefulness departed, and he called angrily: The Voice of the People
  • His brother shifted, looking at him finally and William realized he was still frowning angrily.
  • The islands show dimly grey amid a welter of grey water, breaking angrily in short, petulant seas, which buffet boats confusedly and put the helmsmen's skill to a high test. Priscilla's Spies

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