How To Use Anglo-saxon In A Sentence
Although the origins of the experimental child psychology are to be found in Germany, the new empirical and evolutionist child study was practiced mainly in the Anglo-Saxon world.
That was built at about the time William the Conqueror was bonking Anglo-Saxons on the head.
The four stresses of the Anglo-Saxon verse are retained, and as much thesis and anacrusis is allowed as is consistent with a regular cadence.
Beowulf An Anglo-Saxon Epic Poem
She points out that there is some irony in living in a "Lake House" without a lake and even though, as I pedantically remind her, the word lake is Anglo-Saxon for "running stream," which we do have, and not a standing body of water, which we don't, her logic does not escape me.
Broken Music, A Memoir
One after another the _antichi spiriti dolenti_ rise up and salute the new edifice: Nimrod and the Assyrians, Anglo-Saxon ealdormen and Norman knights templars, and citizens of ancient Bristol.
A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century

By the term heptarchy is understood that complexus of seven kingdoms, into which, roughly speaking, Anglo-Saxon Britain was divided for nearly three centuries, until at last the supremacy, about the year
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
We here would cover the French-speaking areas while White's would cover the Anglo-Saxons and your traditional trading areas.
I write as a white, Anglo-Saxon male, brought up in the Christian tradition, but currently espousing no religious belief.
The City, in short, was placed on the same platform as Wall Street, thus creating the paradigm known as Anglo-Saxon Capitalism.
Robert Teitelman: Big Bang, Now and Then
These barriers halted the early flood of Anglo-Saxon invaders to fertile meadowlands and ancient woodlands.
And the bad news for mr. shay is that his cherished "silent, white, anglo-saxon, christian majority" just MAY not be the majority any longer!
News from Bizarro World
One contained an undisturbed ship burial, including many Anglo-Saxon artefacts of outstanding historical and archaeological significance.
Times, Sunday Times
It comprised the Watauga settlement among the mountains of what is now Tennessee, and was called prosaically (as is the wont of the Anglo-Saxon) the free State of Franklin.
The Crossing
It's noticeable that the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle in Alfred's time, by which time it was being written more or less contemporarily with events, records celestial phenomena, consecrations of bishops and deaths of bishops, kings and ealdormen, but not births, not even the births of King Alfred's children.
Acha of Deira and Bernicia: daughter, sister, wife and mother of kings
Indeed, we now know that, far from being a ‘dark age’, this period saw an economic resurgence in Anglo-Saxon England.
The cadence, phrasing, and rhythm of the language is very similar to that found in The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and in heroic contemporary Anglo-Saxon poetry.
Watauga settlement among the mountains of what is now Tennessee, and was called prosaically (as is the wont of the Anglo-Saxon) the free State of
Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill
Thus the assumption of a substantial diglossia in Anglo-Saxon England helps to explain why, after the removal of the Anglo-Saxon elite, Middle English dialect writing appears to feature such "sudden" innovations emanating or radiating from the two focal centres in the North and in the South West. FREE HIGHBEAM TRIAL.
The first known example of moral dilemma and self was one Elmer Tug, a ripe Anglo-Saxon sheep dipper who one day didn't know where his boots ended and the sheep-dip began.
How To Find Yourself (or a reasonable facsimile)
The hierarchy of race with Aryans or Anglo-Saxons at its apex was under threat of contamination from the supposed lesser breeds.
Influenced by both Anglo-Saxon and German philosophical tradition, Wittgenstein strove to find a refuge for 'Mystical Field ' through the method of language analysis in Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.
Anglo-Saxon personal names, it is not always possible to say whether a surname is essentially occupative or not, e.g. whether Durward is rather "door-ward" or for Anglo-Sax.
The Romance of Names
Like most other farms in Anglo-Saxon England, Linstede consists of a hall and outbuildings, surrounded by fields and pastures.
From these and other scraps came the long-accepted story of the Anglo-Saxon takeover of Britain: of raids by Angles, Saxons, and Jutes from north Germany and Denmark, followed by piecemeal settlement and conquest.
Judged alongside their abstemious Anglo-Saxon counterparts, they were seen as unruly, belligerent and not to be relied on, a slur that was extended to generations through media distortion and police discrimination.
So newspapers too often have to sell their editorial opinions, and the press has small influence in France, compared with the influence of the press in what we call the Anglo-Saxon countries.
The Martial Adventures of Henry and Me
English cultural roots lie in a merging of Anglo-Saxon, Danish, and Norman French culture that has existed as a synthesis since the late Middle Ages.
After the Germanic conquest of Britannia, the Anglo-Saxon invaders established a heptarchy of kingdoms across the island, pushing the Celtic Britons into modern Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, Scotland and Brittany.
Offa's Dyke
You are the racist because you are advocating cultural genocide by demanding people assimilate to what you call the Aussie way, which is really just the "white anglo-saxon way".
Alex Jones' Prison
Mike disses the Latin conception of law and exalts the Anglo-Saxon conception.
This is parallel translation with the Anglo-Saxon on the verso and the translation on the recto.
Common to all of this material, however, is its unliterary, that is, unbookish, character which is in marked contrast to virtually all of Anglo-Saxon epic literature, influenced as it is, to a greater or lesser degree, by Christian or classical models.
The eastern part of England, where the invaders were firmly established, came to be called the Danelaw, because here the Danish, and not the Anglo-Saxon, law prevailed.
Early European History
Stratford-upon-Avon, stands in all probability on the site of an Anglo-Saxon minster, established by the 8th century.
In turn they were attacked again and again by the Danes from the north, who for a time gained a, strong foothold in the land, but were finally subdued and absorbed, or driven out by Alfred the Great who had succeeded in welding the various Anglo-Saxon communities into one unit under the leadership of the West Saxons.
The Empire of Mankind
During the early part of the Anglo-Saxon period a woman's place was not at the table other than as a cup-bearer; the task of cup-bearing even included the lord's wife and daughter, with the most honoured guests being served by them.
I pictured an Anglo-Saxon, dressed in thick brown wool, a gold torc at his throat.
He agreed with his friends on this point, that the stranger must be either English or American, the name Britannia leading them to suppose this, and, besides, through the bushy beard, and under the shaggy, matted hair, the engineer thought he could recognize the characteristic features of the Anglo-Saxon.
The Mysterious Island
The plain Anglo-Saxon yeoman strain which was really the basis of his nature now asserted itself in the growing conservatism of ideas which marked the last forty years of his life.
A History of English Literature
We can more easily tell how old goldsmithery is, which means that sometimes people will melt down 'common' medieval gold coins like Byzantine nummi so as to have authentic gold with which to fake something much more valuable like an Anglo-Saxon shilling.
Staffordshire Hoard
The Old English (Anglo-Saxon) terms burg, burh, and byrig were used originally for fortified places, including villages and royal halls.
Thought to be Anglo-Saxon, this could have been a primitive pottery kiln or a malting oven, used in beer making.
The indigenous Maoris took to the game as much as the Anglo-Saxon population.
Yet bows and arrows are very rare in early Anglo-Saxon graves.
The word gospel comes from the Anglo-Saxon “god-spell,” i.e., the life of Christ with His message of redemption.
A Handbook of Symbols in Christian Art
his ancestors were not just British, they were Anglo-Saxons
The more accurate term, `defeat", would have been too brutal, too Anglo-Saxon.
A couple of very young fans were filmed screaming some choice Anglo-Saxon at the away support.
Times, Sunday Times
Due to my brief foray into the lore of the Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic worlds, I was aware of the nature of a wicker man before I saw this film.
Whether he was trying to compensate for his beloved father, who bought a draft substitute in the Civil War, or because, as he often wrote, he feared that the Anglo-Saxon "race" was becoming "overcivilized" and weak, Roosevelt wanted to test himself in the crucible of battle.
Why Men Love War
Born in London of a French mother, by a German father, but reared entirely in England and in France, there is, in his fury, a combination of French suddenness and impressibility with our more slowly demonstrative Anglo-Saxon way when we get, as we say, “our blood up”, that produces an intensely fiery result.
Miscellaneous Papers
First spotted at the beginning of the second millennium in a Latin-to-Anglo-Saxon glossary under the heading “Concerning Tools of Farmers,” it is now “a term of obloquy.”
No Uncertain Terms
A couple of very young fans were filmed screaming some choice Anglo-Saxon at the away support.
Times, Sunday Times
The Celtic and Anglo-Saxon peoples of the west were in this sense colonized subjects, just as many Slavic groups were in the east and Mediterranean peoples to the south.
We are a race of land-robbers and sea-robbers, we Anglo-Saxons, and small wonder, when we suckle at the breasts of a breed of women such as maraud my poppy field.
Revolution, and Other Essays
The word wassail comes from the Anglo-Saxon greeting waes hael, which meant “be well.”
Christmas Feast
It was quite common in Anglo-Saxon England for one church to act as a minster for a town community, handling all funerals and gathering all the dead into its graveyard.
French, for its part, has its own glossary of words that are hardly complimentary to Anglo-Saxons capote anglaise condom
Pardon my French
The Anglo-Saxon word beor referred to a sweet, strong drink, not made from cereals, and probably a fruit wine/cider/perry.
The last document in OE, an annal of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle dated 1154, shows features of early Middle English.
Military resources of the crown: (1) (nonfeudal) the old Anglo-Saxon fyrd (including ship fyrd) was retained (i.e., a national nonfeudal militia, loyal to the crown, was used, as against the Norman rebellion of 1075); (2) (feudal) about five thousand knights 'fees owing service on the usual feudal terms.
B. The British Isles
The Tea Party candidate represents the worst species of brazenness, brainlessness, knavery, and hypocrisy since the Know-Nothings of the 1840s and 1850s, a party driven by popular fears that the country would be taken over by German and Irish Catholic immigrants, hostile to Anglo-Saxon values.
Robert Brustein: Reviling Obama
Although there were some similarities with earlier Anglo-Saxon practice, it is difficult to deny that the tenurial revolution which followed the Norman Conquest witnessed the introduction of a new system of military obligation.
I took down my unburnt copy of Sweet's Anglo-Saxon Reader, unopened for 30 years, and gazed at the spider-pencil calligraphy that I had squeezed between the throaty, alliterating lines: "eager for battle ..." "no whit lacking in courage" etc, etc.
Archive 2007-08-01
The temple is Anglo-Saxon architecture.
As for _t'one_ and _t'other_, they should be _'tone_ and _'tother_, being elisions for _that one_ and _that other_, relics of the Anglo-Saxon declinable definite article, still used in Frisic.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 16, February, 1859
In looking into the derivation of this term, it will be found that the word stock comes from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning to stick, and that while it has many different uses, the idea of fixedness is expressed in every one of them.
Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 3: Soup; Meat; Poultry and Game; Fish and Shell Fish
This paper suggests that diglossia in caste-like Anglo-Saxon societies consisted of OE.sub. FREE HIGHBEAM TRIAL.
Yes, and English is written with the Roman alphabet, not with the Anglo-Saxon futhark.
Jerry Falwell: Romney's Mormonism "Will Not Be A Factor"
A couple of very young fans were filmed screaming some choice Anglo-Saxon at the away support.
Times, Sunday Times
Were they not inhibited Anglo-Saxons and had he been in their midst rather than standing on a raised dais, they would have assuredly hugged him.
I suppose your Slav and your Anglo-Saxon have no prejudices, and that they share their Venetian with a dilettanteism quite modern.
The French Immortals Series — Complete
JRR Tolkien, after all, was a pioneering scholar of Anglo-Saxon poetry and wrote a definitive reinterpretation of the epic poem.
The Bayeux Tapestry was embroidered by English needlewomen, although it is generally thought to be a rather inferior example of Anglo-Saxon needlework despite it's huge size.
The French-speaking conquerors of 1066 found none of this intelligible: to their ears Anglo-Saxon was barbaric and uncouth.
And in a box in my study, about two dozen offprint copies of my article in Anglo-Saxon England sit undisturbed, and un-asked for. posted by Dr. Richard Scott Nokes at 1: 38 PM
Non-academic perspectives
He will support his arguments with many stories of the wonderful instinct and percipiency displayed by his animals; all of which stories, though exceedingly marvellous, obtain implicit credence in the mind of the narrator; and only come short, in point of hyperbolical marvel, of the wonderful utterance of Tom Connor's cat, in the plain Anglo-Saxon vernacular.
Fern Vale (Volume 1) or the Queensland Squatter
Right alongside of this are vocabulary choices – go with the polysyllable or the Anglo-Saxon four letter version?
2007 May « Hyperpat’s HyperDay
Anglo-Saxon named Erventus, was a clever calligraphist, and is said to have been highly proficient in the art of illuminating; he instructed
Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
It used to be assumed that the only buildings the Anglo-Saxons made of stone were churches.
In the midst of the Anglo-Saxon burials were two crouched Bronze Age burials, both adults, associated with sherds of Beaker pottery and a small bronze awl probably dating from about 2000 BC.
in the ninth century the Vikings began raiding the Anglo-Saxons in Britain
Although these physical attributes are shared by other Oriental and also by the Latin races, they reach a climax in the Jewish type, which in its culmination is unsympathetic to the Anglo-Saxon, the Oriental, or the Latin people.
The Social Disability of the Jew
While, since thegn and thane are both archaisms, I prefer the former; not only for the same reason that induces Sir Francis Palgrave to prefer it, viz., because it is the more etymologically correct; but because we take from our neighbours the Scotch, not only the word thane, but the sense in which we apply it; and that sense is not the same that we ought to attach to the various and complicated notions of nobility which the Anglo-Saxon comprehended in the title of thegn.
Harold : the Last of the Saxon Kings — Complete
That does not mean that 75°/0 of them are of British origin, but 53°0 of them are of British origin, and I have still sufficient faith in the good old characteristics of the Anglo-Saxon race to believe that 53 % of the people can establish firmly for all time institutions of government, literature and a language in the Province of Saskatchewan based upon Anglo-Saxonism if you like (Hear, hear).
The West and Canada's Problem
His annotations to an incunable edition of Old Frisian law reveal his interest in Anglo-Saxon canon law.
The word Lent, however, comes from the Anglo-Saxon word lengthen, which means: Spring.
The Origins of Easter | myFiveBest
Biblical manuscripts, Gospels and psalters, were the most elaborately illuminated products of insular, Carolingian, Ottonian, and Anglo-Saxon art.
Indeed, ‘Anglo-Saxon’ continuity in dismissive irritation is as tenacious as French continuity in obstinate and distinctive ambition.
Perhaps a difference in Catalan and Anglo-Saxon sensibilities?
Matthew Yglesias » Picture Picture, on the Blog
After all, there were Anglo-Saxon pagan gods to sing about as well.
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle suggests that the Viking armies were led by jarls as often as kings.
But we in the Dominion of Canada speak of something called Anglo-Saxonism.
The West and Canada's Problem
Anglo-Saxon communities were typically organized into "shires" consisting of approximately 1000 people.
Libertarian Blog Place
The former provides a remarkable education resource whilst conserving a very important Anglo-Saxon burial ground.
An Anglo-Saxon ruler of this period was above all else a warlord, a dryhten, as the Old-English sources put it.
Watauga settlement among the mountains of what is now Tennessee, and was called prosaically (as is the wont of the Anglo-Saxon) the free State of Franklin.
The Crossing
About 1500 all the long i-vowels, whether original (as in write, ride, wine) or unrounded from Anglo-Saxon ü (as in hide, bride, mice, defile), became diphthongized to ei (i.e., e of met + short i).
Chapter 8. Language as a Historical Product: Phonetic Law
Anglo-Saxon poetry
I decided to go into reverse very quickly and take a pragmatic, Anglo-Saxon approach.
In the Anglo-Saxon legal tradition women were unambiguously bearers of such rights, whether as heiresses - in the absence of male heirs - or by right of marriage or as the beneficiaries of gifts.
To speak with only words derived from the english lineage, such as anglo-saxon-jute, old english, middle english, is practically impossible for modern americans.
Think Progress » Right-Wing Mayor Calls for McDonald’s Boycott Over Spanish-Language Ads
Enormous consumption of meat and of tea in Australia -- A contest between a semi-tropical climate and Anglo-Saxon heredities --
The Art of Living in Australia ; together with three hundred Australian cookery recipes and accessory kitchen information by Mrs. H. Wicken
At the Council of Hatfield the Anglo-Saxon Church formally recognized the binding authority of the five general councils already held, and rejected Monotheletism in accord with the Roman synod A.
A Source Book for Ancient Church History
The earliest example of European poetry about a stranded whale is an Anglo-Saxon inscription on a whale bone casket of about 700 AD.
Anglo-Saxonism in U.S. foreign policy: The diplomacy of imperialism, 1899-1919
The "Mystery" of US Foreign Policy
This was something the Anglo-Saxons seem to have understood, as their legislation focused on malicious destruction of single trees by incendiaries, not willful setting of forest fires.
The government remains overwhelmingly white Anglo-Saxon, as is the political culture.
When I first began studying Anglo-Saxon magic and medicine, I wondered why the big compendia like Bald's Leechbook and Leechbook III (both in MS Royal 12 D. xvii, for those who care about manuscript stuff) didn't have cures that involved the physicians applying blood-sucking leeches to the patients; it was only later that I realized that the use of the wormy leeches in "leechcraft" only came much later.
Origins of "Leech"
The Anglo-Saxon economies are being squeezed by the huge amount of debt, he said.
It's 'bail' or 'bailey' - an anglo-saxon word meaning fortification, adopted by the Irish as 'Baile'.
Cherie Plumbs the Depths
People say, "Your farmer is an individualist; he will never co-operate", just as used to be said of the Anglo-Saxons, "They won't co-operate.
The Wheat Situation
Through most of the Middle Ages, the jurisdictional function of the Anglo-Saxon hundred was predominant.
The proud Anglo-Saxonism of Churchill and Roosevelt now seems quaint and parochial, if not downright racist.
Ties Of Blood And History
Anglo-Saxonism is a very good thing; simplicity and common sense are very good things too.
Notes and Queries, No. 209, October 29 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc.
The abhorrence of the profession is documented throughout Anglo-Saxon history.
It is just one way that what Guillermo Ortiz, Mexico's central bank governor, referred to as the "Anglo-Saxon concept" of economic policy needs to be adapted to a more diverse and globalized world.
At IMF, the hunt for a new consensus
For how can one articulate in Anglo-Saxon with a jewelled mandible that was fashioned by the ancient Konkan goldsmiths of Goa?
Anglo-Saxon veneration of the papacy was strong and contributed to the growth of papal authority in the West.
Save for a brief quotation from a dictionary of folklore, I have so far neglected Anglo-Saxon attitudes.
It must be seen against the social background of early Anglo-Saxon society in the seventh century.
I also found a needlecase with needles dating to Anglo-Saxon Kent.
Steel Needles, Take Two
Loaded, I made for St Mary's Church in the corner, with a graveyard, an Anglo-Saxon shaft, and bright with snowdrops and aconites.
Is there room for reasonable doubt that this race, unless devitalized by alcohol and tobacco, is destined to dispossess many weaker races, assimilate others and mold the remainder, until, in a very true and important sense, it has Anglo-Saxonized mankind?
The Chosen Peoples
The French kids are the worst because they want to be Anglo-Saxons," said Jean-Christophe, a waiter, shaking his head in front of the Saint Michel archangel fountain, which dominates the square and is currently full of white bath foam and at least one mooning reveller.
France's young binge drinkers upset cafe society with their 'British boozing'
In England, it developed during the Middle Ages from the Anglo-Saxon fyrd.
Chester is of Roman origin, tun is of Gaelic; but "ham" is Anglo-Saxon, and means village, whence the sweet word home.
A Hero and Some Other Folks
From the annal for the year 757, misdated 755 in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, which was a series of annals copied and circulated probably soon after 890.
The Early Middle Ages 500-1000
The name wheatears comes from the Anglo-Saxon.
Oddly enough, I memorized the Anglo-Saxon rune alphabet in high school with a friend of mine so we could pass notes in geometry class.
It makes me worry about the translations of Anglo-Saxon poems which he includes, for as I am ignorant of that language I depend upon him to be accurate if not euphonic.
French poets, almost bigotedly French: and French classical art had no more fervent disciples than these Anglo-Saxons and Flemings and Greeks.
Jean Christophe: in Paris The Market-Place, Antoinette, the House
Pious Anglo-Saxon nuns and wealthy noblewomen alike occupied their hands making exquisite vestments and decorative wall hangings.
1066: and the Hidden History of the Bayeux Tapestry
Thanks to the possession of that spacious heritage, the combative and conquering traits of the Anglo-Saxon found a readier outlet on this continent in subduing the wilderness and overcoming the forces of nature than in fighting his fellow man.
The Old Romance in Canada
The former provides a remarkable education resource whilst conserving a very important Anglo-Saxon burial ground.
Who invented the myth that the Anglo-Saxons could not sail and that the great Sutton Hoo ship was a mere rowing galley?
It embraces a widely diversified population, and the fundamental principle, the prime factor, in upbuilding the British Empire has been the Anglo-Saxon character and the race qualities which belong to the Anglo-Saxon.
Canadian Patriotism
The temple is Anglo-Saxon architecture.
The Anglo-Saxon population of Scotland
Richly glazed and often spectacularly potted, the sources for these works include Anglo-Saxon cremation urns, Peruvian vases and, on at least one occasion, a Fijian carving.
And if you'd like to learn more about the Anglo-Saxon roots of American folkways, I highly recommend Albion's Seed.
He forever excommunicates and accurses every one who should dare violate that great charter of Anglo-Saxon freedom!
I can only imagine that this display of peevishness, combined with you impassioned use of the Anglo-Saxon expletive, is an attempt to stymie your critics with the depth of your feeling rather than the strength of your arguments.
Res Ipsa Loquitur
Such methods went on to form the basis of the first written English poetry, Anglo-Saxon alliterative verse.
I joined them for their initial stretch, becoming the first journalist to be embedded with an Anglo-Saxon army.
Times, Sunday Times
There are a few spearheads of non Anglo-Saxon type that cannot be dated to the Iron Age or Roman periods.
The most persuasive explanation is that the word comes from the Anglo-Saxon 'strew' meaning 'spread', a reference to the plant's ability to reproduce by sending out runners and layering, but there are many other tales in circulation including the idea that the berries used to be sold on straws in the manner of a fruity kebab.
Life and style |
The growth of population and commensurate expansion of settlement is reflected by the increasingly varied soil environments settled through the Anglo-Saxon period.
But then there is another thing which is called Anglo-Saxonism and Anglo-Saxonism is to be found in the thrift and industry of the jutes, Angles and Saxons who established themselves in Great Britain and who passed that thrift and industry on, and who passed on that desire to build homes, to the peoples who came to settle themselves in the British Isles from time to time.
The West and Canada's Problem
We are heading towards disorder if not actual civil war in Anglo-Saxon polities.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
At Polesden in Surrey, a set of lynchets was found crossing parish boundaries, dissected by a late Anglo-Saxon hundredal boundary.
Two following waves of Britons (or Brythons) settled in Armorica around the fourth and fifth centuries to escape from the Anglo-Saxons and the Scots in Britain, and they actually gave the country the name of “Little Britain” which later became the modern “Brittany” (in London, Little Britain was also the street where Embassy of the Duchy of Brittany was later located).
Brittany Prepares for St. Yew's Day
Situating herself within the Anglo-Saxon analytic tradition, she looks at different conceptions of philosophy, its content and methods.
The term harvest comes from the Anglo-Saxon word haerfest, which means autumn.
Harvest Home -- British Thanksgiving
Through the saddle-colored hordes on the moot ground of the narrow sidewalks moves an occasional Anglo-Saxon resident, browned and sallowed, on his way to the government concession that he manages; a less occasional
The Unspeakable Perk
He blamed Skinner for his etymology for helter-skelter from the Anglo-Saxon words for the darkness of hell: "Hell, says he, being a place of confusion.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 3
In Germany, for example, the term Anglo-Saxon is often bandied about as an epithet for political demagoguery to represent free market ideology.
Edward Harrison: The recession is over but the depression has just begun
The treasure - which includes a large number of sword pommels and hilt plates as well as a quantity of silver - has been hailed as "a fantastically important discovery" which will redefine perceptions of Anglo-Saxon England.
As an aside: the original meaning of "doom" was "law or judgment" and a judge in those Anglo-Saxon days was called a doomsman.
B-U-S-H Spells D-O-O-M
Suppose Count Mercier wished to say that he was sorry that his tobacco had been captured by the foe, why should he couch it in such language as, 'Thá mee ongan hréowan thaet mín _tobacco_ on feónda geweald feran sceolde' -- which is the good _old_ Anglo-Saxon idiom. '
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No. 1, July, 1862
The current century is going to be the century of the global dominance of the English language, anglophone culture, and of the Anglo-Saxon derived polities - for both good and ill.
His tragic gift for showmanship began to get on the nerves of reserved Anglo-Saxons.
The Anglo-Saxons used oaths not only to swear fealty to feudal lords, but also to ensure honesty during legal proceedings and transactions.
And let's look at the role race has played in historical writing -- whether we are talking about the long historiography of Atlantic World slavery, colonialism and various forms of conquest; the Anglo-Saxonism and regionalism of early United States and English historians; or the efforts to locate the origins of modern nation-states in long, pre-modern pseudo-racial histories.
Archive 2008-06-01
a critical study that aims to cover such disparate forms as Anglo-Saxon poetry and the modern novel.
For all its popularity at home, Merkel's rejection of what she calls "Anglo-Saxon" solutions to the debt crisis carries global risks. -- Top News
The Bayeux Tapestry was embroidered by English needlewomen, although it is generally thought to be a rather inferior example of Anglo-Saxon needlework despite it's huge size.
New Anglo-Saxon chronicles have been in vogue this year.
Times, Sunday Times
The Vikings spoke a related, North Germanic language, and while the roots were similar enough to their Anglo-Saxon counterparts to be easily understood, the case endings were entirely different.
Right Wing Nation
I joined them for their initial stretch, becoming the first journalist to be embedded with an Anglo-Saxon army.
Times, Sunday Times
The Anglo-Saxon futhorc used by Tolkien has 31 distinct characters, some of which have variants.
Welsh slaves; indeed, in Anglo-Saxon, the word serf and Welshman are used almost interchangeably as equivalent synonyms.
Early Britain Anglo-Saxon Britain
The more accurate term, `defeat", would have been too brutal, too Anglo-Saxon.
While the foreigner speaks and writes of superstition, of heathenism, of abominable rites now passing away, the native Hindu press is equally emphatic in its condemnation of what it calls the swinish indulgence of the Anglo-Saxon, his beer-drinking and his gluttony, his craze for money and material power, his disgust at philosophy and all intellectual aspiration, his half-savage love for the chase and the destruction of animal life.
Oriental Religions and Christianity A Course of Lectures Delivered on the Ely Foundation Before the Students of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1891
Wichamstow is just one of the more than 3,000 estates in Anglo-Saxon England with a watermill (many of these estates have more than one mill).
Among British post-classical economists, the argument was often that the Irish over-breed, while Anglo-Saxons reproduce at relatively low rates.
Talk in continental Europe of an “Anglo-Saxon” conspiracy of greedy speculators is also dishonest.
The two-man chorus is lent an alliterative, Anglo-Saxon form reminiscent of Heaney's Beowulf.
Graham's success is largely emblematic of the changes that the war years wrought on what Starr throughout the volumes of his history calls "The Folks" — those middle - and lower-middle-class Anglo-Saxons transplanted from the Midwest who for so long culturally defined much of California.
California Transformed
The difference is, you are Anglo-Saxons, we are Latins.
In the livers of sick sheep were lodged parasites in the shape of leaves, called flukes after their resemblance to flounder floc in Anglo-Saxon.
Parasite Rex
The Anglo-Saxon preference for compurgation, as proof of guilt or innocence, persisted and only gradually gave way to trial by jury.
The castle dates back to c 1180, but is also thought to incorporate earlier Anglo-Saxon earthworks.
In the wider postmodern literature, especially in Anglo-Saxon countries, the term metanarrative continues to be extensively employed.
So the number of words you can create is in fact only limited by your patience - which worked the same way with the English language experiment I conducted during the run to list 100 marathon runners' words for pain using Anglo-Saxon modifiers like 'ow', and 'fucking-ow'.
Running the Polar Circle marathon
You can send financial support to their World Headquarters and Main Mead Hall "For reasons of orthographic purity, we prefer to accept donations in Icelandic krona"; I trust all upholders of True English will join this brave cause, and I expect William Safire's next column to be in Anglo-Saxon. THE ORIGINAL ENGLISH MOVEMENT.
A few sherds of Anglo-Saxon pottery are associated with this final phase.
It generally uses words of Anglo-Saxon rather than Latin origin, and its sentences often have a paratactic structure — that is, they juxtapose a series of short elements, sometimes joining them with a simple conjunction (usually "and").
Beginning With the Word
To suggest that a thin stratum of Anglo-Saxon immigrants, ruling a vastly larger population, without a written language or a state level of organisation, could linguistically assimilate their social inferiors simply makes no sense.
Aimeri de Narbonne, from Almaric, [Footnote: A metathesis of Amalric, which is found in Anglo-Saxon.] whence Ital.
The Romance of Names
Again and commonly, physical beauty enjoys a symbolic and allusive function in these Anglo-Saxon texts.
Even before his death in 911, Æthelfleda is recorded as exercising regalian power in the province in the ‘Mercian Register’, a fragment of a Mercian chronicle incorporated into some versions of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.
There have been at least three churches on the site since the one built by Eadwine counting his timber church and its stone replacement as one: a larger ‘Anglo-Saxon’ church built in the 8th century and sometimes called the Anglian Minster; a Norman Minster built in the Romanesque style in the 11th century; and the present Minster built in the Gothic style between the 13th and 15th centuries.
Archive 2010-01-01
Rome, Iceland, Anglo-Saxon England, the lands of the Wends, even Vedic India all were organized according to this principle.
The Volokh Conspiracy » “Do ‘Family Values’ Weaken Families?”
The Anglo-Saxon tradition of alliterating half lines in verse might be argued an equal influence.
Anglo-Saxon liberalism derives from the relative independence of children from parents and from the inequality among brothers reflected in primogeniture.
In Anglo-Saxon times portions of the Bible had been translated from Latin into the vernacular.
Their high king, Vortigern, finding himself beset on all sides by barbarian invaders, hired Anglo-Saxon and Jutish mercenaries from Denmark and north Germany.
In the livers of sick sheep were lodged parasites in the shape of leaves, called flukes after their resemblance to flounder floc in Anglo-Saxon.
Parasite Rex
A couple of very young fans were filmed screaming some choice Anglo-Saxon at the away support.
Times, Sunday Times