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How To Use Angle In A Sentence

  • Assuming that 15 pound breaking strain line is used, an angler using monofilament might have to use a six or eight ounce sinker and use a 20 lb class rod to carry that sinker weight.
  • In the receding angle below the chin is the hyoid bone, and the finger can be carried along the bone to the tip of the greater cornu, which is on a level with the angle of the mandible: the greater cornu is most readily appreciated by making pressure on one side, when the cornu of the opposite side will be rendered prominent and can be felt distinctly beneath the skin. XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 1. Surface Anatomy of the Head and Neck
  • He gave geometrical solutions to doubling a cube and trisecting an angle in this book.
  • It was a simple rectangle of crudely mounded basalt rocks, a distinctive arrangement reminiscent of the way Samoans and other Polynesians marked their dead in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
  • As he rose in society, his romantic entanglements damaged his career and he returned to his former sweetheart in Ireland. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The nearby street was littered with shattered vehicles, pieces of glass, bricks, mangled steel and scraps of clothing.
  • The mangled wreckage of the stricken craft was such that rescue teams had not found him. The Sun
  • Fly fishers in the salt water environment need something entirely different to their freshwater counterpart on the chalk stream, as does the angler who fishes big reservoirs.
  • The lower opening is formed by the twelfth thoracic vertebra behind, by the eleventh and twelfth ribs at the sides, and in front by the cartilages of the tenth, ninth, eighth, and seventh ribs, which ascend on either side and form an angle, the subcostal angle, into the apex of which the xiphoid process projects. II. Osteology. 4. The Thorax
  • All the love triangles that went on'). Times, Sunday Times
  • Some houses were reduced to neat rectangles of foot-high rubble.
  • The ensuing grassroots campaign failed to save "embrangle" (to confuse or entangle) and "caliginosity" (dimness, darkness). Jezebel
  • Such an approach not only allows the authors to discuss the work from many different angles, but allows them to do so without implying that the practical quandaries in The Angel of History can be reduced to a simple meaning.
  • Therefore, the hexagon lies on a circle centered at the incenter of that triangle.
  • Stick us in a virgin paradise, and we create great honeycombed bureaucracies, vast bramble-fields of rules and regulations, ornate politburos filled with policymaking politicos, and, above all, tangled webs of power.
  • It is patent that dusk found them weary and worn, plodding and wading silently "homewards," shovel on shoulder, across four or five kilos of desolate mud; falling and tripping over stagnant bodies, masses of tangled wire, bricks and jagged wood-work everywhere impeding progress. Norman Ten Hundred A Record of the 1st (Service) Bn. Royal Guernsey Light Infantry
  • We were given drums, triangles, maracas and tambourines to experiment with.
  • This nifty little thriller opens with the arresting image of a nebbishy accountant being dangled over the side of a bridge.
  • One way to draw this is to start with an equilateral triangle, which has three sides of equal length.
  • There was a convoluted tangle of coloured threads around you, some of which seemed to be paths.
  • The man who backbites an absent friend, nay, who does not stand up for him when another blames him, the man who angles for bursts of laughter and for the repute of a wit, who can invent what he never saw, who cannot keep a secret - that man is black at heart: mark and avoid him. Northern Rock - Pay staff a bonus with public cash.
  • To complete the desired effect of Edmund's cuteness, the photographer has put a posy of flowers into his hand, then perched him on a tall rattan chair from which his short legs dangle.
  • Once the victim's mind had "snapped" into cult mode, the unsnapping requires a massive assault on the victim's mind to untangle the coded messages injected into it by the sinister forces of the cult leader. Warren Adler: Martha Marcy May Marlene: A Brave Movie
  • It's safe to say that Burke Lake anglers have caught literally tons of bluegills, crappie, largemouth bass and other stocked gamefish since it opened.
  • Love triangle How could it happen? Times, Sunday Times
  • On the other hand, we had the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Bild, Süddeutsche Zeitung as well as the Austrian Der Standard and the Neue Zürisches Zeitung covering the story in detail from a very different angle. Who is to run our foreign policy?
  • Hog waste is a major pollution source, communities surrounding the factories are strangled by a foetid stench and animal rights groups have long complained about the inhumane way pigs are raised and slaughtered.
  • Automatic Rear Pincer Turning : Patented design, easy adjustment on turning angle.
  • They are then strung from trees and dangle in the scorching sun. Times, Sunday Times
  • In other words, you can adjust the zoom and camera angle to be as far away or as close up as possible, and as upside down and round about as you like.
  • A long wrangle ensued about what exactly was binding on the Army. The English Civil War: A People's History
  • 5.8 Lunes and Triangles Begin by reminding students that a lune is a crescent-shaped fi gure Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • She was stumped by a question that asked her to construct a triangle with given angles and sides. Times, Sunday Times
  • They banged out `The star-spangled banner'
  • The fishing was certainly tough but several lucky anglers did connect with good fish.
  • A launch angle of about 12 degrees and a spin rate of 2,000 revolutions per minute is ideal for an above-average swing speed.
  • We were caught in a tangled web of relationships.
  • Free-range pigs have shelters shaped as triangles or half circles, but most porkers were lurking inside; pine trees had snow plastered on the north side of their trunks and the hot sun on the south side.
  • We can't show each other any favoritism, can't put the others at risk because of emotional entanglements. MINUTES TO BURN
  • How Mercator did this is as follows: the meridians and parallels must be arranged so that the loxodromes cut the meridians at constant angles.
  • With her ruling early in November, the five-year legal tangle over the future of the Corporation has ended.
  • Manure worms (also called brandlings, red wigglers, or angleworms) and red worms live in organic debris and are the preferred types for commercial bait production and composting.
  • The pond water was strangled with poisonous weed.
  • Then a sixth man appeared at the door, a small strangled cry came from Miranda.
  • Far more serious than their sins against the basic rules of journalism is the corporate stranglehold over the major print and broadcast outlets.
  • Army, 'the professors said one to another, as, hardly stopping for a moment at the stranger's entrance, they continued to' jangle 'among themselves. A Book of Quaker Saints
  • A gong, cymbals, a triangle, and a timpani, as well as the pentatonic scale, create a sense of the Far East.
  • When she returned she redressed her hair, drawing it back across her ears, put in at a provocative angle a fan-like carved shell comb, and twisted a shawl of flame-colored silk -- it was a manton, she instructed him -- about her shoulders. Cytherea
  • Meanwhile, what I think as a longtime recreational striper angler is this: (1) Make stripers gamefish coast-wide with no commercial fishing or sale of wild stripers at all. Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • In one of her wittiest pieces, three gorgeously entangled clay figures hobnob. Meet the best new artists in Britain
  • a plaguey newfangled safety catch
  • Bose and Home show mathematically that whenever one electron is detected in each path, they will be entangled.
  • The supply line is the top line of the triangle and represents the overbought side of the market, when investors are going out taking profits with them.
  • Chose a clear day to mend a broken fence covered in a climber, as it will be a time-consuming job to untie and untangle the plant.
  • Lenero balances tonal subtleties with his right-angled shapes.
  • When the eyelids are open, an elliptical space, the palpebral fissure (rima palpebrarum), is left between their margins, the angles of which correspond to the junctions of the upper and lower eyelids, and are called the palpebral commissures or canthi. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1c. 3. The Accessory Organs of the Eye
  • A single electric light bulb dangled from the ceiling.
  • We were given drums, triangles, maracas and tambourines to experiment with.
  • I then angled the bandsaw table over so I could run resawing passes parallel to the worst of the cracking, and fired it through for a number of passes. Stu's Shed
  • In this paper, the hardware and software of the PC-1500 computer measurement system as well as its application for measuring angle drive ratio of steering wheel are introduced.
  • In order to convey the coal by using gravity, most coal mines have upward angle of inclination.
  • She grinned and pulled a triangle of white paper out of her pocket and put it in Faith's hand.
  • And more recently, the company further validated its belief in this technology when it announced it will be used for mass production on MY2001 Jeep Wrangler hardtops.
  • And another bankruptcy, involving Braniff Airlines, reminded everyone of the stranglehold the Big Eight carriers have over the domestic market.
  • However, Nature, that at first sight appears so lovely, is on consideration almost always incomplete; moreover, there is no painting intertangled foliage without losing half its beauties. The Mind of the Artist Thoughts and Sayings of Painters and Sculptors on Their Art
  • One arm disentangled itself from the covers, her fingers curling indolently into the fine cotton of the quilt.
  • Her wings are cocked in a funny angle as if they were broken recently.
  • According to the theorem, any triangle inscribed in a semicircle is a right triangle, as is shown in the following diagram: The Medieval Problem of Universals
  • Viewing it from all angles the point is, it is discriminative criteria to reject siblings of non Jewish mothers on the logical basis that no female line could possibly hereditarily claim pure Jewish roots going back five thousand years. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Anxiety is love’s greatest killer. It makes others feel as you might when a drowning man holds on to you. You want to save him, but you know he will strangle you with his panic. Anais Nin 
  • As the struggle between the exotic island's warring factions reaches critical mass, further questions emerge from the tangled undergrowth. Times, Sunday Times
  • They change the angle of attack from acute within the central delta, to near neutral over the outer triangular sail panel.
  • What a charming possession of himself, that he could be in such a brangle, as I may call it, and which might have had fatal consequences; yet be so wholly, and so soon, divested of the subject; and so infinitely agreeable upon half a score others, as they offered from one or other as we sat at tea! Sir Charles Grandison
  • Paul watched carefully the vagaries of her excitement, and kept his sharp hawk's-eye upon everything; he had quite made up his mind not to dangle for two years, as he had round Colette de Rosen. The Immortal Or, One Of The "Forty." (L'immortel) - 1877
  • Here you can see the castellated peaks from an amazing angle.
  • In contrast, a strongly obtuse apical angle is associated with an incurved ventral beak that is appressed to the dorsal umbo, resulting in the delthyrium being partly obscured.
  • Or, the lift wreckage would become mangled inside the tubing, preventing any further use of that tube.
  • He begins a race against time to find the real killer - fighting his way through a tangle of lies and deceit to uncover an act of evil which has destroyed the life of more than one young person.
  • Because the head drum is spinning at an angle, the ingoing and outgoing guide heights are very critical.
  • The site for the Loft, a 77 unit condominium development, is a right-angled triangle with both acute angles cut off so it is more a misshapen pentagon.
  • The odds against bringing it back upstream, through the tangle of brambles and nettles and against such a flow, were minuscule. Times, Sunday Times
  • Can trim to keep rectangle shape. The Sun
  • The ear ornaments in this collection are geometrically complex in design, combining squares, circles and triangles into single forms.
  • A cat less agile than the rest of his species had been known to entangle himself in the little swing window, and to hang there all the night, sending forth unearthly caterwaulings, to the unspeakable terror of Miss Wendover's guest, unfamiliar with the mechanism of the room, and wondering what breed of Hampshire demon or afrit was thus making night hideous. The Golden Calf
  • The secant of this angle is 1.61806 which is remarkably close to the golden ratio 1.618034.
  • It can't: it is crammed with lovers packed in tight, the details smashed flat, extraneous facts shorn away to save space, mangled and compressed to the point of incomprehensibility and all beyond counting or collating.
  • She's wangled an extra week's holiday for herself.
  • The husky female voice on the other end explained in mangled Franglish that she would like to - merde!
  • Some manufacturers also started producing telescopes with interchangeable eyepieces, giving a choice of fixed focus or zoom and, later, wide-angle.
  • Try starting simple, with maybe just a geometric shape, such as a triangle or circle.
  • EXAMPLE: My brother is a skilled wrangler who can keep a dozen horses calm during a storm.
  • The soldiers will be from local militias and local reserves, with all the tangled politics that implies.
  • Co.rtesy Loree Rodkin Co. Jessica Biel shows off white-gold and diamond quatrefoil earrings with briolette dangles. Loree Rodkin's Star Studded Jewelry
  • Note however, that your tailbone is, after all, located in your duff and a hard fall at too sharp an angle will either bruise or fracture the tailbone.
  • And there is no finer exponent of acute angles than the man who has won a record 60 consecutive matches on clay. Times, Sunday Times
  • She swung the truck off the highway and angled it between the pale green signs to rattle over the cattle guard. The Man From High Mountain
  • There are grunts, an accompanying triangle, and even something like be-bop drums.
  • The victim had been strangled with a belt.
  • The catering is contained in a lovely tree-lined quadrangle. Times, Sunday Times
  • With elbows close to the body and hips straight, lower your body until your upper arms and forearms form a right angle. Times, Sunday Times
  • He tangled with other cardinals and disciplined church officials who dissented from official church policy.
  • In the period after the interval their methodical probing of the Hibs rearguard continued and Alex Burns should have done more than blaze wide of the target when presented with an inviting, angled opening.
  • It is adjustable and can be swiveled, which is a good thing when one is trying to get a microphone angled and placed just right. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • Made of Austenitic stainless steel. There is no dead angle, no concave - convex face.
  • Litter poses a threat to dolphins, whales, turtles and seabirds by entanglement in and ingestion of plastics.
  • His financial affairs are in a tangle.
  • The Angles, Saxons, Danes, Frisians and other invaders intermarried with the existing Romano-British Celts, Romans, Jutes, Gauls, Greeks and Lombards.
  • We carry hand-forged broadaxes from Sweden that can be either beveled on the left or right and that come with a straight or angled handle.
  • Out of this fraught legal and financial tangle the bureau worker must work with the client to create order and stability.
  • The 1947 classic film 'Wild Harvest' is about a love triangle between Dorothy Lamour, Alan Ladd and Robert Preston.
  • They were involved in a long legal wrangle.
  • His compendious book, then, ranges from dry speculation on geology to exquisite description of flora, spangled with remarkably apt epigrams.
  • Theorem In any triangle, the midpoints of the sides, the feet of the altitudes, and the midpoints of the segments from the orthocenter to the vertices lie on a circle. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Indeed, the summation of the semi-cone angle degree on the right side of the expression is higher than the summation of the degree on the left side of the equation.
  • The angle at the centre of a circle is twice the angle at the circumference from the same chord.
  • Instead of throwing the club from the top by unhinging your wrists immediately, you want to add lag by sharpening the angle created by the clubshaft and forearms.
  • The paintings are long or tall rectangles or approximately square panels and are about as big as game boards.
  • So I know first-hand that you can take a pic of a person at two different angles and make them look either terrific or dreadful. The Sun
  • A gong, cymbals, a triangle, and a timpani, as well as the pentatonic scale, create a sense of the Far East.
  • My writing heart feels as crushed as that last bit of toothpaste that refuses to be squeezed out its flattened, mangled tube because someone (and I won’t name name but it begins with S and ends in cott) left the cap off again … Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » That’s Right. It’s Contest Time.
  • It analyses the influence of aircraft taxiing velocity and nose wheel steering angle on aircraft tire sliding.
  • The use of the word tilted in the sentence "Thinking caps tilted at a jaunty angle". Today's Latest Headlines
  • Based on deformation features and productive experiences of angle steel a optimum design method is proposed.
  • Like Los Alamos, it was cradled by mountains and hastily built in order to win a war from an odd angle.
  • From his lapel dangled, one above the other, three RNLI service medals. THE MAIN CAGES
  • Our main products are electric drill, marble cutter, angle grinder, rotary hammer, pipe dredger, etc.
  • The vessel's net entangled and fouled the 52-foot motor lifeboat's twin 36-inch brass propellers.
  • This shows that there must have been a doorway which opened at right angles to the line of the bailey wall.
  • Formulae for the areas of triangles and quadrilaterals can be discovered and applied. Times, Sunday Times
  • That means telecoms can finally put fiber-optic lines into people's homes, where cables often run up against right angles and tight squeezes from the sidewalk to the house.
  • The offer of further employment is dangled before them like a carrot, if their work is good enough.
  • Enter James Jesus Angleton, the CIA's infamous real-life mole-hunter. Books: Life In The Spy Business
  • The setter's long-haired coat easily wards off the north country's brisk autumn climate and punishing brier tangles.
  • Both antihistamines and anticholinergics can have anticholinergic side effects, including dry mouth, urinary retention, blurred vision, and exacerbation of narrow-angle glaucoma.
  • The Hector's story may have a happy ending, as the establishment of entanglement.
  • In 7th century India members of the Thug cult would ritually strangle passers-by as sacrifices to the Hindu deity, Kali.
  • To repair the defect, first use a sharp knife to make two cuts at right angles across the blister.
  • He has worked as an editor, copywriter, lecturer, careworker, sheep wrangler, bookshop assistant and supply teacher.
  • She lay tangled in her blanket, one arm hiding her face.
  • The Upper Series consists of a main passage about 200 metres long, divided into two by a right-angled bend where it connects with The Bye Pass Crawl from the Far Eastern Bedding Plane.
  • Uncut diamonds, rubies, bangles and small necklaces are on display here.
  • For example, the dark blue triangles on the pink background of the rosettes are barely perceptible in the old photograph and may be missed entirely if the viewer is not aware of the value shift.
  • On each of the other two sides sits a square with its side equal in length to the triangle's side. Times, Sunday Times
  • Strangles place direct pressure on both the carotid and vertebral arteries.
  • But it is these days difficult to avoid the tangled mess of geopolitical analysis, so please excuse my taking liberties this week.
  • Every window into the divine has its own angle and there is an infinite number of angles.
  • Latin wrangle before the Emperor and at the altars; but they spare me in this beloved retiracy. The Prince of India — Volume 02
  • The waitress looked up when the bells jangled, signaling a customer.
  • Under the legendary mole-hunter James Jesus Angleton, the counterintelligence staff had been an empire within the CIA. How Ames Fooled The Cia
  • With the unresolved limina of Gertrude's involvement only fuelling his existential crisis, trapped in a tangle of determinacy and authoritative warp, Hamlet has only his affective judgement to fall back. Modality and Hamlet
  • We love writing about bands and singers that emerge from the tangled undergrowth and come blinking into the bright glare of publicity. The Sun
  • Microphones now dangle discretely over the pews, so the congregation can hear each other sing; the bema , or stage, has been lowered and the front rows made movable, so that the clergy can feel closer to the congregation. After Fire, Temple Rises
  • Her tears began to intermingle with the steam and perspiration; her hair hung in a tangled mop of sweat on her brow. INSIDERS
  • There were 2-4 arteries around the cerebellopontine angle segment of the facial-acoustic nerve complex entering the inner acoustic meatus in each side. The arteries were connected with each other.
  • Then she ran off, faster than any wildcat, and the men went on howling and shrieking, trying to untangle those knots.
  • The wind-chimes jangled gently in the tree above us.
  • In the recent check up I was diagnosed with early stage of chronic open angle glaucoma in both eyes by computerised field perimetry - left eye more than right, although left eye is much less myopic than right one.
  • Seeing the potential of its software besmirching the Symantec name irreparably, Symantec's CEO surged forward with a new plan: re-write its security software to make it the best in the industry, so as to super-strengthen its stranglehold on the summit of sales supremacy while swiftly swinging its way back into the good books of consumers. ITWire - Latest Headlines
  • In the triangle, players don't set picks off the ball.
  • Still leading, the Camaro is heading for a turn-off which leads to the Albion ferry, a car and passenger ferry which shuttles traffic between Maple Ridge City and the suburb of Langley.
  • Similarly, the ball nose received precise indications of angle of sideslip and dynamic pressure, which then gave airspeed. First Man
  • There are bass, halibut, white seabass, shortfin corvina, bonito, barracuda and many other species that will test any angler's skill and fly tackle.
  • From the moment that grand trine appeared in the sky—an equilateral triangle like the great pyramids—it was our turn to clean house. Surrender the Dark
  • I am aware that the Tanglewood Music Festival in Lenox, Mass. gave a number of contemporary music concerts this year and they were very warmly received. Skin and Bone
  • Mum used a mangle and a washboard so when the washing machine arrived it was a big moment.
  • The right of the two diagrams shows how this hyperbola can be used to trisect the angle AOB.
  • The main room was a rectangle with various antechambers and vestibules branching off down its length.
  • Break up tangles with a wide-toothed comb or just your fingers.
  • Her hairstyle was a bob; very short in the back and very long in the front, angled slightly to meet with the sturdy line of hair that fell just above her eyes.
  • He showed a slide of a sign for deafblind literacy that demonstrated concepts of best practices such as high contrast lettering, the angle of the plate that the braille was on, the raised lettering on the words. Web Teacher › Report from WDN 09: Educating the Next Generation of Web Professionals, IV
  • Guests can lend a hand with ranch chores if they like, baling hay and moving cows to new pastures, all the while swapping stories with Brad McCarthy, the engaging, knowledgeable head wrangler.
  • Hallucigenia" hits a good cross section of themes and set pieces central to my work -- hard bitten protagonists, dark cults, insanity, gratuitous rumpy pumpy, esoteric lore, super science, monsters, and cosmic horror all tangled up in pulp-noir webbing. INTERVIEW: Laird Barron
  • Approaching childbirth from the angle of pain and surgery is innovative.
  • We must do something about the potato vine tangled in the pachysandra.
  • Let ABC be an angle of ninety degrees.
  • Saccheri then studied the hypothesis of the acute angle and derived many theorems of non-Euclidean geometry without realising what he was doing.
  • The maestro is conducting at Tanglewood with the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
  • From one hand she dangled the sandals by their straps. EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER: A Journey Through the Science of Feelings
  • Using scissors, cut on a slight angle to the left of the middle of the bun. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, select a different shaped instep such as slightly angled cut in the front or a completely square sole.
  • Andi reached into one of her mangled pockets and pulled out an unfamiliar billfold.
  • If the inducing angle is overestimated, the test line should be seen as parallel when it is actually rotated away from the nearby arm of the angle
  • But the introduction of the 14-year-old might suggest a particular angle. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a tangled web she weaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • The interior angles of a square are right angles or angles of 90 degrees.
  • The fine, intelligent, educated voice sang on in the sunny quadrangle of red - brick Colonial buildings.
  • A spangled shoal of fish swept by him, rainbow-hued, fins of intricate filigree. CORMORANT
  • Her leg was bent at an unnatural angle.
  • In his world of small-time hustlers, grouchy thugs and laconic crimefighters, there's always somebody with a new angle to work or a new beef to settle.
  • Tangles were commonplace, mainly due to the fact that my rigs were shotted up wrong.
  • newfangled ideas
  • I had been actively involved in negotiations with sadhus, saints and Muslim ulama for an amicable and peaceful solution to the Ayodhya tangle.
  • The square of the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs.
  • Speaking generally, the design is formed by nine octagon figures, three by three, surrounded and divided by a guilloche cable band; the interspaces of the octagons are filled by four smaller square patterns, and the outer octagon spaces by 12 triangles. Scientific American Supplement, No. 514, November 7, 1885
  • The house, with its steeply pitched red-tiled roof, precipitous gables and tall tapering chimneys, is L-shaped with a well-head in the angle, its conical top resembling a Welsh wizard's hat.
  • Then the You-Know-What Hits the Fan: The marlin leaps out of the water — almost as if to see where the angler is — then it suddenly tail-walks straight to the cockpit and knocks Schultz out of the fighting chair with 500 pounds of fury. Video Gallery: When Animals Attack
  • A total of fifteen salmon were caught by anglers ranging in age from four years to sixteen years.
  • Turn a mode to convoke through blog , it's not fangle , however , maybe better than a forum.
  • Difficulties cannot be artificially overcome," said Mirabeau, "nor is there any invention whereby a man may be spared the trouble of conquering them; they must be grasped firmly, strangled, crushed, trampled down in manful fight. Zoe: The History of Two Lives
  • The rudder blade is - balance, double plate(Sentence dictionary), stream - line type. Able to turn to 350 rudder angle side.

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