[ UK /ˈæŋɡɪˌɒɡɹæm/ ]
[ UK /ˈæŋɡɪˌɒɡɹæm/ ]
an X-ray representation of blood vessels made after the injection of a radiopaque substance
angiograms are produced by angiography
How To Use angiogram In A Sentence
- A series of exams, including blood tests and angiograms, revealed that all of the subjects had a severe dysfunction of the left side of the heart.
- Behind them was a screen showing mostly medical videos of operations, barium meals, gastroscopies, angiograms, arthroscopy, etc.
- Next, he performed a fluorescein angiogram test, which examines the microcirculation and integrity of the retinal blood vessels at the back of the eye. The Doctor is In
- An x-ray of the arteries (arteriogram or angiogram) or an ultrasound scan are usually performed first to provide more information about the disease in the arteries.
- Side-effects of an angiogram may include mild chest pains or a fluttery heartbeat during an angiogram.
- Dye is injected through the catheter, and the X-ray machine takes angiograms of your heart and blood vessels.
- Turns out they'll do a cardiogram and, if warranted, an angiogram.
- We'll probably do an angiogram in a few days but we want to make sure he's stable first. JUST BETWEEN US
- I needed an angiogram, which is not, as one might think, a message personally delivered by a singing cherub, but a procedure that started with a curiously smiling prep nurse shaving off the right half of my pubic hair, and then inserting a catheter into my femoral artery until it slid up into my chest. Between a Rock and a Hard Place
- Meanwhile, Cole and Brennan administer an angiogram and she starts groping Cole and convulsing.