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  1. of or related to the pain of angina pectoris

How To Use anginal In A Sentence

  • Contact FDA Drug List | What's New @ CDER Search New @ CDER | Member online gambling Offers close Username: Password: Forgotten your doctor if I get emergency free casino medical attention if you are not for any of men who experience anginal chest pain or adverse effects. Lynne Cheney: Dick And Obama Are Distantly Related
  • They learn that anginal chest pain may diminish or disappear within 10-14 days in some patients while others may take longer.
  • The study showed no difference in mortality or myocardial infarction in the 4.6 years of observation and was consistent with earlier,smaller trials that suggested no mortality benefit to PCI but perhaps greater relief of anginal symptoms. Archive 2007-03-01
  • It may be confused, even in the emergency room, with anginal pain or the onset of myocardial infarction; therefore its rapid diagnosis is important.
  • Testimony in the case indicated that although Schlechten knew that Sisson had anginal pain, he failed to refer him for medical evaluation. QuackWatch needs your help - The Panda's Thumb
  • The terms ‘chronic’ and ‘stable’ refer to anginal symptoms that have been present for at least several weeks without major deterioration.
  • It also reduced anginal episodes by a mean of one attack per week, according to Eurekalert. New drug found safe for angina
  • PCIs will be continued to be recommended for many acute coronary syndromes and for anginal patients whose symptoms resist medical therapy but there are bound to be fewer PCIs done for stable anginal patients because of this trial. posted by james gaulte @ 5:31 AM The COURAGE trial-fewer PCIs down the road for stable angina
  • However, no patient complained of chest discomfort or anginal pain during acupuncture stimulation.
  • Mr. Smith is a 63-year-old man who presents to his family physician with typical anginal chest pain.
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