
How To Use Anele In A Sentence

  • The opening at one end of the shrine is closed not by the paneled doors characteristic of temples but by a pair of low gates carved to represent wickerwork and surmounted by a row of inverted dentils.
  • Part restaurant, part nightclub, this wood-paneled new hot spot tries to please both foodies and scenesters.
  • Kyle and Louis, their hosts for the night, were indeed upstairs, in a paneled private room, reached after a long and disorienting trek through the interior of the club, across parqueted dining rooms, past bars and rest rooms, up two half flights of stairs that bookended a golden little cigar lounge. The Deed
  • The floor was covered with a plush carpet, and the walls were paneled with a synthetic wood molding, giving the room a stately air.
  • The picture galleries of the High Museum are treated as subsidiary spaces shunted off from the proportionally dominant, glass-paneled entry rotunda, which is flooded with daylight and unusable for the display of works that require careful conservation. The Big Rock Candy Mountain
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  • He led her through the wood-paneled police station and past a sixtyish woman seated at a metal desk beside one of the offices. Unspeakable
  • Mbeki, accompanied by his wife, Zanele, several ministers and about 30 South African businessmen, received a 21-gun salute and a military march-past after his arrival. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Galilaiou planou, hon staurōsantōn hēmōn hoi mathētai autou apo tou mnēmatos nuktos .... planōsi tous anthrōpous legontes egēgerthai auton ek nekrōn kai eis ouranon anelēluthenai, kateipontes dedidachenai kai tauta haper kata tōn homologountōn Christon kai didaskalon kai huion theou einai panti genei anthrōpōn athea kai anoma kai anosia legete: The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
  • _Club Room_, which occupies all the ground floor: it will be divided by columns and pilasters of scagliola, and decorated with a paneled ceiling and appropriate ornaments. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 19, No. 531, January 28, 1832
  • So when he was houseled and aneled, and had all that a Christian man ought to have, he prayed the hermit that his fellows might bear his body to Joyous Garde.
  • After being indicted, he pulled together lists of prospective jurors in his case, then a list of the 14 people empaneled to hear his case.
  • The door was paneled in oak.
  • The most common sugar box is a dovetailed or post-and-paneled box on legs with a drawer, not unlike the earlier case and bottles used for liquor storage.
  • Finally we entered what looked like an oversize, paneled study with a stone fireplace on one side, a wall-mounted television in the corner, and bookshelves taking up the opposite wall. Haven
  • His paneled of? ce sports several framed certi? cates distinguishing him for his efforts as an insurance agent, but they aren't helping him now. 'City of the Sun'
  • In Splendor on the Bench, a realistically rendered vacuum-tube stereo amplifier sits alone in a paneled room, the painting's surface marked by a delicate tracery.
  • Then they empaneled a grand jury and brought DAs from every county around Colorado, and they all came to the same conclusion.
  • Krisanne Johnson for The Wall Street Journal The home's bathroom is paneled in Himalayan silk marble. Magazine-Inspired FiDi Condo
  • The wood-paneled walls were decorated with a mix of neon beer signs and hand-painted wildlife scenes. How to Flirt with A Naked Werewolf
  • Bookcase doors could be paneled or have glass panes set between muntins.
  • His statement (as a ghost) of having died unhouseled and unaneled shows him to have been a Catholic.
  • D. West exhorted her to receuye their sacrament, and to be aneled, for he said, she was stronge enough for it. & c. Vnto whom she aunswered, that she was able and stronge enough to receyue it in dede, but she would not, for that it is abhominable. & c.
  • Sokwanele supporters can still automatically subscribe or unsubscribe from the ‘newsletter’ mailing list via our website, and we will continue to manually process subscription requests as well.
  • The interior, divided into twenty rooms, was paneled and parqueted in the most expensive manner for homes of that day. The Financier
  • He could have gone to the U.S. attorney and empaneled a grand jury.
  • There are also plaster-skimmed walls throughout, regency paneled doors and a moulded skirting.
  • He could have gone to the U.S. attorney and empaneled a grand jury.
  • Regular removal of dust with a soft cloth or a vacuum cleaner brush is all the cleaning needed for most real wood paneled walls and woodwork.
  • Upended, paneled inside and out with mirrors that made its bulk disappear, and outfitted with two bare bulbs at the apex, it had an intentionally incommodious opening the size of a small door.
  • Will the sound still call to mind the glamorous era of American intercontinental railway journey when the dashing Cary Grant and the lovely Eva Marie Saint drank champagne in plush, oak-paneled boxcars while evading cops, spies and double agents against the backdrop of the national landscape? A Radioactive River Runs Through It
  • Native American beaded pouches, leggings, and vests adorn the pinepaneled walls.
  • The door was paneled in oak.
  • Suddenly an authoritative cough issued from the direction of the judge's paneled dais. RUNNING FROM THE LAW
  • Attorneys and judges in this bland, wood-paneled space all wear capacious robes patterned on the gowns of medieval European clerics.
  • There are also plaster-skimmed walls throughout, regency paneled doors and a moulded skirting.
  • Let ABC {Fig, 2.) be an oblique aneled Trjangle giveoy whofe Bafe is 15.4, and the Perpendicular The Complete Measurer: Or, The Whole Art of Measuring. In Two Parts. The First Part Teaching ...
  • Imagine a wooden door, they are the boards or slats that make up the door minus the paneled areas.
  • I will also be empaneled with Marie Brennan and Monissa Whiteley on "Fantasy and Reaction" (my short version of the topic is: are those idiots who write fantasy novels set in monarchies and aristocracies really closet monarchy-lovers, because otherwise why in the heck would they write that crap?). Fusion Categories
  • To balance out the light shades, I installed an entire wall full of dark cherry-stained wood cabinets with leaded-glass inserts, and installed other dark-wood details such as paneled bulkheads and crown molding. Berks county news
  • Five Finger Death Punch: War Is the Answer would be dope if they "paneled" peaches. they'd have mushy peas flying out of their ... Prefix
  • The corridor leading to the ballroom was paneled in the finest wood, highly polished and inlaid with marble. WEB OF DREAMS
  • Toate telefoanele sunt Brand New T2 Euro specs, Factory unlocked, sim-free, nu emblema operatorului, sigilate în căsuţa lor fabrică în original, am vinde în Wholesales, precum şi orice cantitate de telefoane choice. RO.RSS
  • The smaller one, at Manele Bay, is protected by a breakwater and its harbormaster will make a real effort to accommodate visiting craft.
  • As I sat there for five very long, quiet hours wondering whether I'd be impaneled, I had plenty of time to decide what I was going to write about.
  • To evoke the enfilade, two long galleries were divided into rows of rooms, the doors between them fixed open, their interiors cosseted by paneled wainscoting, velvet walls and tufted furniture.
  • The entire space was paneled in pecky cyprus wood. In the Mood for In-Between Spaces
  • Wood-paneled and rustically refined, it brings to mind the den of a 19th century sportsman of no small means.
  • Yes, that was me, a Jewish pisher from the New Jersey suburbs, in a leather armchair, sipping sherry and chatting with a WASP assistant dean about Plato in an oak-paneled lounge like no other room I'd ever been in. 'Underground'
  • Finally we entered what looked like an oversize, paneled study with a stone fireplace on one side, a wall-mounted television in the corner, and bookshelves taking up the opposite wall. Haven
  • We are talking about the soft, unstructured Chanelesque tweed jacket, crucially updated with the raggedy edge that shoved it into the 21st century.
  • The walls were paneled with nondescript sand colored wood.
  • At first it might seem madness to suggest that this elegant restaurant with the mosaic-tile floors and art-covered paneled walls is a bargain, but consider its brasserie style.
  • The architect squeezed a labyrinth of wood-paneled corridors at odd angles within the already-small rooms.
  • The walls are paneled, the concrete floor is covered in pine shavings, and the beamed ceiling is two stories high. Left Neglected
  • I read it first in my room, but refolded it and carried it with me to a study room on campus that was my favorite place in the entire university because it was old and wood-paneled and to me, scholarly.
  • As I sat there for five very long, quiet hours wondering whether I'd be impaneled, I had plenty of time to decide what I was going to write about.
  • And so soon after that she was aneled she departed and yielded up her spirit into the hands of our Lord.
  • A federal grand jury was empaneled in 1996, and he subpoenaed witnesses to testify.
  • Its bulky, tough concrete forms and large expanses of glass are softened with unexpectedly elegant touches: striated Italian marble that decorates the borders of two large cantilevers; light rods that enliven the glass wall beneath an overhang; white-aluminum-paneled ceilings, dotted with lights and embellished with a stamped pattern, that extend into the building from the underside of the cantilevers. Lee Rosenbaum: First Look: Rem Koolhaas' Architecture For Architects At Cornell University
  • Closet walls behind compositions of paneled wood, benches with flip-up tops, and linear wall-to-wall cabinets provide convenient storage. Madrona Live/Work Conversion by Tyler Engle Architects
  • Three fireplaces, walnut-paneled library, quarter-sawn oak floors, sixth-floor studio with bamboo flooring. Globe and Mail
  • A paneled half-wall divides the commode from the shower; a recessed cabinet provides storage for towels and soaps.
  • On a chance we tried an important-looking door, and walked into a high Gothic library, paneled with carved English oak, and probably transported complete from some ruin overseas.
  • The wall was paneled with pine.
  • Ask yourselves what you can do for America," Mr. Obama said during a 35-minute speech to a packed house in the Chamber's wood-paneled Hall of Flags. Obama Vows to 'Knock Down' Business Barriers
  • His paneled of? ce sports several framed certi? cates distinguishing him for his efforts as an insurance agent, but they aren't helping him now. 'City of the Sun'
  • Speaking at Emory University, where he received a global innovation award--which could explain the billionaire's mordancy--Turner joked that when he "lost his job," nobody would hire him because of his age so he founded a business he knew little about--the mahogany-paneled restaurant chain Ted's Montana Grill, whose specialty is bison burgers. Tuner Blasts Parsons' Time Warner
  • As the president, his staff and, most significantly, his frequently deranged First Lady pussyfooted around the paneled rooms of his West Coast ranch compound, eavesdropping on each other and then communicating in whispers the latest fragment of update, it began to feel like one of those Kurosawa dramas about feudal lords -- the Macbeth-based Throne of Blood, say, courtesy of FOX. Tom Gliatto: Beyond 24
  • A paneled family room walks out on to the property's main feature, a spectacular landscaped garden with interlocking brick. Globe and Mail
  • “I thought something had happened to you,” Sam exploded, once we were inside the paneled room. Dark Secrets 2: No Time to Die the Deep End of Fear
  • The walls were paneled with word wood slats, and the floor was covered in dark yellow sand.
  • The walls of the dining room were paneled with oak.
  • The maneless Tsavo lions could be relict -- relict is the wrong word -- cave lions, which were depicted as maneless; it could be they're all lions and the species is wildly variable, too, and I'm curious if anyone knows. Giant killers: macropredation in lions
  • The new house, with an entrance with sidelights and paneled pilasters, is more commodious although somewhat less elegant than Johnston's previous home.
  • Examples of aged auto genitalia accommodate as assumption aperture handles, wood-paneled birr trims, and advertent advanced trims and fascias. Acquisition Aged Auto Parts
  • In some cases, structured, paneled cubicles are giving way to clustered workstations separated by screen or canvas partitions that can be slid aside to facilitate teamwork.
  • The amphitheater, which is paneled in maple wood strips, can be closed off behind a 16-foot-wide garage door, an homage to the site's former incarnation as a parking facility. Lincoln Center Hits Its Mark
  • On an unseasonably warm December afternoon 10 years ago tomorrow, everyone who was anyone in the obsessive world of watch collecting-formally known as horology-packed Sotheby's seventh-floor, wood-paneled auction gallery in New York. --
  • References to two Aussie 1980s hardish rock bands, flanelette and thievery - it could almost be Broadmeadows. Midnight Oil: How Can We Sleep When Our Beds Are Burning?
  • It's finished in the sense that there are paneled walls and not just exposed beams and studs and lath.
  • To the immediate left was a long, paneled bar with a rusty foot rail and spittoons lining the bottom.
  • So when he was houseled and aneled, and had all that a Christian man ought to have, he prayed the hermit that his fellows might bear his body to Joyous The Age of Fable
  • If your walls are paneled, you may want to finish the light shaft to match.
  • Then they empaneled a grand jury and brought DAs from every county around Colorado, and they all came to the same conclusion.
  • Zanele presented the Queen with a bouquet of pink roses and white gypsophila as she stepped off the British Airways flight which brought her from London. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The maneless lions had no trouble attracting a healthy harem of females - the Tsavo prides were surprisingly large, with seven or eight females, and were ruled by a single male lion.
  • With lofted, wood-paneled ceilings and long windows covered in sheer white curtains, the chapel has an airy but functional feel. American Grace
  • The walls were paneled wood, the ceiling white.
  • The amphitheater, which is paneled in maple wood strips, can be closed off behind a 16-foot-wide garage door, an homage to the site's former incarnation as a parking facility. Lincoln Center Hits Its Mark
  • Suddenly an authoritative cough issued from the direction of the judge's paneled dais. RUNNING FROM THE LAW
  • The baddest four-color battles to grace a paneled page †plus the secret origin of Dr. Destruction†™ s Formidables! Image Comics Solicitations for May 2008 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Inside I see oak-paneled stalls, brass nameplates, bug zappers, a wash stall with hot running water.
  • The flow of air exits the impeller and enters a vaneless diffuser, where it is straightened out and sent into the scroll.
  • Even in the fanciest of fancy Assisted Living Units -- like one I saw with slick silver salt shakers, state-of-the-art elevators and a door-alarm system disguised behind paneled walls, as well as a pristine health spa with fluffy white towels, reminiscent of five star hotels -- the "forgetful" are not allowed outside the bounds of their "ward", unless they ask permission. Karin Luisa: Assisted Living for the Demented: Locked-Up Syndrome
  • But I can't be allowed to think about this agonizing question for too long otherwise I start to yearn for canelés and financiers and every single item in my mom's baking repertoire, her tarte aux fraises in particular.
  • The walls were paneled with mahogany, as were the floors.
  • Paul crouched in the corner of the paneled office, leaning against the wall, like a person folded up on himself. Dark Secrets 2: No Time to Die the Deep End of Fear
  • Both doors are topped by elliptical transoms deeply recessed into paneled openings and embraced by taut curving stone arches.
  • The best machine-made drawers are now made with the bottom paneled or dadoed in all around so that papers cannot slip out. Handwork in Wood
  • A federal grand jury was empaneled in 1996, and he subpoenaed witnesses to testify.
  • Ill-advised additions had been made, according to the fashion of the times: a den paneled in rustic pine, a long screened porch, some dormers scattered above the horizontal roof line like eyes peering down the drive. Excerpt: Blessings by Anna Quindlen
  • Ei de legeis pephukenai seauton epi toiauten edoden, o boulei phagein proton autos apokteinon, all autos dia seauton, me chesamenos kopidi mede tumpano tini mede pelekei alla, os lukoi kai arktoi kai leontes autoi osa esthiousi phoneuousin, anele degmati boun e stomati sun, e apna e lagoon diarrexon kai phage prospeson eti zontos, os ekeina ... The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • It smelled like stale beer, and the walls were paneled in something that was supposed to pass for wood but looked more like plastic. Skipping a Beat
  • I had discovered Canele when living in Agen, South west France back in 1990 and have loved these wholly unique little cakes. .all chewy and slightly bitter. Been thinking about my doorbell..
  • Suddenly an authoritative cough issued from the direction of the judge's paneled dais. RUNNING FROM THE LAW
  • From the tall grand winding stairway that was made from white alabaster, to the grand columns of tinted plexi-glass containing a mysterious fluid, to the wide expanse of glass paneled floor.
  • A conceptual dimension arises from Caillouet's addition of words imprinted in the surfaces of her monochrome canvases, which are shown in multipaneled groups.
  • He allegedly empaneled his daughter as a juror in his courtroom and discussed her feelings about the case with her between the time when the verdict was reached and sentencing occurred.
  • Sometimes I sit in a small, cedar-paneled room full of old wrinkly men who are naked and sweating profusely.
  • One large, wood-paneled wall combines storage, display space, and library materials.
  • Her hair was straight and black, as smooth and cool as water, and even when she did not ride with her men-at-arms, she wore split, padded skirts and quilted, paneled robes of silk satin, all emerald and jade and black and crimson embroidered with gold and white chrysanthemums. PodCastle » PodCastle 96: Love Among the Talus
  • The walls paneled in wood and papered in crushed and patterned velvet.
  • After being indicted, he pulled together lists of prospective jurors in his case, then a list of the 14 people empaneled to hear his case.
  • Compare a similar repetition in 1Sa 25: 24; Zec 7: 5. ceiled -- rather, "wainscoted," or "paneled," referring to the walls as well as the ceilings; furnished not only with comfort but luxury, in sad contrast to God's house not merely unadorned, but the very walls not raised above the foundations. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • He allegedly empaneled his daughter as a juror in his courtroom and discussed her feelings about the case with her between the time when the verdict was reached and sentencing occurred.
  • The walls were paneled wood, painted with a rich crimson color and decorated by hanging tapestries.

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