
  1. characterized by or given to telling anecdotes
    an anecdotal history of jazz
    he was at his anecdotic best
    anecdotal conversation

How To Use anecdotic In A Sentence

  • Even of anecdotic history very little attaches to it. Little Eyolf
  • Also anecdotically but not without sound science behind, I remember growing up with the constant burden of being hyperreactive to insect bites. Ditch your NSAID meds | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • My comment failed miserably, because it appeared as if I was talking about a personal, anecdotical case, while Bryan was talking about the fallacy of basing judgments on anecdotes. How Everyone Can Get Richer as Per-Capita Income Falls, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • A.D. 106) was the author of Stratagematicon Libri IV., a kind of anecdotic treatise on the Art.of War; AELIANUS (time of the Emperor Hadrian) and POLYAENUS the Macedonian (second century) were Greek writers on the Military Art. Though Milton does not name them in his tract, he doubtless had them in view among Military Books to be read. The Life of John Milton
  • Adam Greene, who was the primary author of the proposed rule before leaving HHS for a private law firm, said the department began hearing anecdotically that people wanted answers: Has my ex-husband, who works at the hospital but wasn't part of my care team, seen my medical records? Greater patient access to records proposed
  • I hear from parents all across the country and I can tell you just anecdotically, they are still very, very concerned. Clintons Vp And Mrs Gore At Childrens Tv Conference
  • There are several other interesting anecdotical Recollections of Lord The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 373, Supplementary Number
  • Not sure which info is more accurate but I am under the strong impresion that Rh- is as important in Africa as it is in West or South Asia, not merely anecdotic. Neanderthal DNA
  • A.D. 106) was the author of _Stratagematicon Libri IV. _, a kind of anecdotic treatise on the Art of War; ÆLIANUS (time of the The Life of John Milton Volume 3 1643-1649
  • None will, however, deny that the work, looking to its anecdotical character, and the great use made in it of sources of information hitherto unemployed, is one of the most amusing as well as interesting histories of that eventful period. Notes and Queries, Number 64, January 18, 1851
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