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How To Use Andes In A Sentence

  • Once hot, the metal itself becomes a radiant heat source - and incandesces to a cozy red glow.
  • I got off it and he was incandescent with rage, much of which was to impress the owners. The Sun
  • The difference in turn-on time would generally not be noticeable for standard household incandescent bulbs, since they turn on very quickly.
  • Some small villages in the northern Andes were left isolated as roads were blocked by slides.
  • Such flat morphologies are common in the Central Andes.
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  • The empty expanses of the puna, as the grasslands are called in the Andes, correspond to the silence in which we walked.
  • Yet a current show there, on one of the grandest of all illuminated manuscripts, does both.
  • Hiding out in or near steamy rivers and swamps in South America east of the Andes from Colombia to Paraguay and also on the island of Trinidad, these semiaquatic serpents are the largest snakes in the world.
  • I badly wanted to go on to see the monkey-puzzle forests at the foot of the Andes, to drive the cattle to high summer pasture.
  • The Tourist was impressive ... but this is even better, a dazzling, dizzyingly complex world of clandestine warfare that is complicated further by the affairs of the heart. The Nearest Exit by Olen Steinhauer: Book summary
  • The moist eastern slopes of the Andes tumble to dank, humid, jungle lowlands whose rivers are the highways for transportation.
  • And she that is by them iudged to haue borne her self beste in that behaulfe, and to haue bene dierest to her husbonde: she in the beste maner and moste gorgeous that she can deuise, triumphing and reioysinge, getteth her vp vpon the funeralle pyle wher her housebandes corps lieth ready to be brente, and ther kissinge and embrasinge the deade body, is burned together with her housebande. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • The 50 trimmers at this clandestine grow site work 16-hour days for three weeks, hand-trimming top-grade marijuana destined for medical marijuana patients and dispensaries in San Francisco.
  • The Romans had the biggest and the grandest gladiator fights in the colosseums where one always beat the best.
  • I sit on the ledge and watch the sun play with incandescent shadows of deep green, as red deer graze in the distance.
  • The mountain's snow-white peak was incandescent against the blue sky.
  • Timberland said the new LED lamps are twice as efficient as the comparative foot-candle incandescent bulbs they replaced. Daily apparel and textile news and comment - from
  • American painter and leader of the Hudson River School . His works include Heart of the Andes ( 1859 ).
  • The Prince was said to be incandescent with rage .
  • This was an incandescent performance of real beauty and power. Times, Sunday Times
  • His concertos are made up of strings of juxtaposed contrasting movements (between four and six per concerto) and you sense that he could go on adding more gigues, sarabandes and gavottes without damaging the overall structure.
  • During a substantial part of their lives, they existed either under the shadow of public rejection, or in the clandestinity of aesthetic infringement. 2666 WEEK: FRANCISCO GOLDMAN
  • We watched their clandestine purchasing and procurement network very carefully.
  • And the greatest possible power can surely sustain the grandest imaginable promises.
  • I swung from blind happiness to almost incandescent, unfocused rage within a second, almost before I had a chance to think about it.
  • And the rising sun met the falling star and flashed into coruscant life, a roaring tide of fiery might that batted away cold beams and sent an incandescent lance of godly light in retaliation.
  • A very great affection to God and his favour; for, in the time of trouble, that which he complains of most feelingly is God's withdrawing his gracious presence (v. 1): "Why standest thou afar off, as one unconcerned in the indignities done to thy name and the injuries done to the people? Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • The Romanian-Jewish writer Mihail Sebastian 1907-45 came to the attention of the English-speaking world in 2000 with the publication of his incandescently angry and exacting World War II diaries. Tender and Tense
  • The group held weekly clandestine meetings in a church.
  • To go over the Andes by rail entailed very steep gradients indeed, and when I come to write about rack railways I will come back to them.
  • Surely you may say, the Earth is almost wholly rock and nearly all incandescent with heat.
  • Both the sandstone and andesite show strong quartz and chert veining and carry disseminated pyrite.
  • The asphalt ground was a gleaming with a glint of gray, and it seemed to shine incandescently.
  • Andesitic rocks produced by dome-forming eruptions dominate the geology.
  • Another way to prevent global warming is by replacing the candescent bulbs in homes with compact fluorescent lamps (CFL).
  • Ad plenum calcentur: aqua eludabitur omnis Scilicet, et grandes ibunt per vimina guttae; P. Virgilii Maronis Opera
  • Nevado del Ruiz volcano is an andesite stratovolcano located in the northern Andes of Colombia.
  • The steep, mountainous Volcanic Subalpine Forests ecoregion is composed of volcanic and igneous rocks, predominately andesitic with areas of basalt. Ecoregions of Colorado (EPA)
  • Que me place, respondi el; y entrando en su aposento, saco dl una maletilla vieja cerrada con una cadenilla, y abrindola, hall en ella tres libros grandes y unos papeles de muy buena letra escritos de mano. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • He was incandescent with rage as he read the riot act to us in his office. FRANKIE: The Autobiography of Frankie Dettori
  • Wildfire and Firecat barreled through the thick smoke, their laser rifles blazing an incandescent firestorm through the smoke.
  • And in the dusty biscuit-making place of the potters, among the felspar mills in the furnace rooms of the metal workers, among the incandescent lakes of crude Eadhamite, the blue canvas clothing was on man, woman and child. When the Sleeper Wakes
  • In the formal gardens, the grandest expanse of all running the full length of the house is the Italian garden, laid out as a geometric parterre with herbaceous plants.
  • Mercurio D. Rivera's "In the Harsh Glow of its Incandescent Beauty" is a captivating story of revenge on the Neptunian moon of Triton. REVIEW: Interzone #226
  • Sulla superficie del sole le macchie vengono analizzate sfruttando un fenomeno definito per la prima volta dal fisico olandese Pieter Zeeman, che aveva scoperto che immergendo in un campo magnetico una bottiglia riempita di gas, le linee spettrali emesse da questo gas subiscono uno split, una fessura centrale: si spaccano in due longitudinalmente. Radiopassioni
  • How montbretia, a native of the South Africa veld, became established – miles from the nearest garden – is a mystery, but its orange blooms, as incandescent as coal in a furnace, added a fiery hue to a hot afternoon. Country diary: Durham coast
  • From the materials of the house itself he draws unexpected resonances, candescent onyx balancing pellucid glass, and that glass itself shifting between aspects. The Glass Room by Simon Mawer
  • The grandest, the undermanagers, overmen, engineers and surveyors lived nearest the colliery in streets with names: Thompson, Grant, West View.
  • Tractors and even oxen teams are rare in the high Andes.
  • So he bore with his injurious usage, saying to himself, Verily insolence and evil-speaking are causes of perdition and cast into confusion, and it is said, ‘The insolent is shent and the ignorant doth repent; and whose feareth, to him safety is sent’: moderation marketh the noble and gentle manners are of gains the grandest. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • In certain details every clandestine struggle is very much the same.
  • The incandescent gas mantle, developed by the German von Welsbach in 1885, greatly increased illuminating power and for a time helped fight off competition from electric lighting.
  • In fact, the heat alone that incandesces from the lava is enough to cause surrounding objects to burst into flames!
  • His first idea was to replace the incandescent light bulbs with more modern energy-efficient bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Innocent decided in favour of the monks, but in the present case he pronounced both elections invalid; that of Reginald because it had been made uncanonically and clandestinely, that of John de Grey because it had occurred before the invalidity of the former was proclaimed by the pope. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • I swung from blind happiness to almost incandescent, unfocused rage within a second, almost before I had a chance to think about it.
  • Charles says that he is accable de demandes, comme de dettes, et avec la reputation d'avoir de l'argent, il ne sait ou donner de la tete. George Selwyn: His Letters and His Life
  • All these people, peoples and more dominate Andes; page after page of iconic and anonymous endeavour are laid over the salt-flats, volcanoes, deserts, strangling figs and pampa as Jacobs winds south through the mountains. Andes by Michael Jacobs
  • The quality and brightness of the light is improving all the time, and the best ones are now indistinguishable from the old incandescent bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • It began with aarti ( "toward virtue" in Sanskrit), the Hindu sunset worship, at the very small Nandeshwari Temple on the grounds of the hotel. Perry Garfinkel: A Hind-Jew in India
  • Indeed, it does appear to be the case that the clandestine nuclear weapons programme was initiated following that strike.
  • But by Day Four, I'd forgotten whatever happiness I once knew, and even the blandest, healthiest cut of skinless, organic chicken seemed like prime rib. Paul Jury: 6 Things I Learned on the Fast Track Detox Diet
  • The western extent of the ecoregion is well before the lowest foothills of the Andes near Puerto Laguízamo, Colombia. Solimões-Japurá moist forest
  • But my experience is that the dominant paradigm in “old media” is to provide the blandest, most innocuous content with an eye toward attracting advertisers, rather than providing interesting content with an eye toward attracting readers. Matthew Yglesias » Newspapers Without Profits
  • The mountain's snow-white peak was incandescent against the blue sky.
  • There was an incandescence to the display that brought them a 2-0 victory at home to Lyon three weeks ago.
  • clandestine intelligence operations
  • And although such overabundant light is problematic in our age of energy consciousness, a substantial discussion concerning the use of less public and private illumination has taken second place to the more prominent campaign urging us to replace our incandescent suns with other, colder fluorescent suns, even though the adoption of compact fluorescent light is only trading one commodity for another. Jane Brox: Light! Less Light! The Evolution Of Artificial Light
  • He had shot big game in Siam, pearled in the Paumotus, visited Tolstoy, seen the Passion Play, and crossed the Andes on mule-back; while he was a living directory of the fever holes of West Africa. Chapter 14
  • She was incandescent with rage.
  • To me, one of the scariest things about the Bush Administration was that, like the Ace, most members of the Bush Administration would have considered this point to be “incandescently obvious.” Matthew Yglesias » The Anti-Terror Right’s Incentive Problem
  • It stretches from the Atlantic shore through the whole width of Brazil into Peru, to the very foot of the Andes -- one vast extent of red sandstone, capped by a yellow-ochred clay; not only along the banks of the main river, but forming the sides of those of its tributaries, to their far-off sources, probably over the whole basin of the Paraguay and the Rio de la Plata. The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
  • The couple flirted openly in front of each other in the their Whitehall office but few people knew that they were engaged in a clandestine relationship. Times, Sunday Times
  • Swim, raft, or trek along the rivers, which emerge from the glacial highlands of the Andes and vary from black to white, cloudy, ruddy, or salty.
  • Consider conducting important meetings under warmer incandescent or fluorescent lights.
  • Because of its low consumption of energy, the capacity of battery and solar panel are very low, so the lantern system had a better price versus performance ratio than incandescent lantern system.
  • Combining with GEF project funds, incandescent manufacturer utilizes its own inputs to carry out the conversion project to energy efficient lighting products.
  • She left a note claiming he had clandestine affairs with two women but cops found no evidence of that. The Sun
  • When two writers are involved who happen to be great contemporary poets, artistic equals, the material that explodes out of the depths is bound to be incandescent, exhilarating, unearthly and passionate. Ted Hughes's final lines to Sylvia Plath bring closure to a tragic tale
  • The tamarillo is generally believed to be native to the Andes of Peru and probably also, Chile, Ecuador and Bolivia.
  • They feature palatial cathedrals, now totally imaginary, and evoking the grandest styles, from the Sacré-Coeur to the Kremlin, from Saint-Sophia to English gothic, Austrian or German baroque.
  • 'Occasional Supper Clubs', as they have been quaintly dubbed, are clandestine gatherings of food-fanciers.
  • Associated with these intrusions were outpourings of andesitic and more acidic lavas and fine ashes.
  • The belt comprises subalkaline andesites, trachyandesites, dacites, rhyolites, trachyrhyolites, and granodiorites, granites, granosyenites and monzonites, and developed along an active continental margin.
  • Fran Landesman is still the poet laureate of lovers and losers: her songs are the secret diaries of the desperate and the decadent.
  • With the revelation that NATO didn’t know either, this looks like a directive which may have come clandestinely from the Foreign Affairs or Defense Ministry, but I am growing increasingly skeptical that Stephen Harper did not know. Who Is Running The War In Afghanistan? – Update « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • Resentment of foreign influence encouraged the growth of a clandestine society called ‘Fists of Righteous Harmony’, known to Europeans as Boxers from its Chinese name and practice of ritual shadow-boxing.
  • Halogen lighting type fixtures provide a whiter, brighter appearance than standard incandescent or fluorescent type fixtures.
  • And in 1984 another eruption killed 200 people with a nuee ardente glowing cloud, a 300-kilometer-an-hour cloud of incandescent fragments and gas that roared down the mountain. Richard Bangs: Climbing the Killer Prince -- Merapi Volcano of Java, Part 1
  • Recent petrological work has confirmed the alkalic chemistry of some of the intrusive rocks at Huajoto, which is very unusual for the Andes. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • It can illuminate like 15 w incandescence bulb, just connect to the telephone line.
  • Look at them at different times of the day, and in both natural and incandescent light.
  • You have all the reason in the world to achieve your grandest dreams. Imagination plus innovation equals realization. Denis Waitley 
  • It is unsurprising, then, that the exchange led to this, a bloated tear-stick of a song that desperately wrings emotion from the blandest of platitudes. This week's new singles
  • Some rocks have basaltic compositions similar to the well-studied meteorites thought to have come from Mars, but other rocks are more like the volcanic rock andesite.
  • They return to their former ways, though perhaps in newly clandestine associations such as the murky and much feared paramilitary demobilisation, Medellín - and Colombia - are now presented with a worrying remobilisation. blows: desertions, the cross-border killing of commander Raúl Reyes at his camp in Ecuador and the death of co-founder Manuel Marulanda, and the humiliating rescue of its most high-profile prisoner Open Democracy News Analysis - Comments
  • His first idea was to replace the incandescent light bulbs with more modern energy-efficient bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cuando Nikola falleci, sus grandes inventos de los diez ltimos aos fueron olvidados y, deliberadamente, se hizo que se le recordara por su excentricidad. Archive 2009-12-01
  • In 1976 he went freelance but continued his contacts and clandestine operations with the agency until he was driven out into the cold and arrested. Times, Sunday Times
  • We also discover that Terry, whose wife absconded with his best man, has turned for clandestine consolation to a naively trusting shopgirl, Nuala, and a dance-loving hairdresser, Breda.
  • an incandescent bulb
  • He seemed to belong to a past which was already becoming remote, a past without the incandescent electric light, and without the photograph. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps he may, when thou standest amid thy Bacchanals and callest on his name. The Bacchantes
  • C’est clair que les grandes marques ont tout intérêt d’y apposer leur présence, comme elle le ferait dans une ville de même taille. Déluge Second Life: ça recommence — Climb to the Stars
  • The police chief of Dubai said that the suspects would not have dared to use American passports for the clandestine operation. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are not very much different from the sediments we can observe in the currently active foreland basin associated with the Andes. Castle Rock - South Table Mountain - The Panda's Thumb
  • The andesitic volcanic material has higher nutrient content and water holding capacity than the rhyolitic soils of the neighboring Yellowstone Plateau (17j). Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
  • St. Lucia, and Martinique are predominantly composed of acid andesite and dacitic rocks. Grenada
  • Totally apprehensively are unconcealed that ultrasound one forgetfully gravitative, but pardonably wind chintzily be at incompatibly hispanic to incandescent apomict of threefold skateboard okay curtilage. Rational Review
  • I am incandescent with rage that such appalling suffering is being inflicted here in Britain. The Sun
  • In the render on the right, the same texture was mapped to just the Incandescence channel.
  • The incandescent plume towered like an awesome thunderhead heralding Armageddon. THE X FILES 3: GROUND ZERO
  • The climax is reached on his discovery among the accounts, all giving proof of his wife's reckless extravagance, a billet-doux, pleading for a clandestine meeting in his own garden. The Standard Operaglass Detailed Plots of One Hundred and Fifty-one Celebrated Operas
  • The line that separates openly official and covert/clandestine is not a bright one. The Volokh Conspiracy » Clandestine Military Operations
  • The Andes glimmer in the distance, beyond the gum trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Deceleration of meteorites begins high in the atmosphere where the surface of the incoming body heats up to incandescence causing melting and ablation.
  • We are now left to wonder whether the publicly-advertised trials of GM crops were only a smokescreen to divert attention away from the real, clandestine experiments.
  • I saw many other birds in my month on Fair Isle, far rarer ones: I found a woodchat shrike, a streaky youngster with a grownup hooked bill, that should have been on the other side of Europe; I became adept at listening for the soft calls of common rosefinches, the blandest of birds with the beadiest of eyes; I knew where a buff-breasted sandpiper blown from North America roosted. A Year on the Wing
  • While this may have been true for the cases of the three earliest civilizations, further study of early Chinese civilization shows that irrigation-based agriculture did not play a major role in developing hierarchical institutions, and the absence of major river valleys in Mesoamerica and the region of the Andes civilization brought an end to the old “river valley theory” of the origins of civilization. D. Comparisons
  • To reduce its greenhouse gases, Australian officials hope to phase out incandescent light bulb use by 2009.
  • I agreed to act as though our affair were a secret, a clandestine drama to be hidden from the rest of the world.
  • Once upon a time a clandestine meeting was difficult to arrange. The Sun
  • This is a quandary that never traps veteran adventuress Dervla Murphy, in a new edition of her epic 1983 trek through the Peruvian Andes with her small daughter and a mule.
  • The group held weekly clandestine meetings in a church.
  • This, in fact, is one of the many disqualifications for kingship which emerge during his clandestine six weeks in England.
  • Last night I finally placed an order and will relace all my incandescent bulbs when the new CFLs arrive. Seitan tastes like sheitan
  • She turns the blandest of scenes into yak fests as she strides through CTU with the same kind of grumpiness most of us have in an office job were everyone takes us for granted. 'Can I do it myself?' 'Ok.' 'I can't do it.'
  • A decade ago, this team was an also-ran in Portuguese football, which has long been dominated by three teams—Porto, Benfica and Sporting are known as Os Tres Grandes Big three and have won all but two championships since 1934. How Braga Climbed a Mountain
  • Musical performance at modern fiestas in the Andes not only contains layer upon layer of meaning, but it provides a ritualized space in which the historical encounters that produced such meaning are performed again.
  • I am sure that it will be a standard work in the field and particularly for the Andes for quite some time.
  • (FeCO3), used as a pigment, and also found in the Kirtland shale; and various metamorphic and igneous rocks (such as andesite, schist, gabbro, slate, and olivine), which could have been picked up in the river Tseh So, a Small House Ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico :
  • The grandest monuments are still of imperial vintage. Times, Sunday Times
  • The effect of which supplication was that the temporall landes devoutely given, and disordinately spent by religious and other spirituall persons, should be seased into the Kyngs hands, sithence the same might suffice to maintayne to the honor of the King and defence of the realme fifteene Erles, fifteene C. The Battaile of Agincourt
  • But unlike ordinary incandescent bulbs, they don't have a filament that will burn out, and they don't get especially hot.
  • Roberta Brandes Gratz is an urban critic and author of "The Battle for Gotham: New York in the Shadow of Robert Moses and Jane Jacobs.
  • I was in a hurry and had no time to wander its paths, but caught only a glimpse of brilliant pink tulips incandescing in the spring sun.
  • The quality and brightness of the light is improving all the time, and the best ones are now indistinguishable from the old incandescent bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • For 25 million years andesitic volcanic ashflows and mudflows were common, covering and petrifying forests: nearly 200 species of petrified plants have been found. Yellowstone National Park, United States
  • The light of any combustible consumed on the "incandescent" system is derived from glowing particles of ceria, thoria, or similar metallic oxides; and the character or shade of the light they emit is a function, apart from the temperature to which they are raised, of their specific chemical nature. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • The biggest impacts would have swathed our globe in incandescent rock vapor, boiling the oceans dry and sterilizing the surface worldwide.
  • His combustible persona waxed hot against those he saw as enemies of righteousness and justice, attracting true believers to its incandescence.
  • Anonymous surveys show that doctors in most states already act to speed the deaths of their terminally ill patients, but clandestinely and without regulation.
  • Note 2: Diaz's story is told in Dutch and Portuguese documents, of which the most important is his "Relaçaõ da fortalesa poder e trato com os Chinas, que os Olandeses tem na Ilha Fermosa dada por Salvador Diaz, natural de Macao, que la esteve cativo e fugio em hua soma em Abril do Anno de 1626," Biblioteca Nacional de España, MSS 3015, esp. 55 – 62v, esp. How Taiwan Became Chinese
  • In time the hill became covered with public edifices, of which the grandest was the Temple of "Capitoline Jupiter. Outline of Universal History
  • Regular incandescent light bulbs produce light by heating a small filament inside the bulb.
  • He was incandescent with rage.
  • Back in 1996 we saw the first clandestine P laboratory busted by the police.
  • The nearest Gould comes to the issue is: "He [Casey] did not approve those activities and he never expressed to North or anybody else his approval of those clandestine, illegal, delictual, immoral activities. 'Rewriting the Iran-Contra Story': An Exchange
  • The Andes stretch for 7250 km along the west coast of South America.
  • The depurating process of the New World's grandest community lies ready for use in this natural drainage-system. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 15, No. 87, January, 1865
  • ALFONZO VAN MARSH, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Reporter: in a country famous for its high tea, there is new speculation that the British tradition of a cuppa was the clandestine cover to kill a former Russian spy in London. CNN Transcript Jan 27, 2007
  • These are typically more expensive but are said to last longer and the light quality is almost as good as incandescent bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • And they are the people in the agency that make things happen, as far as collecting intelligence and running what we call clandestine operations. CNN Transcript Feb 17, 2007
  • Very often staff feel that their colleagues have been silently and invisibly spirited out of the company in a surreptitious and clandestine manner.
  • I have the blandest of taste buds, the most unsophisticated of palates. I Say Tomato, You Say Tabasco. Lots of It.
  • These peripheral islands form the remnants of a single andesitic volcano ( 'Ancient Krakatau') which exploded and collapsed some 1,500 years ago leaving three remnant cones. Ujung Kulon National Park and Krakatau Nature Reserve, Indonesia
  • The couple flirted openly in front of each other in the their Whitehall office but few people knew that they were engaged in a clandestine relationship. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the better security of these new-born civil rights we are now about to pass the greatest and the grandest act in this series of acts that have emancipated a race and disinthralled a nation. History of the Thirty-Ninth Congress of the United States
  • These are typically more expensive but are said to last longer and the light quality is almost as good as incandescent bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • To conclude, we established that the chemotherapeutic activity of Rubus rigidus used by Rwandese traditional practitioners is mainly due to the presence of pyrogallol. Chapter 12
  • I am incandescent with rage about the overselling of that mediocre piece of less-than-fluff that masquerades as the ultimate romantic comedy.
  • In the future, Mr. Fernandes says, he won't rely on others to handle this.
  • All the air which is needed to support combustion, as well as the excess of air which actually passes through the burner tube and flame in incandescent burners, is obviously sterilised; but so also is the much larger volume of air which, by virtue of the up-current due to the heat of the flame, is brought into anything like close proximity with the light. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • The phasing out of incandescent bulbs has sparked a boom in Led lighting design. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rest was indescribable: riding a meteorite through incandescence, shock, thunderblast, stormwind, night, mountains and caverns of cloud, rain like bullets, crazy tilting and whirling of horribly onrushing horizon, while the noise roared and battered and vibrations shook brains in skulls and devils danced on the instrument panel. The Rebel Worlds
  • Even on cloudy days, a tubular skylight can provide at least as much light as a 100-watt incandescent bulb - about 1,200 lumens.
  • Andesite and diorite are intermediate igneous rocks that have a chemistry between mafic and felsic (silica amounts between 53 to 65%). Igneous rock
  • He was incandescent with rage as he read the riot act to us in his office. FRANKIE: The Autobiography of Frankie Dettori
  • He recently ended a clandestine relationship, but still dreams of finding true love. Times, Sunday Times
  • No elogio fúnebre, destacou-se a participação activa de Beatriz Salucombo nas acções de luta clandestina contra o colonialismo português, particularmente no apoio aos guerrilheiros do MPLA na zona da Lunda Sul. Global Voices in English » Angola: The assassination of a ruling party MP
  • Since the 16th century the Perrots had lorded it over Pembrokeshire, the grandest of them the giant Sir John, the viceroy of Ireland, said to have been the illegitimate son of Henry VIII.
  • He was incandescent with rage as he read the riot act to us in his office. FRANKIE: The Autobiography of Frankie Dettori
  • He has been having a clandestine affair with his secretary for three years.
  • Seen in reproduction, it is hard to conceive of the monumentality and refulgence that the grandest of them possess in the flesh.
  • The germ of the first knowledge of an explosive was probably the accidental discovery, ages ago, of the deflagrating property of the natural saltpeter _when in contact with incandescent charcoal_." [ Scientific American Supplement, No. 288, July 9, 1881
  • Their aid no longer had to be clandestine.
  • Another point which might interest you about Siam, is the reason for the Siamese suddenly becoming Thailandese people, adopting a name which is half-caste-Siamese at the beginning and English at the end. Indo-China and the Japanese
  • Under Tyranowski's tutelage, Karol Wojtyla decided to be a priest and enrolled in a clandestine seminary in Krakow.
  • I still wanted to look at the Cordillera Occidental, the western cordillera, the other main chain of the Andes.
  • A pillion was the grandest equipage, and a plain blue and white gown, with primly starched apron, was the common attire of the New England dames. A Brief History of the United States
  • Some of the longtime members began organizing clandestine meetings to discuss grievances.
  • You can provoke consideration of the grandest themes by telling a simple, everyday story.
  • The bright spot is not an incandescent flare; it represents dust in the ejecta curtain spraying out from the comet, which is backlit by the Sun.
  • I was not an environmentalist then, and my impression of these people ranged from the nasality of John Denver to dogmatic feminists cramming political correctness into any available ear while claiming that they would save the world by recycling, biking to work or changing out the incandescent light bulbs. Giles Slade: The 'Deep Throat' of Green
  • Why then, after it had been segregated to emphasize its inferior status, did men wilfully cross the alps and seek out this remote spot for their clandestine purposes?
  • Equinoctial America nowhere produces, not even on the back of the Andes, an oak resembling the Quercus suber; and neither the light wood of the bombax, the ochroma, and other malvaceous plants, nor the rhachis of maize, of which the natives make use, can well supply the place of our corks. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • The interpretation stated that, according to the Holy Father, there was no longer any reason to remain in the situation of clandestinity and that the Holy Father wanted that all underground communities request the recognition of the Government. Archive 2009-07-01
  • For example, a 60-watt incandescent bulb has very little blue/purple in the spectrum of the light it emits.
  • The proceeds from this event will go towards the ‘Concern Challenge In the Andes’ in which Sheila will be taking part next month.
  • The film opens with a montage of various street artists preparing their tools and heading out for a night on the town, as they climb and sprint through the cities of the world clandestinely painting, stencilling, postering and installing their pieces while evading the police. Jonathan Kim: ReThink Review: Exit Through the Gift Shop -- the Street Art Revolution Will Be Commercialized
  • They are his bounteous source for “Sexual Aberration on Campus America,” his clandestine, surefire, tenure pièce de resistancé. “Give me fifty words about a Beaver…”
  • What Mr. Landes classifies as "agrarian millennialism" is illustrated by the Taiping in China in the mid-19th century. Apocalypse Now And Then
  • Over two sets in which he visibly unwound from a nervous start, Cullum rattled through originals, pop covers and standards, with a yearning account of Radiohead's High And Dry, and Fran Landesman's classic Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most – riskily but successfully joining intimate balladry to beatboxing – the highlights. Hugh Laurie at Cheltenham Jazz Festival - review
  • To get me incandescent with rage, it usually just takes New Yorkers and a confined space.
  • The rock assemblages of the Bayinbuluke formation are mainly alkaline basalt - thick andesite - alkaline rhyolite.
  • Dolly was close to incandescent in her outrage, and swore at me in a most unladylike manner.
  • Under the arch of her eyebrows, her wide brown eyes glowed with their vague hint of secrecy, their quiet incandescence.
  • Then the fir tree told the mice of its grandest moment as a Christmas tree and shared the story of Humpty Dumpty.
  • Their starter home: They may aspire to a normal and unroyal life, but the newlyweds 'home will be the grandest of any of Queen Elizabeth's offspring. When Sophie Weds Edward
  • He was speaking after a person at Andes Petroleum Ecuador Ltd., owned by China Petrochemical Corp. and China National Petroleum Corp., said the October levy had made their business in the South American country "nonviable" and that the company may seek arbitration if a negotiated solution cannot be found. Ecuador Eschews Chinese Protest on Oil Tax

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