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How To Use And so forth In A Sentence

  • Liqueurs commonly made this way include triple sec, cassis, Cointreau, Grand Mariner and so forth.
  • And this means that the theories of universally acting psychical repression, of the unconscious, of the endopsychic censor, of the significance of resistance and amnesia, of the employment of highly complicated and phantastic symbolism, of the manifestations of sexuality and so forth have been made use of in a high-handed, uncalled for, unnecessary and unscientific manner to prove the truth of the thesis with which the author set out upon his journey. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • The water rate is the payment in Britain for water when it is supplied to houses and factories and so forth.
  • They were also hybridized, with brassière tops being added to corsets to form the corselette, or attached to petticoats, and so forth.
  • Each character is given a home instance, personalized to their biography choices, located in their racial capital - Hoelbrak for the norn, the Grove for the sylvari, and so forth.
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  • In addition to such verbalized utterances there will be a number of sighs, suspirations, and ritual gestures: rapid and repeated finger tapping, holding of the head in one hand, or two hands, and so forth.
  • The most dull-witted, vulgar complaint about Gay Pride parades follows the form of ‘you don't see straight people running around with nipple clamps’ or ‘my wife doesn't dress up in latex and flaunt herself in the street ’, etc. and so forth.
  • The rules against corking bats, applying foreign substances to the ball, and so forth are cheats that either don’t work, or require a fair amount of skill to execute (a spitter is not an easy pitch to throw). Matthew Yglesias » PEDs
  • This leads the Stoics to a very anthropocentric view of the world, in which grain, olives and vines are for us to consume, sheep for clothing us with their fleeces, oxen for pulling our ploughs and so forth.
  • So current cognitive models of language, memory, perception and so forth are also basically neutral to the question of consciousness.
  • Paragraph of the definition then goes on to say that, to avoid doubt, it includes brothers, stepbrothers, stepsisters, step-parents or guardians, grandparents, and so forth.
  • He talked about how much we owed to our parents, our duty to our country and so on and so forth.
  • Baronet, kneeling in a square beard opposite his wife in a ruff: a very fat lady, the Dame Rebecca Clavering, in alto-relievo, is borne up to Heaven by two little blue-veined angels, who seem to have a severe task — and so forth. The History of Pendennis
  • Even saints can be sinners, and as many studies have shown, divorce, premarital sex, and so forth are not significantly lower among religious Americans than among secular Americans.30 Rather, our interpretation is that religious Americans are readier to condemn all violations of conventional morality, including civic morality. American Grace
  • It has dealt with, for example, shop trading hours in Kelly's Case, with the deduction of union dues in Alcan, with union badges in Archer's Case, and so forth.
  • And it can be found in bigger tribes and groups of people: businesses may have long-term contractual obligations with each other; governments make treaties with one another; and so on and so forth. SuperCooperators
  • The literature of ancient Egypt was written on rolls of papyrus, that of ancient Mesopotamia on clay tablets, that of ancient China on strips of bamboo held together with string, and so forth.
  • The trades being taught were basket making, brush making, piano tuning, draughting, typewriting, tailoring, tinsmithing and so forth; while classes in reading, writing and other subjects were held for those who were deficient in these requirements, and anxious to learn. On the Fringe of the Great Fight
  • No matter what you call the mentally deficient, that term will come to be an insult when applied to people of ordinary intellectual capacity, and not long after it will be seen as an insult to the true idiots, imbeciles, and so forth.
  • So the coach of course is not experiencing the pain of the athlete who's running, for example and who's now in a state of oxygen debt and experiencing muscle burn and so forth.
  • There are reasons to defend a poor people, to revolt against an evil government, seize dominions, disagreements, holding land, invasion, self-defense, and so on and so forth.
  • But all of us have been subjected, as reporters, to barrages of boilerplate coming from a president or a Senator or an official and so forth.
  • The effect built into cheaper cameras include things like sepia and cobalt tone, posterizing, solarizing and so forth.
  • This arrangement makes the jobholder dependent on all the people who make those products, who advertise them, who sell them, who distribute them, and so forth. Power and Influence
  • Sometimes they cross their legs, put their hands on their laps, scratch their heads, and so forth in what has been termed interactional synchrony. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 3
  • ‘Tinkerers’, I would say, write big stand-alone thrillers, military novels, espionage, techno-thrillers, gangster-themed books, and so on and so forth.
  • We're going to have people with six-guns and so forth, sombreros, wandering through there as the local guides through ‘Ghost Town.’
  • To be sure, our ancestors would have enhanced themselves and their progeny in ways that seemed universally desirable - eliminating fatal maladies, disfigurement, mental incapacities, and so forth.
  • I have lots of diddling with old post categories and backups and so forth to do, but it looks like the site's pretty much back!
  • Instead it was a mixture of lips, eyelids, eyeballs, nostrils, udders, spare skin, throat, larynx and so forth.
  • I put one horse between the shafts and a horse on either side with whiffletrees, and so forth, so that they could all pull even on it.
  • Likewise, the pace of office work may depend upon market fluctuations, calendars of meetings, information flows, computer ‘down-time’ and so forth.
  • To suggest that people employed in breeding dogs and so forth can be viewed in the same light is contemptible.
  • Sounds snarky, but no matter how much one "conserves" it is totally undone by having kids, sending them off to a college campus (which uses more energy to maintain the grounds for a month than the most wasteful family uses all year), having them see the world (unneccesary travel), have more kids and so forth. where did you get that Brad Ideas - Comments
  • The typical MIDI file is a multi-track song file that has separate parts for melody, bass, accompaniment, percussion and so forth.
  • They handle the majority of these kinds of cases that we get with missing persons and so forth.
  • We may also reply that "lasciviousness" relates to certain acts circumstantial to the venereal act, for instance kisses, touches, and so forth. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • With regard to the former, I'm not convinced that everyone with access to potentially threatening information will refrain from using that information abusively, via blackmail, bigotry, red-lining and so forth.
  • Where destruction pure and simple is desired, the shell is charged with a high explosive such as picric acid or T.N.T., the colloquial abbreviation for the devastating agent scientifically known as "Trinitrotoluene," the base of which, in common with all the high explosives used by the different powers and variously known as lyddite, melinite, cheddite, and so forth, is picric acid. Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of War
  • We have purposely omitted cobwebbed bottles, the patron in his white cap bustling among his sauces, anecdotes about charming little restaurants with gleaming napery, and so forth.
  • KURTZ: You know, another person who is getting an awful lot of media attention in the last few days besides John McCain is of course Dick Cheney, who's been, I would say, kind of roughed up by the press as we have excavated his voting record, looked into his history of health problems and so forth. CNN Transcript - Reliable Sources: Is the Media Coverage of John McCain and Dick Cheney Fair? - July 30, 2000
  • Jeff Frankel speaks for the prosecution. they will do anything for a few votes, even if their behavior is against the national economic and security interests and blatantly inconsistent with things they claim to stand for: small government, free trade, macroeconomic discipline, good neoclassical economics, and so forth. Bush on Trial, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • We "alleviate" the stress by teaching more overloads, doing more class preparations, agreeing to larger class sizes, foregoing sabbaticals, never asking for release time, paying for our own conference trips, making fewer copies of articles, concurring with the hiring of more part-timers and temporary instructors, and so forth.
  • As for the rest -- the Police, the Civil Service and so forth -- they'd all toed the line, sufficiently at any rate. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • When two men become involved in a brawl and start trading blows and punches and kicks and so forth, how does the law of provocation relate to that circumstance?
  • And I used to have my little priggish laugh at the woman who counted her chickens before they were hatched and so forth, and I was convinced that honesty was the best policy, also a little priggishly.
  • Until 2003, scientists knew that the principal distinction between the “normalcy” of a cell and the “abnormalcy” of a cancer cell lay in the accumulation of genetic mutations—ras, myc, Rb, neu, and so forth—that unleashed the hallmark behaviors of cancer cells. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • We expended almost two million tons of bombs, rockets, napalm, and so forth against the trail and lost far too many men.
  • Just as “French” is a social rather than biogical construction - but the affects of that social creation are strong enough that there actually are classes specifically in French literatures, French history and so forth. Womens studies debated
  • Of course, it is a tribute to his extraordinary skill and technique and concentration and so forth.
  • I also believed in the necessity of being frank about how I looked at them and their expansionism and so forth.
  • The other contains prepared herbs which are useful as preventives -- tormentil, valerian, zedoary, angelica, and so forth; but I take it that pure vinegar is as good an antidote to infection as anything one can find. The Sign of the Red Cross
  • I think it has actually been well-demonstrated at this point that under the right circumstances, the lefty blogosphere can in fact strongly influence the agenda, framing, narratives, and so forth of that greater media universe. Matthew Yglesias » Richard Shelby Shuts the Government Down
  • The list of people I'm hot-wired to bust is a fairly long one, including but not limited to anyone who does one of the following things to women: Condescends, objectifies, ridicules, trivializes, and so forth. Karen Stabiner: The Philip Roth Reader: When He Was Good He Was Very, Very Good -- and Something of a Feminist
  • We have to make seven or eight trips and dismantle a complex piece of equipment – collapse the stands, unscrew the cymbals, unstack the toms, fold the bass drum legs, and so forth. Your Friday Amusement Poll
  • Of course, there are reports of alien visits, abductions and so forth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bong! for one o'clock; bong! bong! for two o'clock, and so forth.
  • I seem to remember a lot of guys with cheap macho posturing about killing them all and letting God sort them out, and so forth.
  • There are other kinds of telework or "e-work" besides the home-oriented varieties: telecentre-based, mobile (but not using home as a base), location-flexible telework (using for example, client sites to work from) - and so forth.
  • The water rate is the payment in Britain for water when it is supplied to houses and factories and so forth.
  • There are shelters where the men can keep warm and there are periodical classes in carpentering, boot-making, leather-work, handloom-weaving, basket-work, sea-grass work, etc., etc.; the idea being that the men can make furniture and so forth, not for sale but for their own homes, getting tools free and materials cheaply. The Road to Wigan Pier
  • This may extend to ancillary buildings, structures or areas such as outhouses, a garage, a driveway, a garden and so forth.
  • They are generally millionaires to begin with, and, in any case, they and their adjutants make a seamless transition from places of power to the media, the upper ranks of private enterprise and so forth.
  • Most of them have unique benefits over any other window manager - smaller memory footprints, more efficient code, better extensibility and so forth.
  • There's downhill, slalom, cross-country and so forth.
  • There is training, health insurance and ancillary benefits, payroll taxes, and so forth.
  • And therefore, part of our strategy is focusing not only on those areas, but also those industries that are likely to have those kinds of problems where there is likely to be exploitation of illegal immigrants, there's likely to be a magnet for employers to pull illegal immigrants from Mexico and subject them to subminimal working conditions, subminimal wages and so forth. Reno Reich And Others Briefing On Illegal Immigration
  • And he got swept up in what was called ethnological science, which predicted the so called extinction of certain allegedly inferior races and so forth. Walt Whitman's America: A Cultural Biography
  • The common experiences practiced in secret were, besides sex, bar life, cruising, camp, drag, and so forth.
  • If you want to add more, get webbing, backpack straps, metal buckles and so forth.
  • Powerful, well-acted films are easy to review, with no end of superlatives to string together to laud the acting, directorial genius, and so forth.
  • They can allocate current resources more efficiently (for instance, by shifting from line item to block funding, differentiating faculty salaries and so forth).
  • For both of these reasons, a person can therefore have facets of his or her consciousness at many different levels of morals, worldviews, defenses, pathologies, needs, and so forth which can be mapped on an integral psychograph. Subpersonalities -- An Integral Theoretical Model
  • In the past, people might settle up annually with fishmongers, blacksmiths, dressmakers, and so forth.
  • The chemical elements and compounds are substantive kinds; the different chemical reactions are dynamic kinds; a tetrahedral molecular structure is a (structural) property kind (whose species include the particular tetrahedral structures of methane, carbon tetrachloride, silicon tetrafluoride and so forth). Natural Kinds
  • In other words, a radical organization is an organization of individual entities, which are the constituents of the order or orders arising in multiplicities governed by radical organization, while each such constituent, considered in isolation, cannot itself be subject to this or any order, law, organization, comprehension, and so forth. Complexity and Order.
  • They constructed what is called a coffer dam dike that with the velocity that comes through the river, it undermined that, coming in through the lower levels and so forth. CNN Transcript Mar 29, 2009
  • This comprises outlines of the teaching on the persons of the Trinity, eschatology, eternal life, witness, and so forth.
  • They are in all manner of shapes, strings of mucuna and poison-beans; carved images stuck over with feathers and tassels; padlocks with a cowrie or a mirror set in them; horns full of mysterious "medicine;" iron - tipped poles; bones; birds 'beaks and talons; skins of snakes and leopards, and so forth. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2
  • A custodian is responsible for everything arising from ownership of these certificates, including collecting dividends, voting at meetings, exercising rights and so forth.
  • Similar to the Gelug Sautrantika view, the existence of the dependent phenomenon the year 2008 and of the totally conceptional phenomena the categories “not-yet-happening” and so forth as validly knowable phenomena is established by their own self-natures, from their own sides. What Does a Buddha Know in Knowing the Past, Present, and Future? ��� Part Two: Variant Indian Buddhist Views Concerning Temporally Related Phenomena
  • She started telling me about her bad back, her migraines, and so forth.
  • Although relatively simple, this system offers a wide range of minerals to depict (e.g., fluorite, halite, pyrite, and so forth).
  • _Now just hold hard here, busters, now goddamn it enough is ENO UGH, whaddya wheredya get the idea you can_ and so forth, in the grip of his waking nightmare he drivelled on and on until one of the four, obviously it was the woman, came up, swung her rifle butt and broke his flapping jaw. The Satanic Verses
  • Today, after some 5 years of study -- in some cases even more -- 61 farm workers, seven day laborers, four cowboys, seven operators, four employees, two poultrymen, and so forth, are graduating. CASTRO STRESSES IMPORTANCE OF TECHNOLOGY
  • Penn and Wharton are going into Beijing, running executive programs, faculty seminars, symposia and so forth.
  • The Omdeh, or headman, of the village of Chaghb, not far from Luxor, submitted an official complaint to the police a short time ago against an _afrit_ or devil which was doing much mischief to him and his neighbours, snatching up oil-lamps and pouring the oil over the terrified villagers, throwing stones at passers-by, and so forth. The Treasury of Ancient Egypt Miscellaneous Chapters on Ancient Egyptian History and Archaeology
  • Being a young company, it is mainly dependent on contracts from government, parastatals and so forth.
  • Anything less we should not accept before re-commencing payments demanded by the state, such as regos, business license fees and so forth.
  • These are the things like thriftiness, wise use of time, beauty in furnishings and cloth, availability for helping others, and for teaching her children, and so forth. Guiding the Home Part 2
  • For years, we’ve all been told that the sneeze is the body’s attempt to rid itself of something foreign – to get rid of viruses and bacteria and so forth. Nothing to Sneeze At
  • Instead of the usual studio lighting he used the available light sources visible in the shot, such as lamps, Christmas tree lights and so forth.
  • Where destruction pure and simple is desired, the shell is charged with a high explosive such as picric acid or T.N.T., the colloquial abbreviation for the devastating agent scientifically known as "Trinitrotoluene," the base of which, in common with all the high explosives used by the different powers and variously known as lyddite, melinite, cheddite, and so forth, is picric acid. Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of War
  • The planet has limited natural resources, mineral resources and so forth.
  • Chandler used the term simply to mean obtaining needed raw materials, services, and so forth from internal operating divisions coordinated by senior executives at corporate headquarters. The Machine That Changed the World
  • And that's why evangelicals returned finally to scripture to see what he says about how one is rightly related to God with its implications for how to get along with others and loving others and being forbearing and so forth.
  • Each of the new versions was a little bit different, and it was always hoped that one of the new versions would look exactly like protons, neutrons, mesons, and so forth.
  • Like many poets she found that while she received considerable critical acclaim - prizes and so forth - there was little else on offer besides laurel wreaths. Times, Sunday Times
  • It guarantees a broad diversity of agricultural equipment and implements, substituting its production for some imports, such as plows with four or six discs, hay balers and so forth. INAUGURATES HOLGUIN FACTORY
  • With the publication of "Human Sexual Response" in 1966 and "Human Sexual Inadequacy" four years later, however, the nation finally had a chance to learn the fundamentals of fornication: women can be multiorgasmic; intercourse may continue well into one's 80s; clitoral orgasms are hardly inferior to their vaginal counterparts; and so forth. Sexual Masters of the Universe
  • Attending to them each month makes the piles manageable and allows the books to live where they are best cared for – away from spilt drinks, cat hair, dust, the direct sun and so forth … and where you can find them! The Lunar Writer: 10 Tips for Using the Dark Moon « Write Anything
  • Assuming that nothing in the package description, unpacking instructions and so forth, needs to be updated, that's all you have to do.
  • That is, he can attribute beliefs, desires, intentions, and so forth in giving a simpler account of a complex matter.
  • We see cerium, lanthanum, neodymium, and so forth, which indicate we are dealing with a rare-earth mineral, and that can mean big problems.
  • This is why Bombay is awash in new malls and cinema multiplexes and so forth, all of which generate jobs.
  • Instead it was a mixture of lips, eyelids, eyeballs, nostrils, udders, spare skin, throat, larynx and so forth.
  • An equally important matter, surely, is the quality of the questing knight: his nobility, decency, purity of intention and so forth. Times, Sunday Times
  • If he spent his time in splenetic atrabiliar reflections on his own misery, his ill usage by Nature, Fortune and other Foxes, and so forth; and had not courage, promptitude, practicality, and other suitable vulpine gifts and graces, he would catch no geese. Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
  • We suspect that religiously based ties are morally freighted in a way that most secular ties are not, so that pleas for good works giving, volunteering, joining a reform movement, serving as a leader in some civic organization, and so forth seem more appropriate and weightier than comparable requests from a co-worker or someone you know from the gym. American Grace
  • It explains the facts of biodiversity, biostratigraphy, comparative anatomy, and so forth.
  • In the process, the various components acquired names according to their place in this system - king post, hammer beam, purlin, sill, and so forth - names that are still used today.
  • … if the concept of Davis and Walsh was tenable, the morphine antagonists nalorphine, naloxone, and so forth would antagonize short-term alcohol intoxication as they do specifically for morphine-like drugs.12 Alcohol and The Addictive Brain
  • If they are listing these conditions as curable, along with what they say is "overwhelming" evidence, then does this not suggest that they are indeed claiming to cure cholic and so forth? BCA v Singh: The BCA's "Third Update"
  • When these processes exist, personnel who go from one project to another can readily find plans, purchase orders, submittals, subcontracts, invoices, and so forth.
  • It includes a column each for each bagman/shark, organized vertically with the relevant yacht, how much Duke scored from the given bagman, which house he helped with, and so forth.
  • Though I don’t deny hip-hop’s relationship with metalinguistics, social and racial archetyping and so forth, what I appreciate different aspects of the music. Tgirsch's Theory of Music Appreciation « Lean Left
  • So Allan, how do you explain the relative success at these tony places, all these expensive handbags and lotions and potions and so forth?
  • PAUL GULLY, WHO: Well, what we're trying to identify, if it has occurred, is what we call sustained human-to-human transmission, i.e., one human giving it to another and giving it to another, and so on and so forth, because that would indicate that we have the potential for a pandemic. CNN Transcript May 24, 2006
  • Also take a small amount of paper money as well, for taxis from the airport and so forth.
  • 'nymphomaniac', 'prostitute', 'boozy' and so forth seemed - though stirred by the play - to be completely off the track, or nearly so. The Sheila Variations
  • The web is spun from dragline silk; other silks are used to make supporting fibres, threads that attach the web to the branch or the rafter, strands to bind prey, strands to swaddle the developing larvae, and so forth.
  • Animal life is quite varied, consisting of diverse mammals: the wild northern reindeer; furbearing animals such as Arctic foxes, red foxes, rabbit, stoats, musquashes, and so forth; ptarmigan; and waterfowl.
  • Newer luxury houses have bomb shelters with bunk beds, dry toilets, motorized air-filtration systems and so forth.
  • They're confused as to whether one follows the panels across or down, in what order the word balloons are sequenced, and so forth.
  • The entozoon of course gives rise to a variety of stale and melancholy jokes about the early bird, the worm that dieth not, and so forth. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • Unlike ourselves, future archaeologists will have the benefit of written records, of time capsules and so forth.
  • The presence of exogenous surface contamination, including dirt, grease, free iron from contact with steel tooling, and so forth, may interfere with the formation of the passive film.
  • Micro-typography deals with letters, the relationship between letter spacing and words, word spacing, lines, interlinear spacing, columns, punctuation, and so forth.
  • We've seen the effect of monetarism as a policy, over the past 35 years, on the conditions of life in the United States, in Western Europe, South and Central America, and so forth.
  • It is true that Persia is a maladministered country, that there is corruption, that there is intrigue, and so forth, but is there any other country, may I ask, where to a greater or smaller extent the same accusation could not be made? Across Coveted Lands or a Journey from Flushing (Holland) to Calcutta Overland
  • After all, fixing the broken window creates employment for the glazier, who will then buy bread and benefit the baker, who will then buy shoes and benefit the cobbler, and so forth.
  • Problems such as deadlines, noise, marital strife, excessive demands made on our time by others, and so forth.
  • I had become, through my writings and appearances on television and so on and so forth -- he s-- he claimed that I had become a kind of symbol of Palestinian refugeehood. Reflections on Exile and Other Essays
  • I want the butcher's shops, greengrocers and bakers and so forth that have now all moved to Clifton Moor and Monks Cross.
  • Santiago being a pilgrimage town, I fully expect there to be the whole gamut of Catholic tat merchandise: illuminated Pope busts, candles shaped like burning pyres, replicas of fragments of the true cross, and so on and so forth.
  • Technology, applied physics, industrial chemistry and so forth were suffered to thrive. The Times Literary Supplement
  • That spiel from the photographer about his battle against sexual inequalities and such is nothing more than a thinly-veiled attempt to get some feminist backside waving in front of his semi-erect self, and to get some hench pictures of boobies and so forth. Support Topless Women
  • The CDC uses what they call epidemiology which is really questionnaires and they ask people, what did you eat, where did you eat it, so on and so forth. CNN Transcript Jul 21, 2008
  • The Quantified Self, which, in the name of self-improvement, provides tools for collecting data on every aspect of your daily life: sleeping, eating, having sex, worrying, having coffee and so forth. NYT > Home Page
  • The water rate is the payment in Britain for water when it is supplied to houses and factories and so forth.
  • Like many poets she found that while she received considerable critical acclaim - prizes and so forth - there was little else on offer besides laurel wreaths. Times, Sunday Times
  • But what was all this rapture about a snuffy brown picture called Titian, this delight in three flabby nymphs by Rubens, and so forth? The Newcomes
  • So they started talking about capital punishment and of course Bloom comes out with the why and the wherefore and all the codology of the business and the old dog smelling him all the time I'm told those jewies does have a sort of a queer odour coming off them for dogs about I don't know what all deterrent effect and so forth and so on. Ulysses
  • Kudos to Mike Diehl, Edward Palumbo, et al. Why, has it not been on This Great Blog Itself that hunters have often been criticized (just recently, a wizened old codger related how he and a companion sagaciously enjoyed the wild countryside while riding behind two unwitting computer-geek-hunters … and so on and so forth)? See Us in the Funny Pages
  • National Congress, and so forth; upon which, being now perfectly reassured and at my ease, I discoursed with facundity, and did loudly extol the intellectual capacity of the Bengalis, as evinced by marvellous success in passing most difficult exams., and denouncing it as a crying injustice and beastly shame that fullest political powers should not be conceded to them, and that they should not be eligible for all civil appointments _pari passu_, or even in priority to Englishmen. Baboo Jabberjee, B.A.
  • The prospect of a “return” to commentary, whatever forms it may take, renders conspicuous and questionable some of the most hallowed and taken-for-granted assumptions about the nature of scholarly practice, for instance: the distinction between primary and secondary text; the primacy of noesis over poesis, or thinking over making; the synthetic, thesis-driven, and polemical character of understanding; and so forth. Glossing is a Glorious Thing -- Call for Papers
  • I think that every high school class within reach of one of those rivers ought to be going to the water's edge and taking measurements of acidity, alkalinity, speed, amount of detritus and so forth. John Merrow: Add Trash to the Curriculum?
  • Each stage is also designated by a set of realistic casts of figures being born, getting married and so forth.
  • If [libertarians] allow that [using recreational drugs, watching pornography, engaging in extramarital sex, and so forth] might nevertheless be morally wrong, the conservative can in principle endorse the libertarian program. Confusionism
  • I want to hang out with my same old friends, but at the same time I want to talk to people who are giving keynote speeches at conferences to ask them for tips and advice and so forth.
  • Most of the rest of the interview is the same old canards, misleading talking points, ad hominems, undefined terms, self-contradictions, and so forth.
  • Lawyers can read such things and see what hasn't been said and pose necessary questions and reframe arguments and so forth.
  • The following subsections give powers to the person appointed to hold the inquiry to compel the attendance of witnesses, obtain the production of documents, take evidence on oath and so forth.
  • One mark is smeared on top of another, and so forth, until foreground, middle ground and background intermesh in a perpetual but confusing push-pull.
  • I should have mentioned that stag-horns and bulls 'horns (the petrified relics of the old mountain monster, I mean), and so forth, are suspended in great abundance above all the doorways of these armories; and that, in one corner, a dark one as it ought to be, there is a complete assortment of the old Scottish instruments of torture, not forgetting the very thumbikins under which The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 339, November 8, 1828
  • The variety of radioactive medical nostrums seemed endless: pastes, plasters, muds, inhalers, drinking water, and so forth.
  • There was also the whole etiquette of uncovering your head in the presence of your betters and men doffing their hats to ladies and so forth.
  • It's his guidance to his followers that's certainly inspires them to proceed with the attacks that we have seen in places like Istanbul and Morocco and Spain and so forth.
  • Desecration, and so forth, and lectured you on dignity and sanctity.
  • It will be crucial to have a basic understanding of how to tweak car components for the best possible results during a race, tweaking for straightaways, hills, corners, and so forth.
  • So instead, they base this section on the work of Meredith Belbin, suggesting that a healthy team includes a mix of nine social roles: coordinator, teamworker, completer, and so forth.
  • Minute by minute, you have a blow, a counterblow, a legal action, a countersuit, and so forth. CNN Transcript - Reliable Sources: Is the Press Making Sense of the Election Morass or Hyping the Melodrama? - November 25, 2000
  • Milk and butter, however, became rare -- the former being reserved for the hospitals, the ambulances, the mothers of infants, and so forth -- whilst one sighed in vain for a bit of Gruyère, Roquefort, Port-Salut, Brie, or indeed any other cheese. My Days of Adventure The Fall of France, 1870-71
  • For some colours 'bled' from the words, giving them an aura of sorts that helped them with spelling, structure and so forth. Synesthesia: the Flavor of Music, the Color of Touch
  • Many councillors, moreover, are builders, businessmen, transport workers, accountants and so forth who may have appropriate specialist knowledge.
  • Additionally, a reliance on imports will require governments to ensure an effective supply chain infrastructure, such as offload¬ing capabilities at ports, sufficient storage capacity, and so forth. Latest News
  • For example, amethyst blends well with lavender, fire agate with sunflowers, citrine with chamomile, aventurine with mint, sunstone with marigolds or daisy, and so forth.
  • Of gases actually tried out in the World War itself, the chief seem to have been chlorine and various chlorine compounds (phosgene, Green Cross gas, chloropicrin and so forth). The Shape of Things to Come
  • Even preverbal children can be invited to point to where in their bodies it might feel shaky, numb, calm, and so forth.
  • And they are about overthrowing dictatorships and expanding democracy and so forth.
  • In a more sophisticated manner than cap Dave cap A. 27 February 2009 at 2: 31 PM david_a (291) - Rather than the term noise, the phrase internal variability is sometimes used to describe the effects of ocean oscillations and so forth. RealClimate
  • We have a special field Master, who is giving a commentary to those who are introduced to it to explain to them why the hounds are casting, what they are doing and all the difficulties and so forth.
  • If the administration at A&M were serious about improving classroom performance, they’d invest quite a bit more money in pedagogical training for their graduate students; hiring more professors and reducing class sizes; offering release-time for professors to design new courses; and so on and so forth. Matthew Yglesias » Performance Bonuses
  • Most of the desertification in Africa is due to man clear-cutting to allow crops to grow, and then after a few years they leave only cropless dirt, which causes temperature increases, which changes the weather patterns and so and and so forth. Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • Obama has alienated Ohio; the negative McCain ad (that very few people will actually see) is working; that "differentness" of Obama might start being a bigger issue .... and so on and so forth. New Poll: McCain Leading Among Likely Voters!
  • So you look at the overall campus and you look at lots and lots of rooms: libraries, dorm rooms, classrooms, cubicles and so forth.
  • And I think it has actually been well-demonstrated at this point that under the right circumstances, the lefty blogosphere can in fact strongly influence the agenda, framing, narratives, and so forth of that greater media universe. Matthew Yglesias » Richard Shelby Shuts the Government Down
  • The drive-through cashiers at different restaurants would share a manager and so forth.
  • Of course, many details had been forgotten; e.g., a farrier and change of mule-irons, a tinsmith and tinning tools, a sulphur-still, boots for the soldiers and the quarrymen, small shot for specimens, and so forth. The Land of Midian
  • This was an airplane that could take off and stay aloft as long as the fuel supply lasted, make turns and so forth.
  • Each chapter deals with a particular aspect of crime, such as highwaymen or hit men, drugs, prisons, and so forth.
  • So that's where a theory or a conception of the imaginary and of the imagination which has traditionally been in the care of our artists, our writers, and so forth comes in.
  • The capitalist tenant, the concessionaire and so forth will similarly have a firm base in the growing economically petty-bourgeois element.
  • It is generic to a wide range of processes from Curie point on ferromagnetic behavior, superconductivity, superfluidity, Landau electron phases and so forth. First Collisions for the LHC | Universe Today
  • We can burn these fuels as power, for automobiles, aircraft, and so forth.
  • We've got people going in four different directions out of the city, contraflowing into other states and so forth and I think what's happened is the citizens, especially with this storm, came to realize this was no longer a joke, it was no longer something to be brushed off, this was the real deal. CNN Transcript Aug 28, 2005
  • We've also got an excellent quality of fish, and plenty of beaut food in the water, and as we go through the morning I'll introduce you to some of the insects and the nymphs and so forth that form the food pattern of the fish.
  • Which is a bargoon considering his key role, thankless job, etc. and so forth. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • September 29th, 2008 3:36 pm ET here every one goes pointing and so forth 1st off i have horse cant get gas to get to town to buy feed….. two we dont have buslines here in the country cant ride a bike to town to far ………..dont call us whiners we have been asking and demading from our gov why we have no gas ……………………and yes alot of people are loosing their jobs becuase they have no way to work . so if you have gas be thankful…….. you dont sit in a line for hours to get up there and tehy are out or try to find gas to be able to go get your meds, go to the store………… Letter to Any Politician Who Gives a ‘You Know What’
  • Here, accelerandos and stringendos and rallantandos, and so forth are very important.
  • That tendency, I thought, to slight the developmental logic of extraordinary events, decisive battles, and so forth. STONE CITY
  • The other contains prepared herbs which are useful as preventives -- tormentil, valerian, zedoary, angelica, and so forth; but I take it that pure vinegar is as good an antidote to infection as anything one can find. The Sign of the Red Cross
  • They've done it with the orges, the trogs, the kobolds, and so forth. Sense of (Virtual) Space
  • So current cognitive models of language, memory, perception and so forth are also basically neutral to the question of consciousness.
  • Do you practice a certain kind of diet or a certain attitude towards relationships and so forth?
  • They already had a huge range of contacts in their consuls, agents, expatriate businessmen and so forth. DARE CALL IT TREASON
  • While RichCopy specialises in granular control over things like file names and attributes, CopyHandler allows you to get as picky as setting custom buffer sizes based on whether a file is being copied to the same physical disk, disk to disk, disk to optical drive, and so forth. Five Best Alternative File Copiers | Lifehacker Australia
  • Therefore, the surfaces of borosilicate glass test tubes, pipettes, and so forth, have an affinity for endotoxin, and its removal is essential before they are used for the dilution of endotoxin.
  • That I think the operations in about three quarters of that country will probably shift in the near future to what we call stability operations where the reconstruction that's so important for the long-term stability and prosperity of the Afghan people will take place and will enable other nongovernmental organizations and so forth to come in. CNN Transcript Dec 23, 2002
  • But if you only foster a child for part of the year - which you may, since your children take you on holiday and so forth - you get the pension credit back at the full rate for the time you don't work.

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