How To Use Ancestry In A Sentence

  • This relates directly to their ancestry; these short-legged hounds were bred to pursue their quarry by scent over considerable distances.
  • All you have to do to qualify is provide Ancestry. com with a valid email address. Archive 2005-11-01
  • Today's tuberous begonias are highly bred plants of South American ancestry.
  • Pretty much all Christian denominations and traditions celebrate Christmas and so it's a good reminder of our common roots and ancestry.
  • It refutes your position that ancestry is not a characteristic. A New Book
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  • The woman in our distant ancestry who carried the mitochondrial chromosomes from which all the human mitochondrial chromosomes of the present time are descended. The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
  • This ancestry may also account for the difficulty of explaining the motives of Shakespeare's villains.
  • Well his background, his parentage and his ancestry was Jewish.
  • Like many people who have attained global recognition, the word cookie is of Old World ancestry but born and raised in New York. The English Is Coming!
  • The thistle at far right signifies the Scottish-born Stewart's ancestry, that plant being Scotland's national emblem.
  • With an understanding that these old houses and cane fields tell no story to those who are removed from their history, the maintenance of the gravesites is a necessary act in the preservation of ancestry.
  • You didn't answer this question, but said that molecular homology does indicate vertical descent (common ancestry from an actual cell) in Metazoa, “the group located above the Darwinian threshold.” A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Of the two latest biographers, it is Nicholas Roe, a professor of English at St Andrews University, who writes most expansively about the poet's ancestry and precocious development as a poet.
  • Evolution cannot be right because scientists do not agree on the mechanism for natural selection and ancestry of various species.
  • This grouping is complicated, especially in the United States, where geographic ancestry may be associated with clustering of genetic characteristics but is also coupled with differences in societal advantage, living environments, physician-patient interactions, accumulation of wealth, and access to quality health services. Vit D Policy Requires Review : Law is Cool
  • Sri Lankans share a common ancestry with their Indian brethren.
  • Partly Spanish by ancestry, he claimed descent on his father's side from the Scottish monarchy.
  • Not only were their animated "masterworks" failing to live up to their flawless ancestry, but their live action efforts -- Movie Reviews
  • Now, as it happens, the scientific evidence for common ancestry of man and apes is strong while the scientific evidence for race-based IQ is weak, but those are statements about reality, or a scientific evaluations, if you will. The Volokh Conspiracy » 1. Science, Faith, and Not Ruling Out Possibilities
  • In the absence of inbreeding, the most extreme value of coancestry is achieved by male polygyny together with female philopatry.
  • A criollo in Argentina is a person or a family descended from Spanish ancestry, in other words, no added mixture of non-Spanish blood.
  • The accounts given by those doctors who had Maori ancestry were real eye-openers.
  • This second column on “Tycoons, New England, and Kings,” covers the royal descents, and much New England ancestry, for 10 families long associated with American industry, finance, merchandising, railroads, and media, for whom such lines were first brought into the family not by the fortune-finder himself, but by his wife, daughter-in-law, granddaughter-in-law, or the wife of a later agnate descendant.
  • All contestants must be Irish by birth or ancestry.
  • Like so many contemporary people Alice's ancestry is mixed: African, Native American, European, and yet it is Africa that seems to have a permanent call to her heart. Adopting An Orphanage - JOIN ALICE WALKER in Sonoma County on Sunday, October 25!
  • Seen in this light, contemporary Taiwanese nationalism belongs to a political family with a well-established ancestry.
  • He was proud of his Native American ancestry.
  • Pick any eukaryotic species (say, the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila) — one cannot be certain that a member of that species shares common ancestry, from a discrete cell, with a member of any other eukaryotic species (say, Drosophila melanogaster). A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Other Rajput clans trace their ancestry to the Sun or Moon.
  • It took years of archeological excavation to trace the origins and ancestry of various races.
  • Your father denies his Polish ancestry, since Poland is still a noncompliant nation, and under international sanction because of it.
  • The more we are encouraged to be individualistic, the more we hark back to ancestry to discern our own character. Times, Sunday Times
  • * Magyar* ancestry. "homeland, or a common culture" Don't you live in Hungary, have a Magyar family, know the language and culture?
  • Once they're gone, information about your ancestry along with interesting family lore is also gone forever unless the knowledge has been passed on to the next generation.
  • My father's family traces its ancestry there back 900 years.
  • In the ancestry of our family, there had only ever been one child - hence, only one cross.
  • Their oldest literature shows how large a part the serpent played in the so-called divine age, how it acted as progenitress of the Mikado's ancestry, and how it afforded means of incarnation for the kami or gods. The Religions of Japan From the Dawn of History to the Era of Méiji
  • The two species have developed from a common ancestry.
  • But unless the radiation is at least a couple of orders of magnitude above background, the additional cancers due to radiation are indistinguishable among the cancers due to chemicals, foods, viruses, and ancestry. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » My Personal Experience with Climate Alarmist Spin
  • Incidentally, this means that we can use mitochondria to trace our ancestry, strictly down the female line.
  • One of these, the "araba," is an heirloom from their old Tartar ancestry, and is only an exaggerated ox-cart with seats, and a scaffolding of poles around it. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 25, April, 1873
  • Many are second or third generation overstayers and some even trace their ancestry back hundreds of years to The Great Fleet.
  • It is a mark of the limitations of current popular literary criticism that the obituaries speak only of such confections, wrongheaded ancestry and extra-literary politics.
  • The Kalash, or "Wearers of the Black Robe," are a Dardic people whose ancestry is enveloped in mystery: a legend says that five soldiers of the legions of Alexander the Great settled in Chitral, and are the progenitors of the Kalash. The Kalash Tribe Of Pakistan (PHOTOS)
  • Many supporters have been fooled into thinking the senator was as green as the hills of Kerry but, as it turns out, his Irish ancestry is a load of blarney.
  • Now he had an ancestry, as noble and extensive as he wished.
  • I shall not dwell upon the career of Sophia -- who has pursued her life in Paris very wisely, shrewdly, circumspectly, not to say commercially, thus showing how honest bourgeois ancestry can triumph over the flightiest of modern temperaments. Personality in Literature
  • The horses can trace their ancestry back to the imported Arabian stallions of the 18th century and many of their riders wore period costumes.
  • Simplicity and antiquity of green algae have long been accepted as evidence of their apparent ancestry to land plants.
  • With his patrician ancestry, going back to the Puritans on his mother's side, he acts as though he is born to rule.
  • He is of Chinese ancestry.
  • Or if one does not need to accept based on these data, that all rotary engines have diversified from an ancestor through evolution, because all show sequence similarity flagellin indicative of common ancestry homology. Flagellum evolution -- how's your German? - The Panda's Thumb
  • For some persons of indigenous ancestry the judicial receptivity to the right to be consulted, money damages and practicing the occasional hunting or fishing technique as did their ancestors, is a bird in the hand. The Conflicted Relationship between Lawyers and “Indians” : Law is Cool
  • This recent and exciting discovery is important in understanding avian origins and ancestry.
  • I can be proud of my ancestry without hyphenating my Americanism.
  • Pandas are carnivores because they belong to a set of animals with a common ancestry - true bears.
  • The woman in our distant ancestry who carried the mitochondrial chromosomes from which all the human mitochondrial chromosomes of the present time are descended. The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
  • To provide a nomenclatural context for the discussion that follows, the phylogenetic definition, hypothesized ancestry, and implied content of Sauropoda are briefly discussed below.
  • Records published by the genealogy website ancestry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here note: (1) that Darerca is given the ancestry attributed in the _Book of Leinster_ pedigree to Beoit, thus hinting at an originally _matrilinear_ form of the official pedigree: (2) that the settlement of the family in Cenel The Latin & Irish Lives of Ciaran Translations Of Christian Literature. Series V. Lives Of The Celtic Saints
  • When a coalescence event occurs, two lines of ancestry are picked, uniformly at random, and are coalesced to form one resulting line.
  • The term "indigenous" in this context excludes long-term arctic residents not of indigenous descent, implies that all indigenous persons hold this knowledge, and emphasizes ancestry over experience. Indigenous knowledge of the Arctic environment
  • The Maori word "whenua" means land/earth and umbilical cord, and whanau, derived from whenua, means biradri or extended family from common ancestry.
  • And we, the fair-pigmented ones, by the seed of our ancestry rulers in the high place, shall remain top-dog over the rest of the dogs. CHAPTER XLVIII
  • Thus finding a pseudogene in both chimps and humans that has exactly the same mutations in the same places was compelling evidence for him of common ancestry. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • During the Iron Age, it was known as Salamis, and its kings traced their ancestry to the Teucer, brother of Ajax, a hero of the Trojan War. FrontPage Magazine
  • Is it worth paying to trace your ancestry? Times, Sunday Times
  • Local legends and some native historians trace their ancestry to the biblical figure Yafith, the son of Noah.
  • Their experiences in Africa helped him to confront his Afirca ancestry bravely.
  • With his patrician ancestry, going back to the Puritans on his mother's side, he acts as though he is born to rule.
  • In effect they shut down the airport leaving thousands of farang (farang being the Thai word for a foreigner of European ancestry) tourist stranded. - Photown News
  • The practical implications of this ancestry for my grandfather was that he was denied tenure at Johns Hopkins, where he had established the first clinic in cardiology in the United George A. Akerlof - Autobiography
  • To appease the tribal gods, Sipsu, the chief's daughter, is chosen to be sacrificed and while three of the four men chose not to interfere, one of them, named Hitchcock ( "there was a certain chivalric thrill of warm blood in him, despite his Yankee ancestry and New England upbringing"), determines that he will not to let Sipsu die. “Why this longing for life? It is a game which no man wins.”
  • Now it might have been supposed that a Circle — proud of his ancestry and regardful for a posterity which might possibly issue hereafter in a Flatland: a romance of many dimensions
  • But there was a certain chivalric thrill of warm blood in him, despite his Yankee ancestry and New England upbringing, and he was so made that the commercial aspect of life often seemed meaningless and bore contradiction to his deeper impulses. WHERE THE TRAIL FORKS
  • Many black Americans take great pride in their African ancestry.
  • Spilling out from above that she's interviewed the household, the three anything the ancestry's way so he helps to be two landfills at often, electroplating his respective blanket while he first needs to obey phoebe. baby bjorn diaper bag. NASA and Cisco to make Planetary Skin - NASA Watch
  • Many of these families traced their ancestry to the earliest English settlers of this country's oldest fishing port.
  • They paint the approach as a disarming subterfuge designed to undermine solid evidence that all living things share a common ancestry.
  • Buckley, a 24-year-old schoolteacher, has Irish ancestry so is not counted as an overseas player, meaning the club still have the quota option open to them.
  • But proud though she was of her ancestry, there never was a woman freer from the vulgarity of thrusting it forward upon all and sundry, or of expecting to be honoured for it alone. The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton
  • The myth of genetic inferiority of people of African ancestry not only legitimatized slavery, but also biblically sanctioned it. Irene Monroe: Theory of Blacks' Intellectual Inferiority Rears Ugly Head at Harvard
  • It's well-known in genealogical circles that over time, there's a 6% "non-paternal event" rule when looking at paternal ancestry. Archive 2009-08-01
  • In the East, the West, and the South the two are neck-in-neck, but Pawlenty hails from an idiosyncratically wine-averse region — a region largely inhabited by people who can trace their ancestry back to the Central European “beer belt”. Matthew Yglesias » The Wine Track
  • The term Creole derives from the Portuguese word ‘crioulo’ meaning an individual of European ancestry who was born and reared abroad.
  • The limb staining suggests shared ancestry of the onychophoran and arthropod limbs.
  • Evolutionists do not feel compelled to prove their claim that similarity necessarily means common evolutionary ancestry - they assume it.
  • Hinduism recognises four varnas based on occupation (jati or jat) and ancestry.
  • Steamed broccoli and black bean-garlic sauce team in this tasty side dish .... of Asian ancestry include mustard cousins such as mizuna, mustard spinach and tatsoi. Mother Earth News Latest 10 Articles
  • What makes it so ironic is that most of these colonists are of Scottish ancestry.
  • His Japanese ancestry has been played up by some of his opponents.
  • Chavez is a “pardo” of mixed black, Amerindian, and European ancestry. Blog Articles » Print » The Love Life Of Hugo Chavez
  • Right here, I think, entered the austere conscience of my Puritan ancestry, impelling me toward lurid deeds and sanctioning even murder as right conduct. Chapter 16
  • She became a British citizen last year thanks to her Scottish ancestry. The Sun
  • On both sides of her family she could trace her ancestry back to Puritan settlers and landed gentry.
  • 'I can trace my ancestry back to a protoplasmic primordial atomic globule. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her mother is of German ancestry .
  • Evolutionists sought the ancestry of the tetrapods among the lobe-finned fishes.
  • Gilbert added that Pooh-Bah was constantly followed by a small boy carrying an enormous volume to collect any scrap of evidence that Pooh-Bah can trace his ancestry back to "a protoplasmal primordial atomic globule.
  • Its ancestry is in the madrigal, the round, the glee (which fostered numerous glee clubs), and the partsong.
  • The old 16 th-century Welsh squire - and crook - Sir John Wynn loved his ancestry.
  • IF I dwell at some length on the story of my ancestry and my childhood it is for the purpose of setting forth the elements of weakness and of strength which were inherent in my character and which, combined with the circumstance of my life, brought about my social bankruptcy and made possible my spiritual redintegration. Madeleine: An Autobiography
  • Southern Italians in particular, concluded Dorsey, were clearly of “Negroid” ancestry and therefore “of questionable value from a mental, moral, or physical standpoint.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • More than two-thirds of Cape Verdean population ancestry is Creole, descended from the intermarriages between the Portuguese settlers and black Africans.
  • The similarity exists but is not likely to be an indication of common ancestry.
  • The greenhorn is seen in a rarely heard word of Chinook ancestry, cheechako, and an Algonquian term, sometimes used for cayuse, recognizes friendship in nitchie, also rare. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 4
  • This particular junk DNA indicates a common ancestry with other species on earth, so it is particularly interesting.
  • Sri Lankans share a common ancestry with their Indian brethren.
  • Will Ragozzino/BFA Queen Sonja and King Harald V of Norway In his remarks, King Carl XVI Gustafnoted that there are 11 million Americans of Scandinavian ancestry in the U.S., and that he "cherishes his relationship with the United States. In Midtown, a Ball Fit for the Queens
  • The January issue of Nature Genetics reports on the identification of a gene that determines whether your earwax is dry or wet; people of African and European ancestry have predominantly wet earwax. Boing Boing: January 29, 2006 - February 4, 2006 Archives
  • The nature of this will vary greatly depending on a rose's ancestry, while its appreciation is a very personal matter.
  • Incidentally, this means that we can use mitochondria to trace our ancestry, strictly down the female line.
  • Hydra lives in freshwater, lacks a ciliated planula, and has clearly lost a medusa stage during its ancestry.
  • No, of course they won't be copied from traditional moko, they will reflect my own ancestry, the signs and symbols of a Scottish clan.
  • Miss Anderson, who claimed a collateral Dutch ancestry by the Van Hook, tucked in between her non-committal family name and the Julia given her in christening, was of the ordinary slender make of American girlhood, with dull blond hair, and a dull blond complexion, which would have left her face uninteresting if it had not been for the caprice of her nose in suddenly changing from the ordinary American regularity, after getting over its bridge, and turning out distinctly 'retrousse'. April Hopes
  • She shares a common ancestry with the Queen.
  • Mills was a self-made man who descended from a family of Scotch-English ancestry.
  • The larger of the two 2 studies involved New Yorkers Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry.
  • The people in the other room were all light-skinned people of color, often called Creoles, although originally the term Creole had denoted a person of French or Spanish ancestry who had been born in the New World. Dave Robicheaux Ebook Boxed Set
  • `Something else here, same para, you must have noticed it with your guid Scots ancestry, Mr Dalziel. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • This class is also called ‘tinkers’: whether this name has a common ancestry for both books or this is just a coincidence, I'm not sure.
  • Incidentally, this means that we can use mitochondria to trace our ancestry, strictly down the female line.
  • Bella's ancestry and adding to it an extemporized welcome back to ON THE MAKALOA MAT
  • Mammals make more than 500 antimicrobial peptides, and their ancestry dates back some 300 million years.
  • He had made a favorable impression on the Nowair family, who were a little dazzled by his distinguished ancestry.
  • Their ancestry settled the land in 1856.
  • A group of nomad families sharing a common ancestry is more likely to deal with the challenges of the desert.
  • Evolution deals with the common ancestry of life on earth.
  • This was wu-shu, the combat of my ancestry.
  • Constantine's ancestry in the male line was Gaelic, like most Pictish kings in the 9th cent.
  • Everyone taking part is an American who happens also to be of Asian or Pacific Islander ancestry," said curator Phil Tajitsu Nash, a Japanese American.
  • They mobilised place of birth, residence, upbringing, and ancestry in ways familiar to us from our earlier studies.
  • Helen's family can trace their ancestry back to the 1700s.
  • In the states it is generally planted ornamentally, perhaps as a reminder of our European ancestry. The Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree
  • Otherwise, if not by chance nor by shared ancestry, the similarities may only be explained by convergent evolution.
  • The greenhorn is seen in a rarely heard word of Chinook ancestry, cheechako, and an Algonquian term, sometimes used for cayuse, recognizes friendship in nitchie, also rare. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 4
  • Gypsy Joe, his quarry, gave a cursory glance at the neat youngish undistinguished racegoer reading his racecard six feet away and felt none of the supernatural shudder of foreboding that his ancestry would have expected. The Elvis Latte
  • Estimates of hybrid frequency are conservative because of the limited number of genetic markers available to characterize genetic ancestry.
  • But the other half of her dwar - ven ancestry could be traced to the Hylar dwarves, and Per - ian often wondered if that aspect did not dominate her private personality. Flint, the King
  • Indeed, it may be laid down as a general principle, that the more extended the ancestry, the greater the amount of violence and vagabondism; for in ancient days those two amusements, combining a wholesome excitement with a promising means of repairing shattered fortunes, were at once the ennobling pursuit and the healthful recreation of the Quality of this land. The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit
  • The Davis and the Somes families traced their ancestry to Cape Ann's earliest settlers.
  • Connerly believes that if the state stops gathering data on race, ethnicity and ancestry, California will become a more color-blind society.
  • With their mixed ancestry, it was inevitable that some of the wild horses were born runts or splayfooted or swaybacked or too heavy-hocked to do anything but pull a manure wagon. Come Again No More
  • I will warn you, pre-emptively, that the affinities and ancestry of turtles is one of the most controversial subjects within tetrapod zoology .... Happy Christmas, from gigantic Spanish sauropods... or, alas, poor ‘Angloposeidon’
  • Coalescent theory describes the genetic ancestry of a sample and provides the tools for the analysis of intraspecies molecular data.
  • She was not perhaps very courageous, which was unexpected in one of her ancestry.
  • What's most stunning to me, however, is how Incognito manages to avoid the trite tropes of the old racial passing narrative where the shock of black ancestry is revealed, seems repulsive and, as a result, goes unreconciled. Marcia Dawkins: Fosberg's Incognito No More
  • Her demonly ancestry made it possible for her to assume what aspect she chose, so of course, she was beautiful. Roc and a Hard Place
  • I have Welsh parentage, Welsh ancestry, was taught the Welsh language at school, and indeed I have lived in Wales.
  • A mule has neither pride of ancestry nor hope of posterity.
  • Different parts of the cells of trees or elephants trace their ancestry to a whole range of ancient beings.
  • Pat would not: his ears tossed over his head, and he jumped to right and left, and looked the raggedest rapparee that ever his ancestry trotted after. Evan Harrington — Volume 4
  • `Something else here, same para, you must have noticed it with your guid Scots ancestry, Mr Dalziel. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • So she has been following up her family ancestry.
  • He is of mainly Dutch derivation, with some Japanese ancestry, as well.
  • I place the qualifier in the last sentence because the biggest trick, or illusion, or the tallest story fed to the human is the one of ancestry and pedigree.
  • First, one would apply a clustering method to the unlinked markers to estimate the ancestry of the sampled individuals and the phenotype frequencies across subpopulations.
  • Her mother is of German ancestry .
  • A professional nod, but his hand clenched on the top of the chairback beside him, his skin having the warm golden-brown tone of someone whose ancestry appeared to be a mix of Asian and Caucasian. Excerpt - Bonds of Justice
  • The well-known plantigrade tread of bears is a primitive characteristic which has survived from their creodont ancestry. The Elements of Geology
  • In such a case as the one quoted, the explanation is undoubtedly that the supposed father is not the real one; and this explanation will dispose of all other cases of telegony which can not be explained, as in most instances they can be, by the mixed ancestry of the offspring and the innate tendency of all living things to vary. Applied Eugenics
  • The result is a genealogist's dream, for not only does he sketch the families, he also records their ancestry and their ties to others in the county.
  • He was able to trace his ancestry back over 1 000 years.
  • As we have often pointed out, similarity does not mean proof of common ancestry or evolutionary relatedness.
  • McGhie traced his ancestry back by recording the names, birth years and birthplaces of his ancestors.
  • In North America, where race was a touchier subject, there were difficulties over airplay until the Group's Caucasian ancestry was comfirmed by a promotional film shown on television. Archive 2008-02-01
  • They trace their ancestry to the copulation of an ape, an emanation of Avalokiteshvara, and an ogress, an emanation of the goddess Tara, whose progeny gave birth to the Tibetan people in the Yarlung valley.
  • On the way, he had raided the little islet of Ugi, sacked the store, and taken the head of the solitary trader, a gentle-souled half-caste from Norfolk Island who traced back directly to a Pitcairn ancestry straight from the loins of McCoy of the Bounty. CHAPTER XXIII
  • There's no acting in our family ancestry, so the path to it wasn't clear at all.
  • However, published data for hydrogenosomes in trichomonads, ciliates, and chytrid fungi are consistent with them sharing common ancestry with mitochondria.
  • Since it was canonically formulated, the right of national self-determination has historically had two main zones of application, corresponding to its dual ancestry.
  • Interestingly, it's almost hip now to claim converso ancestry, and there has been something of a movement among people claiming converso ancestry to "reconvert" -- or restore themselves -- to the faith of their very distant fathers. Anti-semitism in Mexico
  • Its ancestry may go back 2,000 years - possibly more. Food Watch
  • These are aspects of the body that are claimed to be useless leftovers from our animal ancestry.
  • Closely related species will tend to share more characters through common ancestry than through independent evolution.
  • Your tercio has a glorious ancestry; quite possibly a glorious future. The Lensman's Children
  • However the premise that all of life's diversity owing its collective common ancestry (via some blindwatchmaker-type process) to some unknown population (s) of single-celled organisms which just happened to have to ability to imperfectly reproduce, is not empirically detectable. Courting the Theists
  • Most contemporary forms of music - rock, blues, jazz, bluegrass, country - have a common ancestry, if you go back far enough in time.
  • Her political rise has rightly been a source of pride for many Britons of West Indian ancestry, and her combination of forcefulness and grace is proving a major advantage in the tricky negotiations inevitable in her new post.
  • But it still sits in our DNA, one of many useless remnants testifying to our evolutionary ancestry.
  • Sri Lankans share a common ancestry with their Indian brethren.
  • Her Italian ancestry was not something about which she frequently reminded her associates at Wanamaker, Schuyler. BLACK EAGLES
  • trace one's ancestry
  • One of these intellectual tyrants, a man of great ability, when he quarrelled with any one, used to threaten to "bastardise" him, or to find the bend-sinister somewhere in his ancestry; and his experience in long genealogies made him feel assured, in the general case, of finding what he sought if he went far enough back for it. The Book-Hunter A New Edition, with a Memoir of the Author
  • Some aspects of the ophidian anatomy can be explained by an aquatic mode of life of their putative ancestor, but others are more easily explained by a terrestrial ancestry of snakes.
  • In Scotland there are believed to be hundreds of people who share the same Romany ancestry and a similar language.
  • Our closest relatives, the chimpanzee, the bonobo or pygmy chimpanzee, and the gorilla share with us a common ancestry of genes and genome organization.
  • I then would run my ancestry lines from Chordata (3) down to Metazoa (2) and from Metazoa to the ground line (1). A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • In these periods, the ammonoids became extremely diverse, but comparatively little is known about their Early and Middle Viséan ancestry.
  • Given that these lines of ancestry do not converge to a point, but pass through an interval of indeterminate width into a communal state, the set of ancestors of any eukaryote will not include a universally shared organismal member (usually referred to the literature as the last eukaryotic common ancestor, LECA). A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Postcolonial studies in Australia have often failed to take full account of the multifarious nature of identity and ancestry that exists in the country.
  • You've argued above, following Woese's theory, that at the "Darwinian threshold" molecular homology becomes a reliable indicator of vertical descent (i.e., common ancestry from a discrete cell). A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • In some parts of Africa, the word colored is applied to those of mixed white and black ancestry. Essential Guide to Business Style and Usage
  • There would have to be portraits, artifacts, papers, some silverware, an officially prepared record of his ancestry.
  • This order, which includes lemurs, monkeys, apes, and man, seems to have sprung from a creodont or insectivorous ancestry in the lower Eocene. The Elements of Geology
  • Your true ancestry did not disappear, though it lay dormant for many years.
  • Just another human with fey ancestry working for the Grey Detective Agency, where we specialized in supernatural problems, magical solutions.
  • A criollo in Argentina is a person or a family descended from Spanish ancestry, in other words, no added mixture of non-Spanish blood.
  • With clades the ancestry is assumed depending on shared characteristic traits. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • I am a rather pale scrawny blue-eyed ectomorph of nearly pure Northern European ancestry, as far as I can tell. The Volokh Conspiracy » 3. The Practical Costs of Condemning Openness to Distressing Answers on Factual Questions

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