

  1. a woman ancestor

How To Use ancestress In A Sentence

  • So how did our prehuman and early human ancestresses living in the Pleistocene Epoch (from 1.6 million until roughly 10,000 years ago) manage to get those calories?
  • After a minute or two my beautiful ancestress would disappear briefly, soon to return with the satisfaction of a duty performed.
  • The Hershey family name comes from an ancestress who was accused of stealing chocolate by the victim sputtering, Her! Things You Didn't Know, Halloween Edition
  • The late emperor's brother-in-law and murderer, Lord Urdhven, appoints himself Protector to his nephew, young King Lathmar VII and sets out to kill anyone who stands between himself and mastery of the empire, including (if he can manage it) the king himself and his ancient but still formidable ancestress, Ambrosia Viviana. Archive 2009-03-01
  • A gilt-framed ancestress with a fine décolletage over the fireplace creates a delicate feminine sensibility. Times, Sunday Times
  • Specifically, she argues that visual art has primarily been a female tradition, started by ancient ancestresses that influenced their descendants to be more cooperative with each other.
  • Falling Woman, the ancestress of the Iroquoian tribes of the North Eastern portion of North America, was said to have tumbled out of the watery sky into the waters below. Donna Henes: Earth, Our Mother
  • Nor could be omitted from the purple record the later ancestress, Moya Doolen. CHAPTER VII
  • It is not only the passing of the Copley ancestress that is being noticed, but the reckless and desperate collapse of the old economic order - those sherry-sipping ‘poised relations’ waiting for the will to be read.
  • Once upon a time, my ancestresses knelt in great forests alone or with sisters of their kind.
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