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How To Use Ancestral In A Sentence

  • These populations offer a unique opportunity to monitor evolutionary dynamics in ancestral populations that harbor multiple strains of Wolbachia.
  • Although sequence similarities among some of the rod and hook proteins were noted in early analyses 24, the degree of paralogy for the ancestral set of flagellar genes, and its implications for the origins of the bacterial flagellum, have gone unrecognized. Update on PNAS flagellum paper - The Panda's Thumb
  • Modern Hopis and Navajos parade as hoary traditionalists, rightful stewards by ancestral occupance.
  • Images of their son's rugged ancestral homeland were beamed into millions of American homes before the election. Times, Sunday Times
  • These three writers can be viewed along a continuum of historical reckoning and self-identification, from complete self-negation and self-hatred, to a more holistic historical reckoning and ancestral identification.
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  • When someone died, the kahuna aumakau (priest of the appropriate ancestral deity) of the dead person came and ritually sacrificed a pig or a chicken to ensure that the soul would live with its ancestors.
  • When combined in the ancestral background, the two mutations had an additive effect, leading to a net increase of 17% relative to the ancestor.
  • If we leap far enough, all the genes will be copies of one single gene in our ancestral population.
  • As the Haluk expanded throughout their star-cluster, the allomorphic cycles of individuals lost their ancestral synchrony. Sagittarius Whorl
  • _Peneus_ with its long direct development gave the best and truest picture of the ancestral history of the Malacostraca, and that accordingly the nauplius and the zoaea larvæ represented important ancestral stages. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Works like these are the focal point of a community's spiritual life, prayers, and invocations for ancestral intervention.
  • If we leap far enough, all the genes will be copies of one single gene in our ancestral population.
  • It is hard to argue that the average rat has been endowed with conspicuous display ornaments by the preferences of ancestral females.
  • 'World Heritage Sites' (Firefly Books, 2011) takes readers on a tour of the planet's highlights, from the famous (Egypt's pyramids) to the more far-flung (the Wrangel Island reserve in the Arctic, home to many walruses and ancestral polar-bear dens). An Armchair Tour of World Wonders
  • This ancestral biogeographic distribution encompassed a much broader range, comprising Siberia and southern Europe-northern Africa.
  • Should we address the question to their ancestral relatives, the rickettsiae and the cyanobacteria? Small Things Considered
  • That which is patrimonial is that which is inherited from the ancestral past.
  • Today's birds descend from a generalist ancestral finch that invaded the islands from mainland Ecuador.
  • He briefly discusses a recent paper where "The authors concluded that gene loss had been a substantial factor in evolution, and that" the ancestral metazoan is likely to have been much more complex than was previously imagined. Circus of the Spineless
  • Images of their son's rugged ancestral homeland were beamed into millions of American homes before the election. Times, Sunday Times
  • One possible explanation is that deep in our ancestral history it was necessary for individuals to band together to ward off tribal invaders. Times, Sunday Times
  • The initial resemblance of the ancestral stick insect to a stick must have been very remote.
  • Kabary, the flowery speeches given at all formal, ancestral occasions in the central highlands, are recognized as requiring great skill.
  • He concluded that it must be an ancestral hereditament from Athens, Ohio. By Advice of Counsel
  • This means the government can do what it wants on ancestral indigenous lands, even if tribes disagree with an extractive, transnational company going into our communities to deforest Mother Earth," said a statement from Aidesep, an umbrella group representing Amazon tribes. Peru's tribal groups chide president for vetoing rainforest law
  • On the island of Mindoro, however, indigenous farmers fear they will lose their ancestral homeland to the strip-miners.
  • Whereas Congo Square rocked and infused soul into the sweaty bodies that came every Sunday afternoon, Jackson Square squelched the human spirit and sometimes took away the life of our ancestral people. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • The proposed amendment now attempts to make daughters coparceners at birth in ancestral property.
  • But though in theory every living man and woman is merely an ancestor or ancestress born again and therefore should be his or her equal, in practice they appear to admit that their forefathers of the remote _alcheringa_ or dream time were endowed with many marvellous powers which their modern reincarnations cannot lay claim to, and that accordingly these ancestral spirits were more to be reverenced, were in fact more worshipful, than their living representatives. The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) The Belief Among the Aborigines of Australia, the Torres Straits Islands, New Guinea and Melanesia
  • The high rate of evolution in ancestral repeats may be due partly to higher levels of hypermutable CpG dinucleotides.
  • An estate is either ancestral or nonancestral; or, as this court says, there are two modes of acquiring title to property, one by descent or inheritance and the other by purchase or by the act or agreement of the parties.
  • Another disagreement is on the more obvious public level: regional disagreements and differences over ancestral origin.
  • Better that it should not have consented to motion, and have held stubbornly to all ancestral ways, than have bred that anachronic spectre. The Egoist
  • For the Berry family, this ancestral slave was exemplary, a model for them to emulate.
  • This incident at Walker's Point when a freak storm destroyed his mildly ancestral home in Kennebunkport was almost a kind of portent of what was to come. Hell of a Ride: Backstage at the White House Follies 1989-1993
  • If so-called compsognathids – all of them relatively small, ecologically and morphologically generalized, long-limbed, long-tailed theropods that hunt small vertebrate prey – are not a clade but are actually scattered about the base of the coelurosaur family tree, this likely indicates that this ecotype was the ancestral one for coelurosaurs. Archive 2006-06-01
  • This implies that the ancestral polarity of the 4.6-kb inversion is the echinoid pattern.
  • Each year, thousands of devotees ascend the mountain at midnight under a full moon, chanting mantras, to offer their gifts to the ancestral spirits.
  • An individual may claim the use of and the right to burial in the ancestral lands of either parent.
  • The ancestral state in other characters is equivocal: e.g., bisexual vs. unisexual flowers, whorled vs. spiral floral phyllotaxis, presence vs. absence of tepal differentiation, anatropous vs. orthotropous ovules. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Much sociobiologically informed literary interpretation implicitly assumes that psychological norms shaped by the ancestral environment will provide direct keys to the meaning of cultural artifacts, including literary works.
  • In a sense, Beloved returns Morrison to her own novelistic origins even as it returns African Americans to their ancestral past.
  • Alternatively, the ancestral species might have been dispersed between these disjunct ranges by migrating animals, such as birds.
  • However, it is only the northern flank of this ancestral edifice that remains.
  • Flathead chief Victor refused to move his band from the Bitterroot Valley, the ancestral homeland of the Flatheads.
  • The larva and diet of phytophagous coccinellids indicate that that they are the most ancestral group of Coccinellidae evolving from ancestors like chrysomelids.
  • It was easy to grow—adaptable and prolific, not to mention stylistically diverse, ranging from the minerally, peppery style of the Northern Rhône, its ancestral home, to the headier, more opulent style of Australian Shiraz. Can We Rekindle Our Love Affair With Syrah?
  • The transitory and singularly small and simple denticle in the horse exemplifies the rudiment of an ancestral structure in the same degree as do the hoofless splint-bones; just as the spurious hoofs dangling therefrom in hipparion are retained rudiments of the functionally developed lateral hoofs in the broader foot of palæotherium. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 15 — Science
  • They do look more like miniature aurochs, but that is because they have not been selectively bred for beef or milk, and cattle that have been left to their own devices will tend to revert to ancestral type.
  • This ancestral population probably had a wide preglacial breeding range in the Old World, which became fragmented, followed by the expansion of the Ficedula species complex from glacial refugia.
  • It does not become the young man of the period to imitate too closely his ancestral Father Adam, and cry out in piteous tones: -- A Manual of Etiquette with Hints on Politeness and Good Breeding
  • Now for the other point of view - what about outdoor rituals, and why do we need to purify when our ancestral mothers and fathers didn't even know about soap?
  • He had succeeded to the earldom in 1678 and embarked on an ambitious programme for refurbishing his Elizabethan ancestral home.
  • The ancestral amniotes were small animals, superficially resembling primitive, insectivorous lizards.
  • His recent paintings are not abstract evolutions of ancestral designs but oversized traditional motifs inscribed on a simplified ground.
  • The appearance of the brunette tressed (at the time) Rose in Season 4 was intended to fill the ancestral shoes of unexpectedly deceased big Halliwell sister Prue, played by everlasting bad girl Shannon Doherty.
  • That area, which belongs to the Maori people there in terms of ancestral use, he would walk all over.
  • The two clusters evolved by duplication of an ancestral gene cluster before the divergence of the human and great ape lineages.
  • Translate the Imperial College , temple , Wen Tianxiang ancestral temple.
  • In Shiver, a sexy bride and her nebbish hubby go to visit her cousins in their ancestral home.
  • From the ancestral wolf, humans selected forms as diverse as Chihuahuas, St. Bernards, poodles, and bulldogs.
  • The sound produced is supposed to be the voices of the ancestral spirits.
  • If he had ever trod his ancestral acres either for pleasure or profit he might in time have "stomped out" the whiteweed, so the neighbors said, for he had the family foot, the size of an anvil; but he much preferred a sedentary life, and the whiteweed went on seeding itself from year to year. Ladies-In-Waiting
  • These days, spry and tan at 76, he lives in Brussels, where he runs a committee that is drawing up a pan-European constitution, but he still likes to talk up the ancestral homeland.
  • Composed of half-castes, that is to say, of individuals whose diverse heredities have dissociated their ancestral characteristics, these populations have no national soul and therefore no stability. The Psychology of Revolution
  • The ancestral xenopus Ugt1 cluster contains the Ugt 1aI and 1aII variable exons. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In other words, at some point an ancestral deuterostome became really small, probably as a member of the meiofauna, and lost a number of complicated organ systems as a result.
  • Painter Betina Fink's new series, Ancestral Park, focuses on a contemporary burial ground near her home.
  • _alcheringa_ age to have been endowed with marvellous powers which they themselves do not possess; but they do not regard these ancestral spirits as deities, nor do they pray and sacrifice to them for help and protection. The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) The Belief Among the Aborigines of Australia, the Torres Straits Islands, New Guinea and Melanesia
  • These observations from other representatives of both the chromist and alveolate groups support the hypothesis that the diatom's ability to generate animal-like action potentials was acquired and retained from the ancestral eukaryote protist host. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The three stages of the ancestral insect species - pronymph, nymph and adult - are proposed to be equivalent to the larva, pupa and adult stages of insects with complete metamorphosis.
  • In the absence of ancestral halls in the United States, they perform rituals at miniature altars at home and in the place of business and in sanctuaries found in district and family associations in Chinatowns.
  • However, it seems that during the Middle Ages it was the wild L. perennis, perennial lettuce, which was eaten in salads by peasants; while the ancestral prickly lettuce continued to be used medicinally, and as a soporific.
  • Now the few ancestral mansions embower themselves in an aristocratic seclusion of trees and vines that shut them in with their birds and flowers and sunshine, and the Van Ness Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 33, December, 1873
  • My personality contains many ancestral traits, though now expressed in a cockney accent: I am gobby and sentimental.
  • The oldest tetrapods had seven or eight digits on each limb; the ancestral pattern for living tetrapods is five digits on each limb (such as the five fingers and toes of humans).
  • Today that ancestral house accommodates a dance academy run by my daughter.
  • The ancestral state in other characters is equivocal: e.g., bisexual vs. unisexual flowers, whorled vs. spiral floral phyllotaxis, presence vs. absence of tepal differentiation, anatropous vs. orthotropous ovules. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • The ancestral amniotes were small animals, superficially resembling primitive, insectivorous lizards.
  • T'Llaiah, the third daughter of Slevibh, was perched upon the cold, stone, subsellium in the ancestral estate's succulent garden.
  • They feel entitled to de-clutter their lives from those mouldy old ancestral obligations.
  • The ancestral culture must be heart connected continuing, shakes hand is the privity, is the information transmission.
  • They only know that their ancestral land is under threat. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was led to enunciate the following theses: -- [450] (1) that the mouth and anus of Vermes, Mollusca, Arthopoda, and probably Vertebrata, is derived from the elongated mouth of an ancestor resembling the Actinozoa; (2) that somites are derived from a series of archenteric pouches, like those of Actinozoa and Medusæ; (3) that excretory organs (nephridia, segmental organs) are derived from parts of these pouches which in the ancestral form, as in many polyps, were connected by a circular or longitudinal canal, and opened to the exterior by pores. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • They are close to the ancestral stock from which other pteraspidiforms evolved.
  • The ancestral cnidarian proto-Hox cluster is thought to have contained four Hox genes. Jonathan Wells gets everything wrong, again - The Panda's Thumb
  • At this time he considered _Balanoglossus_ -- by reason of its gill-slits (its notochord he did not know) -- to be the nearest living representative of the ancestral form of Vertebrates and Annelida. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Palingenesis has been used for the exact reproduction of ancestral features by inheritance.
  • With adversity comes maturity, and today Westwood enjoys a new appreciation for golf's ancestral home.
  • Their exquisitely preserved fossils, uncovered in the Atapuerca region of northern Spain, are those of an 800,000-year-old species (Homo antecessor) that may be ancestral to both Neandertals and Homo sapiens. Museums: The Oldest Europeans
  • The show's power, though, came from the unending tango between the socially aspirant Harold, desperate to escape the ancestral pigsty, marry a nice girl and eat with matching knives and forks; and the calculating old man clinging on, needy and wheedling, that feral gurn switching between rabid contempt and wide-eyed horror of loneliness. Who's the daddy?: the greatest sitcom fathers
  • This district has been colonized by Europeans since the middle of the sixteenth century; but down to within a very few years ago immigration was on too limited a scale to make any very great change; and, speaking only of the pampean country, the conquered territory was a long, thinly-settled strip, purely pastoral, and the Indians, with their primitive mode of warfare, were able to keep back the invaders from the greater portion of their ancestral hunting-grounds. The Naturalist in La Plata
  • Bardon, who later described the settlement as ‘an unsewered, undrained, garbage-strewn death camp in all but name,’ won the respect of the older men and encouraged them to paint their ancestral stories.
  • With running, they are returning to their ancestral roots as hunters, herders, retrievers and sled pullers.
  • It is believed that family members join the ancestral world after death to protect the living.
  • How faithfully the ancestral lines have met in the latest product, how mysteriously the joint characteristics of body and mind have blended, and how unexpected yet how entirely natural a recombination is the result -- these points are elaborated with cumulative effect until we realize at last how little we are dealing with an independent unit, how much with a survival and reorganization of what seemed buried in the grave. Natural Law in the Spiritual World
  • Those relinquishing claims to their ancestral homes would be given compensation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Planula" theory, according to which the ancestral form of the Metazoa was a two-layered closed sac formed typically by delamination, less often by invagination. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • The father of two sons and six daughters, Muktiram lives in his ancestral home in Bharatpur.
  • It would still be possible to resolve the issue in a way that recognises both the mana whenua of ancestral title and the customary right of others to go to the beach.
  • In the end, when the family travels away from their ancestral home, it signifies the birth of a new dawn, the beginning of an aspiration.
  • After the war ended, the Tai returned to their ancestral families in their original homeland constituting one ethnic group in the multiethnic Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
  • Finally, ancestral archosaurs had a double row of bony plates (called scutes, or osteoderms) running along the backbone.
  • For example, in a study of more than 25 populations of sticklebacks, all adaptive behavioral differentiation appears to have occurred by loss of ancestral behavior patterns or by shifts in the frequency of their expression.
  • Cities, unlike the birds' ancestral cliffs, provide enough food to breed in cold weather.
  • Bukhari, has through ancestral claim over the Jama Masjid conferred by a royal firman from the mosque's builder, emperor Shah Jehan, he has lost grip over the people in the area.
  • The ancestral tooth shape is conical, but there are numerous variations depending on the diet of the fish.
  • Between the great world and solitude, he needs the intermediate filling - up which the life domestic alone supplies: a wife to realize the sweet word helpmate; children, with whose future he could knit his own toils and his ancestral remembrances. What Will He Do with It? — Volume 06
  • It may turn out that bin Laden is hiding somewhere far away—in his family's ancestral homeland of southern Yemen, perhaps, or posing as a dreadlocked beachcomber in Costa Rica.
  • The scientists found that primitive freshwater plants provided the ancestral stock from which all of the earth's green land plants are descended.
  • He joined the ill-fated 1917 anarcho-syndicalist uprising in Barcelona and then, at the age of 29, finally saw his ancestral homeland, arriving in St. Petersburg in 1919 to enlist with the Reds in Russia's civil war. The Revolutionary Novelist
  • Soon he's disinherited, cast out of his ancestral home and off to live in seclusion in a Paris warehouse.
  • People also expect the deceased to maintain interest in their descendants, as ancestral spirits.
  • They even hint at the possibility that no australopithecine species was ancestral to the genus Homo.
  • Think of the excitement a visit to his ancestral home there would create.
  • The predominant view is that new species arise most often in allopatry where geographically isolated populations of the same ancestral species diverge progressively.
  • Also apparent is an ancestral link with Elizabethan miscellanies like Tottel's Songs and Sonnettes and The Paradyse of Daynty Deuises.
  • We know further that the habitant is the bulwark of our nationality because he has retained all the ancestral virtues, because the ill-wind of unrest, foreign penetration, modern luxury, bolshevist preachings pass over his head, because in his happy home rises a generation that will follow in his footsteps. One of Canada's Assets, the Habitant
  • Those relinquishing claims to their ancestral homes would be given compensation. Times, Sunday Times
  • This group, including trypsin and chymotrypsin, evolved from a common ancestral protease, and all use the same mechanism of action at their active site.
  • Gathering introduces us to how Seed Savers started as a dream on a small farm in Missouri, shows us how it went from there back to the author's ancestral home in the driftless region of Iowa, and how it has spread across the world through a contributing membership that numbers in the thousands. Kurt Michael Friese: Memories of a Life Spent Saving Seeds
  • Maybe it's the Maori ancestral blood going all kooky at being reunited with its ancient habitat?
  • We checked in each of the 72 lineages whether the original mutation had reverted to its ancestral wild-type state by performing consensus population sequencing.
  • It is also now generally thought that they were ancestral to the Cephalopoda and Scaphopoda as well.
  • Today, though those bans have been lifted, we are still deprived of many of our ancestral teachings.
  • I admire the way he has virtually renounced ancestral claims to deification.
  • The valley is a rich repository of ancestral tribal art connected with the 14 painted rockart sites dated back to the Mesolithic and more recently Chalcolithic eras. Jeff Biggers: India's Coal Rush and Form of Mountaintop Removal: Interview with Jharkhand Leader Bulu Imam
  • After that we see Hanoverian mediocrity, followed by Victorian pomp, and Windsor flexibility – changing nationality and name as wars with Germany, their ancestral home, demanded. Crown & Country by David Starkey - review
  • At the Nyanza Provincial General Hospital in Kisumu, western Kenya, Barack's ancestral homeland, several mothers were naming their babies after the U.S.'s first African-American president.
  • The goal is to highlight the relevance of recognizing that when word etymologies are reconstructed for words spoken by contemporary Ruvu speakers throughout this work, it is often the case that elements of the cultures of much earlier ancestral language communities are revealed because those words commonly represent inherited material culture, ideas, and the like that once characterized communities of long, long ago. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • But now chain-link fences topped with razor wire snake over the low hills, keeping them out of their ancestral lands.
  • That is, all Cyanobacteria and algal chloroplasts are, together, all of the descendants of some unique common ancestral cyanobacterium.
  • This gives you an idea of just how ancient this particular species was in terms of its ancestral lineage.
  • We have reported recently that: (1) ribozymic precursors of the synthetases seem to have used the same two sterically mirror modes of tRNA recognition, (2) having these two modes might have helped in preventing erroneous aminoacylation of ancestral tRNAs with complementary anticodons, yet (3) the risk of confusion for the presumably earliest pairs of complementarily encoded amino acids had little to do with anticodons. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • They may remember the hot salty sea, their ancestral home, their first food.
  • Justice N Kumar while listening to an appeal filed by Bangalore resident Pushpalatha, directed that a married daughter is also a co-parcenar (having an equal right to ancestral property along with male siblings) and is entitled to equal share as that of the sons in co-parcenary properties and the marriage in a way affects her right to get equal share in the co-parcenary property to married woman since 1956. Analysis
  • Before duplication the ancestral sarcomeric α-actinin had the functions of both ACTN2 and ACTN3 in terms of tissue expression and functional isoforms. α-actinin evolution in humans - The Panda's Thumb
  • These are the places where ancestral remains are kept and ancestral spirits live.
  • Therefore in many of such lower organisms such a congeries of ancestral gemmules must exist in every part of their bodies, since in them every part is capable of reproducing by gemmation. On the Genesis of Species
  • He probably foresaw, as indeed time has shown, that ancestral worship would prove to be an insuperable obstacle to many inquirers, if they were called upon to discard it once and for all; at the same time, he must have known that an invocation to spirits, coupled with the hope of obtaining some benefit therefrom, is _worship_ pure and simple, and cannot be explained away as an unmeaning ceremony. China and the Manchus
  • It helps them determine their own future by helping them fight to keep their ancestral lands, culture and way of life. The Sun
  • Similarly, one ‘kind’ was likely ancestral to the various types of horses, zebras and asses.
  • Eventually, the longer-lived stocks even exhibited increased early fecundity, compared to the ancestral type of stock.
  • They were turning the place back into ancient and ancestral fenland. Times, Sunday Times
  • She reclaimed her title of countess and turned the decaying ancestral family seat into a house for homeless children at Wilsickow north of Berlin.
  • If so-called compsognathids – all of them relatively small, ecologically and morphologically generalized, long-limbed, long-tailed theropods that hunt small vertebrate prey – are not a clade but are actually scattered about the base of the coelurosaur family tree, this likely indicates that this ecotype was the ancestral one for coelurosaurs. Archive 2006-06-01
  • For reference and further processing, the pedigree data can also be saved in a simple text file, using tab indents to indicate ancestral levels.
  • Sitting on a rocky ledge in the ancestral cave was a human skull. Times, Sunday Times
  • Naboth refuses to give or sell it, claiming its status as nontransferable ancestral land. Jezebel: Bible.
  • Browns is for those who prefer their countryside retreat served up with urban chic rather than ancestral grandeur.
  • She is represented here as a sleeping earth goddess, reference to broad ancient principles of respect for the environment and to Aboriginal stories that animates the landscape with the presence and deeds of ancestral figures.
  • But an ancestral elephant pathway is naturally used by smaller creatures. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was never very comfortable when he was about — lively and twisting, but with something settled and ancestral in him; a little like Ting-a-ling — something judgmatic, ever telling her that she was fluttering and new. The White Monkey
  • He took his young friends to see the ancestral home of the Treffry family and acquainted us with one of the prettiest towns in all of Cornwall - Fowey.
  • Populations that did not evolve far from the ancestral stock are all included in the long-ranging B. rhombiferus.
  • Bear in mind that Gwydiona stems from a rather archaic dialect of Anglic, closely related to the ancestral English. Do you ever read writing?
  • It would be interesting to compare the hox genes of these lizards with those of their ancestral lizard species and with their cousins the snakes. How to make a snake - The Panda's Thumb
  • The ancestral shift in feeding habits from saprophagy to coprophagy in the Scarabaeoidea probably coincided with the appearance of large terrestrial herbivores, particularly grazing Mesozoic reptiles and subsequently mammals PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • I am the child of their ancestral dissonance with all its contrariness and overlappings.
  • Those relinquishing claims to their ancestral homes would be given compensation. Times, Sunday Times
  • On visiting the Ancestral Perch last weekend, the pending ethics upgrade of our electricity was discussed with the materfamilias.
  • They are generally considered among the raptors, yet DNA studies show New World vultures to be ancestrally more closely related to storks.
  • On the island of Mindoro, however, indigenous farmers fear they will lose their ancestral homeland to the strip-miners.
  • This may explain the sometimes rapid reversion to ancestral cell sizes.
  • Deciding a case filed by a man against his father for securing equal rights in property and business, the court said unless he could prove that it was an ancestral or a joint property and that he was a coparcener (shareholder in the ancestral property by virtue of birth), there was no relief available for him legally. Top Headlines
  • The 4-winged homeotic mutants have changed the Hox mutation so that they atavistically recover the ancestral 4-winged insect condition, and never develop halteres. No Longer Sleeping in Seattle - The Panda's Thumb
  • Turtles reflect the ancestral ‘anapsid’ condition and lack temporal fenestration.
  • I wonder if Mom grifted some ancestral heirloom or if it actually belongs to her. White Cat
  • When considering the perching birds oscine and suboscine the team found that despite having northern ancestral origins, 55% of New World oscine species now breed in South America, many of them in tropical habitats. Spero News
  • Other than an unresolved reticulation at the most ancestral node, the topology of this network is straightforward and there are three noteworthy results.
  • On either side were two companies of laundry-maids, preceded by the chief crimper and fluter, supporting a long Ancestral Line, on which depended the family linen, and under which the youthful lord of the manor passed into the halls of his fathers. The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Tales With Condensed Novels, Spanish and American Legends, and Earlier Papers
  • This ancestral knowledge comes naturally to us; it is our birthright.
  • These non-literate people were fighting to protect their ancestral homelands and their way of life.
  • All of which and more I encountered on my childhood visits to my ancestral homeland. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here, ancestral Brahmin priests - or pandas - give blessings with holy water and fill in records of family genealogies.
  • The death of Prince Rainier of Monaco last week rekindled memories of his and Princess Grace's visit to her ancestral home outside Newport in the 1960's.
  • `My home, my ancestral home, my old and inveterate Garay Street home!
  • What does this mean for native groups like the Cree and Mohawks of Canada and the US, whose ancestral lands (like the Yoeme and Pima in the South) are cut literally by the border?
  • Thousands were massacred by white settlers or evicted from their ancestral lands.
  • Instead, many used a scenario approach to conclude that solitary sessile polyps represent the ancestral cnidarian form.
  • Painter Betina Fink's new series, Ancestral Park, focuses on a contemporary burial ground near her home.
  • His effort appears to have been geared more toward ancestral rehabilitation than ancestral glorification.
  • For the combined space, we extended the coregulation space by simulating the orthologous intergenic sequences for each of the ten coregulated reference genes according to a phylogenetic tree that describes the relatedness of the orthologous sequences to the ancestral sequence. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Obviously, in any phylogenetic analysis a subset of the characters will retain the ancestral state.
  • This is evident in the trait that most Sikhs who share an ancestral village will also have the same surname. Times, Sunday Times
  • When reintroduced into the ancestral host, some lineages were able to reverse the changes, thereby readapting to the original host.
  • If we think it is right for rhinos to return to their ancestral lands, the only option is to guard them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ancestral state in other characters is equivocal: e.g., bisexual vs. unisexual flowers, whorled vs. spiral floral phyllotaxis, presence vs. absence of tepal differentiation, anatropous vs. orthotropous ovules. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • On the prow of the Kebako Puka a snake coils around a mountain, symbolizing the tidal wave that destroyed the Lamalerans' ancestral home.
  • In this case the abbreviatory value is negligible, but in the case of some long expressions, such as that for the ancestral of a relation, or in very many areas of mathematics, it may be considerable. Stanisław Leśniewski
  • For example, Batrachia and Gymnophiona are sister taxa within the ancestral taxon, Amphibia (or ‘Lissamphibia’ in many systems).
  • In West African culture, ancestral continuity is something to be celebrated rather than avoided.
  • The almost perfect colinearity of chromosome 20 sequence in humans and mouse could be interpreted as evidence that their form was ancestral to primates.
  • Where a family retains a connection with an ancestral ‘saint,’ the annual festival of this saint serves as a family reunion, and sacralizes the group, meaning those descended in the male line from the ancestor.
  • African and Afro-Creole Jamaicans believed that each person has a dual spirit: one, the duppy that left the body on death and returned to its ancestral lands, and the other, known as the shadow, that accompanied a human being during life.
  • Although the patrilineal descendants of the six forgot their ancestral language they retained a nostalgic remembrance of their old place.
  • Inferred ancestral features include more than two whorls (or series) of tepals and stamens, stamens with protruding adaxial or lateral pollen sacs, several free, ascidiate carpels closed by secretion, extended stigma, extragynoecial compitum, and one or several ventral pendent ovule (s). A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • In other words, our ancestral rodents did not merely evolve gradually until they emerged as bipeds with opposable thumbs.
  • In addition to valuable investigations of fossil-bearing beds in the Argentine, he made some excellent general suggestions, such as that the pithecoid apes, like the baboons, do not stand in the line of man’s ancestral stem but represent a divergence from it away from humanity and toward a retrogressive bestialization. Appendix A. The Work of the Field Zoologist and Field Geographer in South America
  • He suggested that it evolved semi-zygodactyl feet from an anisodactyl ancestral roller because its large size and specialisation for arboreal life required improved perching abilities. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science

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